Toni and Eric compare two similarly-themed bad movies to judge which one is better.
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FPX08: Captain Marvel
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1:01:59Like everyone else in the world, we watched Captain Marvel this weekend. Is it the greatest most important movie ever? Who cares, as long as people keep throwing money Marvel's way!Από τον Faint Praise
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FP36: Buckaroo Banzai vs. Dune
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1:04:39Listen to our brains melt after watching The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension within 24 hours of a David Lynch movie.Από τον Faint Praise
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FP35: The Fog vs The Mist
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1:06:37After the biblical suffering from last episode, we decided to treat ourselves a little bit by reviewing a couple of decent movies this time around. We compare The Fog and The Mist, which have nothing in common except evil things hiding in mildly unpleasant weather.Από τον Faint Praise
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FP34: Exodus: Gods and Kings vs Noah
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1:09:40Listen to Toni's remorse as she bemoans forcing Eric (and herself) to watch Exodus: Gods and Kings and Noah. This is the last Ridley Scott movie we'll talk about for a while, we promise.Από τον Faint Praise
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We start off 2019 by talking about the movies Eric was most looking forward to watching, two Indiana Jones/Romancing the Stone ripoffs from Cannon films, King Solomon's Mines and Firewalker. Is it possible to find an actor so bad they make Chuck Norris look charismatic and relatable? Just how long does it take to eat one potato chip? Will Sharon St…
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FP32: Legend vs. Willow
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1:03:08It's a Christmas miracle, we did a real episode for the first time in months! Relive your childhood movie traumas with us as we discuss the surprisingly trippy/creepy Legend, and the unsurprisingly schmaltzy Willow.Από τον Faint Praise
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Yes, it's as bad as you heard. Even though we already talked about an unbelievably bad Robin Hood movie earlier this year, we found more to discuss with the newest Robin Hood from 2018.Από τον Faint Praise
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The movie that may take the cake for most misguided name and marketing strategy of 2018, Overlord.Από τον Faint Praise
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We take a break from the regular format with a Faint Praise Extra episode focusing on Shane Black's The Predator made by Shane Black. Hey did you hear Shane Black made a movie how exciting say all the increasingly more inexplicable Shane Black fans.Από τον Faint Praise
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Are you ready for Charlize Theron to get naked and cry because her evil husband moved her from Florida to New York City for his new high-falutin' job? Because it happened twice! This week we compare The Astronaut's Wife and The Devil's Advocate.Από τον Faint Praise
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It doesn't happen often, but this week brought us a little surprise treat when we compared two wax-themed horror movies, Waxwork and House of Wax. And no surprise to anyone who lived through the year 2005, the treat wasn't House of Wax.Από τον Faint Praise
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We're here to tell you about all the times Jean-Claude Van Damme has played multiple roles in his movies, focusing specifically on the two movies where he plays secret twins - Double Impact and Maximum Risk.Από τον Faint Praise
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After much time off for no good reason, we're back at it talking about two turn-of-the-millenium space stinkers, Supernova and Lost in Space.Από τον Faint Praise
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For an Easter theme, we compare movies about coming back from the dead by talking about the Flatliners movies, the 1990 original and the 2017 remake.Από τον Faint Praise
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In a moment of accidental almost-relevance, we compare the most recent two Robin Hood movies from 1991 and 2010, in the wake of a new version coming out later this year. Listen on to find out the winner of Kevin Costner vs Russell Crowe.Από τον Faint Praise
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This episode we compare two different adaptations of The Three Musketeers story: one from 2011 directed by Paul WS Anderson, and another from 1993 by Disney that seems to be mostly forgotten (at least, forgotten by two representatives from the target demographic at the time).Από τον Faint Praise
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In honor of the mini ice age taking over most of the US, we compare what are probably Roland Emmerich's favorite of his own movies, The Day After Tomorrow and 2012.Από τον Faint Praise
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After an unplanned break for the holidays (our definition of weekly has been very flexible), we return with our first episode of 2018 with Johnny Mnemonic vs Tank Girl. The theme is supposedly 1995 movies about dystopian futures starring Ice-T, but we fail to talk about Ice-T almost at all!Από τον Faint Praise
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FP22: Jupiter Ascending vs. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
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1:09:12In space perhaps no one can hear you scream, but we sure can still see you embarrassing yourself, as we learned watching Jupiter Ascending and Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.Από τον Faint Praise
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FP21: Assassin's Creed vs Warcraft
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1:07:55The theme for this week's episode is video game adaptations from 2016, pitting Assassin's Creed against Warcraft: The Beginning. Find Toni on twitter @faintpraisetj if you want to tell her how ignorant she is about video games, or email either Toni or Eric at!Από τον Faint Praise
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In Eric's first time joining in a Faint Praise Extra episode, we talk about Justice League, and if it's as bad as we both think it's going to be.Από τον Faint Praise
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FP20: The Punisher Movies
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1:11:40In honor of the release of the new Punisher Netflix series, we watched all 3 of the Punisher movies to see which is the best one, and the results may be surprising given general public opinion about these generally forgotten films.Από τον Faint Praise
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It's a Halloween miracle, Toni actually watched a horror movie for fun! In the last of the Eric-free FPX series, Toni talks about Happy Death Day and other movies and shows with the Groundhog Day theme.Από τον Faint Praise
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What was originally supposed to be a matchup of remakes of The Mummy instead morphed into a comparison of The Mummy (2017) and Gods of Egypt, due to the fact that in the 21st century there's no good reason to make yourself watch a Brendan Frasier movie.Από τον Faint Praise
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Remember when Clive Owen played King Arthur, but like in Roman times? Neither did we! But we wanted to talk about the impressively bad Guy Ritchie King Arthur movie from this year, so we had to find something to compare it to. So listen to us struggle to make it through both King Arthur from 2004 and King Arthur: Legend of the Sword.…
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We live!! Sorry about the long absence - there were many things that contributed to it, and it turned out to just be a better idea to wait until they all passed before resuming the podcast. But from now on we shouldn't have too many issues keeping to our weekly schedule. Our triumphant return is to examine a couple 80's movies about heavily muscled…
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Sorry we've been absent for a few weeks. Computer/internet troubles have been plaguing the production, but we are back with a second Faint Praise Extra episode, this time reviewing the Duffer Brothers movie Hidden.Από τον Faint Praise
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This week we're back on track with an episode proper, and boy are we back! It's a real doozie, looking at two of the worst movies of 2002 (and maybe all time?) with Rollerball and Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever. If you want to enhance your podcast listening experience, after we start talking about the night vision scene in Rollerball do yourself a favor…
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Sorry that we've missed a couple weeks recently. This episode is a little different than our usual fare and includes a quick explanation at the beginning of what's been going on and our plans for the future. So enjoy the first of what we're calling Faint Praise Extras, with a longer-than-expected review of Dunkirk.…
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This week we go back to 1994 with Terminal Velocity and Drop Zone, two movies that desperately try to convince us that skydiving could be an effective way of either perpetrating or fighting crime. All they really convince us of is that we'd rather be watching Point Break.Από τον Faint Praise
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If nothing else came of the year 2014, we can at least rest assured that likely Eva Green was paid handsomely for getting her boobs out for not one, but two belated Frank Miller sequels, Sin City: A Dame to Kill For and 300: Rise of an Empire. Listen to Toni nerd out a little over ancient Greek history and Eric nerd out a lot over Eva Green.…
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This week Toni and Eric are comparing possibly the most indistinguishably-named movies to have come out within a few months of each other, with Twisted and Taking Lives. Which one gets more sexually involved with the serial killings she's investigating, Ashley Judd or Angelina Jolie? Wait, weren't both of them in serial killer movies before?…
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After getting a little bit of a break last week with decent movies, we get back on track with our whole reason for being by comparing two bad Stephen King movies. And since there are so many to choose from, we went with the Stephen King sub-genre of alien horror and watched The Tommyknockers and Dreamcatcher. Experience Toni's disappointment as the…
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After suffering through the worst combination of movies we've done so far with last week's westerns, we decided to treat ourselves with a couple good movies for a change with 12 Monkeys and Looper. Be prepared to hear Bruce Willis' name a lot in this episode, including several times when we meant to say Brad Pitt. Be prepared to also hear Toni and …
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FP10: Western Whiffs
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1:18:09This was a tough one, guys. We watched The Lone Ranger and Wild Wild West within 24 hours of each other. Naming one of them the best was possibly the faintest praise we have yet doled out. But, at least we got to reminisce about this moment in obscure pop culture history:…
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There are a lot of Young Adult book series, many of which don't translate well into movies, but that doesn't stop Hollywood from desperately trying for the next Twilight. We examine a couple of the failed attempts with The 5th Wave and I Am Number Four. And Toni may have managed to make it through the second episode in a row without getting any obv…
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Do you still believe that humans only use 10% of our brains? Then we've got 2 movies you may find very intriguing. But for the rest of us, Limitless and Lucy will not help us eke out that last 90% capacity we've been looking to utilize.Από τον Faint Praise
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FP07: Flaccid Frankenstein Flops
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1:06:16Two Frankenstein movies came out within a year of each other that nobody asked for and nobody saw, and it's not as obvious as you may think as to which is better. Toni stays true to her tradition of getting easy facts wrong by saying that Aaron Eckhart was in Battlefield Earth, when of course it was Battle Los Angeles. Whoops!…
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They tried pretty hard to make it a thing to add monsters into the stories of classic 19th century figures, but again audiences across the globe declined to participate. Come listen to us decide if Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is better than Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and find out if Toni messed up any more obvious facts!…
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FP05: Future Virus Vixens
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1:07:31In a future where a virus threatens humanity's very existence, which raven-haired vixen would you rather have save the day, Milla Jovovich or Charlize Theron? Hollywood asked this question of the general public circa 2005/2006 with Ultraviolet and Aeon Flux, to which the public promptly answered "neither" by avoiding these movies in droves. Eric an…
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We examine our first instance on Faint Praise of that weird phenomenon where major studios release two movies in the same year with the exact same plot, with Mirror Mirror and Snow White and the Huntsman. Hear Toni inexplicably call Jane Krakowski "Jane Kowalski" for no reason, multiple times!Από τον Faint Praise
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FP03: Interstellar Insectoid Invaders
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1:08:20How similar can two movies with the same premise of a future society on Earth that's centered around fighting invading alien space bugs be? Listen to us talk about Ender's Game and Starship Troopers to find out. Toni continues to get easily searchable facts wrong by trying to discuss the Ender's Game novel decades after reading and not liking it. T…
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Toni and Eric compare the first couple movies in the "versus" genre, which arguably never really caught on in mainstream cinema, with Alien vs. Predator vs. Freddy vs. Jason. Does Toni keep up the fledgling tradition started in FP01 of getting obvious things wrong and not realizing it until after finishing recording? You be the judge!…
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Welcome to the pilot episode of Faint Praise! We talk about two movies that for some reason have Paul Bettany playing the ultimate warrior of God, made by the same director in almost the same year: Priest and Legion. Here we begin what is likely to be a grand tradition of Toni getting things wrong and not realizing until after the episode is alread…
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