Send us a text On this very funny short Bonus Show, standup comic Mack Dryden shares his story about going to the'll never believe what happens...Hilarious! Look for Mack Dryden's "NEW" Dry Bar Comedy Special... Please Listen, Enjoy, and Share where you can...Thanks!! Support the show Standup Comedy Podcast Free APP on all Apple & Android phones....check it out, podcast, jokes, blogs, and More! For short-form standup comedy sets, listen to: "Comedy Appeteasers" , available on all platforms. New YouTube site: Videos of comics live on stage from back in the day. Please Write a Review: in-depth walk-through for leaving a review. Interested in Standup Comedy? Check out my books on Amazon... "20 Questions Answered about Being a Standup Comic" "Be a Standup Comic...or just look like one"…
Podcasts που αξίζει να ακούσετε
Join Tom and Katy as they talk about the celebrations and challenges that come with life and how to navigate these situations with a Kingdom mindset through the Word of God and Prayer.
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Tomasz Olbratowski, człowiek legenda - jego cięty dowcip doprowadził do łez niejednego polityka, dwóch premierów po jego felietonie wyrwało sobie włosy z głowy, a podobno jeden prezydent zainterweniował osobiście - z prośbą, by Olbratowskiego zakneblować albo chociaż przerzucić do sekcji sportowej! A co na to sam Olbratowski?! Jak zwykle tylko się z tego śmieje od ponad ćwierć wieku - codziennie tuż przed ósmą w RMF FM.
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Životné príbehy osobností slovenského športu a umenia. PS: Staň sa hrdinom, daruj kvapku krvi na najbližšom odbernom mieste NTS SR -
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Vi reflekterar över livet och oss själva. Podden görs av Tomas Tränkner och Nina Jansdotter.
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Hvězdní hosté, jedinečné know-how a unikátní neformální rozhovory s velkým přesahem za hranice e-commerce světa u Tomáše Bravermana. Přinášíme podcast, který je plný inspirace nejen ze světa byznysu, e-commerce a online marketingu. Poslechněte si názory, vize a zkušenosti mnoha zajímavých hostů jak z Čech, tak ze zahraničí.
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O assunto é rock 'n roll e heavy metal, de preferência acompanhado de uma cerveja bem gelada. Esta é a versão podcast do canal .
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Calvary Chapel Westside With Pastor David Tomasso

Calvary Chapel Westside With Pastor David Tomasso
Calvary Chapel Westside
If you would like to get in contact with us please visit us online at
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Welcome to The Toma Todito Boxing Show! Grab a drink, reset, re-engage & let's preview, recap and talk about the current state of Boxing & a little MMA here and there.
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Thoughts and Daily Life for 20s
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Un podcast de cine, en el que cuatro amigos platican sobre diversos temas de la cinefilia, desde estrenos de la cartelera hasta clásicos de la historia del cine, pasando por polémicas, tópicos culturales y gustos personales. Escucha todos nuestros episodios en Ivoox:
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Moyra & Big Trev have got your backs on that shoddy M1, you won't even mind getting stuck in traffic! The great thing is, even if you miss out on the bumper to bumper drive home, you don't have to miss out on the show! Because we save all the juicy stuff right here! Catch all the best bits from Moyra & Big Trev on 1029 Hot Tomato.
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some guy does some things with some friends on some podcast called TomatoCast
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Pohádkové příběhy původně nebyly určené jen pro děti. Vyprávěly se u draní peří, po práci nad večeří nebo za dlouhých zimních večerů v teple síní chalup. Krátily čas a učily jak to v životě chodí, na koho nebo na co dát pozor. Protože jsem začal před lety vyprávět příběhy strašidelné, chtěl jsem i nějaké na uklidnění ať Klekání tolik nestraší. Všechny pohádky v tomto podcastu vznikly jako záznam mého trénování čtení naživo před publikem. Pokud si chceš dodat odvahy po poslechu Klekání, nebo ...
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Charlas con valor
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Welcome to my Podcast about teaching High School Social Studies.
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My production sounds
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Step into a space where unspoken stories find the courage to be told. Beyond the Silence is a podcast for those ready to heal, grow, and reclaim their voice. Hosted by Lisa Toma, a trauma-informed healer, this podcast explores emotional healing, self-discovery, and transformation. Through deep conversations, personal reflections, and expert insights, we shine light on the shadows—acknowledging the pain, breaking the silence, and guiding you toward healing. Each episode is an invitation to mo ...
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This is the greatest podcast of all time.
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Kaio Leal e Junior Rocha em uma incrível aventura na InterWebs
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Yaaa this movie is not rated yet
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Life, Travel, and money with a twist of NY Baseball. Let’s explore the world as I share my vacation spots and food experiences. We will talk some NY Mets baseball. When I’m in my feelings, I’ll share my journey... hahahahaha.
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Wir sprechen über Fitness, Business, Mindset & Wachstum!
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Louaai Tomalieh, the founder and acquirer of the United Arab Emirates companies accommodating Abu-Dhabi based NMC Health, Neopharma and Finablr. Louaai Tomalieh is an USA- born businessman who is counted among the top businessmen in Dubai. Also, ranked as the 67th richest person in 2022.
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Welcome to the Tomas podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Conversas agradáveis, polêmicas para quem gosta e assuntos interessantes pra abordarmos em cada episódio.
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Tómatelo a la ligera con Rafa Piña y Urquidi

Tómatelo a la ligera con Rafa Piña y Urquidi
El podcast de los desvaríos de dos católicos que aspiran a la clase media de la santidad y que no tienen pelos en la lengua, ni en la cabeza... Cada dos jueves se juntan Rafa Piña y Urquidi con trago en mano para platicar de dos o tres temas variados relacionados a la vida como católicos en nuestro mundo actual. ¿Quién es Rafa Piña? Es un apologista, conductor por 7 años del programa de María Visión "Apologética, razones de nuestra esperanza", profesor de antropología teológica en la Univers ...
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Porque o mundo precisa mais disso.
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Crítica, noticias y recomendaciones del cine nacional y mundial.
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SafeGuardYourSoul Podcast with Todd Tomasella

SafeGuardYourSoul Podcast with Todd Tomasella
Todd Tomasella
Support | STORE | Podcasts | H.O.T. Bible Study [podcast] | Divine Blessings | Exhort One Another Daily | The Return of Christ | The Joy of Fulfilling the Great Commission | The Love of Many Shall Wax Cold | Lie of the Ages (book) | Soul Damning Sins (small book) | Why We Need not Fear Death | Revelation Bombshell! HOMEPAGE: MAKE PEACE WITH GOD NOW: SUPPORT: STORE: https://safe ...
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Marcin Bończa-Tomaszewski SZTUKA ŻYWIENIA

Marcin Bończa-Tomaszewski SZTUKA ŻYWIENIA
Marcin Bończa-Tomaszewski
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This is Toma Velev's podcast. I'll be talking about technology, programming, marketing, psychology and philosophy, food and health. All are related to projects I am or I have worked on.
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Kontakt: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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WANTED znaczy poszukiwany, upragniony, chciany, oczekiwany. Zapraszamy na opowieści o spotkaniach z Panem Bogiem. :) o. Tomasz Nowak OP
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Tomas Veres - The Real Me
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My podcast is about different subjects but they all fall under the world problems and my view on them. Every week will have a new guest.
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Podcast sobre Ciência, inicialmente focado em Cosmologia, Gravitação e Relatividade Geral.
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just some bants every now and again..
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Live food & health discussions hosted by the creator of Summer Tomato, Darya Pino.
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Get in there
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A podcast for people trying to embrace spirituality beyond the fences of institutional Christianity
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O café é metafórico. Não espere por novos programas.
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Over the course of his career, Alister Toma Vancouver has overseen many land and property projects, taking charge of everything from acquisition to asset holding to contracting to property management and more. He has developed and sharpened his skills into a fine point, making him uniquely capable at devising winning business strategies and serving his clients.
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The BEST music based podcast! Delivering music history, music news, music opinions! Nashville, TN.
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Jak rozmawiać o filmach żeby nie powtarzać banałów? Jak znaleźć w sobie swój osobisty ekran? Jak zamienić oglądanie filmów w kinoterapię?
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In this first episode of Beyond the Silence, I break the silence and share the trauma that shaped my journey. From childhood wounds to the unspoken pain I carried, this is the raw, unfiltered truth of my story, the beginning of my healing and the foundation of this podcast. If you’ve ever felt unheard, unseen, or trapped in your past, this episode …
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Toma Tres

T6E11 - Premios Oscar 2025: qué queremos y qué tememos
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1:45:43Aquí nuestro tradicional episodio en el que compartimos nuestras predicciones y nuestros deseos para los premios de la Academia de este año. Por supuesto, hablamos del elefante en el cuarto. Menú 00:22 - Toma Tres se presenta 01:53 - Actriz de reparto 12:23 - Actor 25:22 - Guion original 32:50 - Guion adaptado 38:45 - Animada 48:15 - Internacional …
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Reach out to me. I would love to hear your take! Nakatani keeps his perfect record in-tact and maintains his status as the strongest of the current Bantamweight Champions. Nakatani demolished the undefeated and highly rated Cuellar in 3 rounds. Junto will simmer the anticipated showdown with Inoue for now and has turned his focus on unifying the Ba…
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Państwo polskie wciąż nie wyegzekwowało milionów złotych, jakie podczas pandemii koronawirusa wydano na zakup respiratorów od handlarza bronią Andrzeja Izdebskiego, który zmarł trzy lata temu w Albanii. Wciąż prokuratura stara się odzyskać 22 miliony, ale raczej się nie uda. Dziwi to mniej niż powinno. Gdzie są te miliony? Pewne światło na sprawę r…
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Tony Auden, meteorologist from Channel 7 updates us with the latest details on Tropical Cyclone Alfred. See for privacy information.Από τον 1029 Hot Tomato
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Tómatelo a la ligera con Rafa Piña y Urquidi

¡Iniciamos nuestro camino cuaresmal! Regístrate aquí para recibir emails diarios 👉 Sigue a Juan Diego Network en Instagram Segmento del Nican Mopohua de hoy Aquí se narra se ordena, cómo hace poco, milagrosamente se apareció la perfecta virgen santa maría madre de dios, nuestra reina, allá en el Tepeyac, de …
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Από τον Pastor David Tomasso
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Join us as we share stories from the past and present and talk about one of our favorite hobbies. CAMPING. You can visit us at and go to the contact section to leave us a message or email either Tom or Katy via email below. Please let us know what you think. Tom email: Katy Email: Katy@thetomatalkpo…
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Send us a text Support | STORE | Podcasts | Jail/Prison Ministry | Mexico Mission here | Because You Care Page | H.O.T. Bible Study [podcast] | Divine Blessings | Exhort One Another Daily | The Return of Christ | The Joy of Fulfilling the Great Commission | The Love of Many Shall Wax Cold | Lie of the Ages (book) | Soul Damning Sins (small book) | …
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Prezydencka kampania wyborcza zatacza się w coraz szersze kręgi, powodując pluskanie w umysłach. Na konwencji programowej, Karol Nawrocki, niezależny, obywatelski kandydat PiS w wyborach prezydenckich. Uszczegóławiam dla tych, którzy dopiero teraz obudzili się po sylwestrze 2023/24, a więc kandydat Nawrocki chwalił swoją osobę - bo tak trzeba powie…
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Tomar Uma Para Falar Sobre...

DEEP PURPLE: "STORMBRINGER" FAIXA A FAIXA (part. Aroldo Glomb) | TUPFS Podcast #371
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1:30:36Prepare-se para uma viagem pelo Stormbringer, o nono álbum de estúdio do Deep Purple, lançado em 1974! 🚀 Nesta live, vamos destrinchar faixa por faixa esse disco que marcou a fase Coverdale/Hughes e trouxe uma sonoridade única, misturando hard rock, funk e soul.Faixas:🎶"Stormbringer" 🎶"Love Don't Mean a Thing"🎶"Holy Man" 🎶"Hold On"🎶"Lady Double Dea…
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Send us a text How important is the biblical doctrine of "the only begotten Son of God"? HOMEPAGE: MAKE PEACE WITH GOD NOW: SUPPORT: STORE: ABOUT: email Todd: inf…
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Podobno kiedyś jedna z polityczek PO powiedziała: To że emeryci mają niskie emerytury to jest ich wina, bo za mało oszczędzają. Zwróćcie uwagę ile w tym stwierdzeniu jest prawdy. Bo faktycznie emeryci to tylko potrafią narzekać. Ja też wkrótce dołączę do tego chóru, ale póki co muszę tej polityczce przyznać rację. Emeryci, bierzcie przykład z posłó…
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With Tropical Cyclone Alfred bearing down on the Gold Coast, people appear to be racing to their local shops to stockpile toilet paper, water and associated items. Moyra and Big Trev want to know if you're stock piling and why? See for privacy information.Από τον 1029 Hot Tomato
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Moyra's car, Bertie the i30, never fails to disappoint and this time it landed her stranded on the M1! See for privacy information.Από τον 1029 Hot Tomato
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Nina och Tomas pratar om vikten av att sätta mål . Skall jag delge mina mål för andra? Hur förhåller jag mig till kortsiktiga och långsiktiga mål, konkreta eller mer lösa mål? Vi pratar om hur dessa mål kan påverka min motivation och drivkraft. I sammanfattning handar vårt prat om Strategier för att sätta mål: Att hitta rätt balans mellan konkreta …
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Po Živote s Tomášom Verešom

Po Živote s Tomášom Verešom #92 - Karin Cíleková-Habšudová
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:13:36Karin Cíleková-Habšudová - Bývalá Československá, Slovenská tenistka, Dvojnásobná účastníčka Olympijských Hier a jej životný príbeh v ktorom spomína nie len na svoje detstvo, školské obdobie, začiatky v športe, športové úspechy, ale odhaluje aj životné víťazstvá, pády, rady a skúsenosti, ktoré obohatia mnoho poslucháčov. - - - - Ak sa vám podcast p…
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Send us a text Support | STORE | Podcasts | Jail/Prison Ministry | Mexico Mission here | Because You Care Page | H.O.T. Bible Study [podcast] | Divine Blessings | Exhort One Another Daily | The Return of Christ | The Joy of Fulfilling the Great Commission | The Love of Many Shall Wax Cold | Lie of the Ages (book) | Soul Damning Sins (small book) | …
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Από τον Pastor David Tomasso
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Tómatelo a la ligera con Rafa Piña y Urquidi

Reacciones a la salud del Papa Francisco, leer los signos de los tiempo, JD Vance y los obispos de Estados Unidos, la vida amorosa de Rafa y las predicciones cumplidas…
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:28:49Enlaces a lo platicado hoy: La historia de Rafa cuando Urquidi lo entrevistó hace 5 años en Platicando en Católico Te puedes quejar de sus posturas, decirles en qué están mal en este correo o invitarlos a alguna conferencia, podcast o conferencia escribiendo a -> ++++++++++++++++++++++ Sigue a Rafa Piña en sus redes ht…
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Send us a text The hearts, the conscience of every true child of God is captive to the Word of God and upholds it as his absolute final divine authority for all matters of faith. HOMEPAGE: MAKE PEACE WITH GOD NOW: SUPPORT: STORE: https:…
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SafeGuardYourSoul Podcast with Todd Tomasella

The Correlation of Grace and Good Works
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:02:34Send us a text "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:8-10 HOMEPAGE: SUPPORT: …
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Internet donosi: W Biedronce w Tomaszowie, a może byśmy tak kochana wpadli na dzień, Mazowieckim, a więc w moim rodzinnym mieście, odkryto 366 przeterminowanych produktów. Towary sprawdzało dwóch mężczyzn i wezwali oni policję. 366 przeterminowanych produktów, to wychodzi po jednym produkcie na każdy dzień roku przestępczego, przestępnego. Żart fel…
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Have you ever had the Holy Spirit give you a new way of thinking that helps you better understand how we can interact with God? Join us as we talk about Feasting on the word of God. You can visit us at and go to the contact section to leave us a message or email either Tom or Katy via email below. Please let us know what you …
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Napsal Václav Tille, ale vydal pod jménem Václav Říha, načetl Tomáš Sobel. Support the show - Nová pohádka Zvířátka a petrovští každý týden, Spotify playlist. - Všechny povídky a pohádky (včetně těch pro velké děti a dospělé) jsou přehledně včetně všech odkazů v tabulce na Pokud mě chceš podpořit v další tvorbě…
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Send us a text Does obeying the Savior mean that such a disciple believes he is working to earn his salvation? HOMEPAGE: MAKE PEACE WITH GOD NOW: SUPPORT: STORE: ABOUT:…
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Jeden analityk ekonomiczny szacuje, że w trakcie dzisiejszego tłustego czwartku, my Polacy zjemy 100 milionów sztuk pączków wartych 194 miliony złotych. Co to oznacza? Już wam mówię, nic nie ukrywając. To oznacza jedno, że powiększy się tonaż społeczeństwa. Jeden pączek waży średnio 60 gram, czyli dziś przybędzie narodowi 600 ton. A może 6 tysięcy …
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SafeGuardYourSoul Podcast with Todd Tomasella

Send us a text "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 HOMEPAGE: MAKE PEACE WITH GOD NOW: SUPPORT: STORE: ABOUT…
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Niezależny, obywatelski kandydat PiS na prezydenta, pan Karol Nawrocki, w trzecią rocznicę napaści Rosji Na Ukrainę, nie wypowiedział się na temat rosyjskiej agresji, tylko zamieścił w Internecie filmik z wizyty w masarni. Pisze internet. Spotkało się z ogólnym niezrozumieniem mniej wyrobionych kręgów reprezentujących określone koła mieniące się by…
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Rebasando por la izquierda, esta película de intrigas en el Vaticano resulta ser inesperadamente progresista… ¿pero es buena? Menú 00:22 – Toma Tres se presenta 01:54 – Toma Tres comenta Audios Toot Toot Tutsie, de The Jazz Singer (1927): ; Jingle 2, de Monplaisir:…
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If you want want a bit of a laugh, listen to this very interesting, slightly naughty story of what someone found at their front door and what happened after... See for privacy information.Από τον 1029 Hot Tomato
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Reach out to me. I would love to hear your take! We dive into the main fights that stole the headlines and made up the top portion of THE LAST CRESCENDO event held out in Riyadh. Beterbiev vs Bivol delivered another classic and are now enroute to a Mega Trilogy. Vergil Ortiz and Israil Madrimov delivered a classic back and forth as did Joshua Buats…
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Send us a text "Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles." Proverbs 21:23 HOMEPAGE: MAKE PEACE WITH GOD NOW: SUPPORT: STORE: ABOUT: e…
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Niektórzy narzekają na sobotnie spotkanie Donalda Trumpa z Andrzejem Dudą, że takie krótkie, że nasz prezydent i cała Polska zostali poniżeni. Jedynie jedna z telewizji podała na pasku zalążek prawdy, cytuję: USA konsultują plany pokojowe z prezydentem Dudą. Tak to wyglądało. Bo to nie nasz prezydent prosił o spotkanie, tylko prezydent amerykański …
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In this episode, we talk about praying for revival and why it should matter to us who are believers in Jesus. We need to lift one another up in the place of prayer and lift our nation and leaders up in the same way. God is calling us to do what 2 Chronicles 7:14 says 14 Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and…
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Toma Tres

T6E9 - David Lynch y su ojo surrealista
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1:03:29Se fue el maestro de lo extraño y lo, a veces, incomprensible. Pero por mucho que nos hiciera fruncir el ceño, su huella fue muy grande. Menú 00:22 – Toma Tres se presenta 02:13 – Toma Tres recuerda Audios Toot Toot Tutsie, de The Jazz Singer (1927): ; Jingle 2, de Monplaisir: https://freemusicarchive.or…
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Send us a text Support | STORE | Podcasts | Jail/Prison Ministry | Mexico Mission here | Because You Care Page | H.O.T. Bible Study [podcast] | Divine Blessings | Exhort One Another Daily | The Return of Christ | The Joy of Fulfilling the Great Commission | The Love of Many Shall Wax Cold | Lie of the Ages (book) | Soul Damning Sins (small book) | …
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🤯 Ludzie żyli z dinozaurami! Tak, żyli. Można przecież tak twierdzić, bo można we wszystko wierzyć. W obietnice polityków też można, a są prawdopodobne, jak to, że ludzie żyli razem z dinozaurami. 😅 Więcej w felietonie.😃 Posłuchajcie Tomasza Olbratowskiego na dobry początek tygodnia! 😎
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It's not something that happens often, but Big Trev has stumped the team with a piece of technology that no one on the team had heard about! See for privacy information.Από τον 1029 Hot Tomato
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Es nuestro deber contarles cómo vivimos el año pasado, antes de entrar de lleno al nuevo. Este es nuestro recuento. Menú 00:22 – Toma Tres se presenta 02:46 – Toma Tres comenta el 2024 Audios Toot Toot Tutsie, de The Jazz Singer (1927): ; Jingle 2, de Monplaisir:…
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Nina och Thomas pratar om realtioner som är begränsande, där man känner sig nedvärderad, kontrollerad eller möter negativitet.. Vad är begränsande relationer och hur kan man hantera dem? Vi pratar om strategier för att hantera begränsande relationer. Hur kan du stärka dig själv för att inte andras begränsingar påverka dig. Vi ger dig inte alla svar…
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Send us a text Support | STORE | Podcasts | Jail/Prison Ministry | Mexico Mission here | Because You Care Page | H.O.T. Bible Study [podcast] | Divine Blessings | Exhort One Another Daily | The Return of Christ | The Joy of Fulfilling the Great Commission | The Love of Many Shall Wax Cold | Lie of the Ages (book) | Soul Damning Sins (small book) | …
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