Loving God. Loving Johannesburg.
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As we continue through our series in Matthew, we see that there were traditions that the Israelites were having to conform to. Jesus measures this against the word of God.
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This Sunday we had the Privilege of having Steve Wimble with us for apostolic input. He shared with us on "The Power of Serving."
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We had the privilege of having Jacqui Wimble with us for our All Sites Key Women on Saturday.
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We joined together as men from across the Cornerstone sites, to hear Steve Wimble share on "The Power of the Tongue."
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We are called to be the Church now and walk in obedience to God and His word now.
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This week we take another look at Jesus example of teaching, preaching and healing, and how we should explain, proclaim and demonstrate the gospel to those around us.
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We look to Jesus as our example in the way he taught, proclaimed the gospel, and healed people.
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Do we find our identity in Jesus or in the things of this world?
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Greg opens up our new series, sharing how Jesus reveals himself to his disciples and some of the prophecies that were fulfilled by him throughout scripture.
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Zelda shares on the importance of prayer and the armour of God.
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We Had Apostolic Input with Grant Crawford and he shared about learning to balance our lives keep your eye on the gauges of thankfulness and dependance on God no matter the circumstance.
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Greg helps us understand the symbolism in the book of Revelation and how it affected the church at the time it was written, as well as what it means for us as the church today and how we can respond.
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 8 September | Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, forever
Finishing off our Pray Like This Series, Marcus shares on how everything we do needs to be for God and His Kingdom.
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Key Women | 14 August | Alison Nicholas
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 1 September | Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
This Sunday Francois shares how God doesn't tempt us, but He tests us. God tests and grows our character through the things that we go through in life.
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 26 August | Apostolic Input
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1:14:01This week we had apostolic input from Michael Nicholas. He shared on communion and the importance of what Jesus blood has done for us.
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Linda shares some of her testimony with us, speaking about some of the challenges that she has faced in the past and how hanging onto the truths of the word of God, and the leading and guiding of His Holy Spirit helped her through these challenges.
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Key Women | 14 August | Alison Nicholas
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1:00:06Alison shares on the importance of spending time in God's presence.
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 18 August | Equipping with Keir Tayler
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1:02:45This Sunday, Keir Taylor was with us, equipping us for evangelism, teaching us the importance of walking with the Holy Spirit, and helping us understand the truths of the Word of God.
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 11 August | Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven
This Sunday, Marcus spoke about the importance of forgiving one another. God forgives us our sins and holds nothing against us, and we should do the same with each other—offering forgiveness without conditions.
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Greg shares an important message about the significance of both praying for God's kingdom to come and actively representing the kingdom.
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Lusanda shared an encouraging message on our need to know the truth and put on the belt of truth in our daily lives.
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We continue our series on "The Lords Prayer" by opening up the meaning of the first line of this prayer: "Our Father in heaven hallowed be Your name."
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This week Greg takes us through an introduction to The Lord's Prayer. In this preach, we learn about the importance of the sermon on the mount and the teachings that Jesus gave, all leading up to a pinnacle moment which is the teaching on prayer, where we as God's people get to connect with Him personally.…
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Andreia shares with us the realities of the enemy that we face on a daily basis, but even more importantly she shares with us the power that we have access to through the finished work of Jesus, and His Holy Spirit.
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 7 July | Who am I looking to? - Is your greatest need your greatest desire?
This Sunday we had Aaron and Andreia share some encouraging and challenging messages.Aaron shares on how we constantly need to look to Jesus, and from that place, look for the lost.Andreia shares with us on how important it is to surround yourself with Godly community and to walk in step with the Holy Spirit.…
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This past Sunday, Clint shared with us on sharing and living out the gospel.
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This past Sunday, we had two different preachers share with us. In first message (Golden Calves), Erin shared about how we can often create idols out of the things in our lives that may seem good, but ultimately lead us away from placing our faith in God.In the second preach (Guided by the Holy Spirit), Shawn shared on being guided by the Holy Spir…
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We get to hear a really encouraging message on our identity and who God has called us to be as a priesthood of all believers, set apart for God Himself. We now have the opportunity to enter into God's presence because of the work that Jesus did on the cross.
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Cindy and Misha team up to speak on following Jesus and allowing him to make us fishers of men. This encouraging message challenges us to look at the communities we live in, as well as the nations around the world, that need to hear the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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Throughout the Bible, God asks of us to be goos stewards of everything we have, and even the things that we can do, like our gifts. Greg reminds us of the commitment that we have to the local church, and part of that commitment is financial. Are we trusting God in every area of our lives, including our finances?…
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We got together this past Sunday as all 10 sites of Cornerstone Church from across the city of Johannesburg, to celebrate Jesus! This One Sunday happened after our Kaleidoscope women's conference that took place over Friday and Saturday. Adele shares with us some of the stories of courageous women in the Bible and their stories, reminding us that w…
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We are reminded that marriage is ordained by God and that it is not a man-made idea, it is something that needs to be respected, cherished and worked on. Marriage is God's design and is a picture of Jesus' relationship with His Church.
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Disclaimer: The audio has some issues, however here is Andreia's preach. This week we are reminded that God has given us His son, and through him, we have an inheritance. we are not only on the earth for an inheritance now, but there is a future inheritance that we get to glory in.
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When we are reminded of the grace that we have received, and that gives us a passion for the gospel. Our hearts should always be to do the will of God, and this will is to focus on the lost, not on our own "Holy Huddle." In order to do this, we need to have a passion for Jesus and His kingdom, and that can only come from a relationship with Him.…
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This past Sunday we as Cornerstone Church Johannesburg wanted to honour our mothers and thank them for all they do. Mothers thank you for everything that you do and the foundations that you set in our lives even before we leave our home. Jesus is the firmest foundation, and the things we learn about Him from you is of utmost importance. The prayers…
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Greg opens up scripture to challenge us on the truth that God is always faithful to us, He is committed to us, and He is reliable, but how are our actions and hearts towards Him? Are they of a similar nature or are we putting our Faith, Reliance and Commitment in other things?
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 28 April | Reliance on and relationship with the Holy Spirit
God doesn’t only call us to get saved, but also to live in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, through relationship with him, so that we can live for God's purpose over our lives. The Holy Spirit is a person, who we need to walk with and keep in step with everyday.
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Cornerstone Church Sunday Morning | 21 April | One Sunday
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1:45:16This One Sunday, we joined together with all of our sites, to celebrate what Jesus is doing in and around our city. Tyrone Daniel who leads the NCMI Team was with us and reminded us that everything we do needs to be for Jesus and with Jesus. We also ordained some new elders, from across our sites.
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This week, we have come off of a time of Prayer & Fasting. Marcus addresses some of the important things that were prayed for. He also preaches about the importance of breaking bread and why we break bread.
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Marcus reminds us that we have both a civil and a kingdom responsibility. However governmental change won't change our country or our world, only Jesus can change the hearts of man. We need to pray for our nation and our world. People need to know Jesus!
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Glenn shares with us the importance of the Apostolic heart and being ambassadors for Christ and that we have a mandate: "The Great Commission."
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He is Risen! His tomb is empty! We celebrate Jesus' Resurrection and are reminded about the work that Jesus has completed for us, so that we can be in relationship with the Father.
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It definitely was a "Good Friday"! We hear from Wayne as he takes us through the story that will have you on the edge of your seats about what happened the few days before Jesus' Crucifixion.
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This week David shares his heart on "Extreme Generosity" and how we are called to be generous in every area of our lives, not only with our money, but with our time and resources as well.
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This week we hear that we are invited by Jesus to a secluded place. Jesus thinks of us and knows our needs, even before we know what we need.
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We are invited to come and Rest in God's presence and allow Him to refuel and replenish us.
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