How do we prepare for this new year that promises to be full of upheavals? How do we keep going, keep fighting for libëration in the face of the Empïre’s indifference? Resilience, community, and creation. As I often like to quote “La Vie Boheme” from the musical, RENT: “The opposite of war isn’t peace - it’s creation!” In this week’s episode, I start off by talking about abundance, generosity, and compassion and how these are crucial for community. If we are to affect change, we must be in relationship with each other in these ways. And in the face of so much destruction, we must create. Listen in to learn how writing can be that mode of creation AND resistance. And then sign up for the 5-day writing workshop intensive, Writing As Resistance, because taking tangible action towards liberation feels good. It’s happening next week! Online, Jan 13-17, 2025. Register here: =============== Today’s poems/ Books mentioned: Tarot/Oracle Card: Six of Pentacles (Reversed) “The Hatcheck Girl” by Hafiz =============== Courses / Exclusive Content / Book Mentioned: Subscribe to mailing list + community: and get the 7-day meditation challenge, “Spark Joy in Chaos” Subscribe to “Adventures in Midlife” newsletter: Instagram: @leslieannhobayan Email: Writing as Resistance:…