“That's taxpayer’s money that is going to support research and development and pilot projects to develop a food system that is based on environmental destruction and greed and disregard for animals, fish, and any of the other marine mammals that might be around it.” - Andrianna Natsoulas Andrianna Natsoulas is the campaign director for Don't Cage Our Oceans, an organization that exists to keep our oceans free from industrial fish farms. Offshore finfish farming is the mass cultivation of finfish in marine waters, in underwater or floating net pens, pods, and cages. Offshore finfish farms are factory farms that harm public health, the environment, and local communities and economies that rely on the ocean and its resources. Don’t Cage Our Oceans are a coalition of diverse organizations working together to stop the development of offshore finfish farming in the United States through federal law, policies, and coalition building. And, although it is not yet happening, right now the US Administration and Congress are promoting this kind of farming, which would be nothing short of disastrous for the oceans, the planet and the people and animals who live here. dontcageouroceans.org…
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監製: 陳燕萍 九十分鐘走遍世界,每週陪你漫遊《十萬八千里》。
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《千禧年代》 星期一至五 聲音更立體 意見更多元 「千禧年代」鼓勵聽眾及嘉賓作有觀點、有理據的意見交流,藉此帶出更多新觀點、新意見、新角度。透過時事速遞,每日早晨為廣大聽眾提供最新資訊以迎接新的一天。 監製:林嘉瑜 編導:蕭洛汶
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新聞雜誌式節目,包括詳盡新聞、財經消息、時事特寫、專題探討、體壇快訊、報章和社評摘要。 播出時間:逢一至六,早上六時半至八時。
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《香港家书》 星期六 09:00-09:20 a.m.
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介紹古今中外歷史人物,透過這些傳奇人物的風雲事跡,加深大家對歷史的認識。 主持︰張偉國、羅永生、曾卓然、譚家齊、范永聰 逢星期六晚上8:00至8:30,香港電台第一台播出。 香港電台文教組製作 香港電台文教組專頁 rthk.hk/artitude
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