I am Young Gospel, a Christian podcaster changing hearts and minds with my direct style of information, I will motivate you, I will encourage you, I will do it with scripture 📖
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The gifts are alive and well, ask for the gifts sell the gifts.Από τον Young Gospel
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Endurance is The act, quality, or power of withstanding hardship or stress. Listen in tell me what you think, God Bless!Από τον Young Gospel
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Trust the process, you might’ve lost your Waze, so you think. Jesus can redeem you, and he will just “trust the process.”Από τον Young Gospel
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This podcast is about anger. Its hard to control the tongue once its unleashed but like an arrow once released we can't call our words back! listen in tell me what you think.Από τον Young Gospel
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I’m tired, men need to stand up defend our children have some honor, We are supposed to be protectors don’t forget that. Listen in and tell me what you think God bless!Από τον Young Gospel
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I kind of went off on a small rant, sorry to my younger listeners. I lost it you'll see what and who I'm talking about.Από τον Young Gospel
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Its time to go out and change the culture please get out there and speak to people about Christ. It is the primary job of a Christian you wont regret it.Από τον Young Gospel
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This is a podcast on some quick facts about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Listen in and tell me what you think. Credit to www.ColdcaseChristianity.com chapters with no biblical reference are references to the Book written by J. Warner Wallace Cold-Case Christianity pick it up on any platform were audio books are sold I highly recommend it.…
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Brothers and sisters we need to understand what is going on across the globe. Our Christian family is being Martyred at an alarming rate. This podcast is rated T for teen. Listen in and tell me what you think.Από τον Young Gospel
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Men let's make Jesus great again!!!!!Από τον Young Gospel
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TikTok and similar apps are on the rise but ask yourself is it worth engaging? listen in and tell me what you think. God bless!!!Από τον Young Gospel
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Full steam ahead, we not need to slow down for everything. Jesus is not confused and did not make a mistake or got caught off guard. All operations are go!!!Από τον Young Gospel
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The resistance is here, I will tell you what the next steps are. Listen in and tell me what you think.Από τον Young Gospel
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This is a podcast directed to both male and female, its time to speak up to these non sensical practices and the rights that we have are being trampled. The Lord says "who than will deliver my message" listen in and tell me what you think.Από τον Young Gospel
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This is a Rap song influenced by the Holy Spirit and delivered to you fresh out the Spiritual Oven. Hope you like it God Bless! Credit to: Dude - Patrick Patrikios for the InstrumentalΑπό τον Young Gospel
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This is a nice post/mid election podcast, we are not of this world the Bible tells us this. Let's wait and allow the legal process to work, meanwhile Christian's should continue to spread the Gospel. Let's get it my people!Από τον Young Gospel
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In this podcast i speak about the importance of speaking boldly, Jesus is coming soon and this world will self destruct. Will you speak to your loved ones or will you shy away of your purpose as a christian? Let's do this!!!Από τον Young Gospel
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This is the New intro for the Young gospels podcast, It took some time but it's here!!!Από τον Young Gospel
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This podcast is about the encounter I had with a Christian who was bold and not afraid and in result planted a seed that would later be watered and God would give it growth. Sick back listen and tell me what you think. God Bless!!!Από τον Young Gospel
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This podcast is about the change I had to make in my life. Will I choose to serve the Lord or will my weed addiction take over. Listen in tell me what you think.Από τον Young Gospel
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Από τον Young Gospel
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"I am Young Gospel I have returned." This is a podcast about Fear. How many of us are fearful at times? what does the bible say about fear? should we give in? I think not. Let me explain... Sit back listen in tell me what you think.Yggospel @gmail.comΑπό τον Young Gospel
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This Podcast is featuring Michael Kruzich marketing director for Inland Light House Church in Ontario CA. We are speaking about the different ways to market the church and help the growth using technology and marketing tactics. Really cool podcast listen in tell me what you thinkΑπό τον Young Gospel
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This is the Young Gospel Podcast, This podcast is intended for a young audience I am speaking about marriage. I will make comparisons about Christian marriages VS Hollywood marriages. The youth also gets married and we should uphold the vowels that we say unto the Lord and unto our significant other. Listen in and tell me what you think.(Don't mind…
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This podcast is intended for a young audience, I am speaking about forgiveness. This powerful tool has been left behind by our lord jesus christ savior, so that we can also be forgiven by him. Listen in and enjoy God BlessΑπό τον Young Gospel
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This podcast covers a reoccurring problem with most Christians. The bible says that we need to spread the word, which means the Gospel. Why than do so many Christians get silenced by the enemy. Listen in and tell me what you think YGgospel@gmail.comΑπό τον Young Gospel
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The Eleventh Commandment, is this literally the eleventh? well id like to say that we can add this to our daily Christian practice. This message is about the second greatest commandment in the bible, sit back listen in and tell me what you think.Από τον Young Gospel
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Load your Weapon Use your Weapon ep.8 by Young GospelΑπό τον Young Gospel
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The fallen Soldiers of Christ is a podcast about people who perhaps have backslid and are not following the Lord closely. No worries get back in the fight the Lord is Love and is always waiting with open arms.Από τον Young Gospel
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This topic is a direct message to our youth it covers pornography and the fact that it is accompanied by secondary addiction. This message is intended to our youth, it is a better look at how satan tries to trick us into thinking pornography isn't covered in the bible.Από τον Young Gospel
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Covering Drug Addiction ep.5 by Young GospelΑπό τον Young Gospel
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This is a podcast directed toward the Christian youth it covers courtship and dating. Hope you guys get something from this one, have a blessed day!!!Από τον Young Gospel
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This podcast is about teen suicide and the things we as Christians could do to prevent or help someone in this situation.Από τον Young Gospel
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This podcast is directed to a young Christian audience, it urges the youth to reach others with the tools that God has given us.Από τον Young Gospel
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This is a podcast directed toward a young adult audience, its inspirational, informational, and spiritual.Από τον Young Gospel
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