Stories of recovery from the effects of growing up in an alcoholic or otherwise dysfunctional home. Recorded at the ACA Tuesday Toolbox meeting of ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) in Cobble Hill, Brooklyn. Email us at TuesdayToolboxACA(at)
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Carlos talks about perfectionism as an ACA trait, humor and connection as tools of recovery.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Keegan talks about abandonment issues, its effect on romantic relationships and solution to heal from dysfunctional patterns.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Britney talks about growing up in an alcoholic family, re-parenting one's self, loving parent tools and bill of rights.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Kristian talks about his recovery in 12-step programs, ACA's history, worldwide, and intergroup service.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Armen talks about step work, family history, and affirmation as a tool of recovery.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Kelly talks about codependency and sense of multiple selves.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Juan talks about acceptance, dissociation, and generational grief.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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D. talks about the ACA Bill of Rights.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Bill talks about the laundry list and the fear of success.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Karla talks about ACA personality, self-doubt, and healing through self-parenting.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Archie talks about abandonment, codependence, and loss of self.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Keegan talks about codependence.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Zack talks about the step four.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Amanda talks about her true self.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Mandy talks about the laundry list and step seven.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Jen talks about meeting her inner child.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Kaitlin talks about using the tool of awareness in her recovery.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Ingrid speaks about the role of Step 12 in her recovery.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Riley talks about hitting bottom in ACA recovery.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Frankie speaks about the role of self-forgiveness and unconditional love in their recovery.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Angel describes the role of Step 3 and surrender in their recovery.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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Mandi describes using the tool of willingness in her ACA recovery.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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#ACA #AA #ACOA #recovery #adult-child #alcoholism #12-step #twelve-step #twelve-steps #12steps #relationships #psychology #recovery #therapy #families #codependency #codependent #co-dependent #meditation #spirituality #spiritual #inner-critic #IFS #inner-parent #meetings #alanon #trauma #IFS #affirmations #feelings #grief #prayer…
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Shannon describes their experience cultivating their loving parent and inner child.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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James describes his experience cultivating an inner loving parent.Από τον Tuesday Toolbox ACA
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