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The Subjective Professor Podcast

Subjective Professor

Pro-freedom discussion which AVOIDS Coercion and Hypocrisy. This is a consistent application of postmodernism to reveal subjectivity/perspective. The goal is NOT to determine right or wrong, rather to explore better ideas to make nearly everyone satisfied if not happier. The goal restated is de-escalation through innovation. Get out of the Box; the box described around Ep 21. Contact:
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Yaroslav Hunka was a WW2 veteran who was honored in the Candian Parliament, House of Commons one year ago. Zelensky (or as I like to call him, Zenazi) was in town and people thought it would be nice to see another Ukranian who fought against Russians in a different war. WAIT a MINUTE. Nazis fought against the Soviets in WW2, and yep, Canada gave a …
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Sun Tzu is commonly thought to be a Chinese General who really understood how to win a war. He came to mind as I was listening to Judge Napolitano interview Jeffrey Sachs. The US is dropping the ball and is its own worst enemy. War is the most destructive and wasteful activity of humanity no matter how you want to dress it up. Peace and Prosperity …
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Troops were sent to the Middle East... who gave that order? Now that everyone pretty much acknowledges that JB is an empty suit, who is running the country? I have a theory, and it has to do with Kleptocracy, government by theft.Από τον The Subjective Professor
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Gold is at a new high, FED cut interest rates, wars abound, and people are in my face telling me I don't know jack. Are these things related? Possibly. I have talked about virtue signaling and the Dunning Kruger effect elsewhere, but they were not the headlining topic. So, let's get into it.Από τον The Subjective Professor
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Jesus Time again. Many people SAY they trust in God but in reality, they trust themselves. This might work in the world, but as Christians, this is a no-no. In fact, it kind of reminds me of how many people in America SAY they trust Freedom but then don't. How do we get that Trusting feeling and what do we do if/when we get it? Hope this message is…
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There is talk that the Secret Service may get a budget increase after their failure to protect Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. It might seem like the goal of agencies is to do a good job, but that view is mostly wrong. There might be some naive employee who is a true believer and wants to do a good job, but they are prevented by everyone else who is …
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A little late today but let's talk about one way of being interesting. That is, be an individual. How do we do this today? By remembering one's racializations, of course. Exercising our freedom with responsibility leads to a positive kind of diversity which benefits all.Από τον The Subjective Professor
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Matt Walsh has a new Docu/movie entitled "Am I Racist?" I watched an interview between Walsh and Jimmy Dore; I don't watch movies until they come out on a streaming site. Nevertheless, even in that short interview, there's lot to say. Race theory is my bread and butter, the focus of my dissertation and book, so, I have lots of things to say, some o…
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Went a little long today but even that was a summary of a summary, sorry. Korea in 1953 was a bombed-out shell of a country. But by the 1980's the country was exporting cars to the US. Now, it is hard to buy an electronic good without at least considering a product made in Korea or which has a Korean company's logo on it. How were they able to have…
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Hearing some of the reactions to the unsubstantiated statements about Haitians enjoying pet cuisine, is interesting. One set of reactions that stood out was the desire for people NOT to see all Haitians as the same. Some Haitians are educated and value contributing members of society. So, what about that "they all look alike" claim? Is it unique to…
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My father always said that a sermon should be a testimony of faith. I hope a bit of sharing goes a long way to explain how I understand healing and why I preach in the way that I do. We all should want healing all of the time. But we must take care to make a kind of healing the object and goal of faith. And we should definitely steer clear of plati…
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One of my favorite topics to discuss when I taught at the university. Students often came into the room with a set of expectations and left with a better understanding of what "whiteness" is. Thankfully, they were rarely angry. I hope you have the same experience.Από τον The Subjective Professor
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My classes today asked me who my favorite president was; I had no answer. I simply said that the president who did little to nothing is probably a good president such as Calvin Coolidge. Some had never heard of him, and I said, "exactly." Eager to exploit an opportunity to avoid doing work they asked me what I thought of Obama, Abraham Lincoln... a…
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I talked about slavery with my 8th grade class today and thought I would share with you. This might become a thing for this podcast during the school year, to share with you what I discussed in school. Anyway, it is interesting that the old Pro-slavery argument is now the Anti-racism argument. It pretty much sums up scholarship today.…
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Tariff is a term that is thrown around much these days. Obviously, Americans are the ones paying that tax. How does it affect the selling countries? People may not know this, but tariffs had a protectionist function in its nature. Some subjective thoughts on tariffs.Από τον The Subjective Professor
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It's Jesus time again. Man, the days just go by faster every week. I try to discuss the dichotomy of Peace and Justice. With the pursuit of one, does one get the other? Sounds a bit like Freedom and Equality doesn't it? Peace to you all in these crazy times of chaos and disorder.Από τον The Subjective Professor
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Some Quick comments on some news items observed today. The movement of people across borders, comparing my father's experience with today. 1959 is BEFORE the repeal of the Johnson-Reed Act, so my father did not immigrate when he came to the US. How can one come legally to the US if not as an immigrant? Trump apparently tweeted that Musk would head …
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Bryon Caplan recently posted his answers to some survey questions about the registered Democrat to Republican ratio among university professors. Of course, it is a topic near and dear to my heart and something I frequently discussed in class. What does this say about diversity or even what diversity is and how it is defined? What does this do to th…
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I saw on X a post about how the decline of western education has been happening for a while. There was an interview with a university professor from 9 years ago which discussed how it was unfair for some kids that others had stories read to them before bedtime. The story itself might be old news for some people, but the pattern is all too common an…
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This episode has a BRIEF summary of the Ron Paul conference in Dulles, Virginia August 31, 2024. It was a good time and well worth the trip. I got a picture with the MAN himself. Yes, I am pleased as punch. Today is also Labor Day, and I thought I would talk about WAGES over time in honor of labor unions. This discussion is inspired by something Pe…
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Quarrels are a frequent phenomenon today because there is so much at stake. Winning quarrels has become a priority because quarrels determine who gets to control the rest of society. What is better than winning and what does Free Speech have to do with it? Peace to you, all!Από τον The Subjective Professor
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Before a semester would start, I would try to get students who were easily offended to drop the class to create space for students who wanted to learn; I had a relatively long waitlist. I told students that I was a walking "trigger warning." If you see my, you will likely be triggered, that is, offended about something. Eventually someone got offen…
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Pavel Durov the CEO of Telegram was arrested (and released on Wednesday, Aug 28th) in France after being tricked into going there. While people are quick to defend Durov, people are not so quick to defend someone like Mark Zuckerberg, saying that he didn't do enough to fight back against state overreach. I don't know... I am glad that Zuck had a ch…
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True story. I was sharing my ideas from my dissertation, a guy from Kenya told me that I spoke like a Kenyan. But other people from Europe, Asia, and the US told me that I spoke like someone from their region. What gives? Contrast this with the efforts of politicians today who try to be a chameleon of sorts, changing their appearance and rhetoric d…
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A little late today, sorry, but this is the new schedule since the school year has begun. People want to champion the "weak" minority in a desire to be a hero. But would we need that in a free society? Let's go over the story of the pencil, once again.Από τον The Subjective Professor
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Society and the world seem to be on this ever-escalating cycle of violence and hate. The desire for Revenge seems to be normal and even encouraged. This episode briefly examines the concept of revenge and retribution and their opposites. If revenge only leads to more violence and destruction, what would be the alternative, and what would that look …
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Happy Sunday and it is Jesus time again. Our society today is suffering from the weight of Hypocrisy. Some will call their activity "JOY" but is it really? I offer an explanation as to why hypocrisy is such a problem and suggest a way out of this mess. I think my suggestion/interpretation is easier than what most other preachers might say... but th…
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So, I just listened to RFK Jr's presidential bid suspension speech, and I had to make a response episode before Monday. I enjoyed it. I deliberately kept away from him because I knew I would like him and that I would be really sad when he would be forced to drop out. It's the same thinking I have to justify not following a sports team. I summarize …
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I was born in America, but it took a while before I was able to hit a gun range. Of course, I loved it. So, how about that 2A culture here in the US? I just share a couple of interesting tidbits of US firearm history that maybe you might not have heard to help you form your own subjective position on firearms. Freedom again for the win. Oh... and I…
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When I taught at a university, I had the opportunity to teach students from all over the world. While they were trying to learn as much as possible, I was trying to learn from them about the rest of the world from my armchair. Good times. The students from China were filled with anticipation to see FREEDOM in action. They knew their society was not…
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I saw a short clip of an interview Shanahan gave about dropping out of the race and helping Trump win the election. What are the possibilities if that happened? Personally, I try to make sense of the world by trying to see the big picture, the big picture of an individual's vision or the big picture of an organization. Not that I am good at doing t…
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Others may have already used these expressions but here's my take on these facts of life. People normally like stability and shy away from instability. Let's see what I can do to change that perception and understanding.Από τον The Subjective Professor
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Pedagogy is the method of teaching; so, I share my pedagogy with you. The method is not a method for method's sake, it is designed to help people find solutions no matter who the person is, if required. This might be useful since more people are talking about World War 3 and how it has already begun. Tulsi Gabbard may be someone who can help Trump …
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Jesus Time. Seeking Glory and Honor seems to conflict with the kind of Humble life believers are supposed to live. I discuss one way to resolve this apparent confusion. Perhaps we are going about it in a less-better way. There's always room for improvement, or we can resign ourselves to trying to steal glory and honor.…
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I'll be going to the Ron Paul DC conference on August 31. It's just a one-day conference, well within my budget and neighborhood. If you go, look for an Asian dad with 2 of his sons and say "HI"! I like RFK jr and I wish that he and Trump combined forces to defeat the democrats. I give my take on party politics and a possible approach to defeat the…
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There's lying everywhere with increasing frequency and size. This episode we discuss lying, some types of lies and the cause of the spread of lying. Lying has the unfortunate political implication of assisting the formation of monopolies. As always, examples from the headlines and Freedom is once again the root of a good solution.…
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Prof of History Matthew Garrett settled with his lawsuit with his college for 2.4 million fiat dollars. It's a wonderful thing and hopefully a sign that we are nearing Peak Woke. I am facing a similar situation; however, it is being pursued as a simple "breach of contract" case. I briefly go over his case and also discuss my own situation and offer…
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This episode is 30 minutes, sorry. But it is because I forced myself to listen to the entire conversation between Musk and Trump. I have to admit, I wasn't listening in the way I would listen to a lecture about which I would later be tested. I wanted to highlight most of the topics discussed and just offer some subjective thoughts when they took a …
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Free speech is protected in our Constitution. Thankfully I went to school when many of my teachers understood the importance of speaking one's mind. For this reason, I simply cannot understand the desire of ordinary citizens to restrict speech in any way. Why one would want to protect speech as an employee of the state, is quite simple. Otherwise, …
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It's Subjective Preacher Day and this episode is the sermon I preached today in church. "All things" could be difficult to understand, surely it can't mean including the bad things? And if bad things are included, how do I know which things are bad? What about that karma thing? Does it ever end and when do I know I have the promised good thing? Hop…
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It seems that few people are truly anti-war because they believe in the myth of US military superiority. I am sure that there are some strong aspects of the military but that's not what I'm referring to. I want to focus on the ability of the US to "win" a war. It's obviously a problematic belief… but why is it? The reality of war and history are di…
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Princess Bride fans will hopefully recognize the nod to that movie, but "democracy" is all the rage today. Thus, it must be something good and virtuous. But by the prevailing illogic, to be opposed to this is to be somehow evil, perhaps even a fascist. Well, as it turns out, the democracy that people keep yammering on about is the democracy of Marx…
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Today's episode is my attempt to try to make sense of ... whatever THIS is in the world today. I understand what people mean by "simulation" now. If you are on X at all, then you can see that the videos of war in Ukr have been replaced with unbelievable videos out of the Middle East and England. Where is the Rule of Law, especially in England that …
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I watched Guy Ritchie's The Covenant last night with the wife after putting off watching it for weeks. I knew it was going to be a good movie, but I also knew that it would make me have negative thoughts and probably rant. Though it did kind of have an upbeat ending, it was tragic. My mantra remains true: A good war movie is an anti-war movie.…
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I talk about Astroturf in this episode, not artificial grass but the phenomenon of deceiving people through information manipulation. I have explained several times why information and the evaluation of information is subjective, so how does one navigate the sea of information much of which is potentially extremely subjective? This is important to …
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We will know if the teaching of God is true by striving to live by those words. How do we know if we got it right? How do we know we got it wrong? How do we know we are just being stubborn in our opinions? So many questions, so little time. I tried to explain how we can know this and live a life full of his grace. Peace.…
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I wanted to do an episode on monopolies and competition and decided to work in Olympic boxing without having to go into the gory details. In other words, I want to examine some of the root issues when it comes to controversial phenomenon such as women's boxing. I personally, don't enjoy watching boxing, especially women's boxing, but how can societ…
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You probably heard about the re-branding of Kamala. It bothers some people while other people get really defensive. So... is she black? Sure, why not. What are we really discussing though? What is this phenomenon of re-branding or re-imaging or re-creation? Should it be banned? I share some subjective thoughts on the matter and offer a different qu…
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