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嘉宾 | Guest: Nadine Kaadan Nadine is a Syrian-born author and illustrator, best known for her picture books that explore themes of displacement, identity, and resilience, often focusing on the experiences of Syrian refugees. Her works aim to raise awareness about the struggles faced by displaced children and families, while also celebrating their st…
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嘉宾 | Guest: Jeanne Willis, a very prolific British author, with over 400 books published. Jeanne's books are known for surprising, humorous twist, thus very unforgetable. Apart from being an author, Jeanne is also a very interesting person, she had her wedding in London Zoo and her studio is like a mini Insect Garden. We had this conversation at he…
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:26:45【本期嘉宾】 卢心远:新锐中国原创绘本创作者。她曾经是一名产品设计师和设计策略师,但因为对童书的浓厚兴趣,选择去英国剑桥艺术学院就读儿童图画书插图专业。毕业后,心远成为了一名自由童书创作者。心远荣获过包括博洛尼亚插画展优胜奖等多种奖项。目前,她出版了三本自己写、自己画的绘本,其中《这里,那里》和《虫虫艺术家》已经在中国引进出版;另外一本《潜入深海》也会很快和中国读者见面。性格活泼直率的心远喜欢在创作中不断的探索各种各样的可能性——对她来说,创作有的时候就像玩一样,玩的过程中又会获得许多意想不到的惊喜。让我们从创作出发,透过创作背后的故事,一起走进这位创作者吧! 【本期主播】 Ella:Storyland资深童书研究员,采访了四十多位世界各国的优秀绘本创作者。Storyland中文教育项目【创…
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:29:45【本期嘉宾】 马鹏浩:中国原创绘本创作者,【是游戏绘画工作室】主理人,毕业于广州美术学院,代表作品有《桃花鱼婆婆》、《白鹿记》、“一个小哲思系列绘本”等,喜爱植物、神怪幻想等创作题材。作品《桃花鱼婆婆》入选国家新闻出版署2018全国青少年推荐百种优秀出版物目录;荣获第七届中华优秀出版物图书提名奖;入选原创图画书2017年度排行榜TOP10等多种奖项 ;《孙悟空打妖怪》与《桃花鱼婆婆》入选2019年布拉迪斯拉发国际插画双年展;《孙悟空打妖怪》入选第56届意大利博洛尼亚&第32届伊朗德黑兰国际书展“中国原创插画展”;新作《小熊,快跑》荣获“第七届丰子恺儿童图画书奖”;获原创图画书2020年度排行榜TOP10等多种奖项;入选由中国美术家协会主办的第二届全国动漫美术作品展。当选第七届当当影响力“中国…
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:03:11录制这一期播客的当天,正好是世界读书日,因此我们想和大家聊聊和“世界”、“书”有关的话题——国际书展! 自从2019年起,Storyland的全球童书研究员们就陆续参加伦敦书展、博洛尼亚童书展,也在家门口的上海国际童书展上设过摊位,展示孩子们创作的作品。 虽然三年疫情让全球流动被迫停滞,但很高兴从去年开始,我们再次回归世界书展!去年和今年的3月我们都探访了伦敦书展。今年我们又在时隔五年之后,再次造访全球最大规模也是最重要的童书展——意大利博洛尼亚童书展。所以今天一起录制播客的,是几位有着不同的世界书展“打猎经验”的童书研究员,分别是Emily小创、Ella和胡胡。 伦敦书展、博洛尼亚童书展这样的世界顶级书展,究竟有什么特别之处?作为专业的童书研究员,在这些国际书展上,会重点关注哪些方面,有哪…
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:01:372024年伊始,Storyland链接的第一位故事大朋友是生活在上海、纽约的插画家张文绮Vikki Zhang。 作为第63届纽约插画师协会(Society Of Illustrators)金奖、银奖得主,第16届CACC最佳插画得主插画家,Vikki Zhang在绘本《The Lucky Red Envelope(幸运小红包)》中用12幅精美的插画,生动还原了新年前大扫除、烧香敬神、贴春联挂福字、年夜饭等等春节传统民俗场景,用视觉旅行的方式带读者们过中国新年。 这本拥有140个超豪华翻翻页的中国春节主题互动书,目前也是伦敦几家重要书店的重点推荐作品。 Vikki在其中埋藏了非常非常丰富的中国传统文化和生活元素,比如厨房里的神灵、传统服饰元素、饮食文化等等,不仅和文化的根脉连接,也和每个中国…
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两年前,当Ella采访绘本《What is Love》的作者Mac Barnett时,Mac Barnett“反客为主”问了Ella一个问题:你最近在生活中感觉到“爱”的时刻是什么? 两年前和两年后面对这个问题,Ella的回答都和孩子有关。因为孩子会非常直白地表达爱意,会说:“妈妈我好爱你啊!我最爱你了!”然后来抱抱亲亲。这种很浓很浓的爱意总是能击中人柔软的心。 “你认为什么是爱?”Ella把这个问题抛给Storyland的孩子们。 孩子们给出很多不一样的回答,比如: 若一说,爱是很安全、很温暖的感觉,爱是尊重。 妙妙说,(爱是)有人抱着我,很温暖。(爱是)有人爱我,像爸爸妈妈那样亲我。 迪迪说,别人关心你的时候,就是爱。 Brandon说,爱就是你喜欢的任何事情,每个人感受到的爱是不一样的…
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作为一名哲学学者,姜宇辉目前是华东师范大学政治与国际关系学院的教授、博士生导师。作为一名看似严肃的哲学研究者,他所涉猎的议题范围却十分当下和多元,电影、游戏、科幻、AI人工智能等等。学术并非只能在象牙塔里闭门做。 过去几年,他还在三联中读上开设面向大人和孩子的哲学普及栏目,把哲学读书会的音频视频免费分享在B站上,他的讲解风趣幽默,让许多人有更多渠道亲近本就带着艰涩难懂标签的哲学。 去年,姜宇辉把三年前给孩子开设的《哲学启萌》系列哲学分享整理成《哲学的好奇》,分为“昨天的我,今天的我,明天的我”、“大人,机器和他们”,“世界是真的吗”三大主题。 全书从22个问题出发,比如“什么是哲学?”“为什么大人嘴里总有那么多‘应该’?”“我不想长大,怎么办?”“闭上眼睛,世界就消失了吗?”,用寓言、科幻小…
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最近,一场关于马蒂斯的展览在上海UCCA Edge正在展出中,我们第一时间就去看展啦。 这场名为“马蒂斯的马蒂斯”的展览,由UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心、法国北方省省立马蒂斯美术馆联合呈现,也是20世纪重要艺术流派“野兽派”的创始人和主要代表人物——亨利·马蒂斯(1869-1954)的艺术生涯,在中国的首次完整呈现。 当然除了看展,我们也在Storyland长宁空间,特别开放了马蒂斯主题创意工作坊,其中一场由Storyland x 奇想国童书 x UCCA Kids联合主办。在工作坊中,我们从奇想国童书、UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心合作出版的绘本《马蒂斯的旅行》出发,带孩子们进行了一场特别的故事和创作旅行。孩子们创作出非常惊艳的剪纸拼贴作品。 因此这一期播客,我们从马蒂斯谈起,想和大家聊一聊带孩…
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——“我”重要吗? ——什么对“我”很重要? 最近在「创意故事家」的项目中,我们借由一本绘本,向孩子们抛出了关于“重要”的问题。这些问题看似非常宏大,也很哲学,但孩子们的反馈给了我们很多惊喜。 在他们创作的关于“重要”的小书中: 有的孩子说:“我很重要,不是因为我长的好不好看,也不是因为我有多厉害,(而是)因为我可以种下一颗种子,给大自然加上美丽;因为我可以帮助别人,给别人加上快乐。所以,我很重要。” 有的孩子说:“我很重要,因为我每天都在做事。”他创作的小书上,画了各式各样忙碌的万物。大树忙着生长,雨忙着下,猴子忙着摘香蕉,蚯蚓忙着掘土。在他眼中,万事万物都很重要,因为每天都在做事,同理,自己也一样。 那么,什么对孩子们很“重要”? 一位孩子说,牙齿掉了要收好很重要,同样重要的,还有用磁铁…
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嘉宾 | Guest: Tracy Subisak. Tracy is the creative mind behind two remarkable and emotionally resonant books, "Sorry Snail" and "Jenny Mei is Sad." Her work beautifully combines storytelling and visual artistry to explore important themes of empathy, friendship, and emotional expression in a way that both children and adults can relate to. "Sorry Sna…
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这一期的Storyland Podcast,我们想和大家聊一聊“创作”。 提起“创作”,你首先会想到什么?画画、作曲、雕塑、写作?是不是只有艺术家才能创作?和5岁的孩子谈创作,会不会太早? Storyland“创意故事家”项目负责人Ella、有心理学学术背景的资深阅读导师Vivian,将从过往采访过全球将近100位童书创作者的经历,Storyland的创造力教育实践以及发展心理学的角度来聊一聊,为什么对小一些的孩子,尤其是大班至1、2年级阶段的孩子来说,“创作”可能比“写字”更值得关注。 作为父母和教育者,我们需要真正看见并支持孩子在不同阶段的心理发展需求,才能让孩子们更好发展自己的天赋与潜力。 ··· 00:55,什么是创作? 03:21,对孩子而言,创作是培养一种成长性思维 06:33,…
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Hello大家好!本期播客我们请大家都很熟悉的Ella来聊了聊,过去三年Storyland发起的项目:全球100位童书创作者采访计划。这些创作者大部分是凯迪克、卡耐基等国际童书大奖得主,也有许多新锐的后起之秀。 采访了这么多童书创作者,Ella作为一位3岁孩子的妈妈以及一位教育者,有没有从中获得一些关于教育的宝藏秘籍?当然有很多。 这一期播客,Ella和我们分享了她从这些童书大师那里学习到的,爸爸妈妈们可以直接应用于育儿的阅读和创作建议。 · 家里要设置专门的阅读区域吗?空间不够怎么办? · 绘本是“幼稚”的吗,中美绘本发展相差多少年? · 为什么我们鼓励在孩子小的时候,爸爸妈妈大声给孩子朗读绘本? · 相比起精美玩具,孩子竟然更喜欢开放性材料?家里的“垃圾”竟然可以不用扔? 如果你也对这些…
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嘉宾 | Guest: Joe Todd Stanton Joe is a highly acclaimed author and illustrator known for his captivating children's books. With a background in illustration and a passion for storytelling, Joe has created a collection of imaginative and visually stunning works that have captured the hearts of young readers and garnered critical acclaim. His books of…
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这是一期和“新气集”播客串台的节目。除了我(Ella)之外,还有两位嘉宾,分别是三明治的创始人也是新气集的主播--梓新,Storyland的创始人--小游(Emily)。我们一起聊了聊4.18-20日三天在伦敦书展上的参展感受。欢迎大家也来说说你们听完播客的感受! 更多教育资讯、童书推荐和作家采访,欢迎关注公共号:“Storyland童书研究所”
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Tom Gauld is a cartoonist and illustrator. He is the author and illustrator of the award-winning picture book The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess. If you think the world does not need another fairytale, read this modern humorous fairytale by Tom, who originally created the story for his daughters' bedtime storytelling. In this episode, Tom…
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In this episode, Portuguese award-winning author Isabel Minhós Martins joins Storyland to share her experience of becoming a writer and how she works on children’s books. Isabel was born in Lisbon, Portugal and graduated from Lisbon College of Fine Arts with a degree in communication design. She has founded the independent publisher Planeta Tangeri…
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时隔近一年后,童书研究所的中文播客回归啦! 本期节目中,我们特别邀请了目前居住在瑞典的童书创作者童言,来分享她前不久受邀参加意大利博洛尼亚童书展的经历,以及创作首部绘本《恐龙先生流鼻涕以后》的灵感与过程。 这本绘本荣获了第十一届信谊图画书奖图画书创作奖首奖,也摘得了今年博洛尼亚最佳童书奖新人奖提名。新书已经于几天前新鲜上市。 这是童书研究所采访的第6位华人创作者,我们衷心期盼着中国原创绘本未来能在国际大奖舞台上获得越来越多的青睐。 想了解更多有关全球前沿童书的咨询及童书创作者的故事,欢迎关注我们的公众号「三明治童书研究所」,找我们一起玩儿! 本期我们聊了哪些话题: 上半场: 2:30 对博洛尼亚城市的初印象 5:38 偶遇为盲人开发电子漫画的瑞典创作者 8:04 第一时间找到“恐龙先生” 9…
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In this episode, we have Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, who is a marine biologist, author, and water-lover. He is the writer of the picture book Dear Wild Child. In the book, a father writes to his daughter in a heartfelt letter about memories of the house she grew up in among the redwoods. The house was lost to a wildfire but as the father lovingly remin…
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从虎年到兔年啦!作为过去一年全球童书创作者采访的总结,我们向五位童书研究员提出了三个问题。 她们在回答中,分别用声音回顾了各自采访创作者的收获,还通过文字推荐了个人年度印象最深刻的采访和童书(在公共号“三明治童书研究所”中可以查看)。这是我们五个女生的首次隔空同框,感谢大家的陪伴! 新年希望和大家一起探索更多有趣的故事!新年快乐!
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Petr Horáček is a renowned author and illustrator for children’s books. He was born in Czechoslovakia and went to England in his twenties. Now he lives in Worcester with his family. Petr has recently been nominated for Yoto Carnegie Medal for Illustration for his latest picture book The Perfect Present. In the past 22 years, Petr has published over…
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Felicita Sala:在两种不同的文化中长大,我从英文老师变成一名童书创作者
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:10:17Felicita was born in Rome but grew up in Perth, Australia. She graduated with Honours in Philosophy from the University of Western Australia. She moved back to Italy in 2007, where she taught herself illustration and very slowly started making picture books. Over the years, she collaborated on various papercut animations with her husband, animator …
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Marc Martin is an award-winning artist and picture book author and illustrator based in Melbourne, Australia. Having trained and worked as a graphic designer, his moonlighting as an illustrator eventually led him to a successful freelance career. Marc draws inspiration from his surroundings, nature, animals, and the city he lives in. His book A Riv…
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Benji Davies is the award-winning author and illustrator of The Storm Whale and Grandad’s Island. His latest picturebook The Snowflake tells the tale of one snowflake and one little girl - both longing for something and looking for their own special place in the world. In this episode, Benji shares his inspiration behind this fun and beautiful wint…
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Morag Hood is a Scottish writer and illustrator of children's books. Her primary medium is lino printing, although she uses a variety of techniques in her work.Her stories rely on interplay between text and illustration, creating space in the narrative for young readers to fill in. Many of her stories concern relationships, inclusion and prejudice.…
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Micha Archer wrote and illustrated Ezra Jack Keats Award winner Daniel Finds a Poem and its companion,Daniel’s Good Day, and has also illustrated several picture books, includingGirl Running(by Annette Bay Pimentel). Micha works in oil and collage on paper she creates with homemade stamps and layered tissue paper. She came from a long line of artis…
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Kyo Maclear’s children’s books have been published in over twenty countries and nominated for numerous awards, including the Governor General’s Literary Award, the TD Canadian Children’s Literature Award, and the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award. In this episode, Kyo talks about her inspiration and writing process for Virginia Wolf, a story about about…
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Nina Laden is an award-winning, best-selling author and illustrator for children's picture books, including the famous board book Peek-a Who? and also poetry picture books, such as If You Had a Little Dream, Once Upon a Memory, Dear Little One, and so on. In our interview together, Nina talked about her inspirations and backstory behind her picture…
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Elizabeth Dulemba is an award-winning illustrator, author, professor, blogger, and speaker (her TED Talk has over a million views on YouTube). She has over three-dozen books to her credit, including her debut novel, A Bird on Water Street, awarded Georgia Author of the Year. In this episode, we mainly talked about the stories behind her novel A bir…
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Eliza Wheeler is the illustrator-author of Home in the Woods and the NYT bestselling picture book Miss Maple’s Seeds. In this episode, Eliza talks about her inspiration and creative process behind Home in the Woods which is a story based on her grandmother's childhood living in an old shack in the woods during the Great Depression. Find out how she…
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Paddy Donnelly is a picture book illustrator and author, originally from Ireland and now based in Belgium. Paddy grew up on the Irish coast and has been fascinated with the natural world since he was a child. In this episode, he talks about the creative process behind the two books that infused nature with imagination and how he was able to keep hi…
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:12:103:57 “75%的年轻人觉得未来是可怕的” 11:13 气候变化与我们孩子有什么关系? 13:08 面对气候危机,作为大人可以做的五件事 20:05 孩子识别自然物种的正确率比识别神奇宝贝更低 27:00 最好的自然教育是孩子给予我们的 33:58 相比科学数据,故事的力量更能感染我们行动 39:01 地球是个“小蓝点” 49:58 对生态危机的焦虑也是“生态关怀” 节目中提到的童书: 《The Hike》(中文译名:《去郊游》) 《The Lost Words》 《Plasticus Maritimus》(中文译名:《海洋塑料:一个入侵物种》) 《Planet Rescue》(中文译名:《拯救地球》胶片绘本) 《This Small Blue Dot》 《Green》(by Laura …
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欢迎收听三明治童书研究所播客。这是一档研究全球优秀童书并分享阅读文化的节目,我们希望用故事的力量,赋能更多的儿童与成年人。 2022年4.23日,世界读书日,也是三明治童书研究所成立一周年。同时,它也是一个普通到不能再普通的春日周末。但如果你和我们一样,最近生活在上海,我想,心情难免是低落的。 在今天的节目中,我们邀请到了一些爱读童书的大人们,当然也包括三明治童书研究所的小伙伴们。我们将通过文字和声音,分享在童书中获得的关于爱、自然、联结、创造和寻找自我的故事。希望,它们给你带来一些温暖和力量。 节目中提到的童书: 《柳林风声》 《Saturday》 by Oge Mora 《田鼠阿佛》 《园丁的一年》 《小王子》 《山猫的礼物》 《爷爷一定有办法》 《吃书的狐狸》 《有趣的一家》 《麦田里…
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Sarah Roberts is an animal behaviourist, environmentalist, and author of Somebody Swallowed Stanley. Her passion for adventures in the wild led her to conservation and environmental education work. In the episode, you will hear about the story of a plastic bag called Stanley, how Sarah first got the idea for creating him, and how she 'tricked' clas…
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Ana Pêgo's project Plasticus Maritimus draws awareness to the impact of plastic on life on our planet. She collects plastic found on the beach and creates beautiful art out of them. In this episode, Ana shares with us her experience growing up by the ocean and how she first gained awareness of plastic pollution. You will hear about how children and…
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Child, you are awake! You are alive! You are a bright star, Inside our hearts. Award-winning Mexican-American author and illustrator Yuyi Morales presents us her new book Bright Star which is a beautiful tribute to the borderlands between Mexico and the US. But as you'll hear in this episode, there is so many more heartaches behind this story that …
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她是《纽约时报》畅销童书榜单上的长销作者,获得了2次凯迪克银奖,2次苏斯博士银奖,《纽约时报》最佳插画奖,《波士顿环球报》最佳绘本奖等诸多殊荣。但创作绘本并不是Laura的第一份工作。她的绘本大多是采用了模切技术的概念绘本,总是充满惊喜,让人眼前一亮。在成为绘本作家和插画师之前,她在电视台工作了十多年,担任动画师、设计师、编辑、制片人等角色,为NBC(国家广播公司)和ABC(美国广播公司)制作了不少节目开场动画和特别的视频内容,也曾因此荣获过艾美奖。 Laura热爱电视行业。当她成为一名母亲之后,很快发现,高强度的工作无法让她实现陪伴孩子成长的心愿。艰难的抉择之后,她选择离开,开始创作自己的绘本。她的丈夫、音乐人Chris Seeger来自一个音乐之家。丈夫的叔叔Pete Seeger是非常…
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本期节目,我们邀请了老朋友Mac Barnett聊一聊他的新书《What is Love?》。Mac刚刚升级做爸爸不久,这个新身份对他创作童书有影响吗?受什么启发写了《What is Love?》?他记忆中被爱的体验是什么样的?更多精彩内容请收听本期节目吧!Από τον 三明治童书研究所
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Matthew Forsythe is the author-illustrator of Pokko and the Drum, a Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year, a recipient of the Boston Globe–Horn Book Award Honor, and a Charlotte Zolotow Honor Book. He is also an illustrator for animated films and television such as Adventure Time, The Midnight Gospel. In this episode, Matthew shared the inspirati…
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Carson Ellis is the author and illustrator of the bestselling picture books Home, In the half Room and Du Iz Tak? (a Caldecott Honor book and the recipient of an E.B. White Read Aloud Award). She has illustrated a number of kids books as well. Apart from making children's books, she 's the illustrator-in-residence for her husband Colin Meloy's band…
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Jessie Oliveros is the author of the Golden Kite Award picture book The Remember Balloons. The heartwarming story likens memories to helium-filled balloons and explains in a tender way how as a person ages, they sometimes lose their memories just like how balloons would slip away from their hands. As you will hear in the interview, the book is insp…
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Livia Blackburne is the author of the emotionally and culturally rich picture book I Dream of Popo. The story is about when a young girl and her family emigrate from Taiwan China to America, she leaves behind her beloved popo, her grandmother. She misses her popo every day, but even if their visits are fleeting, their love is ever true and strong. …
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【Guest】Canadian Author and illustrator-- Barbara Reid One thing unique about her works is that her illustrations are made by plasticine so the images are very vivid and full of details, and the language is so poetic! Barbara has received many awards, including the Ezra Jack Keats Award, the Vicky Metcalf Award for Literature for Young People, The G…
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Bob Shea is an award-winning American author and illustrator of children’s books. His books include the popular Ballet Cat series, The Dinosaur VS. … series , Two Unicorn books:Unicorn Thinks He’s Pretty Great and Unicorn Is Maybe Not So Great After All. He wrote Who Wet My Pants illustrated by his friend Zach Ohora and his latest book is called Ch…
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【嘉宾Guest】 American Author and illustrator Lane Smith. website:https://www.lanesmithbooks.com/ Lane has received the Lifetime Achievement award from the Society of Illustrators and has been honored by the Eric Carle Museum for “lifelong innovation in the field of children's books.” He is the author and illustrator of the New York Times bestseller It…
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Zeno Sworder is an author and illustrator from Melbourn, Australia. His debut picture book This Small Blue Dot follows a little girl welcoming her newly born sibling to earth. It is book celebrating diversity, imagination and interconnectedness. In the episode, Zeno talked about his inspiration behind creating this picture book, which began when hi…
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Amy Alznauer is a polymath: she is a writer, a managing editor, and an instructor of calculus and number theory at Northwestern University. Amy's most recent work is in children's picture-book biographies, work which has been awarded with the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators Illinois Chapter Laura Crawford Memorial Mentorship. In…
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Aaron Becker is the author and illustrator for the 2014 Caldecott Honor Book called "Journey". The book almost reads like an animated movie and you won't be surprised to learn that Aaron has a filmmaking background. In this episode, Aaron shared the creative process behind the Journey trilogy, how he sees each of the books he creates as a little fi…
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:20:34本次全球童书作者采访计划对谈的嘉宾是英籍华裔--郁蓉。她硕士毕业于英国皇家艺术学院(Royal College of Art),曾师从英国著名的儿童插画大师昆汀·布莱克(Quentin Blake)爵士。其创作的图画书均以剪纸和铅笔素描相结合,风格独树一帜,除了中国之外,她的作品已在英国、美国、意大利、荷兰、日本、韩国等地出版。代表作包括:《云朵一样的八哥》《烟》《夏天》《我是花木兰》《口袋里的雪花》等,其中,她在国内出版的第一本图画书《云朵一样的八哥》曾荣获第24届布拉迪斯拉发国际插画双年展金苹果奖。目前,她与先生毛驴和三个孩子毛虫、辣椒、扁豆以及他们的德国猎犬嗅嗅探长定居于英国剑桥的乡村。本期节目从她的家庭美育课开始谈起,聊了什么是美,如何创造美,以及探讨了她不同作品中细节的处理和创作背…
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Jackie Morris is a British writer and illustrator. She was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal in 2016 and won it in 2019 for her illustration of The Lost Words. She collaborated with writer Robert Macfarlane to create The Lost Words in response to the removal of everyday nature words from the Oxford Junior Dictionary, such as bluebell, otter,…
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