A podcast of sermons for the St. Albert Canadian Reformed Church.
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Theme: Living in the power of the resurrectionTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 171 Corinthians 15:20–28Από τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: Train yourself for godlinessTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:1 Timothy 4:71 Timothy 3:14—4:16Από τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: Isaiah’s Vision. Isaiah saw three things. He saw:1. God’s holiness2. His own sinfulness3. God’s cleansing and renewing powerTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Willem B. SlompTexts:Isaiah 6:1–8John 12:36–43…
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Blessed is the man who fears the Lord1. Common Fear2. Ungodly fear3. Godly fearTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Willem B. SlompTexts:Psalm 112:1Psalms 111—112Από τον Rev. Willem B. Slomp
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Pastor Ken WieskeReading: Philippians 3Text: Philippians 3:13-14Theme: Press on!Time:EveningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Philippians 3:13–14Philippians 3Από τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: What a Comfort that Jesus Descended Into Hell For Us!Guest Pastor Caleb Kos (Devon Canadian Reformed Church)Reading: Psalm 88; Matthew 27:32-50Lord’s Day 16 QA 44Theme: What a comfort that Jesus descended into hell for us!1. Jesus did not go to the place of eternal punishment2. Jesus was in the state of death3…
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Theme: God gives Himself to us at first ChristmasTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Luke 2:12Luke 2:1–21Από τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: The Christian identity: former wretch and slave!1. The impossible plight2. The deserved condemnation3. "But God..."If you have comments, questions, or need prayer, please email youtube@stalbertcanrc.com Music used by permission CCLI License #11589791, Streaming License #CSPL144862Scripture quot…
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Theme: The fullness of time: God planned Christmas to bring us home as familyTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Galatians 4:4–5Galatians 3:1—4:7Από τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: The LORD is my Shepherd (part 2)2. I will fear no evil (verse 4)3. I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever (verses 5-6)Time:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Richard AasmanTexts:Psalm 23:4–6Psalm 23Psalm 22:1–21…
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Theme: The LORD is my Shepherd (part 1)1. I shall not want (verses 1-3)Time:MorningMinister:Rev. Richard AasmanTexts:Psalm 23:1–3Psalm 23John 10:7–30Από τον Rev. Richard Aasman
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Theme: The Creator in the cradle: The glory and grace of the incarnationTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 14Hebrews 1—2Series:Heidelberg Catechism…
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Theme: God meant it for good: clinging to the promise of home in a world of suffering and death.Time:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Genesis 50Series:GenesisΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: Our brother, our LordTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 13Hebrews 2Series:Heidelberg CatechismΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Jacob’s Final Testament: Promises of a Land, a People, and a KingTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Genesis 49Series:GenesisΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: Live wisely for the King in the seasons of lifeTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. James FolkertsTexts:Ecclesiastes 3:1–11Από τον Rev. James Folkerts
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Theme: Believe Jesus is our resurrection and life!Time:MorningMinister:Rev. James FolkertsTexts:John 11:1–46Από τον Rev. James Folkerts
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Pastor Ken WieskeReading: Acts 4Lord’s Day 11Theme: Only Jesus. Only Saviour.If you have comments, questions, or need prayer, please email youtube@stalbertcanrc.com Music used by permission CCLI License #11589791, Streaming License #CSPL144862Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bibl…
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Pastor Ken Wieske Reading: Genesis 48Text: Genesis 48Theme: Passing on promised blessing: Jacob’s covenant legacyIf you have comments, questions, or need prayer, please email youtube@stalbertcanrc.com Music used by permission CCLI License #11589791, Streaming License #CSPL144862Scripture quotation…
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Theme: In His hands: safe and secure in God’s sovereigntyTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 10Romans 8:28–39Series:Heidelberg Catechism…
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Theme: Living as sojourners: finding God’s provision and purpose outside the Promised LandTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Genesis 46—47Series:GenesisΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: Your Father CaresTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 9Psalm 103Series:Heidelberg CatechismΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: Man’s sin; God’s sovereignty; Christ’s salvationTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Genesis 45Series:GenesisΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme Covenant Communion with the Holy Trinity in UnityTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 8John 14Series:Heidelberg CatechismΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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The Glorious Gospel Gain in Humbly Giving Up: Faint Foreshadowing of Christ in Jacob, Joseph and Judah
The Glorious Gospel Gain in Humbly Giving Up: Faint Foreshadowing of Christ in Jacob, Joseph and JudahTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Genesis 43—44Series:GenesisΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: Christ our Mediator, Christ our only hopeTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 6Hebrews 9:11—10:18Series:Heidelberg CatechismΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: The grief of sin and the covenant of graceTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Genesis 42Series:GenesisΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: The Gospel in eternal judgmentTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 4Romans 2:1–11Romans 3:1–20Series:Heidelberg CatechismΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: Through humiliation to exaltation: Joseph as a type of ChristTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Genesis 41Από τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Time:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 3Ezekiel 37:1–141 Peter 1Series:Heidelberg CatechismΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Time:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Genesis 39—40Series:GenesisΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: Our sins and misery teach us the comfort of home1. How far we have wandered from home;2. The reason we wandered away from home.Time:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Willem B. SlompTexts:Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 2Matthew 19:16–26Luke 15:11–24
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Theme: God's grace transforms our lives for the benefit of God and our neighbourIt is a transformation:1. because of God’s grace;2. of body and mind;3. through the Word and SpiritTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Willem B. SlompTexts:Romans 12:1–2Roma…
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Theme: Patriarch, Prostitute, and PromiseTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Genesis 38Series:GenesisΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: I belongTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 1Romans 8Series:Heidelberg CatechismΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: The power and purpose of singing together in worshipTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Colossians 3:16Psalm 98Series:LiturgyΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: A land and a people: a promise more powerful than deathTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Genesis 1GenesisSeries:GenesisΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: The LORD rebukes His people for the neglect of His temple1. The cause: misplaced priorities2. The consequence: futilityTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Faustin EmadjeuTexts:Haggai 1:1–111 Corinthians 12:12–29Ephesians 2:18–22Hebrews 3:1–6
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Theme: God faithfully preserves the church of old by maintaining His three mediatorial institutions1. The kingly line2. The priestly line3. The prophetic lineTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Faustin EmadjeuTexts:Haggai 1:12 Kings 24:8–172 Kings 25:27…
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Theme: Living is Giving: Our thank offerings before, during, and after the liturgyTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Heidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 42Isaiah 58Series:Liturgy…
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Theme: The Spirit has come to advance the kingdom of God!1. He convicts the world2. He guides the church3. He glorifies ChristTime:MorningMinister:Raoul KingmaTexts:John 16:8–15Acts 2:14–41Από τον Raoul Kingma
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Theme: Gathered to worship in the name of the LordTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Psalm 124:8Psalm 124Series:LiturgyΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: Project Eternity: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic ChurchTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:EphesiansHeidelberg Catechism: Lord's Day 21Από τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: The vital, glorious function of the Law in worshipTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Hebrews 9:1–5Hebrews 8Series:LiturgyΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: The gospel of the abundant harvest of righteousnessTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Revelation 14:14–20Revelation 14Series:Revelation 12-14Από τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: Our God who answers prayer1. The Lord is robbed of His praise2. The acceptance of a broken repentanceTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Matthew Van der woerdTexts:Judges 16:23–31Hebrews 11Από τον Rev. Matthew Van der woerd
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Theme: How the mighty have fallen1. Gates of Gaza2. Deceptive Delilah3. Sightless SampsonTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Matthew Van der woerdTexts:Judges 16:1–221 Corinthians 10:1–13Από τον Rev. Matthew Van der woerd
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Theme: God calls us to joyful, holy covenant worship in ChristTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Psalm 1001 Peter 2:4–10Series:LiturgyΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: The eternal consequences of worshipTime:MorningMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Revelation 14:8–13Deuteronomy 30:15–20Series:Revelation 12-14Από τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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Theme: God calls the church to worship Him in the splendour of holinessTime:AfternoonMinister:Rev. Kenneth WieskeTexts:Isaiah 6:1–7Isaiah 5Series:LiturgyΑπό τον Rev. Kenneth Wieske
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