New York Giants on SI features regular coverage of the New York Football Giants by reporters who cover the team daily. Join host Paul Dottino, member of the Giants’ broadcast team and host of the “Big Blue Breakdown” podcast, and Coach Gene Clemons, football analyst for Giants on SI’s team page ( and host of “A Giant Issue w/ Coach Gene Clemons” podcast, for in-depth insights, analysis and much more.
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A credentialed Charlotte Hornets podcast breaking down NBA news, analysis and rumors. The Hornets on SI podcast feed has three different shows and hosts covering the Hornets each in their own unique way. From exclusive player & coach interviews, mock trades and NBA Draft analysis, this podcast is your one stop shop for Charlotte Hornets fans. Podcast Schedule Tuesdays - "Inside The Hive" with James Plowright & Sam Dracula Thursdays - "Hornets & Heartbreak" with Mark Biernacki & Tim Rogers Sa ...
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PORSI (Podcast Ceria Sofiya dan Imelia) yaitu podcast milik dua orang yang berharap podcastnya berguna untuk semua orang yang mendengarnya. Share-share ilmu bermanfaat sampai keceplosan curhat, hehe. Akan update sesegera mungkin.
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A podcast for Jacksonville Jaguars fans delivered by Jaguars On SI. Jaguars On SI is a part of the Sports Illustrated media group and is devoted to analysis, breaking news, videos, features and much more.
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Bine te-am găsit! Sunt Mihai Constantinescu, gazda podcastului EducatsiBogat, locul unde găsești informații care te vor ajuta în drumul tău către properitate și către independența financiară! Vei găsi conversații cu persoane experimentate despre Educație Financiară, Economisire, Investiții, Psihologia Banilor și Antreprenoriat! Audiție plăcută!
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Eu cu cine gândesc? - Podcast de istorie și filozofie cu Theodor Paleologu și Răzvan Ioan
Casa Paleologu
Întrucât ne-am decis să trăim o veșnicie, ne-am hotărât că vom avea destul timp să povestim despre istoria intelectuală a omenirii într-o serie de podcasturi începând cu antichitatea și ajungând până în zilele noastre. Planul nostru este ca, în fiecare săptămână, să purtăm o discuție despre o temă esențială din sfera umanistă. Vom vorbi, așadar, despre literatura, istorie, religie și, bineînțeles, filozofie. Totul în ordine cronologică.
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Chcete to někam dotáhnout? Chcete, aby vás měli všichni rádi? Tak s tím vám bohužel nepomůžeme. Zato máme spoustu rad, jak žít s neúspěchem. K ničemu vám to stejně nebude, ale je to zdarma, tak co byste chtěli... Vaše pravidelná dávka negativity v diktatuře pozitivního myšlení! Sledujte nás na Instagramu @namaz_si_rohlik!
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Kehidupan anak muda sehari-hari
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Reportages, entretiens, chroniques : l'info plus près des jetables que des notables avec Daniel Mermet. Depuis 30 ans, Là-bas si j'y suis démontre qu'un autre journalisme est possible, à la fois rigoureux, engagé, populaire, inventif, modeste et génial.
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Aqui me siento a tener algo que hemos perdido como humanidad UNA BUENA CONVERSACION. So para explicarte rapido soy un Boricua vivendo en North Dakota que tiene la habilidad de hablar mucha mierda y pues decidio hacer un podcast. Aqui voy a traer amistades & tambien personas que no conosca para conocer mas sobre la vida y otras cosas mas. Sientate aqui y hablemos un rato. Gracias por el apoyo. #Boricua #PuertoRico
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Segala yang besar berawal dari si kecil ~Sadio Mane~
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The SI Genesis Podcast highlights alums, teachers, staff, and other community members of St. Ignatius College Preparatory in San Francisco. To learn more about SI and Jesuit education, visit
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@dinsilv dan @ddditafdhlh adalah dua gadis yang sudah tidak remaja, namun belum juga dewasa. kebingungan kemana kah waktu akan dimanfaatkan. Kun fa ya kun! Jadilah Podcast Si Didot, Dinda Dota. Have fun!
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isinya fajar ngomongin jersi dan apparel, bola sama balotelli, pokoknya yg dominan ngomongin apparelnya yak, sepakbolanya dikit aja. yg mau komen bisa via dm instagram atau mention tuitter @fajarrusalem atau di email [email protected]
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Sebuah podcast yang di host oleh Ace, Si Mahluk Lapar. Bahas apapun. Isu isu, hobi, makanan, film, curhat, sampai QnA pun bisa. Boleh nimbrung di [email protected] buat nanya atau usul atau apapun lah ya.
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Intinya aku bikin ini biar obrolanku produktif. Biasanya sih sering di ketawain temen temenku gara2 sering kepleset kalo ngomong wkwk. Males juga nulis dan baca mending bikin podcast tinggal modal bacot cucok meong dengan jiwaku. Sering banget ngobrol sama anak anak yg intelek gitu makanya bikin gini biar kalian bisa denger juga. Thanks buat yg udah denger. IG : @heningdito
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Bienvenido a nuestro podcast divertido y políticamente incorrecto! En cada episodio, exploramos temas variados y siempre estamos en busca de una buena risa. ¡Nuestro objetivo es entretener y hacerte reír, así que siéntete libre de relajarte y disfrutar de nuestra emisión sin filtros! ¡No tomes nada en serio y únete a nosotros para una charla sin prejuicios y sin pelos en la lengua
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Sebuah Podcast komedi asal Samarinda berisi cerita atau opini dari @kemal.uhhuyy tentang berbagai hal seperti, kejadian sehari hari, kebiasaan manusia, dan isu terkini. Punya segmentasi diantaranya "Podcast Si Kemal" "Bersama tamu" "Canda Candu" "Brisik" dan "VTP" kalo mau nanya nanya, curhat, kolaborasi atau bahkan iklan, silahkan bisa di kirim ke [email protected] selamat mendengarkan! Support this podcast:
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Emprender es un camino para la independencia económica. En este podcast escuchamos entrevistas con personas que se atreven a emprender. ¿Cómo lo lograron?, ¿Qué estrategias usan?, ¿Qué aprenden durante el camino?
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La oficina de escuelas católicas de la diócesis de Dallas, ha colaborado con Radio Guadalupe para grabar segmentos de 30 minutos en español que se centran en la educación católica. La Dra. Veronica Alonzo, la superintendente asociada de las escuelas católicas de la Diócesis de Dallas e invitados, discuten en detalle el tema seleccionado. The Diocese of Dallas Catholic Schools Office has collaborated with Radio Guadalupe to record 30-minute segments in Spanish that focus on Catholic education ...
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Ngobrol bareng drg spesialis anak @ekashofiyah, @annisaramalia, @uncle.jo_dentist tentang curhatan seputar merawat gigi si kecil, and beyond! Karena kami juga parents, we feel you too.. Yuk mari berbagi tips untuk menjaga senyum si kecil! DM-in curhatan ayah bunda ke @senyumsikecil atau [email protected], nanti kita bahas bareng, oke!
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This East Los Angeles native, now part-time vagabond, gives his thoughts on his budget-friendly travels. Each episode will feature an essay on a country or city. Also included will be commentary on a book and podcast dealing with travel, a punk or metal band from the country being discussed, veg friendly discoveries, zines, and cinema. The East L.A. Guide to Unsettling Down is plain-spoken and intended to highlight the wonders of travel. All are welcome.
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Bác sĩ TV là nơi để những con người làm ngành Y chúng tôi được nói ra cách nhìn của chúng tôi đối với những đề tài bất kỳ trong xã hội. Chúng tôi hi vọng bằng việc nói ra quan điểm của mình, mọi người có thể hiểu chúng tôi hơn. Từ đó giúp kéo gần lại khoảng cách giữa người với người. Xin cảm ơn!
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Doi băieți încercând să facă ceva bun.
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Propuesta mediática dedicada al Rey de los Deportes. Edición emitida desde Cd. Obregón con destinatarios repartidos por todo el Mundo amantes del Baseball.
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"Un si grand soleil : le podcast" est une émission mensuelle proposée par France Télévisions en partenariat avec Allociné. Chaque épisode autour d’un large choix d’invités dont les auteurs et les comédiens de la série de France 2 revient sur son actualité, ses coulisses, l’évolution des intrigues et les réactions des fans. Participez à l'émission en réagissant sur les réseaux sociaux officiels de la série @UnSiGrandSoleil. Retrouvez la série "Un si grand soleil" tous les soirs, du lundi au v ...
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¿Alguna vez has intentado seguir lo que te han dicho allá afuera; una carrera, un trabajo, una meta y te has sentido frustrado, esforzado, cansado por tratar de cumplir con todo? Y terminas preguntándote ¿Y si no es así?. "Y si no es así", es una conversación entre dos amigas que se cuestionan absolutamente todo, tratando de descubrir el "cómo es". Si tú eres una persona que te cuesta creer en todo lo que nos han enseñado desde niños, este podcast es para ti. En cada episodio, cuestionamos d ...
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Qu’est-ce que la Science-Fiction peut nous apprendre sur les maux qui frappent aujourd’hui nos sociétés ? Que nous enseignait-elle hier dont nous devrions maintenant tirer des leçons ? Enregistré à la Maison d’Ailleurs, musée de la science-fiction, de l’utopie et des voyages extraordinaires à Yverdon-les-Bains, ce podcast décrypte les visions plurielles du présent que nous offre la SF. À chaque épisode, il s’empare d’un texte majeur (roman, BD, etc.) qu’il analyse et invite un·e chercheur·eu ...
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Buzzer Beaters: Hornets Headaches & Lamelo Trade Rumors
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1:04:49Atticus & Eric share some of the most frustrating moments from the 24-25 season for Charlotte Hornets fans. LaMelo trade rumors are heating up for the summer, Should the Hornets hold or try to sale high on its franchise cornerstone? Eric and Atticus discuss what the framework for a deal would have to look like for the Hornets to move on from their …
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New York Giants Free Agency Outlook: Big Blue Breakdown Podcast
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2:01:13New York Giants general manager Joe Schoen has a clear starting point for the upcoming season: Find a way for the Giants to win as many games as possible with a veteran quarterback at the helm while trying to set up the team for future success. It's a narrow needle to thread, especially when third-stringer Tommy DeVito is the only quarterback on yo…
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1:02:47Sunt entuziasmat să îți prezint un nou episod al podcast-ului Educat și Bogat, și de data aceasta am un invitat de excepție: Mihai Dinica. Mihai Dinica este din Bucuresti si este la baza programator. In 2018 a achizionat primul lui apartament, in Brasov, cu scopul de a-l inchiria in Regim Hotelier. Fara niciun fel de experienta in domeniul asta, da…
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Astăzi am discutat despre doi autori importanți din secolul XVIII, Helvetius și d'Holbach, care au avut un rol esențial în iluminismul radical. Acești gânditori, mai radicali chiar decât Diderot, erau materialiști și atei, critici ai monarhiei și ai vechiului regim. D'Holbach a scris mult despre creștinism, politică și societate, publicându-și lucr…
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Si eres boricua y no apoyas a Trump eres un hipocrita | Razo, Richie(Hablemos Sin Gritar) & Omar
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1:46:25Merch https://quetalsihablamos.liveEstamos en Patreon: Aqui los links de todas las plataformas en las que nos encontramos:Spotify: Lugar Con La Video Version): Podcast(Nuevo):…
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On dit « monde paysan » mais quoi de commun entre le céréalier de la Beauce qui se dit « entrepreneur » et pas agriculteur, le maraîcher bio de Normandie opposé à l’industrialisation et la concentration et l’éleveur de bovins de la Nièvre, militant du bien-être animal ? Charlotte Perry est partie en campagne à leur rencontre. Voilà trois moments da…
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Řekli vám v kurzu seberozvoje, že jen vy jste strůjcem svého úspěchu? Lhali! Váš úspěch ve skutečnosti často závisí na tom, koho potkáte. A je jedno, jestli jde o místo v životě, nebo ve vlaku. A co na to Jan Werich?
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Breaking Down Another Disastrous Season
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1:02:26James and Sam dive into a heated debate over the primary reasons behind yet another disappointing and failed season. They dissect the biggest issues and assign percentages of blame across four key categories: 1️⃣ Players – Did underperformance or lack of effort play the biggest role? 2️⃣ Coaching – Were poor strategies and decisions a major factor?…
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A Giant Issue: Giants and Titans w/ Turron Davenport Coach Gene Clemons is back from the NFL Combine and he is talking with Turron Davenport ESPN NFL Nation reporter for the Tennessee Titans. They discuss the lack of buzz at the combine, Shedeur Sanders and Cam Ward'd press conference. Aaron Rodgers. Rumors about the Giants contacting the Titans to…
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Aqui los links de todas las plataformas en las que nos encontramos:Spotify: Lugar Con La Video Version): Podcast(Nuevo): Radio:…
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On dit « monde paysan » mais quoi de commun entre le céréalier de la Beauce qui se dit « entrepreneur » et pas agriculteur, le maraîcher bio de Normandie opposé à l’industrialisation et la concentration et l’éleveur de bovins de la Nièvre, militant du bien-être animal ? Charlotte Perry est partie en campagne à leur rencontre. Voilà trois moments da…
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On dit « monde paysan » mais quoi de commun entre le céréalier de la Beauce qui se dit « entrepreneur » et pas agriculteur, le maraîcher bio de Normandie opposé à l’industrialisation et la concentration et l’éleveur de bovins de la Nièvre, militant du bien-être animal ? Charlotte Perry est partie en campagne à leur rencontre. Voilà trois moments da…
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Combine Trade Winds Forecast Matthew Stafford to Giants
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3:03:32One might think that the NFL Draft would dominate the conversation, with well over 320 prospects auditioning for jobs at the Combine in Indianapolis. Think again. The league's quarterback puzzle was being discussed in all corners of the city, specifically involving the New York Giants and Los Angeles Rams star Matthew Stafford. Can the Rams and Sta…
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Denis Diderot este una dintre figurile emblematice ale secolului al XVIII-lea, cunoscut în special pentru coordonarea monumentalului proiect "Encyclopedia". Această lucrare nu este doar un simplu dicționar, ci un dicționar critic al ideilor și cunoașterii, simbolizând dorința iluministă de a răspândi cunoașterea nu doar printre elite, ci și în rând…
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Mathieu Bosque est président du petit parti de François Ruffin, Picardie debout !. Il est l’invité de Laurence De Cock dans ce nouvel épisode de « Si j’aurais su » pour son livre « À la recherche des profs perdus » qui sort aux éditions de l’Aube.
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A Giant Issue: Combine Week! It is officially NFL Combine Week and Coach Gene Clemons is here to tell you some of the things you should know before everything kicks into high gear. He explains why he believes that players not participating should not be allowed to attend. He also discusses why it is a great leadership move for Shedeur Sanders and C…
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A Giant Issue: We're Talking Quarterbacks! Coach Gene Clemons is back discussing where Matthew Stafford belongs in the quarterback rankings. He also responds to comments made on the Big Blue Kickoff. He discusses why 2nd and 3rd round quarterbacks do not have more success. Make sure you subscribe to the channel and leave a comment. Want More New Yo…
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Sam and James discuss their first impressions of Charlotte's new additions Nurkic, Baugh, Moore Jr and Payton. Before in part 2 (33 min) discussing what success looks like for the final third of the season and what Charlotte's lottery odds will look like. Check out Charlotte Hornets on SI for the latest news and analysis 💻:…
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Behind the curtains with Gino Rivera
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1:00:42Merch https://quetalsihablamos.liveEstamos en Patreon: Aqui los links de todas las plataformas en las que nos encontramos:Spotify: Lugar Con La Video Version): Podcast(Nuevo):…
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Attics & Eric are back to discuss Mark Williams return to the Hornets. They also discuss the Hornets big win against the LA Lakers. Check out Charlotte Hornets on SI for the latest news and analysis 💻: Part of the Fans First Sports Network: Follow Hornets on SI on X Follow…
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Giambattista Vico este un gânditor napolitan din secolul XVIII, cunoscut pentru lucrarea sa "Scienza Nuova" (Știința Nouă), în care propune o împărțire a istoriei în trei etape: teocratică, eroică și umană. Într-o epocă dominată de raționalism, Vico acordă o importanță deosebită imaginației și religiei, pe care le consideră fundamentale pentru civi…
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Big Blue Breakdown: Sizing Up Giants' Potential Moves
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2:33:57The NFL's tagging window has opened, and the proposed salary cap appears to be higher than anticipated. How do these factors affect the New York Giants' plans as they begin re-tooling their roster over the next two months? General manager Joe Schoen understands how important it is for the franchise to show significant improvement this season, and t…
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Une enquête pour prise illégale d’intérêts a été ouverte le 13 février au sujet du financement par ARTE des documentaires de Bernard-Henri LÉVY alors qu’il est président du conseil de surveillance de la chaîne ARTE depuis 1993. Une occasion de retrouver trois de nos émissions consacrées à notre pompeux cornichon, fanfaron adulé par les médias les p…
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Une enquête pour prise illégale d’intérêts a été ouverte le 13 février au sujet du financement par ARTE des documentaires de Bernard-Henri LÉVY alors qu’il est président du conseil de surveillance de la chaîne ARTE depuis 1993. Une occasion de retrouver trois de nos émissions consacrées à notre pompeux cornichon, fanfaron adulé par les médias les p…
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Une enquête pour prise illégale d’intérêts a été ouverte le 13 février au sujet du financement par ARTE des documentaires de Bernard-Henri LÉVY alors qu’il est président du conseil de surveillance de la chaîne ARTE depuis 1993. Une occasion de retrouver trois de nos émissions consacrées à notre pompeux cornichon, fanfaron adulé par les médias les p…
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¿Cuan malo esta el dating hoy dia? Junto a Gilsa
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1:19:56Merch https://quetalsihablamos.liveEstamos en Patreon: Aqui los links de todas las plataformas en las que nos encontramos:Spotify: Lugar Con La Video Version): Podcast(Nuevo):…
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A Giant Issue: Can The Giants Afford Stafford? Coach Gene Clemons is back as he discusses the big headline of the week. The Giants and whether or not they have interest in LA Rams quarterback Matthew Stafford. He discusses why it might cost more than the Giants and Giants fans realize to bring in the 37-year-old vet. Want More New York Giants Cover…
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Astăzi am discutat despre Voltaire, o figură centrală a secolului XVIII, cunoscut pentru prolificitatea sa literară și influența sa asupra contemporanilor. A trăit 84 de ani și a scris tragedii, romane filozofice, cărți de istorie și filozofie, având o corespondență vastă cu personalități importante ale vremii, inclusiv regi și împărați. Voltaire a…
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Big Blue Breakdown: Giants' best free agent signings
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2:07:00Who are some of the New York Giants' best free-agent signings in the salary cap era? Join Big Blue Breakdown host Paul Dottino as he gives his picks, takes your questions, and talks about all things New York Giants. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:…
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Coach Gene Clemons is back with smoke for Giants fans who felt disrepected by Michael Strahan waving the Eagles flag in an interview with Saquon Barkley before Super Bowl 59. He is disturbed by the narrative on WFAN and he agrees with the sentiment of Amani Toomer. Come join the discussion. Want More New York Giants Coverage? Visit Giants on SI for…
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Coach Gene Clemons is joined by Emory Hunt of CBS Sports. The author of the Football Gameplan 2025 Football Draft Guide 👇🏿 They discuss the art of talking in person, Shedeur and Cam as the future of New York Giants football. They also talk Jameis Winston's value and they discuss upcoming places Emory wil…
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Coach Gene Clemons is down in New Orleans at the Super Bowl on Radio Row for media week. He is discussing the comments made by Saquon Barkley about Jameis Winston and he talks about why adding Winston is a great option for the Giants. Want More New York Giants Coverage? Visit Giants on SI for more New York Giants content, video, analysis, and exclu…
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Už víte, čím chcete být? Jestli hledáte kariérního poradce, najdete ho v nás. Poradíme vám, jak si položit ty správné otázky, jak pomoc svou prací lidstvu i sobě – a taky nabízíme pár konkrétních povolání: Líbilo by se vám testovat tobogány? Očichávat podpaží? Dojit hady? Být nočním doplňovačem zboží v Tescu? A není vaším dětským snem dělat v kraví…
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Hornets Dispute Rescinded Mark Williams Trade + LaMelo Ball All-Star Snub (Again)
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1:03:26Sam and James dive into the drama surrounding the rescinded Mark Williams trade, and its impact, before shifting to a discussion about Trae Young being chosen over LaMelo Ball as an All-Star replacement (47 min). Check out Charlotte Hornets on SI for the latest news and analysis 💻: Part of the Fans First Sports Network: ht…
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« Vive la Conf' », épisode 06 : Laurence Marandola, éleveuse de lamas et porte-parole de la Confédération paysanne
Antoine Chao rencontre Laurence Marandola, éleveuse de lamas en Ariège et porte-parole nationale de la Confédération paysanne, pour une analyse des résultats des élections des chambres d’agriculture.
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¿Jennifer es la version inversa de Trump? Junto a Gilsa
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1:20:10Merch https://quetalsihablamos.liveEstamos en Patreon: Aqui los links de todas las plataformas en las que nos encontramos:Spotify: Lugar Con La Video Version): Podcast(Nuevo):…
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James Plowright and Sam Dracula are joined by Hornets beat writer Matt Alquiza to discuss a dramatic trade deadline day. In part 1 they discusses the Hornets surprising decision to trade Mark Williams for Dalton Knecht, Cam Reddish and future picks (Very good ones). Then, in part 2 (25 mins) they analyze Charlotte's second move of the day, trading …
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Montesquieu este un autor fascinant, cunoscut pentru operele sale esențiale precum "Despre spiritul legilor" și "Scrisorile persane". În aceste lucrări, el explorează teme importante, cum ar fi cauzele creșterii și decăderii Imperiului Roman, oferind lecții istorice relevante pentru contemporaneitatea sa. Despotismul este un subiect central în scri…
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Big Blue Breakdown Live: Giants All-time Super Bowl lineup
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3:03:59The New York Giants' recent woes have made it somewhat difficult for many to remember just how fantastic the franchise did to win four Super Bowl rings in five trips, starting with the 1986 edition that hammered the Denver Broncos (XXI) to grab its first Vince Lombardi Trophy. So this was as good a time to jar the memory banks of those five title g…
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Blockbuster Trade Ripple Effects For The Charlotte Hornets
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1:06:44After a week of blockbuster NBA Trades, Sam and James discuss how the potential ripple effects could effect the Charlotte Hornets? The impact on Dallas' 2027 1st Round Pick which the Hornets own Does the De'Aaron Fox trade set the potential market for LaMelo Ball Lessons from how DAL/SAC traded their star players, what has Jeff Peterson learned? Wh…
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Merch https://quetalsihablamos.liveEstamos en Patreon: Aqui los links de todas las plataformas en las que nos encontramos:Spotify: Lugar Con La Video Version): Podcast(Nuevo):…
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Une série d’Antoine Chao avec les paysannes et les paysans d’Ariège. Premier épisode : Kévin et Agnès, éleveurs de brebis à Saverdun.
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Mark and Tim discuss today's news that LaMelo Ball was not named an All-Star. In addition, they discuss the legal troubles of Terry Rozier, Josh Okogie's debut, and of course- media corner. Learn more about your ad choices. VisitΑπό τον James Plowright
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George Berkeley, episcop irlandez și filozof idealist, este cunoscut pentru teoria sa cunoscutăd drept de „idealism subiectiv”, exprimată prin fraza „esse est percipi” (a fi înseamnă a fi perceput). El contestă materialismul și dualismul lui Locke și Descartes, susținând că nu există materie independentă de percepția noastră. Berkeley crede că mate…
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Big Blue Breakdown Live! Pondering New York Giants Draft Strategy
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1:41:29The New York Giants have made it clear that they must address their quarterback situation, but general manager Joe Schoen isn't committing to a specific plan for doing so. What should the team do if the two high-profile quarterbacks are off the board by the third pick? How does the depth of the NFL Draft fit the franchise's other needs on the roste…
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Inside The Hive: Winning Reasons Draft + Lakers Discussion, LaMelo/Miller news
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1:02:20In part 1 Sam and James start the show discussing another LaMelo Ball injury, Okogie's impact and key takeaways from the loss to the Lakers. In Part 2 (29 min) they conduct a draft of the key reasons why the Hornets performances have improved as of late. Including; LaMelo Ball's change in style, a softer schedule, Salaun going MIA, Coaching, Mark W…
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Elsa Faucillon : « pendant l'examen du budget, le RN est venu plusieurs fois au secours des macronistes »
Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, la prison, les migrants, le renouvellement du PCF : la députée des Hauts-de-Seine Elsa Faucillon raconte tous ses combats à Laurence De Cock dans ce nouvel épisode du podcast « Si j’aurais su ».
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Sledování Love Is Blind je v podstatě kurz seberozvoje pro průměrné a neúspěšné. Fakt. A to tahle seznamovací reality show nemusí být zrovna vaše guilty pleasure. Jak zakrýt nedostatky? Jak prezentovat svoji sebehodnotu? Jak říct, co chcete i nechcete? To vše v buňkách najdete spolu s osudovou láskou. A samozřejmě se taky zasmějeme největším bizárů…
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El Renacer Ft Felix
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:34:50Merch https://quetalsihablamos.liveEstamos en Patreon: Aqui los links de todas las plataformas en las que nos encontramos:Spotify: Lugar Con La Video Version): Podcast(Nuevo):…
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Coach Gene Clemons is back discussing the Saquon Barkley situation. He has led the Philadelphia Eagles to an NFC championship and a Superbowl berth. CGC talks about the feeling many Giants fans must be having right now and why the team never truly built the team around Saquon. He also discusses some choice words from Giants general manager Joe Scho…
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