A variety progrum. Smug, Holmes, Duncan, and Ashbrook bring next generation conservative talk to the next level with RUTHLESS. There is no shelter for anyone as the fellas provide a lighter analysis of the news (and fake news) of the day.
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Rutina je podcast magazínu Closer zo skupiny SME o kráse a biznise s krásou. Redaktorka Tímea Krauszová v ňom s kožnými lekárkami, odborníkmi na výživu či s ľuďmi z prostredí nechtových, vlasových a kozmetických salónov kriticky rozoberá kozmetiku, beauty trendy a procedúry.
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audycja o duchowym dziedzictwie Kościoła Katolickiego
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Fr. John Rutten shares his homilies, speaks of the things that provoke him, and encourages us to grow in our belief that Christ dwells among us.
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Crisp conversations with critical thinkers at the leading edge of science, technology, politics, and social systems.
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Official on-demand audio content from Rutgers Athletics
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Chronicling the 2002-2008 period of World Wrestling Entertainment that brought us John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista and so much more.
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Rutgers experts Brian Fonseca and Pat Lanni discuss the latest news and hot topics surrounding the team. With host Steve Politi.
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Ruth Milstein, author of the Gourmand award-winning cookbook ”Cooking with Love: Ventures into the New Israeli Cuisine,” dishes out fun, easy, healthy, and budget-friendly family cooking and recipes.
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Francisco Ortega con misterios y mitos que te rodean sin que lo sepas.
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Host Larry K discusses Rutgers athletics, including Football and men’s Basketball
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A Podcast with Rutgers Episcopal Chaplain Father Scott Russel and Protestant Chaplain Pastor Matt Murphy. Conversations for students from all walks of life about being spiritual at Rutgers University.
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Bienvenidos a ROMPIENDO LA RUTINA PODCAST. Mi nombre es Aleyda y quiero compartir con ustedes información y opiniones sobre temas variados, siempre desde mi perspectiva como mujer, cantante y persona ciega. ¿Qué dicen? ¿Se unen a esta aventura. Sean felices y recuerden vivir siempre, rompiendo la rutina. rompiendolarutinapodcast@gmail.com
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Cultivating connected followers of Christ
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Misterios sin resolver, fenómenos paranormales, leyendas, enigmas históricos, conspiraciones reales, ufología… cada viernes te invitamos a descubrir un nuevo rincón de la España mágica de la mano de los escritores y periodistas que componen el equipo de Rutas Misteriosas, la primera red global de rutas de misterio (www.rutasmisteriosas.es)
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.Ru .
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Esse canal de podcast é produzido pela jornalista Anna Ruth Dantas. Com abordagem sobre as notícias do dia-dia, comentários sobre política, o espaço tem o compromisso com o jornalismo imparcial e o noticiário de qualidade. Inscreva-se pelo whattsApp 84 9 8716-8787 e acesse www.annaruth.com.br
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Le invito a caminar por las Rutas que nos llevan al crecimiento personal. Caminemos lado a lado para transformar nuestro mundo interior. ¿Caminamos?
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Some days, all you need is an honest conversation with a friend who’s been there… but scheduling a coffee date feels impossible. Join Ruth Chou Simons, bestselling author, artist, and founder of GraceLaced, as she seeks to apply the gospel to her everyday life and help you do the same. Tune in for a coffee date you didn’t have to schedule to chat real life and real application of God’s Word.
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Im neuen BR-Podcast "Kaffee, extra schwarz" sprechen der Autor Ahmad Mansour und der Journalist Oliver Mayer-Rüth über das, was Deutschland bewegt: Polarisierung, Kriminalität, Krieg, Migration, Leistungsbereitschaft, Bildungsmisere. In knapp 30 Minuten beleuchten die beiden unterhaltsam, fundiert, provokant ein wichtiges Thema. Mansour und Mayer-Rüth haben einen speziellen Blick auf Deutschland, geprägt von einem Lebensabschnitt in Israel, einem gemeinsamen Filmprojekt und der Haltung mitte ...
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We are a semi-weekly radio show focused on discussing issues that affect our communities including politics, culture, the economy, our health, and all the issues that affects the daily lives of working people. We hope that through these difficult conversations, we can identify the root causes of these issues and increase our understanding as a community.
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Podcast dedicado al legado musical de Jamaica y su influencia en todo el mundo.
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Life-Study of the Bible with Witness Lee is a 30-minute radio broadcast composed of excerpts from Witness Lee's spoken ministry that focuses on the enjoyment of the divine life as revealed in the Scriptures. The ministry portions are followed by a discussion of the portion presented, including questions and answers.
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Welcome to the Rut and River Pursuits Podcast. Join our epic pro staff around the sonic campfire for stories of our adventures from our Eastern Mountains to the Chesapeake salt. Let our highs and lows inspire you to take to the outdoors.
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Welcome to The Ruthless Aggression Podcast. Join us as we critique WWE through the years 2002-2008 to answer the question: Was this REALLY an era? https://www.patreon.com/RAPod
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Jodidamente viva
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This podcast is all about offering fresh perspectives on progressive leadership. Ruth Farenga, Founder of Conscious Leaders invites leaders who are doing something particularly innovative or radical in the way they lead their people. They give us a unique insight into their approach, what’s working, their challenges and their personal philosophy behind it. We hope you enjoy! New episodes once a month. Visit www.consciousleaders.org.uk for more about Ruth and their business.
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Welcome to the Soulful Sales Show where we talk about believing in the value of your offers, getting them in front of your right people, and selling more of what you do in YOUR unique way. Find out more at https://ruthpoundwhite.com or follow Ruth on Instagram @ruthpoundwhite
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Every Sunday, Pastor Jack would say, “If you will grab hold of this message, it will change your life,” and we can all vouch that it did. Pastor Jack Ruth, or Pastor Jack, as we called him, and Peggy Joyce started Living Word Church in Brownwood, Texas. They pastored together from the '80s to “retirement” in the early 2000s. Jack’s childlike faith set the vision and foundation for the church and the Psalm 91 ministry that followed. At one of the recordings with Sid Roth where Peggy Joyce was ...
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Peggy Joyce Ruth, aka "the Psalm 91 Lady" is author of a variety of Psalm 91 book titles with over six million copies in print. She taught a weekly Adult Bible Study for more than 35 years in her church in Central Texas as she shared how to make God’s Word your final authority. Known for her easy-to-understand style of communicating the Word of God and warm storytelling, Peggy Joyce's heart is that her books and teachings will bring you into the same freedom from fear she experienced and hel ...
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Hello everyone !
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God does not require us to be perfect and there are no written instructions on how to achieve perfection because it is an unachievable goal. Rather, He simply wants us to have the heart to work at developing our relationship with Him. Named for Ruth in the Bible, Ruth Speaks is a faith-based podcast designed specifically for the perfectly, imperfect believer of God. Podcast episodes are intended to challenge you to take inventory of your relationship with God and to think about different way ...
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Faculty, staff, and guest experts from the Edward J. Bloustein School at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey talk about public policy, urban planning, public health, health administration, and informatics.
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About two best friends Dave and Julia and their crazy life stories.
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Hi this is Noah and family
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This Bible teaching Podcast is a verse by verse, chapter by chapter, book by book expository teaching across the entire Bible, from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Revelation. This in-depth and, in context Bible teaching program will transform your life! Be ready, as your life will never be the same! New Episode Every Other Day @ 4PM (PST)
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Are you stuck in a rut? If you are, you know how hard it is to get out. This podcast will help you with very great insights and steps to help you get out of the rut, reinvent yourself and create and enjoy the life of your dreams. Thais Glenn is a Transformational Coach and Certified Life Coach. She's ready to guide you through this journey to rewire your brain with a Neuroscience approach that will blow your mind. You will love it!
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Whether you’re a seasoned outdoorsman or just curious about what drives a rugged and relentless lifestyle, Rugged & Ruthless is packed with laughs, inspiration, and a genuine celebration of perseverance. Special thanks to veterans, first responders, and teachers—you’re the real heroes. Follow Duck Blind Mafia https://www.dbmgear.com/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/duckblindmafia/ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@duckblindmafia X - https://x.com/DuckBlindMafia Follow Punchline Producti ...
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Listen as Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse and other Ruth Institute experts join different podcast hosts to discuss current affairs, up-to-date research, and how to defend marriage, family, and civilization. Don’t miss out as Dr. Morse’ brings her wit, expertise, and life experience to various situations to equip the hosts and their audiences to defend the family. Dr. Morse is a highly sought-after speaker who has traveled the world over presenting on family and life issues, most notably the effect ...
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Sportbladets Johan Flinck och Kristianstadsbladets Robin Nilsson snackar handboll och media; ibland med gäster, ibland utan gäster; ibland på allvar, ibland på mindre allvar; ibland bakom kulisserna, ibland framför. Kort sagt: vi är er kajplats i handbollsetern.
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Queremos probar la mayor variedad y cantidad de cerveza!
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Join Alex Rutledge along with Co-Host Wayne Lach & Mike "Redbone" Crase as we cover a variety of topics from Deer Hunting, Turkey Hunting, Fishing and today's top headlines...... all while Sharing our Faith! We will also have Special Guest appearances from some of the Hunting Industry's biggest names and Country Music Stars you all love!
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For more than 30 years The River Cafe in London, has been the home-from-home of artists, architects, designers, actors, collectors, writers, activists, and politicians. Michael Caine, Glenn Close, JJ Abrams, Steve McQueen, Victoria and David Beckham, and Lily Allen, are just some of the people who love to call The River Cafe home. On River Cafe Table 4, Rogers sits down with her customers—who have become friends—to talk about food memories. Table 4 explores how food impacts every aspect of o ...
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Join Father Scott and Matt on another episode of "Being Spiritual at RU" as we discuss an important faith journey on the church calendar: Ash Wednesday and Lent. We discuss the history of Lent and Ash Wednesday as well as ideas of what to fast from and why. Join us on our Lenten Journey this Spring!Από τον Matt Murphy
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En este episodio, les presento una interesante entrevista con el Dr. Victor Vázquez, antropólogo sociocultural quien promueve su primer libro, 'Resistiendo la gentrificación en Puerto Rico' . El libro está a la venta en las librerías más importantes de Puerto Rico y en libros787.com Síganme en las redes sociales. Facebook: Aleyda María Oficial. Ins…
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In our search…our desire Jesus shows up.Από τον Fr. John Rutten
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God does always do the way we do. We would have our child born in the best hospital, God had His born in a manger. We would send our children to the best schools in the land, God trained His Son in a carpenter's shop and in the wilderness. What we would do and what God wants to do are often very different.…
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This is program 1 of the Life-Study of Judges with Witness Lee.Από τον Living Stream Ministry
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This is program 14 of the Life-Study of Joshua with Witness Lee.Από τον Living Stream Ministry
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Join the fellas as they break down the brackets and seeds for all your favorite journo hacks for the fifth Hack Madness special episode of the Ruthless Variety Progrum.Από τον Josh Holmes, Michael Duncan, John Ashbrook, Comfortably Smug
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T2•59 Los experimentos secretos de la antigua URSS
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:02:08 Aunque lo que vamos a contar esta noche parece sacado de una novela de ciencia ficción, en realidad, todo proviene de los archivos secretos de una de las grandes potencias del siglo XX. En plena Guerra Fría, la KGB no se limitó a espiar, sino que su facción más esotérica llevó a cabo experimentos secretos con los que pretendía crear asesinos impl…
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Ever felt the fear of setting a big goal and wondering, what if it doesn’t work? That little voice can hold you back from success—whether it's in weight loss, business, or personal growth. In this episode, I want to show you how to shift your mindset from hoping for success to knowing it’s inevitable. 💡 We’ll explore: ✔️ Why your current identity s…
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This is program 13 of the Life-Study of Joshua with Witness Lee.Από τον Living Stream Ministry
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A proposta de pena de morte para quem assassinar policiais
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Primeiras do dia 21 de março de 2025
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Set Free : Freedom FightGalations 5: 16-26Speaker Monty WaldronΑπό τον Fellowship Bible Church - Murfreesboro
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Send us a text This week we welcome Jahred Gamez Social Media Liaison for Spandau Arms a U.S. based Shotgun Manufacturer. Jahred shares the story of how Spandau came to be and how they designed their shotguns specifically with the hunter in mind. But first we talk local and national sports in the first segment. Missouri Hunting Heritage Federation:…
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This is program 12 of the Life-Study of Joshua with Witness Lee.Από τον Living Stream Ministry
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Democrats’ TOP 5 Most Unhinged Anti-Trump Takes
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1:40:06What are the top 5 most unhinged anti-Trump takes? Will the champion finally meet his match in King of the Hill? ESPN's Tom Crean joins the progrum. Tell your senator and member of Congress to work with President Trump and sell more spectrum. Go to EndTheCableopoly.org. Find out the true power of America's oil and natural gas. Go to LightsOnEnergy.…
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União Brasil e PP farão federação, o que muda no RN
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Primeiras do dia 20 de março de 2025
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Bassmaster Pro Fishing - Guest Host Dylan Fogarty
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1:01:36This week around the Sonic Campfire, the crew is joined by 2 time Bassmaster High School All-American and Bassmaster Opens EQ Pro, Dylan Fogarty. We ran into Dylan at the Great American Outdoor Show and couldn't wait to get him on for a chat. He joined us in studio...listen in as we get the know Dylan and his life as a Professional Fisherman. Check…
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In this bonus episode of Ruthie's Table 4, BAFTA-winning and Oscar-nominated director Luca Guadagnino discusses pasta and the diversity of Italian food from different regions. Ruthie's Table 4, made in partnership with Moncler. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Από τον iHeartPodcasts
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Please listen to this teaching as many times as it takes to start truly overcoming the enemy and getting his schemes underneath your feet. It is vital that believers learn to walk in their God-given authority. God put mankind in authority over the earth, but we handed it over to Satan in the garden. Now, through what Jesus did on the cross, we have…
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Misja w Tanzanii, wśród Masajów, była dla Katarzyny Pytlarz nie tylko wyjazdem pomocowym, ale także duchową podróżą. W całej tej historii wyraźnie zaznaczała się obecność świętego Józefa, którego opieka towarzyszyła jej od początku do końca. To do niego zawierzyła swoją misję, prosząc o prowadzenie i ochronę. Jesteśmy tu dla Was i rozwijamy się dzi…
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Catholic Sexual Morality is NOT out of Date | Richard Doerflinger on the Dr. J Show, episode 274
Catholicism is one of the last holdouts against contraception, abortion, euthanasia, sex outside of marriage, and more. The Church’s moral teachings ultimately protect people from heartache, illness, broken families, and, especially in the case of abortion, death. And yet, these teachings have opponents even within the Catholic Church’s hierarchy. …
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Even when things aren't playing out as you'd hoped, you can rejoice! In this episode, Ruth reflects on a social media post from 2020 and the power of YET in the truth she's (still!) preaching to herself. Scripture Referenced Psalm 42 Psalm 103 Habakkuk 3:17-18 Resources Mentioned S1 | Preach To Yourself (The GraceLaced Podcast) GraceLaced Verse Car…
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This is program 11 of the Life-Study of Joshua with Witness Lee.Από τον Living Stream Ministry
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O projeto do deputado coronel Azevedo
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Primeiras do dia 19 de março de 2025
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Jim talks with Emil Ejner Friis about political metamodernism and what comes after postmodernism. They discuss the "woke vacuum" & its failure to include common folks, psychosocial problems vs material challenges in Western countries, Jim's pushback on postmodernism, Trump as the first postmodern president, personal vs institutional change, emotion…
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*Podporte podcast Rutina v aplikácii Toldo a získajte prístup k extra obsahu na sme.sk/extrarutina Legitímnu prírodnú kozmetiku si len tak doma v hrnci navariť a potom predávať nemôžeš. Je za tým oveľa viac práce, a aj oveľa viac nákladov, nehovoriac o zákonoch a pravidlách. V novej epizóde Rutina sa dozvieš, ako sa po správnosti vyrába prírodná ko…
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What Is Really Behind The Democrats’ Civil War?
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:02:04The left is turning on Chuck Schumer. Democrats are infighting while the party sinks to an all-time low approval rating. Trump uses the Alien Enemies Act to deport some bad hombres. The fellas play the most challenging game of Dem or Journo yet. Tell your senator and member of Congress to work with President Trump and sell more spectrum. Go to EndT…
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This is program 10 of the Life-Study of Joshua with Witness Lee.Από τον Living Stream Ministry
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Nova proposta para o pagamento do piso dos professores do Governo do RN
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Primeiras do dia 18 de março de 2025
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Was ist antisemitisch? Was ist legitime Israelkritik? Darüber diskutieren Mansour und Mayer-Rüth mit dem Rap-Musiker Ben Salomo. Im neuen BR-Podcast "Kaffee, extra schwarz" sprechen der Autor Ahmad Mansour und der Journalist Oliver Mayer-Rüth über das, was Deutschland bewegt: Polarisierung, Kriminalität, Krieg, Migration, Leistungsbereitschaft, Bil…
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What I know about Luca Guadagnino is, of course, the films he's made. But what I know from Luca is how passionate he is about food. Friends tell me Luca has three kitchens at his home in Piemonte, including one elaborately equipped for pastries, and a special room for keeping vinegar and dried herbs from his garden. Food not only plays a strong ro…
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God is Love! And, what does God’s love for you look like? Learn more about God’s kind of love as you listen to this teaching series on God's love and self-love. Click Links Below For More Bible Teaching Resources: Dr Ruth’s Testimonial Book www.DrRuthHealingTestimony.com Website For Donations: www.DrRuthTanyi.org/Donate E-Bookstore www.DrRuthTanyi.…
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En la década de los 70 se hizo famoso el concepto del Triángulo de las Bermudas, pero esa misteriosa zona no estaba sola: para los 80 aparecieron informes similares en otros lugares y uno de ellos fue apuntado en el norte de Chile. Sobre eso conversa Francisco Ortega junto a Hugo Riquelme, un amigo de la casa, autor de El Triángulo de Cerro Moreno.…
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En este episodio, recibimos al trompetista, arreglista y maestro, Julito Alvarado, quien celebra sus 40 años de trayectoria musical con un magistral album llamado 'My musical journey' . Síganme en las redes sociales. Facebook: Aleyda María Oficial. Instagram y Twitter: aleyda_oficial. No olviden buscar el podcast en su plataforma favorita y suscrib…
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