De 2.ª a 6.ª, às 8h35, Ana Garcia Martins dá aquele saborzinho mais ácido ao Café da Manhã. Temas de atualidade, aconselhamento amoroso, os mexericos mais calientes… Tudo isto e mais ainda, sempre no tom sarcástico com que vê a vida. Porque afinal… Ninguém POD com ela!
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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Os podcasts FridayBoyz
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Retrouvez tous les journaux diffusés sur l’antenne de RFI pour suivre l’actualité internationale, africaine, politique, culturelle ou sportive. Télécharger les podcasts pour écouter ou réécouter les journaux de RFI.
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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Antes de dormir....refletir
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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is founder of Waterkeeper Alliance, as well as founder of Children’s Health Defense. Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. The RFK Jr Podcast features Mr. Kennedy interviewing guests. Produced by David Whiteside. For full bio of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, please visit:
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Gano dukkan shirye-shirye da labaran RFI
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É a lista das tuas músicas preferidas. Vota durante a semana e ouve ao domingo, entre as 6 e as 8 da tarde. Quem faz as contas e apresenta os resultados é o Paulo Fragoso que conta com a produção do Pedro Simões e a produção sonora do José Pedro Pereira.
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Makala ya kila siku yanayompa fursa msikilizaji kutoa maoni yake juu ya habari zilizopewa uzito wa juu kwa siku husika. Msikilizaji hushiriki kwa kutuma ujumbe mfupi pamoja na kupiga simu.
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"Grandes reportajes de RFI", un programa que permite, detrás de las noticias, explorar un tema, un lugar, una problemática. Con nuestros reporteros en el mundo entero.
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Следите за новостями политики, культуры и спорта круглосуточно в передачах RFI в прямом эфире. Последние новости Франции и мира
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Remove thyroid nodules without surgery. Consider ablation instead, the non-surgical way to treat benign and malignant thyroid nodules. Hosted by Philip James from the Doctor Thyroid podcast.
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The Metro is the New Wave, Post-Punk, and 1980s retro-music show.
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Todos los noticieros de RFI para seguir la actualidad mundial.
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Bringing you bands from the hard rock and metal genres.
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The Devil’s Mischief brings you comedy clips and occasional novelty songs in a way that’s not for the masses.
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En "El invitado de RFI", Radio Francia Internacional recibe a un invitado en sus estudios, sobre la actualidad política o cultural.
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Inspiration for all. Tune in as Pastor Rema Spencer shares God's heart from the Holy Scriptures. As you listen to these Anointed messages, may you experience the urgency of the Holy Spirit to be a witness of Love and Truth in these final days! "It is time to awaken! For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed" (Rom 13:11). Learn more about RFM Connect at
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Entrevistas diárias com pessoas de todas as áreas. Artistas, cientistas, professores, economistas, analistas ou personalidades políticas que vivem na França ou estão de passagem por aqui, são convidadas para falar sobre seus projetos e realizações. A conversa é filmada e o vídeo pode ser visto no nosso site.
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O podcast Marketing por Idiotas aborda temas de marketing digital, publicidade e tendências do setor. Apresentado por especialistas e por vezes convidados, o programa discute estratégias, cases de sucesso, redes sociais, SEO, branding e inovação, oferecendo insights práticos e atuais
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Os teus filhos cantam? Então envia-nos o áudio/vídeo para o Whatsapp RFM 962 007 888 com nome do pequeno cantor, nome da música e localidade!
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We are a podcast dedicated to covering all things DC United, Loudoun United, Washington Spirit and the men's and women's US National Team. Primarily though, we are a podcast for the fans of DC United by two fans of DC United. If you want to hear more about DCU, and want to hear two guys who mostly know what they’re talking about, you’ve found your pod. We’re gonna say DC United a few more times so we come up when you’re searching for DC United.
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Join Matt Brennan, Assoc. AIA as he discusses the day-to-day life in the Contract and Construction Administration world. This podcast bridges the gap between Architects, Designers, Engineers, consultants and General Contractors as they work through Construction Administration (CA) related items. Each episode focuses on the challenges, techniques and technology to help navigate through the fast-paced construction industry. How many RFIs did you get this week?
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«Le Club RFI, de loin l'émission la plus proche». Le Club RFI, le rendez-vous des initiatives. Chaque semaine, les Clubs RFI participent à l’émission. Ils présentent leurs initiatives, sur les thèmes de la santé, l’environnement, la francophonie, le sport, l’humanitaire… Le cousin : Le club invite une personnalité, un exemple de réussite (artiste, écrivain, peintre, entrepreneur…). Pour finir : la musique, le proverbe et l’agenda des activités des clubs. Le Club RFI, une émission présentée p ...
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The Official podcast of Real Fans 4 Real Movies (RF4RM). We leave the pretension at the door because all opinions matter - even if they're wrong. We discuss the type of movies real people go to see. Art house flicks and contemporary silent films are fine but we're passionate about all movies, even the sucky ones. We'll talk about our favorite new releases, news and rumors, our favorite mobile movie apps, movie trivia, film making and much more! Get your ass to the movies then come join us!
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Bringing you information, strategies, or resources to help you Win more business through Requests for Proposal (RFPs).
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Só Grandes Músicas.
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The Official Podcast of St.Helens R.F.C.
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Bienvenido al canal de javy RF donde sucederán cosas impresionante al ritmo de su excelente trabajo
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RFP training is the best way to get a brilliant marketing strategy AT
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Reality TV Podcast - Survivor Podcast - Amazing Race Podcast - Big Brother Podcast - RFF Radio
Rob and Trevor - Survivor Podcast - Amazing Race Podcast - Big Brother Podcast - Reality TV Podcast
The Reality TV Podcast discusses all the latest happenings in the world Reality TV, including recaps and commentary of shows like Survivor, The Amazing Race, Big Brother, American Idol, The Mole, The Apprentice, Project Runway & other Reality Television shows that are on air right now. Plus, interviews with your favorite Reality TV Stars, the day after they are kicked off their show!! And all of this fun is packed into a weekly podcast, the best and #1 rated Reality TV Podcast on the entire ...
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Discussions on investing, entrepreneurship, and overall financial literacy.
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Podcast para escuchar nuestras mejores selecciones musicales y lo mejor de nuestro archivo musical, incluso anterior a 2013. Te esperamos en
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The very best of Big Band, Swing, and Jazz!
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new RF
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Grabación guion radiofónico
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Από τον RFI Español
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中国大陆国台办发言人朱凤莲今天证实,“马英九先生”12月18至26日将率台湾青年赴黑龙江、四川出席“海峡两岸青年冰雪节”活动并参访,中央社称陆方欢迎马英九再次率团来访,将做好各项活动安排。据自由时报,中国国台办与马英九基金会今天几乎同步宣布,前总统马英九将于18日至26日将赴中国访问,引惊讶。Από τον 小山
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Από τον RFI
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中国高层领导人和政策制定者正考虑在 2025 年允许人民币贬值,以应对特朗普第二次担任总统后美国提高贸易关税的威胁。Από τον 小山
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Από τον RFI
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日本、美国和菲律宾的政府高官于10日在东京召开了首次三国海洋磋商。三国一致确认,反对中国在南海加强海洋扩展的行为,特别是“通过武力单方面改变现状的尝试”。他们表示,将进一步深化在海洋领域的合作,共同推进基于法治的“自由与开放的印度洋、太平洋”实现。Από τον 东京特约记者 楚良一
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法国总统马克龙明确称直至下届总统选举,他不再下令解散议会。就目前谘询各党派任命新总理,马克龙说希望在48小时内达成协议并任命新总理。Από τον 小山
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Saiu a lista das palavras mais pesquisadas no Google este ano! A Ana Garcia Martins concluiu que estas pesquisas são bastante aborrecidas e por isso, decidiu contar-nos as dela!Από τον RFM
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Bom Dia - 11-12-2024 - RFMΑπό τον RFM
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Από τον RFI
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Από τον RFI Hausa
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Από τον RFI
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Από τον RFI
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Από τον RFI
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Boa Noite - 11-12-2024 - RFMΑπό τον RFM
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Isabel Figueiredo
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Από τον RFI Español
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Από τον RFI Español
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西非国家加纳2024年总统选举结果尘埃落定。该国选举委员会现已确认挑战方前总统约翰·德拉马尼·马哈马(John Dramani Mahama)以56%的得票率胜出。代表执政党参选的现任副总统马哈茂杜·巴武米亚(Mahamudu Bawumia)在上周日就已承认败选。他的得票率为41%。加纳新当选总统现已承诺,将致力于重振经济,带领国家走出当前危机。Από τον 尼古拉
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据慕尼黑《墨丘利报》报道:德国外长贝尔伯克访华期间,立场微妙,引发德国经济界警铃大作。Από τον 柏林特约记者 丹兰
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Από τον RFI Español
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法国总统马克龙周二(12月10日)在爱丽舍宫与各党派领导人举行会谈,就未来政府的组建展开密切磋商。马克龙表示,希望在“48小时内”敲定新总理人选。根据法新社援引总统身边顾问的消息,新任总理将在组建政府前,与各党派就关键议题展开深入讨论,以推动政治共识的达成。与此同时,目前流传的新总理人选主要集中在中间派政治人物,展现出马克龙对平衡各方利益的战略考量。Από τον 安娜
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Já Agora - 10-12-2024 - RFMΑπό τον RFM
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Conceição Sousa, João Delicado e Isabel Figueiredo
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"Solução para a Síria só pode ser política e diplomática", diz presidente da Comissão da ONU
A queda do regime de Bashar al-Assad abriu um novo capítulo na história da Síria e representa um grande desafio para a estabilização do país. A ascensão do grupo rebelde Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), liderado por Abu Mohamed al-Jolani, trouxe alívio para os opositores do regime, mas também alimenta preocupações sobre o futuro político, social e econô…
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东非国家肯尼亚在上个月前宣布,重新审核与海湾国家之间的劳务协议。三周之后,内罗毕于2024年12月06日上周五发起一次宣传行动,旨在招聘赴沙特阿拉伯的劳务人员。肯尼亚总统现已把劳务出口纳入其减少失业的战略。Από τον 尼古拉
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法、德、英三国外交部发言人周二敦促伊朗“立即停止核升级”,并谴责德黑兰大幅提高高浓缩铀生产速度的举动。Από τον 艾娃
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Από τον RFI Hausa
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Από τον RFI Hausa
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Από τον RFI Español
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韩国12·3紧急戒严事态的主导者、前国防部长官金龙显10日被批捕。金龙显成为紧急戒严事态发生7日以来,首个因此事被批捕的人员。韩联社消息称,随着金龙显被批捕,针对内乱最核心人物的总统尹锡悦的法网将进一步收紧。Από τον 小山
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被废黜的叙利亚总统阿萨德及其家人被赶下台后,像他们之前的世界上一些前独裁领导人和一些问题人物一样,跑到俄罗斯寻求庇护。Από τον 小山
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Paulo do Vale e Isabel Figueiredo
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近年来,中国的经济成长逐渐停滞,越来越多民众遭雇主欠薪,只能以暴动的形式公开表达自己的不满。近期中国的湖南、广西二省都惊传讨薪暴动,虽然当地政府派遣防暴警察进行应对,但许多警察在棍棒、盾牌遭讨薪民众抢夺后仓皇逃离,部分警察也躲在警车内,不敢下车面对暴民。Από τον 小山
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Από τον RFI Español
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Από τον RFI Español
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Από τον RFI Tiếng Việt
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Από τον RFI Tiếng Việt
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Во время ремонта Собора Парижской Богоматери пришлось провести раскопки в том месте, куда упала, раздробив каменный пол, часть обгоревшей кровли. Археологи обнаружили там захоронения, о которых пока не сообщают подробностей. Колумнист русской службы RFI профессор филологии Гасан Гусейнов опросил известных русских покойников, что думают они об одном…
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考虑到大众安全风险及多国政要齐聚等因素,12月7日至8日的巴黎圣母院周末重开仪式在森严的戒备中进行。9日星期一,巴黎居民发现该地交通管制有所放开,来自世界各地的游人们也前往圣母院北侧排队,期待一睹这一文化遗产重生后的容颜。记者随机与来自韩国、中国、和泰国的游客进行交谈,他们对于得见圣母院的欣喜溢于言表。Από τον 呢喃
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Boa Tarde - 10-12-2024 - RFMΑπό τον RFM
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