Der PietSmiet Podcast.
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Pieta Prayers is a podcast about prayers and novenas from different saints and places that I would love to share with everyone.
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Der ANTENNE MAINZ Sonntags-Talk - jeden Sonntag von 09-13 Uhr - alle Folgen zum nachhören - hier im Podcast!
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Dj & Producer based in Cologne | Germany Label Owner Beat Circus Records Eisenwaren Music | Beat Circus Records | Bosom Records | Bandaid Records | Distance Music Conatct:
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Tervetuloa Menestystä Etsimässä podcastin pariin kuuntelemaan inspiroivia vertaistarinoita yrityksistä ja yrittäjistä matkalla menestykseen, erityisesti B2B:n kuninkuusluokasta, SaaSista. Juontajana toimii Loyalisticin ja SaaS Finlandin vetäjä, Antti Pietilä. Podcast tehdään yhteistyössä Loyalisticin ja SaaS Finlandin (osa Software Finland ry:tä) kanssa.
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Dans ce podcast, je te révèle tout ce que les hommes ne te diront jamais. Tu apprendras comment attirer, séduire et garder l’homme de ta vie grâce à mes conseils d’expert en relations amoureuses. Abonne-toi et rejoins des milliers de femmes qui transforment leur vie sentimentale. Retrouve-moi aussi sur Instagram @yannpiette et sur mon site pour encore plus de contenus inédits et gratuits.
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Der erste Podcast für Bottrop. Geschichten, die uns bewegen, Dinge, die uns in unserer Stadt ärgern, aufregen oder freuen. Alles mit einem Augenzwinkern und jede Menge schlagfertigem Humor. Setzt Euch, trinkt ein Bierchen und lasst Euch von Piet und Alex ein bißchen die Zeit vertreiben. Jeden Freitag gibbet ne neue Folge für Euch auffe Ohren ! Der Bottcast : #derbottcast #bierchenbitte #pietundalex #bierchen_bitte_der_bottcast #podcast
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Richard Piet, known to terrestrial radio listeners in Southwest Michigan for years as the genial host of an informative and engaging interview program, brings The Richard Piet Show worldwide with this podcast! A show about "rides, people and smart talk," Richard is a fan of cars and interactive discussion focusing on a range of topics. In 2021, Richard established Livemic Communications, adding opportunities for purposeful exposure through informational, customized podcast series. Businesses ...
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“Pietura vecākiem”, kuru veido un vada “Centrs ZIN” vecāku izglītības treneri Inga Oliņa un Georgs Rubenis, ir raidījums, kurā apkopotas viegli saprotamas un pielietojamas idejas visu vecumu bērnu vecāku ikdienas atvieglošanai. Raidījuma mērķis ir palīdzēt klausītājiem pārkāpt pāri mākslīgi izveidotajām domāšanas robežām, ka bērnu audzināšana ir temats, par ko jādomā un jāinteresējas tikai zīdaiņu vecākiem. Tāpēc radio raidījuma “Pietura vecākiem” vadmotīvs ir “Viss par bērnu audzināšanu – n ...
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Join tech industry mavericks and thought leaders, Monica Enand & Sejal Pietrzak, as they share insights and tools from their personal playbooks as Founders, Tech CEOs, and Board Chairs. Conversations will explore strategies around leadership, navigating private equity, time boxing, micro and macro trends shaping the business landscape, and game-changing tech trends, such as AI and the need for transparency. Season One features guest Hasan Askari, private equity founder and managing partner o ...
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Sedotti da un’eruzione imminente, quattro personaggi gravitano attorno al vulcano Etna. Pietra Madre - Il Podcast è stato prodotto dall’Associazione Scarti e da Radio NFO - No Fade Out. Questo podcast è stato tratto dall'omonimo film documentario di Daniele Greco e Mauro Maugeri, prodotto da Artescienza e Scarti. Potete scoprire le storie non dette nel film da Nunzia, Boris, Padre Sam e Bahman, ritrovandoli nei quattro episodi del podcast. Tutti gli episodi sono stati scritti da Giorgio Gras ...
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Welcome to the Pieter podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Pieturzīmes ir pirmais valodas podkāsts Latvijā. Runāsim, diskutēsim un domāsim latviski par latvisko. Pieturzīmes cilvēkos, grāmatās un valodā. Aiga Veckalne ir valodniece un tulkotāja, kurai latviešu valoda ir ne tikai izglītība, bet arī aizraušanās, darbs un hobijs. Ikdienā viņa strādā Ventspils Augstskolā, kur arī studē doktorantūrā, bet brīvajā laikā vada valodas podkāstu “Pieturzīmes” un lietišķās sarakstes un iedarbīgas valodas seminārus. Ja vēlies atbalstīt "Pieturzīmes", to var izda ...
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Mike & Sarah Piet Vlogs
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Ideas I want to share you
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Historian-blogger Chris Gehrz and guests explore Christianity, history, higher education, and how they intersect.
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Piet & Zander finden sich regelmäßig bei Edna in der ruhigen Hafen-Kneipe ein, um über die alltäglichen Geschehnisse Ihres Fischerdaseins zu snaggen und der Mundart zu frönen. Uns ist es gelungen heimlich ein Mikrofon unter Ednas Theke anzubringen und haben so nun endlich die Möglichkeit Ihnen bei Ihrem wohlverdienten Feierabend-Bierchen zu lauschen.
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De microfoon is altijd al mijn grootste vriend. Als een razende reporter interviewde ik in mijn werkzaam leven een ontelbaar hoeveelheid mensen en dit wil ik ook na mijn pensioen blijven doen. De podcast Piet van Dijken is daarom een ideale manier om mijn zo geliefde werk een vervolg te geven.
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Intelligence sociale - Développement personnel - Relations - Entrepreneuriat Suivez moi sur Youtube 👍🏻 💯 Pour voir mes Masterclass en vidéo: 🎦 📚 Retrouver tous mes articles (oui on écrit encore): ✅ Me suivre sur Facebook Sur FB: 👋🏻 Et sur mon instagram perso
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The rhino. An icon - almost extinct. Kevin Pietersen. A maverick cricketer who never backs down. He says he'll save them. But poachers are never far away - and time is running out. For more search #beastofman
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Siódme Piętro to jedyny podcast w Polsce o takiej nazwie. Dwóch charyzmatycznych prowadzących - Kuba i Janek, rozmawiają na wszelkie tematy, poczynając od tak banalnych rzeczy jak to, co jedli na śniadanie, a kończąc na długich i niezwykle interesujących wywodach o nowinkach technologicznych i niemal filozoficznych dyskusjach o zjawiskach w internecie. Prowadzący mają wieloletnie doświadczenie w branży internetowej, ale także nieobce im są tajniki vlogowania i obracania się w technologicznej ...
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Ik deel op dit kanaal mijn bevindingen in onze veranderende wereld. Hoe kunnen we onze kijk op onszelf en ons leven groter maken? Vragen als: Hoe kan ik bewuster worden? Hoe krijg ik meer zelfinzicht? Wat is groei? Wie ben ik en wat is belangrijk? Ik begon deze Podcast in 2018 toen ik met mijn gezin met drie kinderen op reis ging om ons leven opnieuw uit te vinden. Ik zocht naar 'meer' en naar wat echt bij me paste. Het was een zoektocht naar meer vrijheid, naar meer zingeving, maar ook naar ...
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As part of Spitalfields Music Festival 2017 BBC Radio 3’s Sara Mohr-Pietsch chats with festival artists, in a series of extended conversations for Spits Music Podcast.
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Podcast by Padre Pio
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Produttori ed editori processati, registi in carcere, libri ritirati dal commercio, film tagliati o addirittura distrutti; le accuse: «stampa oscena», «atti a turbare i minori», in qualche caso «concubinaggio». Luca Fontò racconta l’Italia del secolo scorso – spaventata dal cambiamento forse più che dal sesso – attraverso gli eventi che hanno accompagnato persone e personaggi “indecorosi”, da Bernardo Bertolucci a Lupo Alberto.
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Laura Maria Rypa und Pietro Lombardi haben zusammen gefunden! Nicht nur privat, sondern jetzt auch im Podcast. Und weil sie bald auch zu Dritt sind, haben sie beschlossen genau darüber in diesem Podcast zu sprechen: wie haben sie sich überhaupt kennen gelernt, wie war das erste Date, warum war ihre Beziehung so oft ON/OFF, wie haben sie von der Schwangerschaft erfahren und was denken sie eigentlich darüber? Die ganze Wahrheit hört Ihr ab sofort jeden Donnerstag – die neueste Folge gibt es im ...
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Pipes and Piety exists to discuss theology and life in light of the Bible; we do this to strengthen the body of Christ, to glorify God, and to bring reverence to God. All of this will be accomplished by the grace of God, for it is only by him we are able to attain knowledge. Additionally, we seek to emphasize God's grace and that the law has been fulfilled in Christ; therefore, we look to him alone. We do all of the above while enjoying fellowship and a good pipe.
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SONNO E MORTE NELL'ECONOMIA EVOLUTIVA DELL'UOMO Relatore Pietro Archiati Dal convegno di Trento, 5 novembre 1989 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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LA DIMENSIONE MORALE E RELIGIOSA NEL BAMBINO Relatore Pietro Archiati al convegno di Trento, 16 marzo 1990 Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 3° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) dal 14 al 17 febbraio 2008 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La fil ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati 8° Seminario dall'8° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) dal 30 settembre al 3 ottobre 2010 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calor ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati 12° Seminario dal 12° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) dal 28 al 30 settembre 2012 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’ ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 14° seminario di Milano dal 27 al 29 settembre 2013 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La filosofia del ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 4° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) dal 21 al 24 agosto 2008 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La filos ...
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Il professor Massimo Ramaioli parla della storia della Russia, dalla geografia alla politica. Lista delle opere consultate Opere letterarie Fedor Dostoevskij, I Fratelli Karamazov Fedor Dostoevskij, L’Idiota Fedor Dostoevskij, Delitto e Castigo Fedor Dostoevskij, I Demoni Leo Tolstoj, Guerra e Pace Leo Tolstoj, Morte di Ivan Ilich Michail Bulgakov, Il Maestro e Margherita Grossman, Vita e Destino Opere accademiche Stephen Kotkin, Armageddon Averted Stephen Kotkin, Stalin Vol I Paradoxes of P ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 6° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) - dall'8 all'11 ottobre 2009 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La f ...
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LA FORZA DELL'INDIVIDUO in un mondo difficile Con Pietro Archiati CONVEGNO di SCIENZA DELLO SPIRITO di Udine, 7 - 8 - 9 Ottobre 2011 "È innegabile osservare che la situazione mondiale, pur essendo volta allo sviluppo del benessere, non è riuscita a garantire a tutta l'umanità neppure i diritti fondamentali dell'uomo. Essa appare senza sbocco se non verrà riconosciuta l'unicità di ogni individuo e la ricchezza che da essa ne deriva. Togliere alle persone la fiducia e la speranza, far perdere ...
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IL SEGRETO DELLA FORZA INTERIORE - Convegno di Scienza dello Spirito con Pietro Archiati
Pietro Archiati
IL SEGRETO DELLA FORZA INTERIORE CONVEGNO di SCIENZA DELLO SPIRITO Relatore Pietro Archiati MILANO, 15 - 16 - 17 Novembre 2013 TEATRO OSCAR - VIA LATTANZIO, 58 Le molte insoddisfazioni della vita presente ci dicono che la nostra psicologia, forse, non basta più per esseri umani inquieti, in cerca di significato, e la cui vita interiore è ogni giorno teatro di battaglie e conflitti. Gioie e dolori non sono che condizioni necessarie per l'anima perché l'uomo rafforzi la sua interiorità, così c ...
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LA FILOSOFIA DELLA LIBERTÀ di Rudolf Steiner con Pietro Archiati Dal 5° seminario di Rocca di Papa (RM) - dal 5 all'8 febbraio 2009 "Tutte le scoperte della scienza e della tecnica, tutte le opere d’arte, tutte le azioni morali più sublimi e più umili scaturiscono dal PENSIERO, dall’intuito della mente e del cuore. Nel suo pensare l’uomo si vive più che mai come spirito creatore, come artista dotato di un'inesauribile fantasia intellettiva e morale che emana luce e calore all’infinito. La fi ...
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La Filosofia della Libertà di Rudolf Steiner - 2° Ciclo - 1° Seminario con Pietro Archiati
Pietro Archiati
La Filosofia della Libertà di Rudolf Steiner - 1° seminario del secondo ciclo di incontri con Pietro Archiati a Milano, dal 14 al 16 febbraio 2014 - Cap. I - L'AGIRE UMANO COSCIENTE "La filosofia della libertà di Rudolf Steiner è il testo di base per chiunque voglia dare il meglio di sé. Il pensare è la chiave per capire sempre meglio il mondo e per creare modi di essere sempre nuovi. La prima parte è ricca di esercizi mentali che rendono il pensare sempre più vivente e spregiudicato; la sec ...
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IL BENE E IL MALE Che cos'è? Con Pietro Archiati Dal convegno di Torino, dal 26 al 28 Ottobre 2007 "Il bene del corpo è la salute, il suo male è la malattia. Così è anche per gli uomini: stanno bene in salute quando si favoriscono a vicenda come gli organi e le cellule di un organismo; stanno male, soffrono, quando si mettono gli uni contro gli altri, quando ognuno pensa solo a se stesso. Un vecchio adagio dice: "La virtù sta nel mezzo". È vero: ogni forma di male risulta da una qualche unil ...
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A survey seeking input from Battle Creek city residents will be open until January 30, 2025. A December, 2024 deadline was extended by city officials in order to give more time for residents to comment about neighborhoods, housing and other focuses. In this episode, Helen Guzzo and Darcy Schmitt with the City of Battle Creek explain how the survey …
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Spontane Bonusfolge mit Influencerin Jessica Hnatyk zum Start ins neue Jahr. Jessica ist Bottroperin und war Teilnehmerin der aktuellen Staffel von Temptation Island VIP. Sie erzählt uns von ihrer Zeit beim Dreh und was hinter Formaten, die im Volksmund ja mal ganz gerne als „Trash-TV“ bezeichnet werden, steckt. Und einige Infos sind echt zu krass …
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PietCast #463 - FAQ zu "PietSmiet 2025"
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Wir haben ein FAQ zum Video "PietSmiet 2025" aufgenommen. Das Video gibt es hier: Learn more about your ad choices. VisitΑπό τον Peter Smits
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🎙️ Raidījums "Pietura vecākiem" – 3. Adventes tēmas: lasīšana un tukšie draudi Šajā epizodē pievēršamies vecākiem svarīgiem jautājumiem: 📚 Lasīt vai nelasīt bērnam priekšā? Vai tas ietekmē bērna attīstību un iztēli, un kā padarīt lasīšanu par īpašu ģimenes tradīciju? ⚠️ Vecāku tukšie draudi – "Ja darīsi to, tad tūlīt iesim prom!" vai "Ja nedarīsi t…
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S03E78 Pietura vecākiem. Kad bērns vai jaunietis ir gatavs pastāvīgi apmeklēt kultūras norises? Un bērnu bažas par karu.
🎙️ Raidījums "Pietura vecākiem" – 2. Adventes tēmas: kultūra un pasaules notikumi Šajā epizodē mēs iedziļināmies divos svarīgos jautājumos, kas nodarbina vecākus un jauniešus: 🎭 Kad bērns vai jaunietis ir gatavs pastāvīgi apmeklēt kultūras norises? Kā palīdzēt viņiem iejusties teātra, koncertu vai citu pasākumu atmosfērā un gūt prieku no šīs piered…
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S03E77 Pietura vecākiem. Par dāvanām un bērnu nevēlēšanos ģērbties atbilstoši laika apstākļiem
🎙️ Raidījums "Pietura vecākiem" – par dāvanām, ziemu un pirmssvētku laiku 1. Adventes svētdiena ir klāt, un līdz ar to arī pirmssvētku izaicinājumi! Šajā epizodē mēs runājam par: 🎁 Bērniem un Ziemassvētku dāvanām – kā izvēlēties dāvanas, kas iepriecinās un būs vērtīgas? 🧥 Jauniešiem un ziemas apģērbu – kā palīdzēt viņiem saprast, ka stilīgi var būt…
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Say 3 Hail Holy Queen: Hail Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, our life, our sweetness, andour hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve, to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of th…
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🎁 Guide des 9 SMS à envoyer à un homme : Pour t'abonner à ma chaîne YouTube 👍🏻 👋🏻 Et sur mon Instagram perso
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(Community Matters 116) While Retiring from BC, Fleury was Finalist for Top Admin in Nashville Suburb
As Thanksgiving 2024 approached, the City of Battle Creek bade farewell to its longest-serving city manager, Rebecca Fleury, who served 10 years in the position. While preparing this year-end look back at the final Community Matters visit with Fleury from August 2024, a published report from Williamson County, Tennessee reveals she was a finalist f…
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(Creating Dementia Solutions 47) Miles for Memories Dementia Awareness Mission Moves Forward in 2025
In the final episode of Creating Dementia Solutions for 2024, Miles for Memories Founder Sherii Sherban reflects on the previous year. She also looks ahead to 2025 and how the Miles for Memories mission will gain momentum. Episode Resources Miles for Memories website Miles for Memories technology Sherii Sherban talks to Community Matters about MFM …
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🎁 Guide des 9 SMS à envoyer à un homme : Pour t'abonner à ma chaîne YouTube : 👍🏻 👋🏻 Et sur mon Instagram perso :
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🎙️ Raidījums "Pietura vecākiem" – Pirmssvētku "trādi-rīdi" un bērnu dusmu lēkmes Vai svētku drudzis mājās pārvēršas par īstu emocionālo karuseli? Kā reaģēt uz bērnu dusmu lēkmēm – svētvakarā, pie vakariņu galda vai agrā rītā, kad steidzam uz dārziņu? Raidījuma vadītāji Inga Oliņa un Georgs Rubenis dalās praktiskos padomos un idejās, kā saprast bērn…
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(Community Matters 115) Haadsma: Clerk Communicated More with Frisbie during Recount, Canvass
In his first long form interview after his defeat in the November 2024 election, Michigan House 44th District Rep. Jim Haadsma (D-Battle Creek) speaks with Community Matters about the post-election process to confirm the vote. A recount and canvass determined Haadsma received just 79 fewer votes than challenger, Republican Steve Frisbie. Haadsma as…
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In her first interview since beginning as the human resources director at the BlueOval Battery Park Michigan in Marshall, Amy Helner joins Community Matters to talk about the status of hiring employees at the plant. The battery production facility is expected to begin output in 2026. With salaried hiring started in later 2024, Helner discusses the …
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(Oaklawn Health Matters 6) Oaklawn Specialists Now Seeing Patients in New Battle Creek Location
Expanding access to specialists is the goal behind Oaklawn Specialty Care, a clinic on Beckley Road in Battle Creek. Ribbon was cut at the facility in November, 2024. Located next to Oaklawn Express Care at 5352 Beckley Road, Oaklawn Specialty Care provides an option for patients to see a variety of specialists and receive x-rays and mammography. I…
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Transformaatio vuodessa 4 miljoonan SaaSiin – Vieraana Matti Nevala, QOCO Systems
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QOCO Systems on lentokonehuollon digitalisointiin erikoistunut ohjelmistotalo, joka siirtyi projektibusineksestä SaaSiin saavuttaen 4 miljoonan euron toistuvaislaskutuksen vuodessa. Transformaatiotarinan lisäksi tässä episodissa sukelletaan QOCOn toimitusjohtajan Matti Nevalan kanssa ilmailualan erikoispiirteisiin ja keskustellaan, miten vertikaali…
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#201 Bottrop ist ein Gefühl feat. Patrick Liedtke & Markus Wildschütz
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Der BOTTcast Folge 201 Unsere Weihnachtsfolge wird unsere letzte Folge für dieses Jahr. Gemeinsam an den Mikros Glühwein trinken, über Bottrop reden und mit Freunden plaudern. Und genau diese Freunde sind heute Patrick Liedtke und Markus Wildschütz. Patrick ist Chef der Pravico Medientechnik und ein fast Verwandter von Alex aus Bottrop. Markus hing…
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PietCast #462 - Unsere Spiele des Jahres 2024
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Angeregt von den Game Awards 2024 quatschen wir über unser Gaming-Jahr und wie wir Weihnachten und Silvester verbringen. Außerdem gibt es gute Vorschläge a la PietSmiet zur richtigen Kindererziehung! Weitere Informationen zu uns und unseren Partnern findet hier: []( Learn more about your ad choices…
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LIVE Set Rave On Snow 2024 - Morgenandacht Special Schwips Bar
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LIVE Set Rave On Snow 2024 - Morgenandacht Special Schwips Bar by Pietro CauΑπό τον Pietro Cau
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They call it "technical debt" - the cost of cutting IT corners when they have to be corrected at a future time. In this episode of Little Blinking Light, Roger Ferworn of AE Tech Design helps put technical debt into context - and discusses the benefits of avoiding it. Episode Resources AE Tech Design website Book an Appointment with AE Tech Design …
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We would love to hear from you, send us a text! Join host Monica Enand and guest host Ned Renzi as they welcome Anna Maria Ponzi, second-generation vintner former CEO of Ponzi Vineyards and author of Pinot Girl, for an in-depth conversation about the evolution of Ponzi Vineyards. Maria shares her family’s inspiring journey, from pioneering Oregon’s…
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Zu Gast aus Nieder-Olm: Die Möglichmacher, es geht um Veranstaltungen, Wein, Events und natürlich über Dinge die möglich gemacht werden.Από τον Volker Pietzsch
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MySoda autotallista Malmilta koteihin ympäri maailmaa. Vieraana David Solomon
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Miten autotallista Malmilta lähtevä startup voi haastaa markkinajohtajan ja nousta kansainväliseksi brändiksi, ja vieläpä kodin pienkoneissa? Tässä jaksossa keskustelemme David Solomonin kanssa MySodasta – suomalaisesta yrityksestä, joka lähti haastamaan jättiläisen rohkealla visiolla ja tinkimättömällä sitoutumisella kestävään kehitykseen. David S…
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🎁 Guide des 9 SMS à envoyer à un homme : Pour t'abonner à ma chaîne youtube 👍🏻 👋🏻 Et sur mon instagram perso
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(Creating Dementia Solutions 46) After a Year of Caregiver-Focused Episodes, a Few More Caregiver Thoughts
As we conclude a year of Creating Dementia Solutions episodes for caregivers, we bring some additional thoughts. Miles for Memories volunteer Connie Skidmore - having been a caregiver for her husband for several years - imparts some additional thoughts (and encouragement) caregiver-to-caregiver. Episode Resources Miles for Memories website Miles fo…
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(Community Matters 114) Sick Time, Tipped Wage Changes Have Michigan Small Business Group Concerned
Come February 21, 2025, all Michigan businesses will be required to convert to a sick time accrual system for their employees. An associated bill in Lansing would also change the pay scale for tipped-wage employees. Both have the Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM) concerned, particularly about what it sees as parts of the sick time propo…
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The Kellogg Community College entrepreneurship program, of course, is seeking participants who want to realize a dream to own their own business. Now, the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp is offering a chance for some who meet income guidelines to get started at no cost. The Bootcamp is part of KCC's Innovative Accelerated Credentialed Training (iACT) ini…
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#200 Wintermezzo LIVE feat. Bottrop
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Der BOTTcast Folge 200 Folge 200 LIVE im Stadtcafé vor ausverkauftem Haus. Alles hat mit einer spontanen Schnapsidee vor vier Jahren angefangen und jetzt 200 Folgen später tobt die Hütte und wir haben den Abend unseres Lebens. Nito Torres & Benjamin Eisenberg bringen zu Beginn die Menge zum Kochen, nehmen Piet und Alex ins Kreuzverhör und geben dan…
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PietCast #461 - 2.000.000 und andere Spenden Zwonkel
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Friendly Fire 10 hat eine Rokordsumme von ca 2.000.000€ erreicht! Danke dafür! Neben Storys rund um das Event geht es auch wieder um Mandarinen und einen viralen Clip der Politiker bei einer Spenden Gala vorführt, den wir kritisch diskutieren. Neue Games wie Path of Exile 2 und Indiana Jones kamen raus und begeistern uns. Weitere Informationen zu u…
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Bonusbierchen Folge 199.5 In unserem letzten Bonusbierchen für dieses Jahr stellt sich die Initiative "Bottrop bewegt" vor mit gleich drei Vertretern. Jan Henrichs, Vanessa Schreiber und Lennart Schraven kommen an die Mikros und erklären was die Initiative genau vorhat und wie sie ihre Ziele erreichen wollen. Einen unabhängigen und parteilosen Ober…
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In unserem letzten Bonusbierchen für dieses Jahr stellt sich die Initiative „Bottrop bewegt“ vor mit gleich drei Vertretern. Jan Henrichs, Vanessa Schreiber und Lennart Schraven kommen an die Mikros und erklären was die Initiative genau vorhat und wie sie ihre Ziele erreichen wollen. Einen unabhängigen und parteilosen Oberbürgermeisterkandidaten wo…
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🎁 Guide des 9 SMS à envoyer à un homme : Pour t'abonner à ma chaîne YouTube 👍🏻 👋🏻 Et sur mon Instagram perso
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(Community Matters 113) Battle Creek Residents: The City Needs your Input before January 30, 2025
**Note: An previous version of this information noted an earlier deadline for the survey. The deadline has been extended to January 30, 2025. An online survey for Battle Creek residents is active until January 30, 2025, seeking input about future community development and housing. In this episode, Battle Creek Community Development Director Helen G…
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Battle Creek's Cereal City Concert Band is full-speed-ahead with its Christmas concert and fundraising activities with six months to go until its big European trip. The band has been invited to perform at the 2025 Mid-Europe Wind Band Music Festival in Schladming, Austria in July 2025. The musicians will also perform in Prague during the trip. In t…
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(Community Matters 113) Eight Years Running, Battle Creek Gets Grant to Deal with Lead Hazards
Even though the hazards of lead have resulted in years of education and remediation, cities with homes built before 1978 were commonly painted with lead paint. Leaded gas in the 1970s also had an effect that is still causing illness, particularly in young children. With a significant amount of homes in the city of Battle Creek built before 1978, th…
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#199 One Night Tent feat. Philipp Schweitzer
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In der heutigen Folge gehts mit Philipp Schweitzer von Bottrop bis zum Ballermann und zwar mit dem Fahrrad. Philipp arbeitet bei der Flugbörse in Bottrop und ist für verrückte und ausgefallene Ideen und Aktionen bekannt. Und als dann mal die Zeit da war, entschloß er sich der ganzen Sache die Krone aufzusetzen und einfach mal […]…
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Auf Borkum werden Frauen geschlagen. Was hat es mit dieser absurden Tradition auf sich? Und welche Traditionen pflegen die Jungs eigentlich? Weitere Informationen zu uns und unseren Partnern findet hier: []( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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HeiaHeia 1000 miljardin liikkumattomuusongelmaa ratkaisemassa. Vieraana Olli Iso-Mustajärvi
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Liikkumattomuus on yksi suurimmista nykypäivän haasteista, aiheuttaen maailmanlaajuisesti arviolta 1000 miljardin euron kustannukset. Mutta mitä jos tähän ongelmaan voisi tarttua pelillistämisen ja teknologian avulla? Tässä jaksossa vieraana on Olli Iso-Mustajärvi, joka johtaa HeiaHeiaa – yritystä, joka yhdistää työhyvinvoinnin ja liikunta-aktiivis…
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Tim Silas ist Zauberer, Jongleur, Moderator und Mitglied im Magischen Zirkel von Deutschland. Nach seinem Abitur möchte er richtig durchstarten. Über das und vieles mehr spricht er im Sonntagstalk.Από τον Volker Pietzsch
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S03E75 Pietura vecākiem. Praktiski padomi bērnu fiziskajām aktivitātēm. Pusaudzis un higiēna.
Praktiski padomi bērnu fiziskajām aktivitātēm. Pusaudzis un higiēna. Sarunājas Inga Oliņa un Georgs Rubenis.Από τον Centrs ZIN / Georgs Rubenis
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Im Sonntagstalk spricht Steffan Haub, Bürgermeister von Lörzweiler und Winzermeister, über seinen beruflichen Weg, seine kommunalpolitische Arbeit und die Herausforderungen moderner Weinherstellung. Ein Gespräch über Verantwortung, Wandel und die Balance zwischen Beruf und Ehrenamt – mit spannenden Einblicken und persönlicher Note. https://loerzwei…
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Woher hat der Potsdamer Hof seinen Namen? In diesem Sonntagstalk sprechen wir mit Patrick Gauer über Wein, die Arbeit im Weinberg und natürlich darüber, wie es ist, eine Weinmajestät im Haus zu haben.Από τον Volker Pietzsch
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S03E74 Pietura vecākiem. “Labi” un “slikti” jeb kādas emocijas slēpjas zem “slikti”? Bērns un mācību motivācija.
“Labi” un “slikti” jeb kādas emocijas slēpjas zem “slikti”? Bērns un mācību motivācija. Sarunājas Inga Oliņa un Georgs Rubenis.Από τον Centrs ZIN / Georgs Rubenis
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In dieser Ausgabe des Sonntagstalks begrüßen wir Martin Mantz, einen erfahrenen Unternehmer und Compliance-Experten. Nach seinem Maschinenbaustudium und einem anschließenden Jurastudium gründete er erfolgreich ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Compliance-Dienstleistungen. Als Gutachter, Auditor und Trainer für Managementsysteme in mittelständisc…
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