Come and join Pastor Rick on a daily devotional as he leads you the whole year on a discovery in prayer and study of Genesis through Revelation.
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Rick Warren es un pastor innovador, autor reconocido e influyente global.
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Pastor Rick Knight of Living Waters Family Worship Center
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Rick Warren is an innovative pastor, renowned author, and global influencer.
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Sharpen your leadership skills with Pastor Ricky Temple and improve the quality of your life at home, work, or in ministry. For more info visit
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 21:22 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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La tragedia y la angustia son inevitables, pero puedes prepararte para ellas construyendo una red de apoyo y amigos. En este mensaje, el Pastor Rick enseña la importancia de construir tal red de seguridad —y que el tiempo para hacerlo es ahora.
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 19:26 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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Using the life of Daniel, Pastor Rick teaches about the qualities God wants you to develop in your life: integrity, discipline, control, and humility.
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 19:16 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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La mayoría de los cristianos son derrotados porque tratamos de luchar contra Satanás por nuestra cuenta. ¡Eso es tonto! Nunca vas a ganar contra el Diablo si luchas contra él solo. Necesitas a otras personas que te cuiden y oren contigo. En este mensaje, el pastor Rick explica por qué una comunidad de creyentes que te apoya es la respuesta de Dios …
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Daniel’s life shows that God tests you with stress before he trusts you with success. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches the steps God told Daniel to take to thrive in a hostile environment.
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 19:6 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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Tú nunca fuiste hecho para caminar solo por la vida. Dios quiere que encuentres comunidad en tu familia espiritual —el cuerpo de Cristo. En esta enseñanza bíblica, el pastor Rick explica tres razones por las cuales necesitas que otros caminen y sirvan contigo en la vida.
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In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how you can choose to trust God even when you don’t understand your circumstances.
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 18:21, 22 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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¿Qué se necesita para hacer cambios que duren? Acompaña al Pastor Rick mientras te enseña como Dios te transforma cuando le pides que te ayude a hacer cambios en tu vida.
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When you’re in a crisis, you should ask, “Where is this problem leading me? Where does God want me to go?” Join Pastor Rick as he teaches how God uses difficult situations to help you mature spiritually.
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 18:19-20 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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Hacer cambios en tu vida no sucederá de la noche a la mañana. Es un proceso de toda la vida que requiere el poder del Espíritu Santo. El pastor Rick enseña en este mensaje cómo el Espíritu Santo te ayuda a vencer los hábitos destructivos mientras Dios te transforma en la persona que Él creó para que fueras.…
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Jesus warned that adversity would be part of life. So don’t be shocked by hard times—be unshakable. As he teaches from the life of Daniel, Pastor Rick explains why God uses adversity for your good and how that can teach you to be unshakable.
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 17:14-21 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 16: 19 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 15: 22-25 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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Alguna vez te has preguntado, "¿Por qué algunas cosas en mi vida son tan difíciles de cambiar?" o, "¿Por qué me aferro a hábitos autodestructivos?". Acompaña al Pastor Rick mientras explora la respuesta a estas preguntas.
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What is the right way to pray when you’re in pain? Join Pastor Rick as he teaches in this message how to pray like Jesus, who trusted God and prayed for God’s will even as he faced the cross.
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 14: 29, 30 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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¿En qué escoges pensar? En este mensaje, el Pastor Rick explica por qué lo que alimenta tu mente controla tu comportamiento y por qué necesitas estar en una dieta constante de la Palabra de Dios.
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Sometimes God delays his answer to our prayers because he knows his plan is better than ours—but we’re not ready for it! Pastor Rick shares in this broadcast how God uses our seasons of waiting to grow our character and faith and make us more like Jesus.
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 11:19 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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Para reiniciar tu vida, necesitas tomar la decisión de llenar tu mente con los mejores pensamientos. Acompaña al Pastor Rick mientras él explica como enfocarse en lo que es verdadero, noble, correcto, puro, bello, admirable, excelente y digno de alabanza.
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Because God can see what we can’t see, he sometimes does not give us what we ask from him. In this message, Pastor Rick teaches how to trust in God’s goodness and love—even when God says “no.”
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 11:25, 26 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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Reiniciar tu vida comienza con cambiar como piensas. El Pastor Rick explica en este mensaje por que las cosas que escoges pensar tienen tanto impacto en como vives.
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Healing doesn’t happen on your own. God has given you people in your life to help you, and he wants to give you everything you need for restoration. He just wants you to ask him! Pastor Rick explains in this message the importance of prayer in our healing.
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 9:27-30 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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No puedes reajustar tu vida por ti mismo, y tampoco puedes reajustarla sin hacer grandes cambios. El pastor Rick explica en este mensaje cómo abrazar a la comunidad y dejar ir las cosas que te frenan mientras te preparas para reajustar tu vida.
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Humility is when you admit you’re not in control, when you say, “God is God, and I’m not.” In this message, Pastor Rick teaches why humility is a choice and the first step you need to take for healing and restoration.
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 8:25. Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 8:19 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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La Biblia anima a los seguidores de Jesús a examinar sus vidas y ser honestos acerca de cómo están viviendo. En este mensaje, el Pastor Rick enseña como escudriñar tu vida y hacer una evaluación honesta de las áreas donde necesitas un reinicio.
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God created you for a close relationship with him. When you’re honest with God about your sin and ask for forgiveness, you’ll grow in intimacy with him. Join Pastor Rick as he explains why confession is an important part of our communication with God.
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 8:1-3 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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Cuando estés listo para hacer un cambio en tu vida, comienza por pedirle a Dios que haga algo nuevo en ti. Es una petición que Él quiere responder. De hecho, Dios dice en Isaías 43:18-19ª, "Olviden las cosas de antaño; ya no vivan en el pasado. ¡Voy a hacer algo nuevo!" (NVI). Escucha como el Pastor Rick explica como empezar a prepararse para un re…
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There is no secret strategy to having a powerful prayer life. The Bible has given us everything we need to know how to pray. Pastor Rick shares in this message how to combat distractions to prayer so that you can focus on God as you talk to him.
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Today’s devotional is on Matthew 6:9-13 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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De tu dolor, Dios puede traer el bien y darte esperanza. El Pastor Rick explica como tener esta perspectiva no solo te ayuda a ti, sino que ayuda a otros mientras caminan a través de su propio dolor.
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Is it possible to maintain a running conversation with God that’s as natural as breathing? Yes! In this message, Pastor Rick explains why you need to keep your conversation with God going throughout the day and how it will change your life.
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Today’s devotional is on Habakkuk 3:2,17,18 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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Dios quiere que uses tu dolor para ayudar a otros. Acompaña al Pastor Rick mientras enseña como compartir tus fracasos, frustraciones y temores puede beneficiar a las personas que te rodean.
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You cannot imagine what God will do in you and through you when you surrender to him and tell him you want to live out his purpose for your life. In this message, Pastor Rick shares the significance of saying these two words to God: “Use me.”
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Today’s devotional is on Habakkuk 1:2,3,12,13 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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Tu mensaje de vida más profundo a menudo vendrá de tu dolor más profundo. Acompaña al Pastor Rick y aprende como Dios usa el dolor para dar forma a tu mensaje al mundo.
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Today’s devotional is on Micah 7:18-20 Make sure to subscribe and listen to this daily devotional with Pastor Rick.Από τον Pastor Rick
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