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Listen to the entire Bible in a year - Join us each day for Bible readings broadcast daily from Atlanta, Georgia. Visit us on the web at
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This is the One Year Bible devotional with commentary on each reading by Pastor David K. MacAdam
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Looking for a fun way to explore the Bible? Join Master Storyteller, Michael Wood, M.Ed., M.S., as he brings the easy-to-read version (ERV) of the Bible to life! Perfect for young Christians or those curious about the Good Book, our dramatized podcast features unique voices, thrilling music, and captivating sound effects. Dive into all 66 books with engaging introductions showing you how everything connects from Genesis to Revelation. Thanks to Bible League International, you can trust its a ...
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The daily Bible reading devotion for young people. Take less than 15 minutes a day to cover the whole Bible in 365 days with selected Bible readings and a full commentary from Nicky and Pippa Gumbel. Toby Stokes introduces this edition of the Bible in One Year which encourages us not only to apply the Bible to our everyday life, but also to grow in our relationship with Jesus.
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Overwhelmed at the thought of reading the Bible? New to the idea? Or looking to get more out of it? Spend time each day hearing from Nicky and Pippa Gumbel as they take you through the whole Bible in 365 days and help you to understand it better. Drawing out a theme for each day from the designated Bible readings, Nicky and Pippa’s thoughts on the Proverbs, Psalms and New and Old Testament excerpts are full of insight, wisdom and application.
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Tune in to the new channel @JesusSpeakswithPaddy, on youtube!
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The bible reading plan as offered in PDF form from St. Andrew Orthodox Church
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The Bible is more like a window than it is a mirror. We come to it to look through it and see God. We don’t come to it primarily to look at it and see ourselves--picking apart our faults and flaws. Join us as we recap a section of the Bible every day to help you understand the whole bible in one year!
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• Deuteronomy 16 (Hebrew) • Deuteronomy 17 (Hebrew) • Deuteronomy 18 (Hebrew) • 1 Corinthians 1 (Greek)
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Day 68: God sets laws and punishments for sexual sin | Jesus is arrested by the religious leaders
Leviticus 19 and 20 outline a series of divine laws given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, emphasizing moral conduct, ritual purity, and the holiness required of the Israelite community. These chapters include instructions on love and respect for one’s neighbor, prohibitions against various forms of immoral behavior, and the penalties for breaking t…
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NUMBERS 11:24-13:33 | MARK 14:22-52 | PSALM 52:1-9 | PROVERBS 11:1-3Από τον Listen to Today's Daily Bible Reading
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TODAY’S READING- MARCH 9- Numbers 11:24-13:33; Mark 14:22-52; Psalm 52:1-9; Proverbs 11:1-3 Commentary written and read by Pastor David K. MacAdam Like and subscribe to the One Year Bible Tour Guide this year and sign up to receive the written commentary to follow along with at www.newlife.orgΑπό τον New Life Community Church
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Proverbs 6:30-35, Leviticus 19:1-20:27, Mark 14:43-72. Human beings are capable of acts of great love, courage and heroism Yet, not one of us (apart from Jesus) is without sinΑπό τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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Proverbs 6:30-32, Leviticus 19:1-18, Mark 14:44-72. Human beings are capable of acts of great love, courage and heroism Yet, not one of us (apart from Jesus) is without sinΑπό τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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Psalm 31:9-18, Leviticus 17:1-18:30, Mark 14:17-42. Their hearts must have leapt with joy when they saw the word ‘*but*’ ‘*But*’ is a powerful word when facing trouble, tests and temptationsΑπό τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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Psalm 31:9-16, Leviticus 18:26-30, Mark 14:22-36. Their hearts must have leapt with joy when they saw the word ‘*but*’ ‘*But*’ is a powerful word when facing trouble, tests and temptationsΑπό τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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• Deuteronomy 13 (Hebrew) • Deuteronomy 14 (Hebrew) • Deuteronomy 15 (Hebrew) • Romans 16 (Greek)
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Day 67: God sets rules for killing animals and for sexual relations | Jesus prays in the garden while his followers sleep
In Leviticus 17-18, God delivers commandments to Moses on sacrificial rituals and forbidden practices to maintain holiness among the Israelites. These chapters underscore the importance of blood in atonement and outline moral and ceremonial laws, including prohibitions against eating blood and various forms of immorality. Can the Israelites uphold …
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NUMBERS 10:1-11:23 | MARK 14:1-21 | PSALM 51:1-19 | PROVERBS 10:31-32Από τον Listen to Today's Daily Bible Reading
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TODAY’S READINGS- MARCH 8- Numbers 10-11:23; Mark 14:1-21; Psalm 51:1-19; Proverbs 10:31-32 Commentary written and read by Pastor David K. MacAdam Like and subscribe to the One Year Bible Tour Guide this year and sign up to receive the written commentary to follow along with at www.newlife.orgΑπό τον New Life Community Church
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Psalm 31:1-8, Leviticus 16:21-22, Mark 14:3-16. As I look back on my life, I can see many occasions when God has rescued me As you face difficult situations you can trust that God will rescue youΑπό τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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Psalm 31:1-8, Leviticus 15:1-16:34, Mark 13:32-14:16. As I look back on my life, I can see many occasions when God has rescued me As you face difficult situations you can trust that God will rescue youΑπό τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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• Deuteronomy 11 (Hebrews) • Deuteronomy 12 (Hebrews) • Romans 15:14–33 (Greek)
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Day 65: Rules for skin disease and for mildew in the home | Jesus foretells a terrifying, yet glorious future
In Leviticus 14, God provides Moses with detailed instructions on the ceremonial cleansing of people and houses from leprosy, emphasizing the importance of purity and the role of priests in the community. The process involves sacrifices, ritual baths, and the sprinkling of blood and oil, symbolizing restoration to health and community. Will the aff…
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NUMBERS 8:1-9:23 | MARK 13:14-37 | PSALM 50:1-23 | PROVERBS 10:29-30Από τον Listen to Today's Daily Bible Reading
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DEVOTIONAL USING R.E.A.P. - READ, EXAMINE, APPLY, PRAY - FOR NUMBERS 14:1-12Από τον Devotional for Friday, March 7 using R.E.A.P.: Read, Examine, Apply, Pray
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TODAY’S READING FROM THE ONE YEAR BIBLE: MARCH 7— Numbers 8-9:23; Mark 13:14-37; Psalm 50:1-23; Proverbs 10:29-30 Commentary written and read by Pastor David K. MacAdam Like and subscribe to the One Year Bible Tour Guide this year and sign up to receive the written commentary to follow along with at…
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Psalm 30:8-12, Leviticus 14:19-20, Mark 13:1-26. He constantly turns people’s lives around He turns despair into joy (Psalm 30:11)Από τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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Psalm 30:8-12, Leviticus 14:1-57, Mark 13:1-31. He constantly turns people’s lives around He turns despair into joy (Psalm 30:11)Από τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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• Deuteronomy 8 (Hebrew) • Deuteronomy 9 (Hebrew) • Deuteronomy 10 (Hebrew) • Romans 15:1–13 (Greek)
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Day 66: God sets rules for bodily discharges | Aaron purifies the Israelites | Jesus honors a woman who pours perfume on him
In Leviticus 15-16, the Lord speaks to Moses about purity laws, detailing how to handle uncleanliness and setting the stage for the Day of Atonement, a sacred time for atonement and purification for the people of Israel. On this day, the High Priest makes sacrifices and enters the Holy of Holies to atone for the sins of the nation, symbolizing a de…
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NUMBERS 6:1-7:89 | MARK 12:38-13:13 | PSALM 49:1-20 | PROVERBS 10:27-28Από τον Listen to Today's Daily Bible Reading
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MARCH 6- TODAY’S READING IN THE ONE YEAR BIBLE- TODAY’S READING: Numbers 6-7:89; Mark 12:38-13:13; Psalm 49:1-20; Proverbs 10:27-28 Commentary written and read by Pastor David K. MacAdam Like and subscribe to the One Year Bible Tour Guide this year and sign up to receive the written commentary to follow along with at…
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Proverbs 6:20-29, Leviticus 13:1-59, Mark 12:28-44. Even more important than a healthy physical heart is the condition of your spiritual heart In the passages for today we see five key ways to keep your spiritual heart healthyΑπό τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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Proverbs 6:20-27, Leviticus 13:59, Mark 12:28-37. Even more important than a healthy physical heart is the condition of your spiritual heart In the passages for today we see five key ways to keep your spiritual heart healthyΑπό τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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• Deuteronomy 5 (Hebrew) • Deuteronomy 6 (Hebrew) • Deuteronomy 7 (Hebrew) • Romans 14 (Greek)
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Day 64: Rules for skin diseases | Jesus quotes the greatest command | a poor widow gives two coins
Leviticus 13 details the laws concerning leprosy, instructing priests on how to diagnose and manage the condition in individuals and in garments. If someone exhibits symptoms of leprosy, they are to be examined by a priest, who decides if the person is unclean and thus, must live apart from the community. The chapter intricately outlines symptoms a…
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NUMBERS 4:1-5:31 | MARK 12:18-37 | PSALM 48:1-14 | PROVERBS 10:26Από τον Listen to Today's Daily Bible Reading
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MARCH 5- TODAY’S READING IN THE ONE YEAR BIBLE- Numbers 4:1-5:31; Mark 12:18-37; Psalm 48:1-14; Proverbs 10:26 Commentary written and read by Pastor David K. MacAdam Like and subscribe to the One Year Bible Tour Guide this year and sign up to receive the written commentary to follow along with at…
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Psalm 30:1-7, Leviticus 11:1-12:8, Mark 12:13-27. The passages for today remind us that God is the ‘everlasting God’ (Isaiah 40:28) God views things through a wide-angled lens: he takes a long view and he wants you to enjoy a lifetime of his favour (Psalm 30:5)Από τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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Psalm 30:1-5, Leviticus 11:44, Mark 12:13-27. The passages for today remind us that God is the ‘everlasting God’ (Isaiah 40:28) God views things through a wide-angled lens: he takes a long view and he wants you to enjoy a lifetime of his favour (Psalm 30:5)Από τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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• Deuteronomy 3 (Hebrew) • Deuteronomy 4 (Hebrew) • Romans 13 (Greek)
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Day 63: God details which animals and insects are safe to eat | Jesus is challenged by religious leaders
In Leviticus 11-12, God gives Moses and Aaron detailed instructions on what the Israelites can and cannot eat, defining clean and unclean animals, and also outlines the laws of purification after childbirth. These chapters emphasize the importance of holiness and purity in everyday life, setting apart the Israelites from other nations through their…
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NUMBERS 2:1-3:51 | MARK 11:27-12:17 | PSALM 47:1-9 | PROVERBS 10:24-25Από τον Listen to Today's Daily Bible Reading
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MARCH 4- TODAY’S READING IN THE ONE YEAR BIBLE- Numbers 2-3:51; Mark 11:27-12:17; Psalm 47:1-9; Proverbs 10:24-25 Commentary written and read by Pastor David K. MacAdam Psalm 47:1-9 read by Ben MacAdam Proverbs 10:24-25 read by Heather MacAdam Like and subscribe to the One Year Bible Tour Guide this year and sign up to receive the written commentar…
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Psalm 29:1-11, Leviticus 9:23-24, Mark 11:27-33,12:1-12. Of course, it can be abused However, godly, spiritual authority is a source of great blessingΑπό τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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Psalm 29:1-11, Leviticus 9:1-10:20, Mark 11:27-12:12. Of course, it can be abused However, godly, spiritual authority is a source of great blessingΑπό τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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• Deuteronomy 1 (Hebrew) • Deuteronomy 2 (Hebrew) • Romans 12 (Greek)
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In Leviticus 9, Aaron and his sons prepare for their first offerings to God under Moses' guidance, marking the beginning of their priesthood. Fire comes from the Lord to consume the offering, signifying His approval, and the people rejoice in awe. However, in Leviticus 10, Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, offer unauthorized fire before the Lord, viol…
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LEVITICUS 27:14-NUMBERS 1:54 | MARK 11:1-26 | PSALM 46:1-11 | PROVERBS 10:23Από τον Listen to Today's Daily Bible Reading
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MARCH 3- TODAY’S READING FROM THE ONE YEAR BIBLE - Leviticus 27:14-34; Numbers 1:1-54; Mark 11:1-26; Psalm 46:1-11; Proverbs 10:23 Commentary written and read by Pastor David K. MacAdam Like and subscribe to the One Year Bible Tour Guide this year and sign up to receive the written commentary to follow along with at…
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• Numbers 32 (Hebrew) • Numbers 33 (Hebrew) • Romans 11:1–16 (Greek)
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Psalm 28:1-7, Leviticus 8:10-12, Mark 11:1-25. Without that relationship there will always be a deep sense of aloneness and a lack of ultimate meaning and purpose At the heart of the Christian faith is this relationship with God where we find what we are living forΑπό τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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Psalm 28:1-9, Leviticus 7:11-8:36, Mark 11:1-25. Without that relationship there will always be a deep sense of aloneness and a lack of ultimate meaning and purpose At the heart of the Christian faith is this relationship with God where we find what we are living forΑπό τον Nicky and Pippa Gumbel
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• Number 34 (Hebrew) • Numbers 35 (Hebrew) • Numbers 36 (Hebrew) • Romans 11:17–36 (Greek)
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In Leviticus 7:11-8, the scripture outlines the laws regarding the peace offerings to the Lord, emphasizing how different portions of the offerings are to be consumed by the priests and the offerer, marking a communal sharing in God's provisions. It transitions into Leviticus 8, where Moses consecrates Aaron and his sons as priests through elaborat…
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LEVITICUS 25:47-27:13 | MARK 10:32-52 | PSALM 45:1-17 | PROVERBS 10:22Από τον Listen to Today's Daily Bible Reading
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MARCH 2- TODAY’S READING IN THE ONE YEAR BIBLE- Leviticus 25:47-27:13; Mark 10:32-52; Psalm 45:1-17; Proverbs 10:22 Commentary written and read by Pastor David K. MacAdam Psalm 45:1-17 read by Heather MacAdam Like and subscribe to the One Year Bible Tour Guide this year and sign up to receive the written commentary to follow along with at www.newli…
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