Täglich erzählen NZZ-Korrespondentinnen und Redaktoren, was sie bewegt: Geschichten aus der ganzen Welt inklusive fundierter Analyse aus dem Hause NZZ, in rund 15 Minuten erzählt. Das ist «NZZ Akzent» – täglich ein Stück Welt. Und wenn du dich schnell, kompakt und fokussiert über das Weltgeschehen informieren möchtest, dann mach das mit unserem täglichen Newsletter, dem NZZ Briefing. Registriere dich dafür kostenlos unter go.nzz.ch/briefing.
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Erwachsensein ist manchmal eine ziemliche Zumutung. Warum bleibt von meiner Zeit so wenig übrig? Wie funktioniert das mit der Liebe? Und wo genau gehöre ich hin? Unsere Hosts fragen sich das auch und sprechen mit Menschen, die Antworten gefunden haben. Jede Staffel nehmen wir uns ein grosses Thema vor und decken überraschende Fakten und Perspektiven auf. «NZZ Megahertz» ist Fühlen für Fortgeschrittene. Jeden Donnerstag frisch. Am 7. November starten wir unsere neue Staffel: Beziehungskisten. ...
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Der US-Wahlkampf ist vorbei. Donald Trump wird wieder Präsident der USA. Doch welche Folgen hat das auf die geopolitischen Themen? Wird Trump wirklich den Krieg in der Ukraine beenden? Und was bedeutet die Wahl für die Beziehungen zwischen Amerika und Europa? Amerika hat entschieden. Jetzt wird sich zeigen, was diese Entscheidung bedeutet.
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Journalismus live erleben – jetzt mit dem NZZ-Live-Podcast: damit hört ihr jeden Monat bis zu zwei Stunden der spannendsten Mitschnitte unserer Live-Veranstaltungen. Ihr begleitet interessante Gespräche mit bekannten Persönlichkeiten, moderiert von unseren Redaktorinnen und Redaktoren – und das überall, wo es Podcasts gibt.
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In our Opening Bell podcast we aim to provide a snapshot into what's happening within our economy, the capital markets, our organisation as New Zealand's Exchange, and our community. Featuring a range of industry leaders, each podcast is packed with trends, insights and learning opportunities.
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Eric Gujer ist Chefredaktor der NZZ. Einmal im Monat debattiert er mit einem Gast aus Politik oder Gesellschaft die grossen Fragen unserer Zeit. Dies ist der Podcast zur gleichnamigen Fernsehsendung.
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Martyn ’Bomber’ Bradbury & Damien Grant join forces for the best weekly political podcast in New Zealand.
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Talk time is where Meredith McCarthy and Teresa Saunders talk about everything to do with hypnosis and working as a clinical hypnotherapist. We discuss new topics every week. This is part of the NZACH the New Zealand Academy of Clinical Hypnotherapy. www.nzach.ac.nz
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Listen to our weekly Sunday sermons. We are a church based in Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt.
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Keep updated with the messages from Echo Church in Whakatāne.
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SimNurseNZ - Conversations about all things simulation with Ali, Ez & Maz
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Freedom Centre is a church that exists to ENCOUNTER, EQUIP & RELEASE Led by Adem and Grace Guneyi.
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Homilies and talks given by the brothers of St John in Christchurch NZ
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Each episode, Paul Spain and guests discuss what's happening in the world of technology, gadgets and telecommunications around the world and in New Zealand.
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Renew Church NZ podcast Renew Church NZ is a New Zealand based church founded in 1977 in Whangarei. Led by Senior Pastors Symon and Kristy Drake, Renew Church NZ aims to present the gospel in a contemporary manner to every generation. Renew Church NZ and Renew Music are joint in their aim of being a family of believers celebrating God’s goodness, demonstrating His love and equipping His people to change the world.
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Sermons, talks, announcements, and other stuff that might be of interest to The Village Church family.
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The NZ Everyday Investor! A podcast designed for the the everyday person, who's keen to build new wealth in the new world using existing, and new tools to get the job done. We select guests for our show who have a genuine story to tell - not just industry experts but people who have made great financial moves, some on purpose and some totally by accident! We hope you enjoy the show.
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We are a family friendly Pentecostal Church who love to worship God and do life together in Blenheim, New Zealand.
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New Zealand's podcast that inspires and challenges those in business and leadership. Hear from numerous top NZ leaders and entrepreneurs including Rod Drury, Sir Stephen Tindall, Sir Michael Hill, Sir Graham Henry, Mike Bennetts, Andy Hamilton and many more.
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Step into the world of NZ Business Owners, where we explore the complexities of life and entrepreneurship in New Zealand. From the deep-seated beliefs and values that guide these entrepreneurs to the strategies they use to navigate the twists and turns of success, we dive into the depths of the human experience. Whether you're interested in business, personal growth, or just curious about what it takes to succeed, join us on this journey of self-discovery and explore the many facets of the h ...
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Sebuah podcast yang bercita-cita menjadi podcast komedi. Maka dari itu obrolannya pun kadang diketawa-ketawain biar sah dianggap lucu. Jadi, tolong di tertawakan!
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Welcome to the Azoe Nzoya podcast
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Inspirational messages from The River Christian Church
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Life Church is a thriving church right in Christchurch. We are passionate about knowing God, loving others, and changing lives.
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The official podcast of the NZXT community! 💜 Tune in live every other Friday at 10AM PT on twitch.tv/NZXT and send your questions to: podcast@nzxt.com Subscribe on SoundCloud, Spotify, and Apple.
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The place to hear great stories from New Zealand winemakers, vineyards owners and others in the industry. Hosted by Boris Lamont. Published by Podcasts NZ.
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Podcast by NZMSA
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Dig into the biggest crimes in New Zealan history with the investigators and journalists who know the cases best.
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Each a month a new episode with my selection of the latest techno tracks!
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Rabobank's RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness team has 90 analysts working in local teams across the worldwide Rabobank network. They generate knowledge, and develop views and insights on businesses, topics and developments in the food & agribusiness sectors across the globe. All analysts have their own sector specialisations—ranging from meat and fish to dairy, vegetables, fruit and floriculture, coffee and cocoa. RaboResearch Disclaimer: Please refer to our Australian RaboResearch disclaimer ...
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A short and crisp view at what the nzyme team worked on over the last few days.
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Weekly podcast of current affairs in New Zealand by Dr Muriel Newman, founding director of the New Zealand Centre for Political Research.
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Welcome to the Ntokozo Nzima podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Guiding keen new gardeners to become confident vegetable growers no matter the size of your garden or your skill level. We aim to share tips and tricks to help you grow healthy, nutrient-rich vegetables. Based in the Central Otago region of New Zealand. Happy gardening
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I think education matters because everything we do and everywhere we go we need it. Cover art photo provided by NeONBRAND on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@neonbrand
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The NZS Capital Podcast features interviews with members of the investment team covering a range of topics about innovative companies. Not investment advice. Please see important disclosures at nzscapital.com/legal-disclaimer
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Tales From The Pass - A Hospitality Podcast by The Restaurant Association of NZ
Restaurant Association of NZ
Tales from the pass is a space to celebrate and showcase the voices and talent of Aotearoa’s vibrant hospitality industry. Join us every fortnight as we explore topical issues with our industry’s leading experts, chefs, restauranteurs, educators and influencers.
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From its early days, Bridges has been a church that uses the Bible as the foundation of faith. We value worshipping God highly, and place a lot of emphasis on this in our regular meetings. Individual and corporate prayer is a vital part of discerning Gods will for us, and moving forward as a church. We welcome the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit in our church - from the salvation of people through faith in Christ, to the empowering that comes from baptism in the Holy Spirit, and the ...
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Through the 1840s and 50s Waikato Māori had been close allies of Pākehā settlers living in Auckland. So why did war break out between the two early in 1863?
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Highlighting Northland's most infamous armed conflict.
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Legal Podcast about the law in New Zealand. Learn about the law in NZ.
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Greg Kramer is the Creative Director of https://www.partisanadvertising.co.nz/ Chapters 00:00 The Genesis of a Designer's Journey 03:08 The Evolution of Graphic Design 06:14 Understanding Logos and Branding 09:06 The Nature of Creativity and Critique 12:11 The Value of Experience in Design 15:26 Pricing and Perception in Design 18:26 Client Relatio…
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In this RaboResearch miniseries of podcasts, we unpack the major trends from fork to farm along the global food and agriculture supply chain. RaboResearch Australia & New Zealand General Manager Stefan Vogel discusses key global livestock industry trends through 2030 with Senior Animal Protein Analyst Angus Gidley Baird. RaboResearch Disclaimer: Pl…
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Από τον Renew Church NZ
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Listen in as host Paul Spain and guest Adrian Smith, CEO of BlinkPay, dive into the dynamic world of digital banking and fintech. Adrian sheds light on BlinkPay's innovative journey, highlighting their partnership with the Bank of New Zealand and the development of modern financial solutions. The conversation also touches on challenges related to f…
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When you're trading your time for money, concentrating your investments can make sense. But come retirement, diversification helps manage the risk of losing what you've already built. Concentration can lead to big wins or big losses - but sometimes, it's more luck than skill at play. Read more. Book in a free 15-min phone call with Darcy Ungaro (fi…
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In this homily for the Feast of the Epiphany, Fr. Michael reflects on the journey of the Magi, exploring what we know and don’t know about their historic arrival. He highlights the radical importance of wonder—wonder that drives us to search for God, just as the Magi did. Fr. Michael challenges us to resist the creeping influence of atheistic mater…
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Join host Paul Spain and Grant Lynch, Managing Director of Unlimited Potential Real Estate, as Grant shares his journey from his roots in West Auckland, navigating the challenges of the real estate sector to stepping out and co-founding UP Real Estate with Barry Thom. Discover how Grants personal values, and an unwavering commitment to authenticity…
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Ps Chris Dawson shares on how God has commanded us to be a beacon of light to those who are far from Him & step up to the occasion of carrying Jesus no matter what ability you have.
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Jeremiah and Sarah Nicholls reflect on the Christmas season.Από τον Life Church
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Music by RomanBelov from PixabayΑπό τον Echo Church NZ
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Από τον Ian Kerby
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Sunday 17th November 4:00PM Gathering, Te Puke Location Te Puke lead Pastor Reuel Percy on a Freedom Centre Series: Like A Dove — “Holy Spirit & Fire“ — Luke 3 With Freedom Centre NZ Online, you can join us every Sunday live at 11:00am NZT, and our gatherings are available on-demand. Join us at https://www.freedomcentre.nz/ __ Subscribe to our chan…
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GAP Youth leader, Joe Kingston, brings us a Christmas message about the Creator becoming the created.
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Glauben ist nicht mehr, was er mal war – die Kirchen beklagen Mitgliederschwund, ein Drittel der Schweizerinnen und Schweizer bezeichnet sich heute als keiner Religion zugehörig. Doch Glaube und Spiritualität sind nicht tot, im Gegenteil! In der 5. Staffel von «NZZ Megahertz» stellen wir uns Fragen rund um Gott und die Welt: Woran glauben wir und w…
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Kinder und Geld: Früh fit für Finanzen?
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Der Umgang mit Geld und das frühe Entwickeln finanzieller Kompetenzen sind in der heutigen Welt sehr wichtig. Kenntnisse rund um Sparen, Budgeteinteilung und Schuldenmanagement sind unerlässlich für finanzielle Stabilität und Wohlstand. Wie kann schon früh die Finanzkompetenz von Kindern und Jugendlichen gefördert werden? Was können Eltern tun? Und…
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Die Diagnose Demenz ist ein Schock. Denn die Betroffenen verlieren ihr Denken und ihr Wesen, die Krankheit ist unheilbar. Doch in der Forschung gibt es erfolgversprechende Erkenntnisse. Gast: Stephanie Lahrtz, Wissenschaftsredaktorin Host: Antonia Moser Weitere Informationen zum Thema: https://www.nzz.ch/wissenschaft/leben-mit-demenz-fortschritte-f…
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Der Schock sitzt immer noch tief, nachdem in Magdeburg auf einem Weihnachtsmarkt sechs Menschen getötet wurden. Und es zeigt sich: Der Anschlag hätte möglicherweise verhindert werden können. Gast: Nathan Giwerzew Host: Marlen Oehler Weitere Informationen zum Thema: https://www.nzz.ch/international/wer-traegt-die-verantwortung-fuer-die-tat-von-magde…
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In Österreich ist genau das eingetreten, was die etablierten Parteien unbedingt verhindern wollten: Der FPÖ-Chef Herbert Kickl erhält den Auftrag zur Bildung einer Regierung. Wie die Chancen dafür stehen, klären wir im Podcast mit der Auslandredaktorin Nina Belz. Host: Simon Schaffer Weitere Informationen zum Thema: https://www.nzz.ch/international…
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Send us a text In this episode of Talk Time, Meredith McCarthy and Teresa Saunders delve into the transformative effects of relaxation on the vibration of your thoughts. Learn how hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis can help you shift from stress and anxiety to a state of calm, empowering you to live your best life. 💡 Key Topics Covered: The difference …
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Max Kresch diente nach dem 7. Oktober an der libanesischen Grenze, Michael Ofer-Ziv bewilligte Luftangriffe auf Gaza. Heute wollen beide nicht mehr kämpfen. Der Israel-Korrespondent Rewert Hoffer hat sie getroffen. Host: Simon Schaffer Weitere Informationen zum Thema: https://www.nzz.ch/international/israel-warum-immer-mehr-reservisten-den-dienst-v…
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In this RaboResearch miniseries of podcasts, we unpack the major trends from fork to farm along the global food and agriculture supply chain. RaboResearch Australia & New Zealand General Manager Stefan Vogel discusses key grain and biofuel industry trends through 2030 with US-based Global Sector Strategist – Grains & Oilseeds Steve Nicholson. RaboR…
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Kein Sex, kein Dating, keine Heirat, keine Kinder – viermal Nein, auf koranisch «bi», das ist die radikale Antwort auf Frauenhass in Südkorea. Die 4B-Bewegung fordert gar eine Abkehr vom Mann – und findet nun auch in den USA Anhängerinnen. Ein zutiefst frauenfeindliches System und ein brutaler Mord an einer Frau lösten in Südkorea ein breites femin…
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“New Beginnings with God: Following Mary’s Yes” - Midnight Mass - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 2025
In this New Year’s homily, Fr. Michael reflects on the profound example of Mary, the Mother of God, who embraced an entirely new beginning by saying “yes” to God’s will. Her words, “Let it be done to me according to your will,” changed the course of history and brought the Savior into the world. Fr. Michael invites us to begin this year by surrende…
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In nur einem Jahr hat er Tausende Gesetze überprüft, angepasst oder ganz abgeschafft: Federico Sturzenegger ist der Mann, der für Javier Milei den argentinischen Staat zerlegt. Heutiger Gast: Alexander Busch, Südamerika-KorrespondentHost: Jenny Rieger Weitere Informationen zum Thema: https://www.nzz.ch/international/deregulierung-in-argentinien-mil…
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Join host Paul Spain and Levi Fawcett, founder of Partly as Levi shares insights from All Goods, delves into the complexities of the automotive industry, and discusses Partly's mission to revolutionise car parts procurement. Discover his journey from Rocket Lab's innovative culture to addressing a $1.9 trillion market with groundbreaking solutions.…
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In this RaboResearch miniseries of podcasts, we unpack the major trends from fork to farm along the global food and agriculture supply chain. RaboResearch Australia & New Zealand General Manager Stefan Vogel discusses key trends in the sugar and biofuel industries through 2030 with Brazil-based Global Sector Strategist – Sugar Andy Duff. RaboResear…
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Send us a text In this week’s episode of Talk Time, Meredith McCarthy and Teresa Saunders explore how your first thoughts of the day can shape your mindset and energy. Discover how hypnosis, intention setting, and letting go of negative thoughts can transform your day—and your life. 🌀✨ 💡 Key Topics Covered: The power of morning rituals and their in…
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Beziehungen formen unsere Identität und geben uns Halt. In dieser Staffel haben wir Freundschaften, Liebesbeziehungen und Geschäftspartnerschaften unter die Lupe genommen – und darüber gesprochen, wie wir diese Verbindungen positiv gestalten können. In dieser Folge fassen Meng und Jenny die besten Tipps zusammen und reflektieren, welche Momente ihn…
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André will nicht zum Täter werden. Deshalb weiss er: Er muss die Zuneigung zur elfjährigen Lisa unterdrücken - und macht sich auf die Suche nach Hilfe. Host: Marlen OehlerGast: Claudia Rey, Zürich-Redaktorin Weitere Informationen zum Thema: https://www.nzz.ch/zuerich/bekenntnisse-eines-paedophilen-er-will-kein-taeter-werden-ld.1755633 Informiere di…
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In this RaboResearch miniseries of podcasts, we unpack the major trends from fork to farm along the global food and agriculture supply chain. RaboResearch Australia & New Zealand General Manager Stefan Vogel discusses key dairy industry trends through 2030 with US-based Global Sector Strategist – Dairy Mary Ledman. RaboResearch Disclaimer: Please r…
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How To Beat Currency Debasement, Ep 450 Rajat Soni
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Special thank you to Rajat Soni - if you like his style, be sure to check out @rajatsonifinance on YouTube. Having an allocation to Bitcoin, or at least gold is really important. This isn’t about picking the next big thing, it’s about accumulating wealth outside of a system which is programmatically in decline. So, this all brings me to today’s gue…
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Seit Jahrzehnten untersuchen Forscher Regionen, wo die Leute besonders alt werden. Ein australischer Forscher kritisiert die Datengrundlage – und stellt alles infrage. Host: Alice GrosjeanGast: Judith Blage, Wissenschafts-Redaktorin Weitere Informationen zum Thema: https://www.nzz.ch/wissenschaft/blue-zones-alles-quatsch-findet-longevity-forscher-n…
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In this RaboResearch miniseries of podcasts, we unpack the major trends from fork to farm along the global food and agriculture supply chain. RaboResearch Australia & New Zealand General Manager Stefan Vogel discusses key trends in the horticulture industry through 2030 with Netherlands-based Global Sector Strategist – Fresh Produce Cindy van Rijsw…
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