Roma, Egipto, Grecia... Conoce alguno de los momentos más interesantes de la historia de la mano de nuestros amenos podcasts en los que relatamos algunos curiosos episodios históricos. ¿Cómo era la educación en la Grecia Clásica? ¿Por qué hay momias de animales? ¿Desde cuándo nos vacunamos? ¿Fue Nerón realmente tan malo como lo pintan? ¿Quiénes fueron los primeros en llegar al polo Sur? ¿Quiénes eran las heteras de la Antigua Grecia? ¿Qué significaba ser un esclavo en la Edad Media? Estas y ...
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Wöchentliche Analyse der politischen Ereignisse in Deutschland und der Welt - mit Philip Banse und Ulf Buermeyer
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Et live-comedy-aktualitets-panel-show! Michael Schøt og Mikkel Klint Thorius har samlet et panel bestående af nogle af Danmarks sjoveste mennesker, til at diskutere og dyste i ugens aktuelle begivenheder, foran et live publikum. Afsnittene udkommer hver uge! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Gaslit Nation provides a deep dive on the news, skipping outrage to deliver analysis, history, context, and sharp insight on global affairs. Hosted by journalist and filmmaker Andrea Chalupa, an expert on authoritarian states who warned America about Russia and election hacking before the 2016 election.
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Here's where to find podcasts from The Nation. Political talk without the boring parts, featuring the writers, activists and artists who shape the news, from a progressive perspective.
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Každý týždeň na webe S moderátormi Marekom Vagovičom a Petrom Hanákom. Hovoríme, ako to skutočne je. NA ROVINU.
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National Parks Traveler is the world's top-rated, editorially independent, nonprofit media organization dedicated to covering national parks and protected areas on a daily basis. Traveler offers readers and listeners a unique multimedia blend of news, feature content, debate, and discussion all tied to national parks and protected areas.
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De podcast die je leven verandert met pakkende verhalen en positieve psychologie.
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Conversa com portugueses presentes nas redes sociais e que residem no estrangeiro, com Ana Jordão.
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The Bleacher Nation Cubs Podcast is your go-to source for smart, entertaining, and insightful Chicago Cubs talk. Hosted by Brett Taylor and Michael Cerami of Bleacher Nation, this show dives into everything Cubs fans need to know. New episodes Thursdays.
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The Lakers Nation Podcast is dedicated to providing intelligent Los Angeles Lakers talk year-round. Hosted by's Trevor Lane, this podcast provides a big-picture look at the Lakers world and breakdowns after every game. Follow Lakers Nation on Facebook and Twitter @LakersNation and on Instagram @LakersNationOfficial
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Podcast Českého rozhlasu Plus zaměřený na postsovětský prostor. Všechny díly podcastu Na Východ! můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu
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Step inside the Formula 1 Paddock for race previews, reviews, interviews and analysis with Tom Clarkson and expert guests. Hit the follow button for the fastest way to get new episodes every Monday. Email An official F1 podcast. For in-depth F1 interviews, listen to F1 Beyond The Grid. For answers to your questions about the sport, listen to F1 Explains
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Peninha, Luciano Potter e Arthur Gubert em um talk show para falar da História das coisas. "Qualquer coisa MESMA" (SIC).
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Hosted by two friends who share a passion for the wilderness and a fascination with what can go wrong there, each week hosts Danielle and Cassie explore the darker side of our National Parks and explore these treasured places in a whole new way - because behind the iconic arches and towering trees lie layered histories, grisly encounters, extraordinary stories of survival, tragic ends and so much more. But it isn’t always chills and thrills. By sharing inspiring tales and their desire for pr ...
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The G-Bag Nation - Weekdays 10am-3pm
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Velkommen til Nationalbankens podcast om økonomi. Her fortæller Nationalbankens økonomer om deres arbejde med at analysere økonomien og overvåge den finansielle stabilitet.
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Falar do amor de Deus e aprender a revelar Cristo ao mundo
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fragmenty czytań liturgii słowa Mszy świętej opatrzone komentarzem.
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This is a podcast about religion, the separation of church and state, and the battle for America's soul. Secular activist, bestselling author, and constitutional lawyer and author Andrew L. Seidel delivers weekly interviews and commentary on all the legal and constitutional issues of Trump's second term and the battles to keep church and state separate.
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Discover the unknown facts.
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Podcast týdeníku Ekonom o byznysu, managementu a inspirativním podnikání. Výjimečné postavy českého byznysu zpovídá šéfredaktor Petr Kain a jeho zástupce Martin Petříček...
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America’s premier Sunday morning public affairs program. For nearly 70 years, Face the Nation has sought to help audiences understand how current events affect their lives. Today, that mission remains the same. Hear moderator Margaret Brennan’s illuminating and informative interviews with elected officials, policy experts and foreign leaders. Face the Nation airs Sundays at 10:30 AM, ET on the CBS Television Network and at 12 PM, ET on the CBS News Streaming Network. Face the Nation is also ...
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The Perfume Nationalist is a continuing radio soap opera hosted by Jack Mason in which art and culture, high and low, are discussed through the historical lens of fragrance.
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Der Nationalpark Gesäuse Podcast soll Einblick in die Arbeit des einzigen Nationalparks der Steiermark geben. Was und warum macht der Nationalpark. Mit wem und welchen Organisationen arbeitet er zusammen? Nähere und weitere Blicke über den Tellerrand des Schutzgebiets runden die Themenliste ab. Meistens sind Gäste geladen. Der Nationalpark Gesäuse Podcast wird gespeist aus den Beiträgen des Nationalparkradios, welches jeden Mittwoch von 18 bis 19 Uhr auf Radio Freequenns zu hören ist. Die Be ...
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Join the best callers in the business for our coverage of the Australian Football League.
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Al het nieuws over auto's en mobiliteit, met Meindert Schut en Wouter Karssen ( Elke vrijdag live om 15:00 uur, en altijd on demand als podcast.
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Um podcast sobre tudo e, sobretudo, sobre nada. Temas polémicos e trivialidades. Seriedade e humor. De Guilherme Duarte & Hugo Gonçalves.
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Espaço de humor com Miguel Paraíso e Mangope na RDP África Transmissão: 2ª a 6ªfeira - 08.50
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Dr. Michael Savage earned his PhD in epidemiology and nutrition sciences from the Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley. Inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame after over 26 years at the top of the talk radio format. Borders, Language and Culture are his pillars. A NY Times Best Selling author of over 30 books and novels, he was appointed by the President of the United States to the Board of the Presidio Trust. A true conservationist, Savage converses about politics, science, films, nutrition, co ...
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Our Goal’s to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 185 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, Law of Attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include Dr, Joe Dispenza, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Pam Grout, Anthony ...
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Awakening to the Spiritual Heart. Sharing stories and awarenesses along the path of Transcendence.
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Inflammation Nation is a podcast from Arthritis Ireland aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of arthritis and related conditions. Inflammation Nation is supported by Pfizer.
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Your National News Briefing
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Nat Coombs has been anchoring NFL coverage on UK TV & Radio for almost two decades, becoming one of the most recognisable faces in the game. For his year round podcast, he's joined by an All-Pro crew of expert NFL voices from both sides of the pond, getting you up to speed on all the latest news & key stories from around the league. Whether you’re a veteran NFL fan or brand new to the sport, everyone's welcome at The NC Show! American Football, British Accent.
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Nation to Nation takes a weekly look at the politics affecting Indigenous people in Canada. Join us as we connect you with the decision-makers in Ottawa and across the country.
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Fotbalový podcast s veterány sportu.
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Interviews with Scholars of National Security about their New Books Support our show by becoming a premium member!
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Na panské Humoristická relácia s posluchá?skou interakciou. Moderátor: Pa?ko Sralko
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Interesting, informative guests, listener questions, tips, hacks, suggestions and ideas ... on all things upland bird hunting, hosted by the creator of TV series Wingshooting USA
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Nation Network: Sport movies, Royal Rumble rankings, games and fun!
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The Red Nation Podcast features discussions on Indigenous history, politics, and culture from a left perspective. Hosted by Nick Estes and Jen Marley with help from our friend and comrade Sina. The Red Nation Podcast is also the home of Red Power Hour, hosted by Melanie Yazzie and Elena Ortiz. Our show is entirely supported by our patrons on Patreon, support the show and get access to bonus content and other patron exclusive benefits here: Website: Fol ...
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Bringing personal stories of illness, trauma, disease, and much more to life. I will cover physical, spiritual, and emotional healing, as well as bring exposure to hidden gems.
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Milan Mikulecký má zkušenosti z manažerských pozic v byznysu i státní správě, a to jak v České republice, tak v zahraničí. Se svými hosty diskutuje před kamerou a mikrofonem bez ohledu na dnešní většinové názory. Hlas volajícího na poušti je historicky vyjádřením toho, kdy někteří lidé hlasitě upozorňovali ostatní na nebezpečí, do kterého se jejich společenství dostává, a nebyli včas vyslyšeni. Každý týden otevíráme nové téma.
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The Best of Electronic Dance Music - EDM forever!
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Nat Hunter, Drew Savage, Erin Davis and Sammi – the crew behind Vancouver’s favourite morning show, The Nat & Drew Show!
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por: Ennio Gomide dos Santos ./ .Caminhar na Graça / . Quando nos perdemos em nossa religiosidade, estabelecemos regras, como os religiosos na época de Jesus, focando na aparência e não no que é prioritário, como podemos observar em Lucas, capítulo seis, versículos um e dois. “Aconteceu que, num sábado, Jesus passava pelas searas, e os seus discípu…
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NA ROVINU s Veronikou Remišovou: Ak nepotrestajú Roberta Kaliňáka, ale mňa, je to mafiánska pomsta
Veronika Remišová ako predsedníčka výboru pre nezlučiteľnosť funkcií informovala, že v neverejnej časti majetkového priznania Roberta Kaliňáka chýba chorvátska vila jeho manželky. Smer preto navrhol odvolať ju z funkcie za údajné porušenie zákona. Hrozí jej aj obrovská pokuta. Ak ju dostane, bude sa súdiť na Ústavnom súde SR a možno aj v Štrasburgu…
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Od vousů k miliardě. Tomáš Čech vyrůstal v podnikatelské rodině a věděl, že chce podnikat. Nápad prodávat kosmetiku na vousy se zrodil před přibližně osmi lety. Byla to doba, kdy v Česku nabírala na síle móda pěstěných vousů a otevíral se jeden barbershop za druhým. Dostupné značky Tomáše nijak neoslovily. „Mluvily o pravých džentlmenech, ale já js…
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Beefs de humoristas e escritores, liberdade de expressão
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1:01:31No episódio desta semana falamos sobre beefs, desde Joana Marques e Rui Sinel de Cordes a outros do mundo literário. Falamos ainda sobre liberdade de expressão e outras coisas.Από τον Guilherme Duarte & Hugo Gonçalves
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Por Peninha, Potter e Arthur Gubert. Pra Os livros citados estão na E você nos ajuda diretamente em
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Sérgio Vitorino é enfermeiro de formação, mas decidiu fugir à rotina e hoje trabalha na área do marketing. No Panamá desde 2020 é o único português líder de negócios, na área dos dispositivos médicos, na América Latina.
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Na panské - 2025-03-23 humoristický týždenník 11/2025
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2:00:20Holá riť a oči pre plač,… To jediné ti zostane a aj to budeš rád, keď tú holú riť budeš mať,… A možno si už na ňu robí chúťky tvoj teplý prezident,… Daj si pozor,… Kraviny, čo ti podstrkávajú cez médiá a kadejaké sociálne kanály popod nos, o tom, ako sú demokratické, nenažraté prasce zahltené prácou a strostlivosťou o teba nemajú konca,… Kaliňákove…
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Radio Warszawa wraz z Bractwem Słowa Bożego zaprasza do wsłuchiwania się we fragmenty czytań liturgii słowa Mszy św. opatrzone komentarzem. „Słowo na wieki, Słowo na dziś” od poniedziałku do piątku o godzinie 6:15 i 11:57. Teksty Pisma Świętego czyta Ewa Ziętek. Tekst komentarzy do wszystkich czytań oraz więcej informacji o działaniach Bractwa znal…
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Nejhmatatelnějšími výsledky dlouho očekáváného, celosvětově sledovaného a následně Donaldem Trumpem vychvalovaného telefonátu na lince Washington–Moskva o ukončení války na Ukrajině byly dvě dohody: o neútočení na ukrajinskou, respektive ruskou energetickou infrastrukturu a o hokejovém utkání mezi Ruskem a Spojenými státy. Všechny díly podcastu Na …
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Ako písať o architektúre? Sme obklopení architektúrou. V budovách bývame a pracujeme, s architektúrou žijeme. My formujeme ju a ona nás. Rôzne stavby hodnotíme, oceňujeme, kritizujeme a reflektujeme. Akými spôsobmi môžeme o architektúre písať? Ako ju vieme popularizovať? Dokážeme vôbec slovami sprostredkovať zážitok z nej? V diskusnej relácii Na té…
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From 'Love of the Star' (subscribe here): Zach and Bryan discuss the anniversary of when Jimmy Johnson's time in Dallas came to an end. The guys also talk about which QB's are out there that could be Dak's backup. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad cho…
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...and King Charles spends the night in hospital. See for privacy information.Από τον LiSTNR
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The Gaslit Nation Media Committee, a watchdog against access journalism and regime propaganda, has developed this essential guide. We urge all members of the media to reject complicity in the erosion of democracy. The American crisis is a global struggle between democracy and fascism—one that threatens the entire world. Each of us has a role in def…
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LdN424 Signal-Chats mit JD Vance, Konstituierung des Bundestags, Koalitionsverhandlungen, Digitalisierung der Verwaltung (Christina Lang, DigitalServices GmbH Bund), Proteste in der Türkei (Tina Blohm ...
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1:51:56In der „Lage der Nation“ kehren der Journalist Philip Banse und der Jurist Ulf Buermeyer einmal in der Woche die politischen Ereignisse hierzulande und in der Welt zusammen, so diese sie interessieren und sie sie für relevant halten. Sponsoren Erhaltet einen exklusiven 15% Rabatt auf Saily Datenpakete! Nutzt den Code “lage” beim Checkout. Downloade…
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por: Ennio Gomide dos Santos ./ .Caminhar na Graça / . O reconhecimento da necessidade é que nos leva ao processo de cura. Quando achamos que estamos bem e que de nada precisamos, certamente não buscaremos a cura, como podemos observar as palavras do Senhor para os religiosos em Lucas, no capítulo cinco, do versículo vinte e nove ao trinta e dois. …
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PM expected to visit Governor General this morning. See for privacy information.Από τον LiSTNR
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Essendon are on the board for 2025! Learn more about your ad choices. VisitΑπό τον SEN
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After the win against Port Adelaide, Mason Redman joins us for a chat in the rooms. Learn more about your ad choices. VisitΑπό τον SEN
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LEGENDARY Channel DISCLOSES URGENT Message About MANKIND'S Next Evolutionary STEP! Sheila Gillette
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1:24:44What's the NEXT evolutionary step for humanity--will we make it through, and is this ESSENTIAL for our ASCENDANCE? Sheila Gillette Channels THEO, the 24 Archangels with answers to these questions and more! To find out more visit: - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"…
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On this episode of Tech Won't Save Us, Paris Marx is joined by Kate Green and Milo to discuss how Elon Musk’s DOGE is dismantling the US Digital Service and the consequences that has on really improving service delivery in government. Kate Green and Milo are former US Digital Service engineers. Advertising Inquiries: Pr…
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Prime Minister set to call a May 3 election tomorrow See for privacy information.Από τον LiSTNR
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LeBron Beats Pacers At Buzzer
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1:06:07LeBron James saved the day for the Lakers with a buzzer beating tip in, breaking LA's 3 game losing streak. Trevor Lane and Matt Peralta break down the win and all the good and the bad...Από τον
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Fuel excise that'll save us hundreds to feature in Coalitions budget reply See for privacy information.Από τον LiSTNR
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Estée Legacy by Estée Lauder (2024) + The Last Picture Show by Larry McMurtry (1966) + Peter Bogdanovich's The Last Picture Show (1971) with Glen Rockney of Rare Candy and The Back Wall 3/26/25 TPN S7E20/ Rare Candy To hear this episode and the complete continuing story of The Perfume Nationalist please subscribe on Patreon.…
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G-Bag Nation Full Show - March 26, 2025
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A little boy's been killed on his way to school after being hit by a car. See for privacy information.Από τον LiSTNR
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por: Ennio Gomide dos Santos ./ .Caminhar na Graça / . Temos no chamado de Levi, o cobrador de impostos, algo muito importante e que nos serve de exemplo, pois ele, após ser chamado, deixou tudo para seguir a Jesus como podemos ler em Lucas, capítulo cinco, versículos vinte e sete e vinte e oito. “Depois disso, Jesus saiu e viu um publicano, chamad…
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The PM's tipped to hit up the Governor-General’s house tomorrow morning to lock in a May vote. See for privacy information.Από τον LiSTNR
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Brett and Michael are back for the fifth episode of the Bleacher Nation Cubs Podcast! They preview the Cubs’ stateside opener against the Diamondbacks in Arizona, discussing the probable pitching matchups and key storylines for the series. Plus, a breakdown of the seven-game road trip leading up to the home opener next Friday and what to watch for …
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por: Ennio Gomide dos Santos ./ .Caminhar na Graça / . Temos que compreender a importância para as nossas vidas o falarmos com o Pai, termos momentos que nos dediquemos a isso, como Jesus nos dá o exemplo quando fazia sozinho. Lucas, capítulo cinco, versículo dezesseis. “Jesus, porém, se retirava para lugares solitários e orava.” (Lucas 5.16 NAA) N…
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Federal Budget Tax Cuts pass Senate in late night sitting; And Dutton prepares for Budget Reply tonight
Federal Budget Tax Cuts pass Senate in late night sitting; And Dutton prepares for Budget Reply tonight See for privacy information.Από τον LiSTNR
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How has your dog created chaos?! Erin's friends' dog learned a new trick that came back to bite them... Plus, we play would you rather Wednesday, a security warning if you've ever done a 23&Me test, Gweneth addresses rumours of a feud with Megan SUSSEX... and more on today's Nat & Drew Show!Από τον iHeartRadio
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Deplorable Nation Ep 237 Falling Into Place with Joy Villa
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1:21:39Joined by billboard artist, filmmaker, personal trainer, podcaster, and all-around sensation Joy Villa to discuss her testimony of life, tribulations, traumas, and love. We dive into a near-death experience and how that changed her life around. She brought forth candid, real emotions about some hard topics. Follow Joy on IG @joyvilla, Twitter @theJ…
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Landets største virksomheder får mere og mere betydning for dansk økonomi, og de har en stigende andel af deres aktiviteter i udlandet. Det har betydning for, hvordan man skal analysere dansk økonomi og tilrettelægge den økonomiske politik. Det fortæller pengepolitisk chefrådgiver Morten Spange til Teis Hald Jensen i en ny episode af Nationalbanken…
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PM invites Donald Trump to Australia after failing to lock in a phone call See for privacy information.Από τον LiSTNR
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An Amazing Week for Resistance Rallies, plus Bad Voter Registration Laws | Start Making Sense
Bernie Sanders and AOC are on their “fighting oligarchy” tour, and in Denver last weekend they had the biggest political event there since Obama in 2008. It was also the biggest rally of Bernie’s life--bigger than anything in his presidential campaigns. And the first big election of the year is underway in Wisconsin. John Nichols has our analysis. …
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Lakers vs Pacers, Luka Doncic A Ball Hog?!, Bronny James Impresses, Getting LA On Track
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1:16:48The Lakers head to Indiana badly in need of a win but it won't be easy against a talented Pacers side. What do they need to do to get the job done? Plus, Luka Doncic is being labeled a ball hog, is there any truth to the claim? Bronny James is proving doubters wrong and we dive into the mail bag with Trevor Lane and Mark Gunnels....…
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Labor relies on the Greens to get it's budget tax cuts through Parliament See for privacy information.Από τον LiSTNR
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In this episode of Inflammation Nation, Peter Boyd meets Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist, Sandra Caulfield and Clinical Specialist MSK Podiatrist, Yvonne Buckley to discuss foot health and arthritis. This episode is a must listen for anyone seeking to gain insights into how arthritis impacts foot health and daily activities, learn about daily r…
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