A compilation of podcasts from TWiT.tv host, Mikah Sargent. Subscribe to this feed to get access to all the TWiT.tv audio and video episodes featuring Mikah.
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A compilation of podcasts from TWiT.tv host, Mikah Sargent. Subscribe to this feed to get access to all the TWiT.tv audio and video episodes featuring Mikah.
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Bi-Weekly Soulful, Deep, Jazzy & Afro House Music Podcast
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Aktuelle Themen mit Aha-Effekt - zum Lachen, Lernen und Weitersagen. Bei uns kommen Kinder und Experten zu Wort, es gibt Rätsel, Witze, Reportagen, Buch- und Basteltipps, Experimente und Musik.
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Willkommen in Mikas Matrix! Hier herrscht ein feministischer Blick auf die Politik und kein Platz für Ignoranz. Bascha Mika stellt sich streitbar diskussionsfreudigen Männern des Patriarchats entgegen. In intensiven Gesprächen mit klugen Gästen wird der laute Ruf des Feminismus gepflegt. Ja, wir sprechen sogar über Frauen! Witzig und wütend, jeden zweiten Freitag. Der Podcast für jene, die das Unerwartete erwarten. Eine interessante Fahrt ins Unbekannte - weichen Sie nicht aus! Folgt Bascha ...
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Abenteuer im Kopf: Hier findet ihr lustige, spannende und informative Kinder-Hörspiele und Lesungen. Außerdem gibt es unsere neue Märchen-Reihe: Der Schauspielern Stefan Kaminski liest die Klassiker der Brüder Grimm. Alles für euch von Mikado, dem Kinderprogramm im NDR.
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Prekaarisuus, taide, feminismi ja ilmastokriisi. Podcast, joka antaa voimaa kamppailla arjessa. Äänessä Veikka Lahtinen ja Pontus Purokuru. Yhteydenotot ja yhteistyöehdotukset: mikameitavaivaa@gmail.com Arvostelukappaleet yms. posti: Mikä meitä vaivaa / Purokuru, Haapaniemenkatu 7-9 B, PL 14, 00530 Helsinki (huom. iso B oleellinen)
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Ett samtal om vad man röker, hur var och med vem. Men aldrig Varför. Anders Axklo och Martin Odh har hittat sina skäl, du får hitta dina egna. Glöm inte att cigarrer, liksom livet, leder till döden.
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Welcome to the Mikayo podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Streetcast de Mika @paquetmi sur Twitter
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Welcome to the mikail podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Podcast by mikasouza
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In this podcast I am talking about Rheumatoid Arthritis and go through the pathobiology of it.
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Vill du öka din försäljning ännu mer? Vill du få insikter från toppsäljare och erfarna säljchefer? Då har du kommit rätt! I den här podcasten diskuterar vi världens bästa ämne, sälj!🚀 Mikael Arndt är en av Sveriges främsta föreläsare inom försäljning. Han har över 40 års erfarenhet av försäljning och har de senaste 20 åren föreläst för säljare i över 25 länder runt om i världen. Han har också byggt upp säljbolag med över 300 säljare samtidigt och sålt flera bolag till internationella storbol ...
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Welcome to the 🍒Mikaela_peached podcast, drama world 😏
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Welcome to Mikala P, where amazing things happen.
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Your weekly dose of Islamic Podcast from MIKAIL Kaiserslautern. Seri monolog, dialog, dan tanya jawab interaktif tentang keislaman. yuk follow dan share jika dirasa bermanfaat !
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For my Creative Nonfiction Project, I will be discussing Alzheimer's disease.
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株式会社mikanの Podcastチャンネルです。 プロダクト開発の考え方や、社内のカルチャーを中心に話します。 お便り・ご感想は #timesmikan または https://app.mikan.link/times-mikan まで。 --- mikanは採用強化中です。 少しでも気になった方はお気軽にご連絡ください! ■会社紹介資料 https://speakerdeck.com/mikan_inc/culture-deck ■メンバーページ。入社理由ブログやSNSリンクが記載されています。 https://mikan.link/members ■技術ブログ https://mikan-tech.hatenablog.jp/ ■技術スタック https://speakerdeck.com/mikan_inc/techstack ■公開カンバン https://app.mikan.link/issueboard ■募集職種 https://herp.careers/v1/mikan
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Today, we talk about the popular topic, should phones be allowed in the classroom. Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@danesduet
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Junior the Himbo although a genuis about anime. Broghan (Yes it's a weird name) our favorite GenZ Boomer. And Mikayla who is just happy to be here :) Three friends who are just trying to make it to 30yrs.
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hello! I am mika and I talk about kpop and etc.
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Welcome to the Mikayla Muff podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Twee havo-5 leerlingen die praten over allerlei onderwerpen.Elke vrijdag een nieuwe aflevering.Veel luisterplezier!
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Welcome to the Mikayla Childress podcast, where amazing things happen.
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World's Tallest Fitness/Fetish Model Talk Show
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Moments with Mikaylia is a podcast to discuss issues from faith, to Black millennials, life, and everything in between. Be sure to follow, like, share, and subscribe on all social media outlets! YT: Mikaylia Dudley FB: @momentswithmikayliapodcast Twitter: @mikayliamoments IG: @momentswithmikayliainc LinkedIn: Mikaylia A. Dudley Periscope: @mikayliaaleece To patronize the podcast, please see below Cash App: $momentswithmikaylia Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/momentswithmikaylia For Booking ...
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Jogo coisa velha, gosto de filme merda e sou um rabugento. Você não vai encontrar nada de bom por aqui, não diga que não avisei.
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Gue nggak bisa lunch bareng semua orang, jadi gue ngerekam podcast agar lo bisa dengerin apa yang kira-kira akan gue bahas seandainya gue ngobrol sama lo.
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Mika dan Echan akan memberikan rekomendasi kepada kamu untuk banyak hal (yang mungkin tidak kamu perlukan).
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Seuls au monde
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A kickback a group of friends hang out, Tell stories have fun and mess around definitely a place you wanna join into and not miss out on
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The Catcher and the Rye Podcast
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ALFA制作番組「Last of Mikatty」の公式ブログです。『Last of Mikatty 80's』あの番組が帰って来た!個性派トークでリスナーの心を掴んで離さない不思議系番組Last of Mikatty。Mikattyの日常のひとコマから、大好きな80年代に纏わるエピソードまでを語り尽くします!更に今度は新しいパーソナリティ(記録媒体?)も加わってますますパワーアップです!
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Mikä maksaa? etsii vastauksia tavallista kansalaista askarruttaviin talouden kysymyksiin. Minne rahamme menevät? Ja kuka rahan kulkusuunnan lopulta päättää? Entä mitä kansalaisen pitäisi tietää kansantaloudesta ja globaalitaloudesta? Ohjelma on suora lähetys, ja vieraina on talouselämän vaikuttajia ja asiantuntijoita. Toimittaja Juho-Pekka Rantala Taustatoimittaja Jussi Pylväs Kuva Jukka Lintilä & Hans Weckman Tuottaja Marjo Harju
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An all new sport commentary show and podcast by Minds Wide Open Media, hosted by the Atlanta loving and real keepin' it, Mikal B.
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Geheime Verschwörungen, gemeine Belagerungen, irre Entdeckungen, wirre Verwicklungen - reist mit Moderatorin Cleo Punkt Patra und den Zeitreportern in die Vergangenheit!
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Sea of flames
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bonjour dans cette chaîne de podcast vous trouverez ici des conseils pour mieux vendre ou mieux louer votre bien bien immobilier, notre site web : https://www.kwpartners.fr/ tous nos réseaux sociaux : https://www.apibots.io/mikaelmoing
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Germany Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@danesduet
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Jakso 118: Content
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Pontuksen kuuluminen: Itsenäisyyspäivänä näki, miten poliisi pystyy halutessaan tehtailemaan kiinniottoja synnyttämällä konflikteja. Esimerkki laajenee yleisemmäksi ajatukseksi instituutioiden kyvystä tuottaa tilanteita, jotka täyttävät itse luodut kriteerit.Veikan kuuluminen: Stockan jouluikkunan tarina on tehty tekoälyllä, samoin murhatun toimitu…
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Tech News Weekly 368: Facebook Hopes You'll Befriend AI Influencers
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In the first episode of 2025, Mikah and Abrar discuss Meta's plans to add AI bots to their social media platforms, the rise of AI-generated phishing scams, the trend of parents giving their kids retro tech devices to reduce screen time, and the current state and future potential of passkeys for secure logins. Meta plans to populate Facebook and Ins…
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Tech News Weekly 368: Facebook Hopes You'll Befriend AI Influencers
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In the first episode of 2025, Mikah and Abrar discuss Meta's plans to add AI bots to their social media platforms, the rise of AI-generated phishing scams, the trend of parents giving their kids retro tech devices to reduce screen time, and the current state and future potential of passkeys for secure logins. Meta plans to populate Facebook and Ins…
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In this New Year's episode of iOS Today, hosts Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard kick off 2025 by exploring apps that can help viewers build and maintain better habits. They show off various habit-tracking and productivity apps, from sophisticated routine builders to Apple's new built-in journaling solution. MyRoutine - A science-backed habit trac…
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macOS Sequoia brings powerful Siri updates to Apple Silicon Macs, and Mikah Sargent is here to guide you through them. Learn how to control your Mac with voice commands, integrate ChatGPT for advanced queries, and adjust Siri's settings to match your workflow. This episode will help you unlock Siri's full potential, making it more useful than ever …
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Herzlich willkommen 2025! Mikado mit einer Spezialausgabe voller Musik und Geschichten zum Start in das neue Jahr.
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MikaySA Dec Mixtape 2024 SGVO - Jazz Gesture KoptjieSA - Melodious Heatbeat MikaySA - Going Down (Feb 2025) LukaMusic - Crazy About You Nastic Groove - Stay Fatso 98 - Lemme Know MikaySA - If I Could Fly! (Extended Mix) (Jan 2025) Rune Sibiya - Sad Days, Happy Days (MacZito Remix) Bekzin Terris - Breeze (Original Mix)…
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I veckans avsnitt så pratar jag om hur du tar ditt mindset till nästa nivå 2025. Jag går igenom begrepp som 10X, GRIT och Massive Action – och hur de kan hjälpa dig att nå dina mål snabbare och mer effektivt. In och lyssna, nu kör vi!
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Wieder heißt es Mitknobeln und Daumen drücken. In verschiedenen Raterunden treten Schulkinder gegeneinander an. Wer ist besser beim Lösen der kniffligen, verdrehten, lustigen Rätsel? Herr Müllers Nachfolger Fiete ist nun am Start und übernimmt die Aufgabe des Schiedsrichter-Hundes. Dieses Mal eine Silvester-Spezial-Ausgabe!…
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Wir feiern 25 Jahre Pfefferkörner und hören gemeinsam in die neue Hörspielreihe!
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Idag presenterar Kvalitet sin nya ledarduo - gamla vanliga Martin Odh och nästan helt nya - Mikael Hellqvist! Mikael har tidigare varit med i podden som gäst men nu är han ett av ankarna. Mikael är känd för sina aromatiska havannor och episka cognacer. Från och med nu finns podden också som Youtube-kanal. Lyssna, titta och ge dig in i diskussionen!…
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Was macht Ihr in diesen Tagen zwischen den Jahren? Dieser merkwürdigen Zeit in der das alte Jahr noch an uns klebt und das neue noch nicht aus dem Ei gekrochen ist? Schaut Ihr zurück? Schüttelt Euch zurecht für alles was kommt und schreibt Listen mit guten Vorsätzen? Das eine noch nicht, das andere nicht mehr – was für ein Label gebt Ihr dem fast v…
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Tech News Weekly 367: Best of 2024
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A look back at some of our favorite interviews from the past year: Emily Forlini of PCMag and her story about the AI "dating scene" AI through ChatGPT Plus and AI boyfriends and her somewhat lackluster experience. Jennifer Pattison Tuohy and the breaking news that the U.S. Department of Justice is suing Apple for claims that the company has an ille…
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Tech News Weekly 367: Best of 2024
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A look back at some of our favorite interviews from the past year: Emily Forlini of PCMag and her story about the AI "dating scene" AI through ChatGPT Plus and AI boyfriends and her somewhat lackluster experience. Jennifer Pattison Tuohy and the breaking news that the U.S. Department of Justice is suing Apple for claims that the company has an ille…
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Petra Plapper muss wieder helfen. Diesmal kommt ein Notruf aus Dänemark, vom großen Hans Christian Andersen höchstpersönlich.
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Mikado reist mit euch in die Welt der Märchen! Zu hören gibt es zeitlos schöne Stoffe der Gebrüder Grimm und Wilhelm Hauff mit Musik und Geräuschen.
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Kvalitet, avsnittm 324, fantastisk rom med Lars Renbjer
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Ja det ska villigt erkännas att jag har slängt mig med svepande uttalanden om hur rom är och vad jag tycker om det, hur det funkar till cigarrer eller hur det står sig mot annat destillat. Sen möter man en hedersmänniska som Lars som öppnar ens ögon till detta fantastiska nektar. Jo, jag är nog lite frälst. Ja jag vet att jag är sist på bollen. Men…
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I veckans poddavsnitt pratar vi om hur du höjer din lön. Jag går igenom hur du visar värdet du skapar för företaget, tajmingen som gör skillnad, och hur du säljer in ditt case på rätt sätt – plus mycket mer! In och lyssna nu kör vi! Är du intresserad utav säljutbildning, The Academy? Läs mer här! Är du intresserad av att rekrytera en ny säljare ell…
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This Week in Tech 1011: The Year in Review
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What's behind the tech industry's mass layoffs in 2024? : NPR Rabbit R1 AI Assistant: Price, Specs, Release Date | WIRED Stealing everything you've ever typed or viewed on your own Windows PC is now possible with two lines of code — inside the Copilot+ Recall disaster. Microsoft delays Recall after security concerns, and asks Windows Insiders for h…
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This Week in Tech 1011: The Year in Review
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
What's behind the tech industry's mass layoffs in 2024? : NPR Rabbit R1 AI Assistant: Price, Specs, Release Date | WIRED Stealing everything you've ever typed or viewed on your own Windows PC is now possible with two lines of code — inside the Copilot+ Recall disaster. Microsoft delays Recall after security concerns, and asks Windows Insiders for h…
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On Hands-On Tech, Mikah helps Omar schedule his daughter's Mac to shut down at a specific time, Jed disables his children's iPads as the two-factor authentication points, and Ben has several questions related to iCloud Shared Albums, along with other viewers' questions! Omar is looking for a way to shut down his daughter's Mac at a specific time. F…
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On Hands-On Tech, Mikah helps Omar schedule his daughter's Mac to shut down at a specific time, Jed disables his children's iPads as the two-factor authentication points, and Ben has several questions related to iCloud Shared Albums, along with other viewers' questions! Omar is looking for a way to shut down his daughter's Mac at a specific time. F…
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Bei Mikado wird’s weihnachtlich! Mit Plätzchen, Lebkuchenhäusern und einem Bäckermeister, der Tipps für Weihnachtskekse hat. Außerdem haben wir zwei Jungs vom Hamburger Knabenchor zu Gast, die uns von ihrem großen Weihnachtsauftritt berichten.
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Der Weihnachtsmann, Väterchen Frost und Santa Claus wissen nicht, wie sie ihre Geschenke ausliefern sollen – denn alle Rentiere wurden gestohlen!
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MikaySA The Weekend Rush Dec 2024 Edition MikaySA - Cry Me Sweet You (Original Mix) Odd Xperience - Read My Lips (Original Mix) Invaders Of Afrika - Music For The People (Original Mix) Cool Affair - Mi Drum (Original Mix) Kquesol - African Lesson (Original Mix) DJ Game feat. Happy - Destiny (Vincemo Hang Session Mix) MikaySA - Stereo Sick (Original…
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Tech News Weekly 366: Nvidia's Affordable AI Supercomputer
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Nvidia announces a tiny $249 AI supercomputer for AI hobbyists. The company Flipboard has a new social media system that allows you to create your own curated feeds. A look back at this past year's home theater tech with a friend of the network. And a look into sleepwear tech that will help you take a nap - on demand. Emily Forlini of PCMag talks a…
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Tech News Weekly 366: Nvidia's Affordable AI Supercomputer
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Nvidia announces a tiny $249 AI supercomputer for AI hobbyists. The company Flipboard has a new social media system that allows you to create your own curated feeds. A look back at this past year's home theater tech with a friend of the network. And a look into sleepwear tech that will help you take a nap - on demand. Emily Forlini of PCMag talks a…
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Apple's Voice Memos app just got a serious upgrade for iPhone 16 Pro users, and Mikah Sargent is here to show you why it's a game-changer for musicians, podcasters, and creatives. The new layered audio recording feature lets you stack tracks effortlessly, capturing vocals over a backing track or layering spoken word with precision. Whether you're h…
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As another year winds down, Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard reflect on the most impressive and useful apps that defined their digital experiences in 2024. In this special episode, the hosts dive deep into their personal favorites across various categories. Balatro: A unique card game that even non-card players will love Flighty: The ultimate fli…
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I veckans avsnitt intervjuar jag den framgångsrika pitchcoachen Jenna Dominique. Med över 15 års erfarenhet har hon hjälpt tusentals personer att finslipa sin presentationsteknik och pitchar. I detta avsnitt delar Jenna med sig av sina bästa tips – från hur du imponerar på scen och undviker vanliga misstag när du pitchar, till hur du presenterar di…
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On Hands-On Tech, Mikah continues to answer more of your submitted questions, such as reclaiming Gmail storage from deleted emails, connecting an older iPad to a newer Wi-Fi network, and why you might not be getting exactly close to the speeds you should be getting with your internet service provider. Jack wonders why, after deleting old emails in …
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On Hands-On Tech, Mikah continues to answer more of your submitted questions, such as reclaiming Gmail storage from deleted emails, connecting an older iPad to a newer Wi-Fi network, and why you might not be getting exactly close to the speeds you should be getting with your internet service provider. Jack wonders why, after deleting old emails in …
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Jeder von uns hat es in seinem Körper und wir streuen es gern über Pommes - Salz. Was heute jeder in der Küche stehen hat, war früher sehr wertvoll - man nannte Salz sogar "weißes Gold". Unsere Mikado-Reporterin Ines Kaffka war im Salzmuseum in Lüneburg zu Besuch und hat dort einiges über Salz und die Salzgewinnung in der Hansestadt erfahren. Wusst…
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Magische Gegenstände aus der Märchenwelt wurden geklaut! Ballonfahrerin Petra Plapper hilft, den tückischen Dieb zu finden.
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Und, was denkt Ihr? Kam es in den vergangenen Jahren schon mal so dicke wie jetzt? Mit all den großen und kleinen Brüchen und Unübersichtlichkeiten, den Krisen, Kriegen und Katastrophen. Oder sollten wir mal aufhören mit dem Chaos-Gerede und uns an die Arbeit machen? Es ist schon erstaunlich, wieviel Optimismus und Widerstandskraft eine Frau entwic…
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Tech News Weekly 365: Android XR Is Google's Spatial Computing OS
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Amanda Silberling of TechCrunch joins us this week! Did OpenAI's Sora video generation model train on gaming and streaming content? A judge ruled that Automattic is to stop blocking WP Engine's access to WordPress.org. And Image Playground, Genmoji, and more generative AI features now available within Apple Intelligence. Amanda talks about how Open…
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Tech News Weekly 365: Android XR Is Google's Spatial Computing OS
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Amanda Silberling of TechCrunch joins us this week! Did OpenAI's Sora video generation model train on gaming and streaming content? A judge ruled that Automattic is to stop blocking WP Engine's access to WordPress.org. And Image Playground, Genmoji, and more generative AI features now available within Apple Intelligence. Amanda talks about how Open…
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