Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a leading company in the Scientific, Technical, and Medical knowledge and information industry. We are known for authoritative international publications in cutting-edge basic and translational biomedical research, with expanding scope in engineering, business, environment, and legal publications. These publications play an active and important role in advancing critical research and facilitating collaboration throughout the world in academia, industry, and governme ...
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Dr. Autorino will discuss some of the findings of the ROBUUST trial looking at Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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This episode we host 3 international BPH experts and have a case-based panel discussion about all treatments for BPH.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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Ep. #1: Clinical experiences with LithoVue™ Elite Single-Use Digital Flexible Ureteroscope System
With the increasing use of flexible ureteroscopy for the treatment of kidney stones, there is an increasing risk of complications. Join Dr. Stern, Dr. Monga and Dr. Bhojani as they discuss all aspects of intra renal pressure and its possible implications.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In this episode we discuss the contemporary use of mini PCNL. The panelists including Dr. Gupta and Dr. Knoll explain what they are currently doing in their respective practices and discuss the future of Mini PCNL with the technological evolution in kidney stone disease surgery.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In this episode, two experts in endourology discuss the non-clinical aspects of single-use scopes such as environmental impact and purchasing decisions.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In this episode I discuss with Dr Lipkin various aspects of ureteroscopy that may affect outcome and complication rates.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In this episode we learn about the DARRT method of PCNL: a near-zero fluoroscopy technique for gaining access to the kidney.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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Amongst the many options for treatment of enlarged prostate, aquablation is growing in popularity. Dr. Netsch offers his expertise in discussing this technology.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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With the increased popularity and success of focal therapy for prostate cancer, we hear from two international experts and what the challenges are of establishing and maintaining programs after training in the United States.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In this episode Dr. Tailly discusses the EAU Guidelines on stone therapy and possible changes that may be upcoming.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In this episode, Dr. Lane provides his expertise on the most up to date techniques on partial nephrectomy and how to maximize the technology available.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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This episode we discuss with Dr. Guru the advantages and disadvantages of robotic cystectomy. Several pearls regarding this procedure are also discussed.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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Episode #62: Focal therapy, the new kids on the block: TULSA PRO and electroporation therapy
In this episode, Drs Chin and Fainberg describe the technology and current status of two new exciting focal therapy treatments for prostate cancer.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In this podcast we explore difficult situations in stone disease and how to approach them. Conditions such as calyceal diverticula, horseshoe kidney, pelvic kidney and more.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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The robotic platform is well known for its use in surgery for malignant conditions. This episode we have a panel discussion on operating for benign conditions of the genitourinary system.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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Episode #59: Education session: Learning prostate enucleation & how to sustain a successful program?
Prostate Enucleation is becoming a necessary procedure to offer patients because of its efficacy and safety. However, how do we start a program and once learned, maintain the skills necessary to maintain proficiency? These experts offer insight as to how to accomplish a successful enucleation program.…
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In episode Fifty-eight, Dr. Canvasser summarizes the take home messages from the Endourology sessions at the AUA 2023 in Chicago.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In episode Fifty-seven, Single-use scopes: Philosophy, policy, and procedure, Single-use technology, especially in the form of urologic endoscopes, has exploded in the last five years. Dr. Koo shares his experiences and opinions on the use, misuse, and new policies regarding the billing.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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Dr. Rob Sweet, one of the foremost experts and success stories on developing and maintaining simulation labs for the advancement and education of learners across the world joins us to speak on the establishment and maintenance of a sim lab.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In episode Fifty-five, Role of Ultra Mini PCNL in Urinary Stone Disease, Dr. Desai discusses the Ultra miniPCNL - a procedure he helped originate over a decade ago. He offers much insight to this alternative to flexible URS.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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Podcast summary: This episode takes a deep dive into ureteric stents with discussions on indications for insertion of stents, dwell time of stents, treating stent related symptoms and discussion around properties for the ideal ureteric stent.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In episode Fifty-four, Decision Making and Options in Treatment for BPH Medical Failures, There are a number of options for treating symptoms from an enlarged prostate. Dr. Somani gives a refreshing review of these options and how to work these patients up to maximize outcomes.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In episode Fifty-three, Everything Cystinuria, Drs. Thomas and Bultitude have established one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive stone centers specifically cystine stones. This episode is dedicated to this frustrating disease and how we might best treat the patients.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In episode Fifty-two, The Evolution of PCNL Techniques and Assorted Tips in Treating Stone Disease, Dr. Baldwin discusses his move away from radiation exposure in PCNL and return to using some fluoroscopy with increased experience. He will also discuss laser lithotripsy during PCNL and radiation safety techniques.…
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In episode Fifty-One, Prostate Focal Therapy, Drs. Schwartz and Polascik will discuss the current status of prostate focal therapy and where it lies in the treatment options of prostate cancer treatments.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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Michelle Moore is the CEO of Groundswell and was President Obama’s Federal Chief Sustainability Officer. On this episode of the Sustainability Speaker Series, Michelle discusses her new book Rural Renaissance, Revitalizing America’s Hometowns through Clean Power.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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Meinhard Doelle is a professor of Law and Sara Seck is an associate professor of Law; both are affiliated with the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada. They join the Sustainability Speaker Series to discuss their recent book, Research Handbook on Climate Change Law and Loss & Damage.…
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In episode Fifty, How Do We Image and Measure Renal Stones?, Drs. Schwartz and Large discuss how Imaging and measurement of stone disease is crucial when deciding on appropriate treatment modalities. While the AUA and EAU Guidelines are available to everyone, technology sometimes moves faster than updates to these guidelines. Dr. Large reviews some…
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The podcast entitled “The Importance of Fever Prevention in Clinical Practice” with Dr. Shahed Toossi, Assistant Professor of Neurology and Neurological Surgery, Cedars Sinai Medical Center and Dr. Rainer Lenhardt, Professor and Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs, Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, University of Louisville covere…
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In episode forty-nine, The Current Role of Robotics in Endourology, Drs. Schwartz and Rassweiler discuss how, with the vast interest in robotic urologic surgery, there has been a similar interest in robotic ureteroscopy. In this episode they explore the current role of robotics in endourology.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In episode forty-eight, What’s New in Metabolic Evaluations for Stone Prevention, Drs. Schwartz and Best discuss how, for many years, the 24-hour urine and serum studies have been the staple for metabolic stone disease. There may be new options for both patient and physician in this difficult area of prevention.…
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Yoram Bauman is the world's first and only stand-up economist. On this episode of the Sustainability Speaker Series, he shares the role of comedy and humor in the discussion of climate change.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In episode forty-seven, An Update on Disposable Ureteroscopes, Drs. Schwartz and Monga discuss how the use of disposable scopes in the operating room is growing as are the number of companies manufacturing them. Dr. Monga brings some clarity to a confusing landscape and lends insight on the technology that is permeating urology.…
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The podcast entitled “Why do I use Targeted Temperature Management” with Dr. Brian O’Neil, Processor and Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine and Dr. Bernd Böttiger, Professor and Head, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital of Cologne covered several topics on the…
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Peter Norton is an associate professor of history in the Department of Engineering and Society at the University of Virginia. On this episode of the Sustainability Speaker's Series, he discusses his latest book, Autonorama The Illusory Promise of High-Tech Driving, and clarifies the marketing from the reality.…
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The Podcast entitled “Early Induction of Temperature Management” with Dr. Wilhelm Behringer, Professor and Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, University Hospital Vienna discussed several topics related to the use of TH in cardiac arrest patients. Dr. Behringer first talked about his systemic review of cardiac arrest animal studies that report…
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As the field of prostate cancer treatment accelerates so does the area of prostate imaging. In episode forty-six, What’s New in Prostate Imaging, Dr. Michael Gorin gives a very nice summary of what is new and what lies in the future for imaging the prostate. He also touches on the current state on prostate biopsy and how imaging is integrated in th…
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Catherine Keller is the George T. Cobb Professor of Constructive Theology in the Theological School and Graduate Division of Religion of Drew University. On this episode of the Sustainability Speaker Series, she shares her perspective on the concept of Christian apocalypse and its relationship to climate action.…
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In episode forty-five, Drs. Schwartz and McCammon explore the topic of volunteering in underserved areas across the globe and how it not only serves those in need, but can also be very fulfilling and satisfying for the urologist. This podcast, featuring one of the world leaders, focuses on how to get involved, why one should get involved, and when …
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In episode forty-four, we explore how the limits of robotic partial nephrectomy continue to be pushed. We discuss with Dr. Rogers some current techniques and future innovations we can use for this challenging surgery.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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Nick Salafsky is codirector and cofounder of Foundations of Success and Richard Margoluis is Chief Measurement, Evaluation, and Learning Officer at the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. They join the Sustainability Speaker Series to discuss their latest book "Pathways to Success," a strategic systems approach for addressing ecosystem issues.…
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Erik Nordman is an Associate Professor of Natural Resources Management and Adjunct Professor of Economics at Grand Valley State University. On this episode of the Sustainability Speaker Series, he shares Elinor Ostrom's contribution to public policy and the reader accessible text he developed to facilitate understanding of her contribution, specifi…
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Podcast summary: Episode 6, Part 2 of Open Channels continues the discussion from the last episode on the Changing Trends in PCNL. It explores and challenges some of the dogma associated with the management of patients following PCNL surgery.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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Podcast summary: Episode 6 of Open Channels, Changing Trends in PCNL, discusses supine vs. prone PCNL, miniaturization of the percutaneous renal tract, tubeless PCNL, intra-renal stone manipulation tools, and varying energy sources for lithotripsy of stones.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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In episode forty-three, we explore that, while biopsy of the renal mass may not be controversial, performing the procedure varies widely amongst urologists. Dr. Schenkman sheds light on how to implement the biopsy into practice and some of the pitfalls of the results.Από τον Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
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Erica Cirino is a science writer, author, and artist exploring the intersection of the human and nonhuman worlds. Her widely published photojournalistic works depict the numerous ways people connect to nature—and each other—and shape planet Earth. On this episode of the Sustainability Speaker Series, she discusses her book and the significance of c…
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Award winning writer and scholar, Edward Struzik, has been writing about scientific and environmental issues for more than 30 years. He joins the Sustainability Speaker Series to discuss his latest book Swamplands, which highlights both human dominance of the Earth and our long-term relationship with carbon-based fuel starting with peat.…
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GEN Biotechnology is the new peer-reviewed journal launching in early 2022 by Mary Ann Liebert Inc. aiming to publish outstanding original research and perspectives across the biotech field.In this Q&A, GEN Biotechnology Senior Editor, Fay Lin, PhD, interviews Editor-in-Chief, Hana El-Samad, PhD, about her scientific research, outreach, and vision …
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Gretchen Kusek, PhD, Associate Director Scientific Services, and Bart Smits, PhD, Manager Genetic Sciences and Compliance, discuss the key considerations when breeding gene-edited animals using CRISPR, particularly in the context of mosaicism.Podcast Series Brought to you by Taconic and The CRISPR Journal…
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Legal Considerations When Choosing a Genetic Modification Technology to Generate an Animal Model
Gretchen Rice, PhD, JD, Vice President and General Counsel, and Mark Johnson, PhD, Scientific Program Manager, discuss the licensing considerations that go into using CRISPR and other gene editing platforms to create genetically engineered animal models.Podcast Series Brought to you by Taconic and The CRISPR Journal…
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