Tire suas dúvidas sobre disputa por vagas, infiltrações, atribuições do síndico e outros problemas que envolvem a convivência entre vizinhos.
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Márcio Coxxa conta todas suas histórias dos seus mais de 30 anos trabalhando como caminhoneiro. Histórias assombradas, sobrenaturais, terror e outros temas. Vem comigo nessa carona! Nos apoiando via https://apoia.se/radiosobrenatural com o valor de um cafezinho você terá benefícios exclusivos, como participar de um grupo de Whatsapp comigo junto com outros apoiadores tendo muita prosa boa e poder escutar os próximos causos antes de serem lançados. Nos siga no Instagram @radio.sobrenatural No ...
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Minutes with Marcia B. is a podcast from Apartments.com. Join multifamily expert Marcia Bollinger as she sits down with leaders across the industry to discuss their success stories, defining moments, and personal insights.
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Márcio Tovar em época de Pandemia conta histórias do Esporte e de sua carreira no tênis de mesa.
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Direction for Life with Bishop Herbert Bailey and Dr. Marcia Bailey
Right Direction Church International
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For more than 25 years, Idaho Public Television host Marcia Franklin has recorded interviews with some of the world's most noted writers and thinkers for her series, "Dialogue." From historians to humorists, from politicians to pundits, from jurists to journalists, these illuminating "Conversations That Matter" help us better understand our world. Be sure to subscribe for the latest episode!
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Join Leadership & Emotional Intelligence Consultant and Executive Coach, Marcia Miatke as she takes you into the minds of some of the most incredible leaders in the medical, research, business and spiritual fields to equip you with powerful insights and practical strategies to level up in business and in life. Are you ready to learn a new model for peak performance, one where stillness complements the fast-paced nature of the hustle; where purpose & fulfillment add to rather than detract fro ...
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LUNES 8:00pm (COLOMBIA) en tu #HappyHour de la Tecnología MarcianoCast The Oficial Show.
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Te invitamos a ENFOQUE a través de la palabra, con Marcia Castillo. En esta programa tocaremos relevantes temas ¿como podemos enfrentar estos tiempos difíciles como cristianos? ¿Que dice la Biblia sobre estos temas? y muchos más. Mantente conectado para que no te pierdas ninguno de nuestros programas. ENFOQUE a través de la palabra con Marcia Castillo
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Ruthless Compassion with Dr. Marcia Sirota is a podcast about people who've turned their emotional shit into fertilizer for success. It's about seeing our darkest moments as opportunities for learning, growth and transformation. We'll cover topics like addiction and mental health, isolation, and loneliness, narcissism versus self-care and difficult family and work relationships. For more, visit http://marciasirotamd.com/. Dr. Marcia Sirota is a board-certified psychiatrist practicing in Toro ...
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Welcome to the Marcial podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Estudos e mensagens sobre a palavra de Deus
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Crônicas, histórias, bate papo, entrevistas, resenhas e muito mais!
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Um podcast que fala sobre esperança, mudanças de vida, superações e transformações da vida de pessoas aparentemente comuns mas com histórias extraordinárias. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/marcileide/support
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Buscai ao Senhor, e nada o impedirá de vencer, nem mesmo você!
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Aqui eu falando palavras com minha voz.
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Falando do Evangelho a tempo e fora de tempo.
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Welcome to the Marcio Cardoso podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Vem comigo saber tudo sobre Espiritualidade, Astrologia, Numerologia e muito mais!
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Dreamer in search of the meaning of life through conversations with myself and others to help ease the stigma of addiction, depression, sexuality , and life events that shape us.
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Podcast by Márcio Micheli
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A jornalista comenta as políticas urbanas e os assuntos que movimentam a cidade no CBN Brasília.
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Programa de artes marciales en Radio Betis (96.8 FM en Sevilla o www.realbetisbalompie.es para escucharlo por Internet). Se emite los Martes de 22 h. y en redifudión los Miércoles a las 13 h.
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Marcio Tovar conta suas histórias, comentários, tudo sobre sua carreira esportiva no tênis de mesa brasileiro.
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In this podcast I interview interesting people who have done impressive things on the earth!
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Uma coisa é certa a Grande aventura de extrair petróleo em alto mar tem seus desafios logísticos e de gestão. As pessoas que trabalham no mar enfrentam vários desafios desde o ambiente instável, a saudade da família, confinamento e muitas vezes uma rotina de trabalho árduo. Para liderar essas pessoas é preciso um profissional competente tecnicamente e principalmente que saiba lidar com pessoas, que saiba liderar valorizando o ser humano.
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KARIERA BIZNES ROZWÓJ to tematyka mojego autorskiego podcastu. Jak budować karierę? Dlaczego warto ciągle się rozwijać? Co ma do tego biznes.... Zapraszam🙂
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Awaken. Empower. Thrive. Welcome to The Wild Sage Society Podcast, where we explore the intersection of holistic health, conscious living, and personal transformation. Hosted by Marcie Walker, Holistic Living Coach and Women's Wellness Expert, this podcast is a sanctuary for midlife women seeking to reclaim their vitality, power, and purpose. Each episode features insightful conversations with visionary healers, wellness experts, and conscious entrepreneurs who share practical tools and time ...
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I’m not perfect. I don’t have a clue what I’m doing and fail quite often. Sound like me? Cool! I’m not alone! Let’s be friends! Just a fellow human tryna spread love and happiness in this beautiful, messy world.
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Il Club del Marcio si raduna ogni settimana per visionare il peggio del peggio cinematografico. Un gruppo di amici fiorentini cominciò anni fa a radunarsi settimanalmente per guardare film orribili, bizzarri o semplicemente pellicole che da soli non avrebbero probabilmente mai visto. Adesso, periodicamente ne parleranno anche a voi.
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Comentários diários sobre os assuntos mas relevantes do Estado de Sergipe do Brasil e do mundo !! Sempre com imparcialidade e a credibilidade que os nossos ouvintes já estão acostumados ... Programa Rio na Madrugada !!
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Márcio Rocha é um apaixonado por Empreendedorismo. É Empresário, Empreendedor, Professor e palestrante do seu Case de Sucesso. Especialista e MBA em Gestão Estratégica de Negócios, com formação em Empreendedorismo pelo MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). Com experiência adquirida por mais de 20 anos como CEO da Execute Tecnologia já ajudou várias empresas a tornarem-se até 3X MAIS EFICIENTES em seus processos de gestão.
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Bajo la producción y dirección del anfitrión Marcial Jorge, es posible esta programación de audio con varios temas: educativos, inspirativos, consejería, espirituales, generales y demás!! El formato es por medio de entrevistas, invitados, especialistas y puntos de vista con experiencias vividas, todo bajo la meta de ir... “Mejorando Juntos”. Esperamos sea de su agrado y de aprendizaje, bendiciones y mil gracias por escucharnos!! 👍🏻🙌🏼🎤🎧🕺🏻
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Welcome to my bit-sized Podcast show where I, Fabrizio Van Marciano, love to share my tips, ideas, and strategies to help you grow your personal brand business and succeed as an internet entrepreneur. From branding, personal development, productivty, motivation, to life hacks... I share it all here, so stay tuned.
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Driving the never ending ways to get your creative juices moving using photography and your heart vibration as tools to get the results you see in your minds-eye
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Anything and everything! I’ll be talking about different topics (serious and light), sharing my opinions, sharing my experiences, giving movie/music reviews, and hopefully I’ll have family/friends on here! Check out my YouTube as well Marcemellow
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Zapraszam do odsłuchania moich podcastów o astrologii, technikach perswazji! | Kursy online od podstaw: https://bit.ly/podstawyastrologii | Zamów interpretację horoskopu: https://astrosystem.eu/oferta-uslug/ | Książka science fiction mojego autorstwa: https://www.daniel-story.com
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Márcio Merçoni | Psicólogo & Coach de Carreira A Jornada do Profissional é um podcast diário para a elevar sua carreira ao próximo nível. Ele traz as minhas principais sacadas para a construção da sua "jornada profissional". Siga este podcast e comece agora a tirar seus planos da cabeça e transformá-lo em realidade.
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This podcast reflects LIFE. It’s ups and downs.
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Passionate about her opinions and outspoken in nature, Miss Marcie gives her honest thoughts about relationships, society, and pop culture. If you are looking for watered down conversations, this might not be the podcast for you. Download, Share, and Subscribe. Follow on IG @ conversationswithmissmarcie Facebook missmarcie Twitter @missmarcie23 Visit website https://www.missmarcie.com/ Send feedback and inquiries to conversationswithmissmarcie@gmail.com
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Marcia Tardelli é Coach de Carreira & Missão de Vida e palestrante, formada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Coaching (IBC). Minha Missão de Vida é auxiliar as pessoas a se redescobrirem profissionalmente e identificarem sua real Missão de Vida para que possam viver mais plenas, satisfeitas e felizes!
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Antonio Martínez Ron, Javier Peláez y Javi Álvarez nos hablan de Marte y ciencia con toques de humor.
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Welcome to the Brock and Marci Show. We play a complete recap of each days full show so you won't miss anything.
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Comentário de Márcio Andrei sobre temas variados do cotidiano do estado de Sergipe do Brasil e do Mundo. Sempre uma análise corrente é isenta levando o bom entendimento ao público ouvinte do programa Rio na Madrugada pela Rio Fm 102.3 Aracaju Sergipe Brasil
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Marcio Rachkorsky explica que a substituição do piso de grama natural por grama sintética em quadras de condomínios pode exigir mais do que uma simples aprovação em assembleia. Se a área for considerada permeável e fizer parte de um compromisso ambiental firmado com a prefeitura, a mudança pode configurar crime ambiental. Ouça.…
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O tenis de nesa mudou muito virou esporte de elite. Não é um mar de rosas como muita gente pensa.
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Episode Summary: In this transformative episode of The Wild Sage Society Podcast, Marcie Walker sits down with Brandi Anderson, a powerhouse business strategist and marketing consultant. Brandi shares her entrepreneurial journey, as co-founder of PUSH Consulting, and the importance of authentic relationship-building. She expounds upon how vulnerabi…
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De acordo com a 3ª edição do Anuário DataZAP, elaborado pela fonte de inteligência imobiliária do Grupo OLX, a busca por 'imóveis econômicos' cresceu 28% em São Paulo em 2024. Márcio Raschkovsky comenta a tendência, que engloba apartamentos mais simples, primeiros imóveis, estúdios e apartamentos para locação.…
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Michelle D. Sherman, PhD LP ABPP (she/her) is the co-author of Loving Someone with a Mental Illness or History of Trauma (written with her mother) and a licensed clinical psychologist who has dedicated her career to supporting families dealing with a mental illness or trauma/PTSD. She has worked in diverse settings, including the Veterans Affairs (…
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Από τον Right Direction Church International
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A ouvinte questiona se o interfone é obrigatório em seu novo apartamento. Marcio Rachkorsky explica que depende do contrato e do memorial descritivo do imóvel. No entanto, especialistas apontam que sistemas de comunicação por aplicativo são mais eficientes. Ouça.
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Από τον Right Direction Church International
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Agenor nos trás uma história misteriosa e marcante. O remake de um clássico do Márcio Coxxa. Link para comprar nossa caneca: https://bit.ly/CanecaDoPodcast 🎧 Nos encontre no seu agregador de áudio favorito, Spotify, Google Podcast, entre outros. ▪ Instagram @radio.sobrenatural e @marciocoxxa ▪ Apoia.se: https://apoia.se/radiosobrenatural ▪ Apoio vi…
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Black Cat & Golden Retriever: Moving From Tactics To Embodiment In Relationship Dynamics | Ep 262
In this episode, Marcia explores how to use emotional intelligence to cultivate successful relationships and attract the right partner. Delving into the popular metaphors of the 'black cat' and 'golden retriever' personalities, the discussion emphasizes the importance of embodying these traits authentically rather than superficially. The episode cr…
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Marcia Franklin talks with former Idaho Governor Phil Batt about his life and legacy. Originally aired: 01/2027/2000
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S2E12: The Power of Mindset in Personal Growth
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:00:47Episode Summary: In this episode of The Wild Sage Society podcast, Marcie Walker welcomes Alexis Nelson, founder of Latitude Wellness, an intuitive life coach and Holy Fire 3 Reiki Master. Alexis specializes in guiding purpose-driven women through their midlife awakening, helping them release limiting beliefs, reconnect with their intuition, and cu…
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How did a Dale Carnegie trainer end up in mergers and acquisitions? Patrick Morin of Transact Capital joins Marcia B. to share his story. He explains the ingredients of a successful M&A, the secret to public speaking, and the mission that’s driven him ever since his son died in a tragic accident.Από τον Apartments.com
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Márcio Rachkorsky comenta fatalidade de menina de doze anos que morreu após sofrer um choque elétrico enquanto brincava de esconde e esconde em um condomínio em Interlagos, Zona Sul de São Paulo. Segundo o especialista, os síndicos devem redobrar atenção para manutenção preventiva, contratar engenheiros para revisarem os equipamentos e sempre tranc…
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Από τον Right Direction Church International
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Márcio Rachkorsky responde dúvida de ouvinte, que reclama de reuniões inacabáveis e pouco eficientes. Segundo o especialista, algumas ferramentas como migrar para o ambiente digital, enviar a pauta antes da assembleia e a realização de enquetes on-line para assuntos menores já ajudam no dia a dia.
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Από τον Right Direction Church International
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👉👉Acesse apoia.se: https://apoia.se/radiosobrenatural Seja um apoiador você também e curta. Link para comprar nossa caneca: https://bit.ly/CanecaDoPodcast
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Márcio Rachkorsky responde dúvida de ouvinte sobre transformar um espaço vazio do térreo do prédio em solarium. A resposta é positiva, segundo Rachkorsky basta marcar uma assembleia e com maioria simples dos presentes já é possível deliberar a transformação.
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How To Stop Being a Pushover and People Pleaser, And Establish Boundaries With Eloquence | Ep 261
How to communicate discontent, establish or maintain a boundary in real time: Commit to communicating your boundary if you someone that usually says nothing Ask yourself what this is triggering in you? How is this making you feel (e.g., taken advantage of, rejected, not respected or not valued, not good enough) Inner Child Work: Speak to the little…
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Tom Ikeda, who provided critical research for Daniel James Brown’s book “Facing the Mountain,” discusses his Seattle-based non-profit, Densho. It preserves the stories of Americans of Japanese descent during World War II. Ikeda’s parents and grandparents were imprisoned in the Minidoka camp in Idaho. Don’t forget to subscribe, and visit the Dialogu…
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Episode Summary: In this episode of The Wild Sage Society podcast, Marcie Walker welcomes back Sharon Spann, a clarity and alignment coach and business strategist. Sharon helps high achievers bridge the gap between potential and impact through transformational tools like Human Design, Gallup Strengths, and Gene Keys. She shares her powerful D.A.I.S…
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O uso de caixas de som na piscina de condomínios tem gerado discussões entre moradores. Márcio Rachkorsky destaca que, para evitar problemas, o ideal é manter o sistema de som do prédio desligado e incentivar o uso de fones de ouvido. Ouça.
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Marcio Rachkorsky diz que o ideal é se criar uma senha ou QRCode apenas para adultos pegarem as bebidas alcóolicas. Porém, ele destaca que uma câmera de segurança também pode ajudar.
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Dr. Supatra Tovar is one of the only clinical psychologists in the country who is also a registered dietitian and accredited fitness expert. Dr. Tovar's unique background and integrated specializations allow her to provide holistic mind-body treatment for trauma, eating disorders, depression, and anxiety for children and adults. Dr. Tovar has numer…
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Από τον Right Direction Church International
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Από τον Right Direction Church International
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Um Santo popular vindo de uma história real.Link para comprar nossa caneca: https://bit.ly/CanecaDoPodcast🎧 Nos encontre no seu agregador de áudio favorito, Spotify, Google Podcast, entre outros.▪ Instagram @radio.sobrenatural e @marciocoxxa▪ Apoia.se: https://apoia.se/radiosobrenatural▪ Apoio via PIX: pix.radiosobrenatural@gmail.com▪ Todos os link…
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Márcio Rachkorsky fala sobre o tema a partir da necessidade das relações de maior fraternidade entre os condôminos. Ele destaca, entretanto, que é necessário moderar grupo de whatsapp.
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Daniel James Brown, the best-selling author of “The Boys in the Boat,” talks about his newest book, “Facing the Mountain,” which honors the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, a segregated unit of Japanese-Americans who fought in World War II despite the fact that many of their families were incarcerated in the United States simply for being of Japanese …
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🎙️ Balancing Ambition and Self-Care: Strategies for Sustainable Success Ambition and self-care often feel like opposing forces—one pushing us forward, the other urging us to slow down. But they don’t have to be at odds. In this episode, I share my personal journey of navigating autoimmune challenges, a traumatic brain injury, and the demands of ent…
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Marcio Rachcorsky diz que proibir não pode, mas o que é possível fazer é tentar trazer alguma ajuda.
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Από τον Right Direction Church International
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Από τον Right Direction Church International
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👉👉Acesse apoia.se: https://apoia.se/radiosobrenatural Seja um apoiador você também e curta. Link para comprar nossa caneca: https://bit.ly/CanecaDoPodcast
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In this episode of The Wild Sage Society, I explore the concept of right relation—a principle rooted in balance, alignment, and intentional decision-making. I share how holistic living isn’t just about wellness routines, but about integrating intuition, strategy, and flow into every aspect of life and business. I reflect on my journey from finance …
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This episode is for you if you’re scared to start a business, your business has hit a plateau, you’re having trouble attracting good talent, or you’re experiencing challenges in leading your people. I developed the concept of an EQ lid loosely based on the concpet of "leadership lid" from John C. Maxwell's book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership…
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In the lead-up to the November 2016 elections, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jon Meacham joined Dialogue host Marcia Franklin to talk about presidential character. Meacham talks with Franklin about the qualities he believes are essential to being a successful president, and the unique nature of the 2016 presidential race. An executive editor at Ran…
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Marcio Rachkorsky fala da necessidade de síndicos reforçarem campanhas contra dengue e incentivarem denúncias por moradores. Ouça e saiba mais!
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