Seven-minute musings on music, art, books, film, fashion and food, spirituality and recovery, & the occasional song. Never scripted, always real, fly on the fly.
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Am I just whistling past the graveyard? Here is Trump in the Arlington Cemetery, dishonoring fallen heroes by turning the visit into a campaign event. No man can go lower than Trump. I am, however, noticing for the first time, that the woman standing next to him is making the Devil's Hand Sign. Unbelievable! Did anybody notice it at the time the st…
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My new voiceover website: My site for the upcoming podcast, FRISCO—The Secret History, is here:Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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The only question is just how fucked are we?Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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More thoughts about doing a historical podcast about San Francisco in the post-war period between 1945 and 1953 or thereabouts. Also, the story about how I learned about the secret history of Frisco.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Testing my new gear. Talking about things to come.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Happy 78th Birthday Mr. Jones. The whole place has gone to shit since you left but I see you shining in the firmament.As my friend Bill says, “Let a thousand Bowies bloom.” We’ll keep trying.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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I recommended the movie to my son, Will, and Killer Mike. And their wives. Given Dylan's treatment of women, Will wondered why I included their wives in my recommendation.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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A couple poems from my friend, Jim Cohee.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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January 2025 Goals: Leave Amazon & Adobe, also Harry Houdini Secrets, the usual AI & Autotune rant
No New Year's resolutions, only goals. Cancel Adobe and Amazon. Adobe is easy, but Amazon is integral to my consumerist life now. I am determined, however, extract myself from the dubious luxury of Bezos's honey trap.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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A wonderful surprise this movie was, taking me back to the dawn of the Sixties, the arrival of Bob Dylan, and the explosion that followed. Incredibly well-done!Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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I am sharing one last song (a demo) from my next album, "Why Did You Have To Smile At Me?," because I am so happy with it. Also a brief meditation on 2024 and the challenges of warehouse living. Art keeps me going. Happy New Year!Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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A reading from the beyond the soul’s Meridian website. “No one who is gaming. The system has the capability to create real value on their own” — do the names, Trump and musk come to mind?Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Brighter every day from here on out.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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We are screwed and the only question is how badly.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Remembering John Lennon on the anniversary of his death and other musings on mortality.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Random thoughts about the CEO who got killed. A breath of springtime.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Still here.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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I wanted to share one more song demo from my upcoming album. I felt I needed to tell two stories to put the song in context.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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I read this poem every year for the anniversary of his murder. It seems more timely than ever.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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On BlueSky, people are posting twenty book covers of the books that impacted their lives, without any explanation or illumination of their importance. So I'm doing a podcast to accompany my choices.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Passed a major milestone today: I uploaded my first test audio file to ACX—The Amazon platform for audiobooks—and it passed! I was so nervous; the technical requirements are rigid and unyielding. So ... I'm including the reading of "Straight Facts About Flapping" here. Listen and learn about Flapping, grasshopper.…
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I remember, as a child in the fifties, the Republicans screaming about the Communist threat and the arch-enemy Russia. Reagan called Russia the evil empire. We now have a Russian asset heading into the White House and the Republican party has metastasized into a coalition of grifters and Trump sycophants, all of whom seem to be sucking on Putin's t…
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Another year, that much wiser, oh yeah. I'm grateful, although the view is very different from here, much to ponder.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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I had a revelation the other day about how I could make money. Any number of people have told me over the years I should do voice-over work. For whatever reason, I poo-pooed the idea. And then I was researching how to produce an audiobook of my own book, "The Rise & Fall of the HoneyBun Empire" and found this website where I could hire voice talent…
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Still processing the loss. I truly didn't see it coming. Of course I live in the SF Bay Area bubble. But how we could elect a convicted rapist and felon to the office of the presidency is beyond me.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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The best music podcast I have ever heard. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I'm very happy he's only 2/5 of the way through his exhaustive and fascinating history of the popular music and the world of the second half of the twentieth century.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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The article does not say how many 'Trump's Balls' wall hangings he has sold.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Still a demo, but I think the strings and oboe parts are keepers! Enjoy.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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I've decided the old title of my memoir "The Gentlemanly Art of Spanking" set up an unrealistic expectation for some people and turned others off. The new edition will be called "The Rise & Fall of the HoneyBun Empire." It will be available soon on Apple Books,, and Amazon. If you want a copy with the Gentlemanly Art of Spanking cover, now…
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A mysterious Facebook friend who seemed to have connections to my family in San Francisco. We were penpals for a while. He shared my demos with Quincy Jones, who produced "Thriller" among other things.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Super rough, but practice makes perfect.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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I've been listening to the "History of Rock and Roll in 500 Songs"—simply amazing!—and then the Rick Beato interview with Rick Rubin on YouTube. Thinking about what a great producer brings to a musical project. I wish I had one!Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Everything you have read about Megalopolis is true. I think everybody who cares about movies should see it.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Thought I would keep sharing as I work to get things ready for going into the studio to record vocals, real instruments, etc. It's a process.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Thoughts about artistic success and immortality.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Meditations on the wonder of coffee.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Thought I would share another rough mix of a song from my next album. Written by my late friend Greg Jones, it has never been released.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Four years later, I finally figured out the bridge. A rough recording, on my phone, but I'm happy with the song. The last song I had to finish writing for my next album of originals. Update: I uploaded an newer demo here, having added some rudimentary strings. Now I know what the song can be.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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I have wondered for decades if the the lines "Someone left the cake out in the rain And don't that I can take it 'Cause it took so long to make it And I'll never have that recipe again" were a joke. I found the answer!Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Noel Casler, Renaissance Man, Tore Up His NDA To Tell The Truth About Trump and Is A National Treasure
He worked on The Celebrity Apprentice TV show as the Trump family's handler. He loathes them. When Trump decided to run for President, he tore up his enormous NDA and started telling the stories that had been kept secret for so long. He's a great writer and a fine guitarist. Here is his Substack page: Here is his Yo…
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Getting back to normal. Tooth fixed, nose reset. Gonna wash the dishes and polish my boots in the morning Monkey Blue is cuddled up next to me. Oxycodone kicking in, sleep approaching rapidly.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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He makes beautiful music with it, but it pains me to look at Willie Nelson's guitar, Trigger. Below is a video of five facts about the guitar. I just learned he uses a guitar pick. That explains the hole.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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The man chased us in his car around the neighborhood for a half-an-hour. We were terrified and thrilled. Looking back, I think it must have been performative on his part. We never rang his doorbell to run away, again. Too scared.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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Bye-bye to the old site, hello to the new.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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I feel that change is in the air.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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I went to a Starbucks this morning for a coffee. They were out of white sugar so I went to a hipster cafe nearby. All they had was "raw" sugar packets. That shit is not sweet and is absolutely not any healthier than refined white sugar. It's just tribal virtue signalling.Από τον Knox Bronson ~ Riding The Wild Bubble
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That's right. These assholes were trying to rob my next door neighbor in the warehouse where I live. They didn't find anything. On their way out, they kicked down the between his space and mine and they saw me. They thought I could tell them where the money and weed was. I couldn't. I'm glad they didn't kill me. They sure threatened to.…
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