Sunday sermons at Kenwood Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky.
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Kenwood Baptist Church is a multi-cultural, multi-generational church located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Podcasts include sermons and conversations with worldwide Christian leaders. Manuscripts of Pastor David's sermons are included with each of his sermons.
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Click to watch - Click to view manuscript Following Jesus in public rests on following him faithfully in privateΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: At Home in the Garden of Eden Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: Song of Songs Passage: Song of Songs 1:15–2:7Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch - Click to view manuscript Deciding to follow Jesus brings his blessing on our lives and calls us to righteous living as the city of God in the worldΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: He Resolves Her Anxieties Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: Song of Songs Passage: Song of Songs 1:5–14Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch God’s Forgiveness: why confession is a key to true healing and real growthΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: The Bride Longs for the Beloved Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: Song of Songs Passage: Song of Songs 1:1–4Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch God’s People: why it’s actually good news that your ‘dream church’ doesn’t exist on planet earthΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: An Example to Imitate Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: 2 Thessalonians Passage: 2 Thessalonians 3:6–18Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watchΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Not All Have Faith, but the Lord Is Faithful Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: 2 Thessalonians Passage: 2 Thessalonians 3:1–5Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch - Click to view manuscript God’s Voice: why a really old book is definitely worth your time and effortΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Click to View God’s Grace: Why its ok last year wasn’t perfect, and why growth is still possible this yearΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Eternal Comfort and Good Hope through Grace Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: 2 Thessalonians Passage: 2 Thessalonians 2:13–17Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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The Coming Savior as Luke saw Him - Advent 2024 - Justin Campbell - Lk. 2:21-52, 12 29 24 - Week 5
Click to Watch Jesus Our Coming Savior Presented to the WorldΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Veiled in Flesh the Godhead See Preacher: Denny Burk Series: John Passage: John 6:1–21Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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The Coming Savior as John saw Him - Advent 2024 - David Palmer - John 1:1-18, 12 22 24 - Week 4
Click to watch - Click to view manuscriptΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: A Song for the King of Promise Preacher: Randall Breland Passage: Psalm 72Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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The Coming Savior as Luke saw Him - Advent 2024 - Scott Burns - Lk. 2:1-20, 12 15 24 - Week 3
Click to watch Joy, shepherdsΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Undivided Loyalties: Trust God, Not Riches Preacher: J.O. Passage: Matthew 6:19–24Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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The Coming Savior as Mark saw Him - Advent 2024 - David Palmer - Mk. 1:1-11 - 12 08 24 - Week 2
Click to watch - Click to view manuscript Peace, angelsΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Let No One Deceive You in Any Way Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: 2 Thessalonians Passage: 2 Thessalonians 2:1–12Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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The Coming Savior as Matthew saw Him - Advent 2024 - David Palmer - Matt. 1:1-18-2-15 - 12 01 24 - Week 1
Click to watch - Click to view manuscript The Coming Savior as Matthew saw HimΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Witness and Glory from God Alone Preacher: Denny Burk Series: John Passage: John 5:31–47Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Deuteronomy: Moses’ Last Three Sermons - Scott Burns -Deut. 29:1-15 and 30:11-20 - 11 24 24 - Week 11
Click to watch We affirm the blessing and the curse of covenant with God and choose to follow him with our livesΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Forerunning God’s Salvation Preacher: Colin Smothers Passage: Luke 1:67–80Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch - Click to view manuscript We anticipate with hope that God will fulfill his promises We celebrate with a shared confession of his goodnessΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: When the Lord Jesus Is Revealed from Heaven Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: 2 Thessalonians Passage: 2 Thessalonians 1:5–12Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch - Click to view manuscript God delights in righteousness and justice He defends the vulnerableΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: The Son Has Life in Himself Preacher: Denny Burk Series: John Passage: John 5:24–30Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Deuteronomy: Moses’ Last Three Sermons - David Palmer - Deut. 17:14-18:22 - 11 03 24 - Week 8
Click to watch - Click to view manuscript God requires godliness, humility, and trembling at his Word among all who serve in leadershipΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Faith, Hope, and Love Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: 2 Thessalonians Passage: 2 Thessalonians 1:1–4Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch We are to fear God, walk in his ways, love him, serve him, and keep his commands. This is life.Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Fear God and Keep His Commandments Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: Ecclesiastes Passage: Ecclesiastes 12:9–14Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch - Click to view manuscript We are the recipients of God’s great, steadfast covenant love and are called to reciprocate love for God in our livesΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Remember Your Creator Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: Ecclesiastes Passage: Ecclesiastes 12:1–8Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch We are called to love God and him alone and to build love for God in the hearts of our children.Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Battle and Live Beautifully Preacher: J.O. Passage: 1 Peter 2:11–12Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch - Click to view manuscript We must embrace God’s covenant commands as our own and protect the people around us, from usΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Enjoy the Light in View of Judgment Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: Ecclesiastes Passage: Ecclesiastes 11:7–10Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Deuteronomy: Moses’ Last Three Sermons - David Palmer - 09 29 24 - Deut. 4:1-14, 32-40 - Week 3
Click to watch - Click to view manuscript We must know the unique character and glory of God and embrace the unique calling of living as His peopleΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Click to watch On friendship as a ChristianΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: You Do Not Know, So Work and Invest Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: Ecclesiastes Passage: Ecclesiastes 11:1–6Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch - Click to view manuscript A Call to Know What God Has Done (pt 2) We must learn to trust in God who alone grants victory and remain steadfastly loyal to Him in all things.Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Present Yourself to God Preacher: Matt Damico Passage: Romans 12:1–2Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch - Click to view manuscript A Call to Know What God Has Done (pt 1) We must be attentive hearers of God’s Word to be dedicated doers of God’s WordΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: The Wise and Foolish Way Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: Ecclesiastes Passage: Ecclesiastes 10:8–20Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch In Christ, we are clothed for victory in battleΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: I Have Seen Wisdom and Folly Preacher: Jim Hamilton Series: Ecclesiastes Passage: Ecclesiastes 9:13–10:7Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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Click to watch Our life in Christ changes our family and work lifeΑπό τον Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Title: Making Himself Equal with God — Part II Preacher: Denny Burk Series: John Passage: John 5:19–23Από τον Kenwood Baptist Church
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