“Irish Ghost Hunters” is a two-part documentary series on paranormal investigators in Ireland. In Episode 1 Cork Supernatural Society investigate Cork city’s former mental asylum and try to make contact with a ghostly voice they encountered on a previous visit. In Episode 2 Ghost Eire carry out a seance at a medieval abbey in county Kerry where monks were tortured by Cromwellian soldiers. The series looks at things like EVPs (unexplained voices captured on audio), scrying and Ouija boards an ...
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In this extra to the “Irish Ghost Hunters” podcast I interview Anthony and Cameron of Ghost Eire about their methods and beliefs.Από τον Peter McCarthy
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“Irish Ghost Hunters” is a two-part documentary series on paranormal investigators in Ireland. In this episode Ghost Eire carry out a seance at a medieval abbey in county Kerry where monks were tortured by Cromwellian soldiers.Από τον Peter McCarthy
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“Irish Ghost Hunters” is a two-part documentary series on paranormal investigators in Ireland. In this episode Cork Supernatural Society investigate Cork city’s former mental asylum and try to make contact with a ghostly voice they encountered on a previous visit.Από τον Peter McCarthy
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