The Fine Ale Countdown is a comedy-cum-(hehehe)-beer review podcast, thrown together by 5 friends who used to performed sketch comedy together. The only catch is none of them know anything about beer, and it’s really just an excuse to meet up and drink. Surprisingly entertaining to listen to. New Episode out every Thursday at 8pm (Irish Time). You can reach the show via Twitter or Instagram @FAleCountdown.
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How many influencers does it take to ruin a park? It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick walked so we could run. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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We need less internet and so do you. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick sweats the small stuff. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home."Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Our plan to remove waste in Government buildings. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick's uncle gave him a job on a taskforce to tackle nepotism. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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That thing nobody likes is back. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick sells seed oils to children. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home."Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Belgian Waffle, Roasted Beef, and anything else on the James Gandolfini diet plan. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick did Fry January due to a typo. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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The boys are live and we're talking BoyzLife. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick is teaming up with Samantha Mumba to fight ISIS. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home."Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Scientology may be a big deal in Hollywood, but it never won a County Championship. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick was known as Neil Fitz Hat-Trick when he played football. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Here's our holiday episode. Listen to it, or don't. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick claims to have read Ulysses. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ep. 441: Mind Virus
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1:03:33‘Tis the season for PINTS. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick wishes you a happy new BEER. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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We finally have more listeners than the Green Party has TDs. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick has his own podcast that's better than this. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Travel back in time with us to before the election and learn what all the politicians should have done. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick displaying humility by only asking for your second preference. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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The most consequential Irish General Election of this month is here and so are we. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick wants to make this podcast illegal. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Are seed oils poison? Are we going to keep eating them? All I know is my gut say maybe. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick is running from election. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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A well thought out and timely analysis of the US Presidential Election would have been a nice idea for an episode. Instead, here's this. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick voted for RFK Sr. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ice hockey, donuts, and colon health. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick received 70% of global venture capital in 2023, look it up. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ben Clifford is back with a new electoral strategy that works either side of the Atlantic Ocean. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick is working on a Marxist critique of this podcast. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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A very important episode, filled with many well researched facts, likely to scupper the political career of George W. Bush once and for all. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick made a large Donation to a John Kerry Super-PAC. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Rocking out to maniac 2000 while picking a fight with a famous rapper for being rude to your girlfriend in Clontarf Cricket Club. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! It's a good thing there were no smartphones in Neil Fitzpatrick's youth. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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We're all back from our summer holiday. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick has a body and the test was positive. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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You can out train a bad diet (with cans). It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick puts the Pub in Weimer Republic. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a homeΑπό τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Army reserves, humane lobster cooking, and work place diet coke culture. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick has a long list of enemies whom he wishes well. thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Doctors hate this one weird trick for fighting teenagers in the park. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick is saddened by the lack of singles in his area. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Hair lines, heir lines, and killer lines. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick dances like no one is watching, but there's always someone watching. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ep. 426: Like Rabbits
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1:02:12Sorry we're late and sorry we're here now. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick swings, but he also roundabouts. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Hopefully you aren't still full from lunch, because we've got a big steaming bowl of Olympics for you to slurp down. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick stubbed his toe competing in the Limp-ics. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ep. 424: Unfit for Service
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1:01:46Olympics courting controversy with suspended sentence debacle. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick can't remember which groups he's prejudiced against but hopes it doesn't affect his run for the Áraas. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Local elections, vocal erections, and giving the B team a shot. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick ate the dogs homework. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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This is totally on time, what do you mean? It’s the Fine Ale Countdown! Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Cotundown
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Ep. 422: STRAVA
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1:03:00Noel Edmonds and Usain Bolt compete for the affections of Mr. Blobby. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick HATES drama. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ep. 420: I Declare
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1:01:06There's an unsettling number of unfortunate flags on this trip to the Southern USA. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! "Neil Fitzpatrick is personally responsible for all content on this show. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Become a proper country again using this one weird trick. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick has a new hat that you can't see because his neck is so long. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Let's get accidentally drunk and write hit songs. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick actually helped with the music this week. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Don't listen to the first five minutes. Or the rest of it. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick is aiming for the Christmas number two. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ep. 416: N'Once
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1:01:31Ice cream, group think, and smoke. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick is backing brave. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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A County Councillor and an e-bike walk in to a public meeting... It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick has been using the same photo for his election posters since 1997. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Putting an end to misinformation using this one weird trick. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick did all the murders in Murder, She Wrote. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Hypocrisy voiced, Italians insulted, and Renford's rejected. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick doesn't think your latest promotion is fair to you. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ep. 412: Depressie Mania in Progress
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1:28:52Finally... The Wrestlemania recap show that you didn't ask for and won't enjoy. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick Blows top rope spots. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον Rob O'Sullivan
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Ep. 411: The Wrong Six Inches
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1:00:07Hidden cameras, forbidden speech, and realistic body goals. it's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick is reading a book on World War II and trying to avoid spoilers, Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ep. 410: RIP LEO
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1:06:31Returns, resignations, and precious antique cans. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick is still incarcerated in South Africa. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fie Ale Countdown
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Ep. 409: Gerry Proofing
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1:05:06Who took home the gold, and will they give it back please? It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick had big plans he'd like to tell you about. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ever wondered what happens behind the scenes at election time? Me neither. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick puts hash in his hash browns. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ep. 407: Only Creepy Fans
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1:19:24Just three creeps, creepily telling you how to avoid the other creeps. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick is the Creepy Mayor of Creep Town. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ep 406: Trash Talk
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1:03:41Sweet boys, drinking beers, talking garbage. It's the Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick has been trying to secure an interview with Idi Amin. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a homeΑπό τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ziplines and barges and ramps... Oh my! It's The Fine Ale Countdown! As a landlord, Neil Fitzpatrick is naturally suspicious of any scheme with the words 'deposit return' in it. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Anatomy, Geography, and Conspiracies. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick has been on InfoWars 3 times. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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In which we rank our favourite Seagal movies. It's the Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick is well versed in siege craft. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ep. 402: Baileys Lite
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1:04:24All Baileys and no play makes Jack crave a different drink. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick wants to invest in the whole coin. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countown
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Ep. 401: See How They Run
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1:04:25We're Back! It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick will be welcomed back upon payment of restitution. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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Ep. 400: Happy Holidays. Enoch!
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1:19:14It's not out best episode, but it'd be a shame to stop now if you've got through the other 399 of them. It's The Fine Ale Countdown! Neil Fitzpatrick used to do the music for our show. Thanks to Sentinel Audio for giving us a home for 400 episodes.Από τον The Fine Ale Countdown
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