FBCWest is a place where church means family. As a family that follows the Lord, we are commanded to love one another as we love ourselves. We hope that this site and our church can be an effective place for your family, and life, so that we can show the affect God has had on us to the world.
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Discover the unique calling and mission Jesus entrusted to these ordinary men and how their extraordinary journey. From Peter to the unwavering faith of Thomas, we'll explore the lives of these apostles.Sermon NotesMark 3:13 Jesus goes up a mountain and summons who He wantsMark 3:14 & 15 12 appointed to 1. Be with Him; 2 preach & 3 cast out demonsM…
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Doing good on the Sabbath through the lens of Mark. Jesus' healing of a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, despite the scrutiny and accusations from religious leaders. Hear about the questions Jesus asked them before doing good on the Sabbath.Sermon NotesMark 3:1 – 3 Jesus, His enemies, a man with a withered hand are all together in a synagog…
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Jesus' disciples were criticized for not fasting, unlike John's disciples and the Pharisees who fasted regularly. Jesus explains that His disciples do not fast because He, the bridegroom (Messiah), is with them, making it a time for celebration rather than mourning.Message by Pastor JoeSermon NotesMark 2:18 – 20 Jesus’ disciples criticized for not …
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Jesus dines with sinners and tax collectors, and when challenged, He explains that He came to save the sinners.Proclamation of the WordMessage by Pastor JoeSermon NotesMark 2:13 The multitudes come to hear Jesus and He teachesMark 2:14 Jesus calls to Matthew to follow while he is in his tax officeMark 2:15 Jesus dines with sinners and tax collector…
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The scribes' reaction to Jesus forgiving sins highlights His divine nature. Only God can forgive sins, and Jesus' ability to do so affirms His identity as the Son of God.Proclamation of the WordMessage by Pastor Joe“More than Expected”Sermon NotesMark 2:1 & 2 Jesus is home in Capernaum and after several days people become aware of it and go fill th…
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A leper asks Jesus to heal him if He is willing. Pastor Joe emphasizes the importance of faith, humility, and boldness in approaching Jesus. Jesus shows His love and compassion for the leper by healing him.Message by Pastor Joe“If Jesus Is Willing?”Sermon NotesMark 1:40 A leper falling on his knees asking to be made clean if Jesus is willingMark 1:…
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Jesus emphasized that his primary mission was to preach the gospel, not just to perform miracles. He often withdrew to pray alone, showing the importance of communion with God.Sermon NotesMark 1:29 - 31 Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-lawMark 1:32 -34 Jesus heals the sick and demon possessedMark 1:35 – 37 Jesus goes alone to pray, but is sought out b…
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We are starting a new series in the Gospel of Mark. Now you may not be able to attend and watch all of the services but I encourage you to watch as many as you can because it'll be relevant. So if you have your Bibles and you should, please turn to the Gospel of Mark starting with Chapter 1. Now while you're turning there, let me say that it is lon…
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During this time of the Christmas season, you'll see a lot of manger scenes and you'll see a baby in that manger. Today we're going to talk about who that baby was and is and what he is going to do service when it's after the 25th? Well, let me tell you there's a couple of reasons why.Sermon NotesIsaiah 9:2 – 5 From darkness to light, gladness incr…
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We tend to be very complex people, but in complexity, it is something that we know well when we're able to take that complex thing and make it simple. You probably know yourself better than anyone else. So I would suggest that you think about writing a few sentences, saying just exactly who you are and maybe a brief paragraph as to an event that ty…
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Sermon NotesLuke 1:26 – 37 What the Lord has planned for MaryLuke 1:38 Behold the bond-servant of the Lord, Humble and submissiveJames 4:6 & 7 Be humble and submit to GodMatthew 25:14 – 30 We are Christ’s slaves and will be rewarded or condemned by our use of His talents What if you were asked by God to do something that you thought was impossible?…
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We're talking about baptism today. We're going to talk about what it means to be baptized, who are the people to be baptized, and why is it we do it, and what is the mode or the mechanism for baptism. So I encourage you to come and listen to baptism talk today about baptism. I'm going to make some statements that probably you will agree with. I'm g…
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Some people say that it doesn't matter what you believe so long as you're sincere. I sincerely disagree with that. I think it's very important what you believe and only should you believe that you should have conviction in it. We're going to be talking about the Lord's Supper, something that was initiated during Jesus' ministry and his last Passove…
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Thankfulness. There seems to be several stages in thankfulness. As parents or perhaps when we were children, our parents taught us to be polite and say thank you when somebody gave us something. And then because we hear things like to live a thankful life, it makes you more happy, and so you hear people talk about an attitude of gratitude and that …
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The title of today's message is "Jesus Didn't Die for Our Mistakes." If that sounds a little odd to you because you've been listening to current Christian music, I encourage you to listen to today's message, especially if you think that maybe I'm wrong. I want you to see what the Bible has to say about Jesus dying, not for our mistakes, is, is to s…
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As a general rule, it is wise to always look forward. And you will get people who will give you advice that we always need to be forward-thinking and forward-looking. However, there are times and exceptions, if you will, when it's a good idea to turn around and look to see what's been behind. The Scriptures will tell us a good example of why we sho…
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My wife was an excellent host or hostess when we would have a meal like let's say Thanksgiving she would make sure that everyone had a place setting and a seat at a table and Even at the last minute if we had additional guests or not people we invited late She would bring in additional tables and chairs to make sure everyone had a place to sit not …
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It seems in today's world pronouns have come into great controversy, but in simplest level when I'm talking about myself me, I use a word I, me, my. If I'm talking about somebody who's not in my presence I will usually use he or she. So for instance if somebody's not in my presence I go he's a nice young man or she's going to graduate college. I'm …
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A few years ago, my wife and I and some founding members took a trip to Boston. But before we went, my wife booked a travel, I mean a tour guide. And that tour guide took us around Boston to certain historical points and other points of interest. And he was able to do so because he knew the city and he knew about the various points of interest and …
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We are taking a serious look at Psalm 23. The first verse the psalmist talked about that the Lord is His shepherd and hopefully He is our shepherd as well. But on the next three verses he's going to talk about the benefits of the Lord being His shepherd. We're going to take a look at the first verse of those three verses to see the provision that G…
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I want you to imagine, or maybe you actually are, a classic piano player. The first time anybody heard you play any music, it was this classical music. But yet you had the same kind of talent in other musical instruments and even in your voice. So perhaps you were an outstanding guitar player as well as a singer. But every time people saw you, they…
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I want you to imagine you might have been in this situation. You're a salesman and your sales have been trending down. Or perhaps you're in the machine shop and your widgets, many of them are having to be scrapped. And then you get a note from the owner of the business that says that they want to see you at the end of the day. I would pretty much i…
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There was a man named Saul who was later his name changed was Paul wrote a letter to the church at Philippine and he said that he had great confidence in who he was and what he had accomplished. And yet he makes a very strange comparison to that. Great work that he had done and the significance of who he was. And that balance between that and havin…
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Most Christians think that worship comprised of going to church, singing some worship songs, and in some traditions raising your hands while you're singing them. Some who feel even more spiritual sing worship songs while they're at home or in the car. However, the Bible talks more of worship in a broader sense than just praising God with our voices…
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The Bible discusses a topic, especially in the book of Job, that you've probably observed in your life. That good things happen to good people, bad things happen to good people, good things happen to bad people, and bad things happen to bad people, as well as good. However, the Scriptures talk about another group of people and the promise that God …
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When public prayer and private prayer was removed from public school, many religious people's response was, "There will always be prayer in school as long as there are tests." The reason for that is that people usually pray when there's a felt need, and the stronger the felt need, the more fervent the prayer. So for instance, even in a combat situa…
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Unfortunately, we are very politically divided, so this example I'm going to suggest that whoever happens to be the president is a person you voted for and supported. But let's say this person just was inaugurated, and then you get contacted shortly thereafter that they want to meet you, but not only do they want to meet you, they want to meet you …
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The Roman Empire developed a mechanism to execute people. It was called crucifixion. It was a cruel, painful, and shameful way to die. But that's how they treated their criminals, their insurrectionists, and anybody else who might defy them. Almost 2,000 years ago, Jesus was crucified. But he wasn't crucified as a criminal. Even the one who judged …
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You will frequently hear parents say that they want their children to be happy. Well, the Father in heaven wants more than your happiness. As a matter of fact, He wants not only for your happiness, but it was something greater than that and it is His will. Come and listen to what the Father's will is for your life that is greater than happiness.Ser…
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There seems to be today a overburden of anxiety. People are anxious for personal things like finance or health or family situations. Other people are anxious because of climate change or overpopulation or whatever the worldwide problem might be. There seems to be a lot of self-help books on how to deal with anxiety, but they don't seem to help. I e…
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Knowledge is a wonderful thing. We know what we know. There are times that we know what we don't know. And unfortunately, there are times when we don't know what we don't know. John is going to write a letter to believers about eternal life. He's going to tell us something that we can know, but unfortunately, many believers don't know that they kno…
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You've probably heard it said, or maybe you've even said it yourself, "Don't judge me." Someone says that usually because they're pretty sure that the outcome of that judgment is negative, that for some reason that they didn't act or say the right things and don't want to hear that condemnation. The Scripture is going to talk about two different ty…
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Some of those popular books and bookshops are self-help books. People are always trying to improve their lives, whether it's to become rich, to influence friends, become, make friends. There's always people seeming to want to better their lives. However, they rarely talk about and look at how to live and be righteous. There is a book that talks abo…
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There are a couple of common expressions about circumstances. One is keeping up with the Joneses. There's a sense of our circumstances being at least the same as someone else. The other common expression is, "I complained that I had no shoes until I saw a person with no feet." That's an attempt to say that we feel bitter about ourselves because our…
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Jesus is going to ask Peter the same question three times. We're going to see that there's a lot of discussion about why Jesus did that, but very little discussion on why it was important for you and me. So let us see what Jesus asked Peter and the question we should ask ourselves.John 21:15 Jesus asks Peter do you love Me and Peter answers Yes. Je…
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The Gospel of John records four different occasions when Jesus appears as the resurrected one. Three times he appears with his disciples. This time it's substantially different from the other times that John records. Come see what the difference is when the disciples have breakfast with the risen one.Sermon NotesJohn 21:1 Jesus appears to His disci…
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There is a common expression, "seeing is believing," but when Thomas was told by his fellow disciples that they had seen the Lord, he refused to believe but said, "Not only must I see, but I must touch the wounds that he had." Jesus will later tell Thomas that there are certain benefits by believing but not seeing. Let's see what Jesus talks about …
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Scriptures tell us that he rises from the dead and there are other scriptures so we have reasons. So no I was not there to see the empty tomb myself and I have yet to see it but I believe those who have seen it and I believe those who have written of it and I believe that the word of God has demonstrated he has risen from the dead and that his spir…
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Why do Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah? Many people who aren't followers think, "Well, it's just blind faith." We disagree. Our faith is based on the scriptures and historic events. In a couple weeks, we'll be talking about the major event that happened that causes most people to say that's why they believe that Jesus i…
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The Roman Empire crucified thousands of people. They also were involved in the crucifixion of Jesus. But the crucifixion of Jesus was different in many ways. I invite you to come and listen to this message on how the crucifixion of Jesus was different and how it impacts you.Sermon NotesJohn 19:17 Jesus bears His own crossJohn 19:18 He was crucified…
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From the time that Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, the people who arrested him bound him and led him to Annas' house. They were seeking to assert control and authority over Jesus. It's interesting, trying to assert control and authority over the Son of God.When Jesus fails to immediately answer one of Pilate's questions, Pilate says…
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The religious leaders take Jesus to Pilate who is a Roman governor to authorize his crucifixion. During that time Pilate and Jesus have a conversation about his kingdom and his kingship, but during that conversation Pilate deflects by asking a question. He doesn't care really about the answer to the question because he doesn't spend any time to lis…
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Today's message, we're going to take a look at Peter and his denial of his Lord. It would be easy, and it is easy, to quickly judge Peter for those failures. But sometimes, even though Peter had told Jesus that he'd be willing to die for him, we'll take a look at maybe sometimes it is easier to die for Christ than to live for him. But also, what we…
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There are times in our lives when we may face circumstances when we truly wonder whether God is in control and can solve our problems. Jesus is going to show a situation where his betrayal and his seizure is such that he is not a victim, but he is in control. And not only to make sure that God's purposes are accomplished, but he protects his own. C…
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We're going to continue looking at how Jesus was praying for His disciples that were present with Him. He's going to continue to do that, but He's going to make a surprising prayer request for future disciples, which means He's going to pray for you and me. Come and see what His prayer requests are for you and me.Proclamation of the WordMessage by …
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Jesus would frequently throughout the scriptures go by himself and pray. His disciples asked him to teach them how to pray and we call that teaching the Lord's Prayer, although that's not really what it was, it's the disciples prayer. We only have two or three opportunities in the scriptures to see Jesus's actual prayer. One was when he was praying…
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We celebrate what most of the world calls Easter or some called resurrection Sunday. I happen to call first verse but that's for a different time. The fact that Jesus rose from the dead is essential to the Christian faith. If he did not raise from the dead then our faith is in vain and the scripture says that. There are a number of people who have …
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Palm Sunday. All those universally Christian churches on this day will celebrate Palm Sunday and as a part of that celebration will read or preach on what is called the triumphal entry. I want to take a little departure from that. I think that was an important entry by Jesus into Jerusalem but I think there is another real triumphal entry. Come and…
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While heading to the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus is going to be talking to his disciples and figurative language initially about his death and resurrection. He tells them that their reaction is going to be very different than the world's reaction, but their reaction is only going to be temporary and eventually their change reaction will be permanen…
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There are times when we've all experienced situations where we don't feel comfortable or we're feeling like we're not really welcomed. Jesus is going to tell his disciples that not only they're not going to be welcome, but they're going to be hated. And he's going to explain why they're going to be hated and what the world is going to be reacting t…
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