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4-Time Trainer Of The Year Mike Dolce shares his thoughts on topics ranging from pregnancy weight to bench pressing twice your body weight. He also answers your questions and brings you behind the scenes of his world-class training camps. The founder of The Dolce Diet, Mike is known the world over for his work managing the weight cuts of professional athletes worldwide. His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean, & The Dol ...
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Füra alle, die Italien lieben oder gerade lieben lernen! Sara und Alessandra sind selbst zur Hälfte Italienerinnen und erzählen jeden Mittwoch Insidertipps, lustige und spannende Anekdoten, Erfahrungsberichte und best-practice Beispiele zu unserem Sehnsuchtsort Italien. Dein kleiner Italien Urlaub für zwischendurch. Der Podcast con amore von und mit Sara und Alessandra
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THE DOLCEZZA SHERBERT EXPERIENCE is a show where violeta edelman & robb duncan of the dolcezza family talk about everything under the sun, touching upon a mish-mash- potluck of conversations with people about politics, pizza, psychedelics, good coffee and the overall angst of being, each conversation, another attempt at the willful suspension of disbelief. This show records and broadcasts LIVE on Full Service Radio from the lobby of the LINE DC in Adams Morgan, Washington DC.
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Dolce Devotions

Dolce Devotions

It’s often hard to reconcile our difficult circumstances with God’s promises of grace. This four-part audio devotional, based on the first four chapters of 'The Seed of the Woman', is given to encourage your trust in the God who keeps his promises! 'The Seed of the Woman' is available wherever books are sold.
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Dolce Dance Fitness

Chiara e Dolce

Follow the journey of Dolce Dance Fitness, a brand new dance organization based out of Hampton Roads, Virginia, that offers out of the box dance classes for people of all ages. Chiara Sinclair, the CEO, faces the ups and downs of being a Black female entrepreneur in her field of passion, while juggling motherhood, school, spirituality, relationships, work and family.
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Hola , Al Aire con Giròn-Dolce es un programa que se transmite de lunes a viernes a través de M Radio Live. El extracto que traigo para ti es el momento reflexivo del programa. Disfrútalo. Generación X es mi programa semanal en el que hablo de las experiencias de nuestra generación. Hacemos un viaje al pasado a través de anécdotas, música y recuerdos. Support this podcast:
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The Keto Life with Dolce Vita

Antonietta Vigliotti

A podcast about the Keto way of eating and living. We talk about everything there is about Keto and how you can succeed in the high fat, low carb lifestyle. The podcast is part of Dolce Vita restaurant located in Syracuse New York.
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Dolce Gelato and Espresso Bar

Dolce Gelato and Espresso Bar

Welcome to Dolce Gelato and Espresso Bar, where Italian indulgence meets community spirit. Our passion for artisan gelato and expertly brewed espresso drives us to create a haven where friends gather, memories are made, and every scoop tells a story. Handcrafted with the finest local ingredients, our gelato delights the senses while our savory paninis and expertly brewed coffee complete the experience. Join us at Dolce, where every visit is a journey into the heart of authentic Italian hospi ...
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Affordable Italy: Living la Dolce Vita on a Bootstring

Affordable Italy: Living la Dolce Vita on a Bootstring

Ciao and Benvenuti! You’ve found the home for questions, discussion and discovery around living in Italy affordably. Nancy Steele, a current US resident, began eyeing Italy for retirement in 2019. Since then she’s discovered that her middle income retirement CAN be enough to make her dreams happen in Italy. Together with friends old and new she’s exploring regions, towns, tips and tricks to building a life in Italy affordably. Join her as she explores Italy’s 7% flat tax and it’s qualifying ...
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show series
Buon anno nuovo! Was für ein wundervoller Start ins neueJahr – mit einer Portion italienischem Lebensstil und dem inspirierenden Konzept der vita lenta! Sara und Alessandra nehmen sich in dieser Folge einenMoment, um mit dir innezuhalten und Pläne für die nächsten 365 Tage zu schmieden. Dabei lautet der Neujahrsvorsatz: Vita lenta, der „langsame Le…
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If I had to lose 40 lbs in 4 months, this is what I would do! The secrets to total body transformation are unlocked and so easy to implement immediately in your life. This could be the key to your weight loss. 🎁 83% OFF RIGHT NOW on 12-Month Unlimited Access! Total Body Transformation Platform here: 🟡 BECOME A DOLCE DI…
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Buon Natale und Fröhliche Weihnachten von Sara und Alessandra! In dieser weihnachtlichen Folge nehmen wir euch mit auf eine Reise durch die festliche Welt Italiens und erzählen von neuen Weihnachtstraditionen. Statt Panettone, Pandoro oder Pan Forte, steht in diesem Jahr nämlich der köstliche Pan Dolce auf unserem Weihnachtstisch. Das ist Genua Ant…
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Technik, Design, Qualität und Tradition – diese Wortebeschreiben das Kunsthandwerk MADE IN ITALY und es sind lauter Themen, die Sara und Alessandra wahnsinnig interessieren. Daher dreht sich in der heutigen Folgealles um die faszinierende Welt des italienischen Artigianato. Wir entdecken die Meisterwerke von Murano-Glas, das heute für seine leuchte…
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Willkommen in Triest, einer Stadt, die wie kaum eineandere die Kulturen und Geschichten Europas verbindet! In dieser Folge reisen Sara und Alessandra in die elegante Hafenmetropole, wo italienische Lebensfreude und k.u.k.-Charme aufeinandertreffen. Erfahre, warum die Bora, der eiskalte und wilde Wind, hier Kultstatus hat! Außerdem verraten wir, wie…
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Mike breaks down the science of cold plunging and details best practices based upon desired outcomes. 🎁 83% OFF RIGHT NOW on 12-Month Unlimited Access! Total Body Transformation Platform here: 🟡 BECOME A DOLCE DIET CERTIFIED COACH! January 18 & 19, 2025: REGISTRATION INFO HERE 🔥 SAVE 83% RIGHT NOW on the 12-Month UNLIM…
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Wir können nicht genug kriegen von Grissini! Die knusprigen Brotstangen aus dem Piemont, sind weit mehr als nur ein beliebter Snack! In dieser Folge lüften wir die Geheimnisse ihrer Entstehung: Warum wurde dieses Brot für einen kranken Herzog entwickelt, und wie eroberten Grissini später die Tische Europas? Entdecke spannende Geschichten und überra…
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Hmmm, do you know about these fat-loss hacks? Take a listen and find out! 🟡 BECOME A DOLCE DIET CERTIFIED COACH! January 18 & 19, 2025: REGISTRATION INFO HERE 🔥 SAVE 83% RIGHT NOW on the 12-Month UNLIMITED "DOLCE DIET" PLATFORM: MORE INFO HERE 🫵 Let's work! E-MAIL ME at: 🔥 Get STRONGRR SUPPLEMENTS! Loyalty discount code “…
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Dr. Peter Attia’s opinion of the Carnivore Diet, LDL, APOb, and Atherosclerosis risk, while speaking with Derek Cole of More Plates More Dates, with Mike Dolce's response and commentary. You have to hear this! 🟡 BECOME A DOLCE DIET CERTIFIED COACH! January 18 & 19, 2025: REGISTRATION INFO HERE 🔥 SAVE 83% RIGHT NOW on the 12-Month UNLIMITED "DOLCE D…
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🔥 This is what I was talking about: The Dolce Diet WHO IS MIKE DOLCE? -Mike Dolce is the 4-Time World MMA Trainer of The Year and a #1 bestselling author in the health and weight loss fields. -Widely recognized as " of the most sought after coaches in all of professional sports." (-Sports Illustrated ) and inducted in the Martial Arts Hall of…
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Sara und Alessandra lieben italienisches Brot, vor allem Focaccia - dabei handelt es sich um das vielleicht älteste und vielseitigsten Brot Italiens! In dieser Folge erzählen wir, wie die Focaccia von den alten Römern bis in die modernen italienischen Bäckereien gewandert ist. Eine Folge, für alle die Geschichte und Brot so sehr lieben, wie wir! In…
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Mike suffers a life-changing injury. 🫵 Let's work! E-MAIL ME at: 🔥 Get STRONGRR SUPPLEMENTS! Loyalty discount code “PODCAST20” at 👙 LIVING LEAN COACHING CLUB: More Info Here 🥊 Join Mike's FREE Newsletter HERE 🥥 Bondi Pure 🔥 WORK WITH MIKE! Book Your 1-on-1 Coaching Spot Here 🔥 “3 WEEKS TO SHREDDED”…
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Bist du auch reif für eine Auszeit vom November-Blues? In der heutigen Folge haben Sara und Alessandra genau das Richtige für dich: ein Thema, das dir garantiert die grauen Tage versüßen wird! Es gibt einen Ort in Italien, an dem der Winter kaum eine Chance hat – und wo selbst der November ein Hauch von Sommer verspricht. Die Rede ist von Sizilien!…
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Ein Tag ohne Espresso ist ein verlorener Tag - das denken nicht nur Sara und Alessandra, sondern auch sehr viele Italienerinnen und Italiener. Aus diesem Grund gibt es in dieser Folge ausnahmsweise kein Gericht sondern ein Getränk. Denn kaum etwas verbinden wir so stark mit Italien, wie unseren geliebten Espresso. In dieser Folge erfährst du: wieso…
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🫵 Let's work! E-MAIL ME at: 🔥 Get STRONGRR SUPPLEMENTS! Loyalty discount code “PODCAST20” at 👙 LIVING LEAN COACHING CLUB: More Info Here 🥊 Join Mike's FREE Newsletter HERE 🥥 Bondi Pure 🔥 WORK WITH MIKE! Book Your 1-on-1 Coaching Spot Here 🔥 “3 WEEKS TO SHREDDED” and “LIVING LEAN” plan! SAVE 20% wit…
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Nebel, graue Wolken und vielleicht auch noch etwas Nieselregen? Das kann Sara und Alessandra ganz schön die Laune verderben! Zum Glück gibt es eine Region in Italien, die im Herbst besonders magisch ist - der Piemont! Rund um Alba findet man den besten Trüffel der Welt, den weißen Alba Trüffel. Gemeinsam mit einem Glas Nebbiolo schmeckt er einfach …
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Die 100 Folgen sind geknackt - trotzdem können Sara und Alessandra nicht genug von Italien bekommen! In der heutigen Folge dreht sich alles um das Kult-Dessert Diplomatico. Übrigens auch das liebste Dessert von Saras Oma. Schmeckt nicht nur unglaublich gut, sondern überrascht mit einer ungewöhnlichen Vorgeschichte. In dieser Folge erfährst du: Die …
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Unglaublich: 100 Folgen sind geschafft - heute ist ein Tag zum Feiern! Italien du Land unserer Sehnsucht. Für Sara und Alessandra gibt keinen besseren Anlass als die 100. Folge, um alles zu teilen, was die zwei an Italien so sehr lieben. Eine Liebeserklärung an das Land ihrer Träume also. Sara und Alessandra geben sehr persönliche Einblicke und spr…
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Is Winter Here? Over the next two months, the average adult will GAIN 13 LBS! We know the reasons and yet each year we are "powerless" to be a statistic? Why is this? What can we do about it? Uncle Mike makes it easy with the single most important tip you will ever hear! *Be sure to check out our upcoming Certification and Fitness Conference below!…
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In der heutigen Folge widmen wir uns einem der liebsten Pasta Gerichte von Alessandra - Chitarrine allo scoglio. Nicht nur die Pasta Form, sondern vor allem die Soße allo scoglio hat eine spannende und vor allem sehr unerwartete Geschichte zu erzählen! Wir konnten es gar nicht glauben! Reinhören lohnt sich. In dieser Folge erfährst du: warum allo s…
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Nirgendwo auf der Welt gibt es so viele Kunstschätze wie in Italien - der ideale Ort also, um einen Kunstraub zu begehen! Sara und Alessandra lieben Krimis und sind deshalb heute spannenden True Crime Fällen in Italien auf der Spur. Dabei sprechen sie über gelöste und ungelöste Fälle, alle im Zusammenhang mit der Kunstwelt. Nichts für schwache Nerv…
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Did you know 7 out of 10 adults suffer from insulin insensitivities. Could this be YOU and you didn't even know it? Worse yet, could insulin insensitivities be standing in the way of a leaner healthier physique? Don't worry! Mike explains it all and teaches you how to reclaim your own insulin sensitivity for a leaner and healthier life! *Be sure to…
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Looking for the ultimate affogato experience? Head to Dolce Gelato in Somerville and enjoy the perfect combination of creamy gelato and bold espresso. Whether you're a coffee lover or a gelato enthusiast, Dolce Gelato offers a delicious range of flavors to elevate your affogato. Visit Dolce Gelato today to satisfy your sweet tooth with a rich, indu…
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Kurz und knackig geht es in dieser Folge weiter oder besser gesagt ganz besonders fluffig. Sara hateines ihrer liebsten Desserts ausgesucht! Es dreht sich also alles um das traditionelle neapolitanische Babà. Wir tauchen in die Geschichte dieses luftig-leichten Gebäcks ein, das in Rum getränkt wird. Erfahre, warum Babà einSymbol italienischer Desse…
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🔥 Get STRONGRR SUPPLEMENTS! Loyalty discount code “PODCAST20” at 👙 LIVING LEAN COACHING CLUB: More Info Here 🥊 Join Mike's FREE Newsletter HERE 🥥 Bondi Pure 🔥 WORK WITH MIKE! Book Your 1-on-1 Coaching Spot Here 🔥 “3 WEEKS TO SHREDDED” and “LIVING LEAN” plan! SAVE 20% with promo code “MIKEDOLCESHOW” only at The Dolce Diet Sho…
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Beschreibung: In dieser Folge tauchen Sara und Alessandra tief in die Chianti-Region ein, eine der schönsten und geschichtsträchtigsten Gegenden Italiens, das sichzwischen Florenz und Siena erstreckt. Abseits vom weltberühmten Wein bietet Chianti atemberaubende Landschaften, mittelalterliche Dörfer und einefaszinierende Geschichte. Reise mit uns üb…
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Es ist so weit, wir starten mit unserem neuen Format: Gerichte mit Geschichte. Es gibt diese kleinen Geschichtshäppchen alle zwei Wochen, dennin kaum einem anderen Land ist die Geschichte mit der Kulinarik so eng verwoben, wie in Italien. Das erste Gericht hat Alessandra ausgewählt. In dieser Episodedreht sich alles um A wie…Arancini, die köstliche…
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Looking for a cozy cafe experience with the convenience of online ordering? Dolce Gelato in Somerville, NJ brings your favorite coffee, gelato, and freshly baked treats right to your doorstep. Whether you're relaxing at home or on the go, our cafe offers quick and easy online ordering. Discover the taste of Somerville’s finest cafe from the comfort…
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Nach einer längeren Auszeit melden wir uns zurück –frischer, motivierter und immer noch mit ganz viel Liebe für Italien! In dieser Episode sprechen wir darüber, was während der Pause passiert ist, welche neuen Ideen und Pläne wir für die kommenden Folgen haben, und warum wir einfach nicht anders können, als mit unserem Herzensprojekt weiterzumachen…
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Coach Mike announces a new format for the show and jumps right in with the most important lesson you NEVER learned! Also, Mike shares big news that he's been waiting to tell you for MONTHS! 🔥 Get STRONGRR SUPPLEMENTS! Loyalty discount code “PODCAST20” at 👙 LIVING LEAN COACHING CLUB: More Info Here 🥊 Join Mike's FREE …
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When in Somerville, NJ, there’s no better place to enjoy an authentic espresso than at Dolce Gelato’s Espresso Bar. This hidden gem is more than just a gelato shop; it's a haven for coffee aficionados. At Dolce Gelato, every espresso is brewed with precision and care, offering a perfect balance of rich flavor and smooth texture.…
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It’s a scenario many of us face—seeing someone’s life in chaos, offering advice, but watching them ignore it. How much should we invest in their well-being before stepping back? Join us as we explore the balance between support and self-preservation, and discuss when it’s time to let go. 👙 LIVING LEAN COACHING CLUB: More Info Here 🥊 Join Mike's FRE…
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Oooof, this was a tough one to say out loud, but you deserve to know. 👙 LIVING LEAN COACHING CLUB: More Info Here 🥊 Join Mike's FREE Newsletter HERE NEW SPONSOR! 🥥 Bondi Pure 🏋️ SUMMER SHREDDED COACHING CLUB: More Info 🔥 WORK WITH MIKE! Book Your 1-on-1 Coaching Spot Here 🔥 “3 WEEKS TO SHREDDED” and “LIVING LEAN” plan! SAVE 20% with promo code “MIK…
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We Can't "CARRY THE BOATS" alone... Coach Mike uses a misunderstood David Goggins quote to better illustrate the mentality necessary to achieve your fitness (and life) goals. He also introduces the Living Lean Coaching Club as a support system for individuals looking to make positive changes in their lives. 👙 LIVING LEAN COACHING CLUB: More Info He…
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Welcome to another episode of The Mike Dolce Show, where we dive deep into the latest trends, controversies, and cutting-edge topics in health, fitness, and wellness. Today, we're tackling a subject that's been making waves across social media, news outlets, and dinner table: "Is Ozempic the New METH?" NEW SPONSOR! 🥥 Bondi Pure 🥊 Join Mike's FREE N…
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In this show, Mike Dolce delves into the often confusing world of belly fat, separating the facts from the fads. This episode aims to empower listeners with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health and fitness journey, steering clear of misleading fads and focusing on sustainable, effective strategies. NEW SPONSOR! 🥥 Bo…
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Nearly half of all American adults suffer from high blood pressure and never even know it until they suffer a life-altering medical event! This episode just may save your life. NEW SPONSOR! 🥥 Bondi Pure: 🏋️ SUMMER SHREDDED COACHING CLUB: 🔥WORK WITH MIKE! 1-on-1 Coaching Spots: https://…
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100 Rep Squat Challenge! Join Mike as he delves into one of the most transformative training programs ever created—the 100 Rep Squat Program. Discover how this intense workout can sculpt your physique and elevate your fitness to new heights. But be warned, this challenge is not for the faint-hearted! Tune in to find out if you have what it takes to…
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Coach Mike Dolce answers questions about muscle building, nutrition for triathletes, clean bulking, recommended rep ranges, and more. He emphasizes the importance of specific rep ranges for muscle growth and explains exactly which reps are most responsible for growing new muscle tissue. He also discusses the benefits of clean bulking and shares his…
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Achieving your dream body is more attainable than you think. Join Mike as he shares a powerful lesson he uses to effortlessly reach his fitness goals. Learn how you can guarantee your own success with this straightforward, actionable tip. Tune in to discover the key to transforming your body and reaching your full potential. NEW SPONSOR! 🥥 Bondi Pu…
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Attaining your dream body is attainable. In fact, your dream body is so much closer to achieving than you may believe. Here is a little lesson Mike uses to ensure his body goals are met with ease, and how you can guarantee your own success with this simple tip. NEW SPONSOR! 🥥 Bondi Pure: 🏋️ SUMMER SHREDDED COACHING CLUB: ht…
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BURN THE BOATS! Stuck in a life (or body) that's just not cutting it anymore? I've been there. This is my story. 🏋️ SUMMER SHREDDED COACHING CLUB: 🔥WORK WITH MIKE! 1-on-1 Coaching Spots: 🥊 Join Mike's FREE Newsletter here: 🔥 “3 …
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What is Holding you Back from Being your Best? Mike takes you down the road of "Motivational Interviewing" as you come face to face with the person you are and the person you most want to be. 🍎 FAT LOSS WORKSHOP (06/12/24: 6:15pm EST) REGISTER HERE 🥊 Join Mike's FREE Newsletter here: 🔥 SUMMER SHREDDED COACH…
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Lose 150% more fat with this 1 TIP! YES, you read that right. I'm bringing the receipts. How do I stay single digit body fat percentage year round and reign supreme as the most successful weight management coach in combat sports??? (Listen to this episode!) 🥊 Join Mike's FREE Newsletter here: 🔥 SUMMER SHRED…
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Mike takes a train ride to see Billy Joel and comes face to face with the stark reality of accelerated aging. Yes, this is a fun and eye opening episode you need to hear! 🏋️ SUMMER SHREDDED COACHING CLUB: 🔥 WORK WITH MIKE! 1-on-1 Coaching Spots: 🥊 Join Mike's FREE N…
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Bench Press NO MORE! + IFBB Pro Wesley Vissers Favorite Cardio 🔥 WORK WITH MIKE! 1-on-1 Coaching Spots: 🥊 Join Mike's FREE Newsletter here: 🔥 “3 WEEKS TO SHREDDED” and “LIVING LEAN” plan! SAVE 20% with promo code “MIKEDOLCESHOW” only at ☕️ DO…
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In this episode: Why Personal Fitness is NOT Athletic Competition, plus Brandy's Half-Marathon Story! Mike discusses why "Personal "Fitness" is often confused with "Competitive Athletics" and how this mindset may be ruining your progress. He further details how his wife, Brandy, reclaimed autonomy over her own personal fitness routine and after "al…
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The Worst Possible Scenario: What is the worst possible scenario you can encounter on your fitness journey??? Mike breaks it down in shocking detail, and explains exactly how you can avoid it for continued success. 🔥 WORK WITH MIKE! 1-on-1 Coaching Spots: 🥊 Join Mike's FREE Newsletter here: https://start.the…
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Do I Need To Workout Every Day? Mike tackles the most common questions he gets asked and offers "pro hacks" on how you can best improve your gains with his no-nonsense answers! Mike tackles the most common questions he gets asked and offers "pro hacks" on how you can best improve your gains with his no-nonsense answers! 🥊 Join Mike's FREE Newslette…
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Mike goes on a fire-filled RANT that will open your eyes on systemic challenges surrounding the modern health and obesity crisis. 🥊 Join Mike's FREE Newsletter here: 🔥 “3 WEEKS TO SHREDDED” and “LIVING LEAN” plan! SAVE 20% with promo code “MIKEDOLCESHOW” only at ☕️ DOLCE COFFEE ROAS…
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