Episcopal Church
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Year A, Proper 14 Matthew 14:22-33 The Rev. David Marshall Word: Resurrection Quote: There are interesting parallels between this story of Jesus walking on water and the crucifixion and resurrection stories that come later. This story, and the resurrection stories, illustrate the importance of faith, hope, and the life-giving power of the sacred. T…
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The Rev. David Marshall Proper 10, Year A Lectionary readingsΑπό τον [email protected]
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Father David Marshall Year A, Proper 9 Romans 7:15-25a, Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 Word: Sin Quote: This isn’t just a nice idea or a religious platitude. The idols of our lives make us miserable.Από τον [email protected]
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Year A, Proper 8 Matthew 10:40-42, Romans 6:12-23 The Rev. David Marshall Word: Heaven Quote: We are meant to be the place where heaven and earth are joined. We are meant to bring the blessings of God’s kingdom into our world.Από τον [email protected]
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Year A, Proper 7 Romans 6:1b-11 The Rev. David Marshall Word: Grace Quote: When we live out our deepest dream, our true purpose, we experience true freedom. We were made to know and love God, and to live our lives as an expression of that love. When we love God by following Jesus, we live graceful lives.…
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Year A, Proper 6 The Rev. David Marshall Genesis 18:1-15, (21:1-7), Romans 5:1-8 Word: Peace Quote: Peace is the experience of being in faithful relationship with God.Από τον [email protected]
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Year A, Trinity Sunday Pat GrodtΑπό τον [email protected]
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Year A, Pentecost Acts 2:1-21 | John 20:19-23 The Rev. David Marshall Word: Spirit Quote: There is not a person in this room who has not experienced the power of God. God’s power is not in us, rather, we are in God’s power.Από τον [email protected]
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Year A, Easter 7 This week’s readings The Rev. Catharine ReidΑπό τον [email protected]
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Year A, Easter 6 Brother John Ryan, OCPΑπό τον [email protected]
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