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CrossPoint Fellowship Messages

CrossPoint Fellowship

A weekly updated podcast for messages given at CrossPoint Fellowship in Republic, MO. Our church meets on Sunday mornings at 10am at 1660 Hwy 60 E (in the Town East Center next to El Charro and Bair's) so grab a friend and come visit us sometime! Check us out on the web -- -- for more information on coming to one of our services, small groups or events!
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show series
The story of Deborah and Barak shows us that being a leader is dependent on one’s willingness to lead. Deborah stole Barak’s glory, because he lacked faith he could do it alone. Our voice should be one of encouragement and accountability. Deborah and Barak teach us that the greatest and best among us aren’t self-sufficient but recognize their need …
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The people failed God and found themselves in hot water. But after crying out to God, He sent help. Then, the people repaid him by repeating their mistakes. A successful Christian walk requires us to identify strong leadership and heed its wisdom. Not adhering to Biblical leadership has consequences. Deliverance follows repentance. Deliverance is t…
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Judges 1-2 tells the story of Israel’s failure to keep God’s commands and His continued providence despite their failures. It shows us that God is just and gives us many chances to get it right. God doesn't take away without providing a way forward. There is no aimlessness inside the will of God. Even wandering in the desert has a purpose. There is…
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Money is a touchy subject, but money is needed for the existence of the Church. We need goods. We need to give. We must. When we give everything to God, everything is God’s. And that includes our bank accounts. Serving God with our money starts in the same place that serving God in any capacity does. Our Priorities Wealth is not evil. The love of w…
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Each of us has been given a spiritual gift to use in elevating and supporting other saints. I’m not even sure it has to be known to be used, but it’s a mistake to think you don’t have one. This week we discuss how we use those things to improve the family of God. God in his abundant grace, has gifted you with the ability to serve your brothers and …
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All of us have been blessed with abilities that not everyone has. How can we use those talents to serve God? By using them to serve others. You were uniquely created and gifted to serve others. As important as having talent is the willingness to use it in the service of God and the education of others. Our service bears witness to gifts instilled i…
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We are called to be good stewards of all God has given us. It starts with 168 hours a week. Take away 56 hours for sleep. That’s 112 hours remaining. How we steward our time is extremely important. Seeking first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness is about viewing all choices through his character and trusting the outcome of the decision that …
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Before we can give anything to God, we must give everything to God. A cheerful giver doesn’t give out of compulsion, but out of their love for Christ. He must have all of us. Before we can give anything to God, we must give everything to God. Discipleship comes at a cost. The cost of our discipleship is whatever belongs to our earthly nature. What …
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Jesus epitomizes Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. All of these things have been realized through him by his birth, life, death, and resurrection. Jesus is the fulfillment of promises made to Abraham. Jesus is the fulfillment of Jacob’s final words to his son Judah. Jesus fulfills the promise from God, through Nathan that Messiah would come from David’s …
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On Christmas Eve, we’re focusing on how God’s love is unique. It’s unlike any other kind of love in the world. God's love is not deserved. God's love came at a high price. God's commands give us joy through life, peace with God, hope for a future, won by the love which we don’t deserve. God's love is the greatest love that has ever been shown. God'…
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Joy is a God-given gift. It’s something that extends far beyond choice. Ultimately, joy is what God wants for us. Christ being a part of our world is the greatest reason for joy. God’s ability to supply us with abounding grace directly relates to Christ's work on the cross and correlates to our willingness to abound in good works. We have security …
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We are called to be people of peace. After all, Christ is the Prince of Peace. It’s our job to pursue peace and perpetrate peace in the world. This isn’t always easy but it is necessary. Realizing the hope we have in Jesus allows us to find peace that is beyond the understanding of others. The only way to experience true peace is by accepting the f…
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We hope for a lot of things. I hope the Chiefs win. I hope that shirt goes on sale. I hope I get a raise. Hope used in this way is fleeting and frail. The hope of the Bible is foundational and life-altering. This is the hope we have in Jesus. This is the hope secured for us by Jesus. Biblical God-inspired hope, which is what we have in Christ, is a…
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As Christians, gratitude should permeate our lives. Christians should be characterized by their expressions of gratitude. Our goal is to be distinct from non-Christians. Joy and happiness are not equal. Happiness is a measure of outer contentment. Joy is a measure of inner peace. Christians avoid needless conflict with this world. Joy is the pathwa…
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Learning to be grateful when things don’t go our way. Few things make those without faith more angry than seeing those with faith remain faithful in the midst of trials. Choosing gratitude over grumbling is a matter of perspective. Pure gratitude doesn’t just say “thank you for the strength during my trial”, but “thank you for the strength from my …
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This week kicks off a new series on giving thanks. What are some of the basics of gratefulness? Our reason for gratefulness can be firmly found in the sacrifice of Christ. We all have something to be thankful for. God’s love endures where human love ends. Gratitude is a choice solidified by habit. Christians should be characterized by their express…
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We claim to be "one nation under God" and yet our nation doesn't reflect the fruits of the Spirit. How do we influence our nation to be a beacon for the Gospel and not continue down the road of pride and sin? As Christians, we need to be praying for our Nation! We are called to be change in the world. We have a responsibility to represent Jesus in …
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Just as Paul used his Roman citizenship to further the Gospel, how can we use our American citizenship to further the Gospel? Find common ground with the people you are speaking to. Be an upstanding citizen. Let the Gospel be the offense.Από τον CrossPoint Fellowship
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We are called to be citizens of Heaven, to transcend our Earthly citizenship. What does that mean for us today, especially with how politically charged our nation has become? How do we live in a way that puts our Heavenly citizenship above our status as Americans?Από τον CrossPoint Fellowship
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Chapter 9 and 10 show the natural response to the Goodness of God - celebration. We must celebrate the goodness of God and praise him for all he has done. You need not worry about what the enemy has planned for you. Just have faith that the reverse is going to occur. God influences others through your trials and impending victories. Motivation matt…
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Esther continues to lay herself at the king’s feet, this time for the rescue of the Jews. In Chapter 8 we see that God not only hears his people, and spares his people, but blesses his people. This is God at work to bring about the redemption of his people. that God’s redemption isn’t simply about removing bad but replacing it with better. In this …
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Haman’s evil deeds are brought to light. God’s people will not be wiped out by the evil plans of others. Haman brought his destruction on himself, and again we see God’s work from the beginning. Esther shows us the way in which we should approach the Lord - with humility and hope. God sees, he hears, and he moves. A lack of appreciation for our ble…
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Mordecai saved the king and Haman wanted to kill Mordecai. This chapter shows us the difference between those that seek to bring glory to themselves versus those who seek to serve the greater good. The invisible providence of God is at work when the rest of the world is sleeping. I don’t believe in coincidence, luck, or happy accidents. I do subscr…
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Esther risks her life to save others. But throughout the entirety of this book, we see God preparing her for this moment. And so it shouldn’t be any surprise that it works in her favor. This moment shows both the continued providence of God as well as the power of prayer and fasting. While we may be fearful of approaching earthly kings, we never ha…
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Mordecai becomes the villain but, because of God’s providence, he has an opportunity to rescue his people. He just Needs Esther to speak to the king, which could cost her her life. It’s okay to grieve for what’s been lost, even if it was given away for the right reasons. Grief without a plan leads to aimless wandering instead of purposeful progress…
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They say if you live long enough, you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Mordecai manages to experience both happenings in very quick succession. This passage shows us that you can do the right thing and have very different outcomes for your actions. Time reveals that God has Mordecai in this position as part …
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Esther, in a series of fortunate events, finds herself in the favor of Hegai, leader of the harem. She shows through these events her God-given ability to listen to wisdom which leads to her being chosen as the new queen, ultimately saving her people. When our tempers control us, regret can’t take away the damage we cause. Good men raise good child…
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The king is a jerk and Vashti wasn’t willing to play his game. While she is punished, the Bible doesn’t speak against her actions. Still, this moment is used by God to rescue his people. Riches, wealth, and status don’t make a man. God’s purpose was being fulfilled through earthly failure. Sometimes justified actions are met with unjust consequence…
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Noble women focus on eternal things, seek to serve the eternal king, and live with the goal of pleasing him. Noble women seek to serve others as a service to the Lord. Noble women are Christ-Centered, not self-centered. Noble women do not concern themselves with earthly outcomes in favor of heavenly outcomes. Noble women let the true Gospel rule th…
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Noble women are constantly aware of pride and selfishness and strive to think of others more. Noble women understand that humility only adds to their strengths and is in no way a weakness. Noble women understand that God is in control so they don’t need the credit. Noble women understand that God values their humility more than their accomplishment…
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Bodies deteriorate, persons develop. Invest in that which lasts. Women must understand that their worth is not tied in any way, shape or form to their bodies. Beauty and physical charm aren’t bad, but they fade. Noble women are judged by that which is eternal, not that which is temporary. Noble women don’t let the world set beauty standards on thei…
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The noble woman speaks faithfully, loving others with Godly wisdom, boldness, and kindness as a faithful “completer” of others. Noble women deliver wisdom for the betterment of others. A faithful speaker understands that the truth ultimately causes less harm than appeasing others. One of the greatest things that a wife can do for her husband is tel…
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A woman of noble character rejects the lies that satisfaction comes from anything or anyone other than God. A Noble Woman’s worth is solidified by her character. Character is defined as the mental and moral qualities distinctive of an individual. Noble woman of high character have one main thing in common, they are God seekers. Your identity should…
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Men of God live differently than the rest of the world. Live open-handed. Do for one what you cannot do for all. Be kind and put yourself in someone else’s shoes before casting judgment. Pass the praise around. Seek opportunities to share admiration for others. Charity, mercy, and kindness make a man far more than self-reliance and cold-heartedness…
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Know and grow yourself, attend to weaknesses that are present and learn from mistakes. Also, count your blessings. Expect nothing and be thankful for everything. A man who continually repeats the same errors does a truly disgusting thing. When it comes to matters of faith, men of God avoid returning to a life before Christ. When we recognize what G…
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Men respect their leaders and consider advice from the experienced. They face anxiety purposefully fearing only a future of regret. A lack of seeking counsel isn't about self-reliance but a lack of respect for what others have to offer. Seeking counsel gives us a different perspective. Seeking counsel instills confidence in us. Seeking counsel help…
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Men shoulder blame and carry the burdens of those who are weak. Men also create paths rather than follow them. Don’t allow yourself to be dismayed by critics - know who you are. We have a duty to protect and serve those who are weaker than us. In order to share in another’s burdens, we must have a heart for their healing. It’s not just the ability …
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Boys live, men sacrifice. Deliver on your commitments even if it isn’t fun for you. It’s important that as men we are measured in action and control our emotions and question our instincts. Men sacrifice and deliver on their commitments even if it isn’t self-serving. Ensuring that we take care of our responsibilities is motivated by a love that put…
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Your word should be fact. Tell the truth even if it hurts and live your values whether no one knows or everyone is watching. Honesty is the idea that we tell the truth even when it hurts. Part of being truthful is being truthful when you could hide the truth. Confession is built in truth and results in the mercy of God. Integrity is present when we…
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Matthew 6:33 says that when we diligently seek God, His Spirit will be with us and take care of our physical needs. This is what we as believers need to live everyday, seeking the Kingdom first and foremost, and allowing the Spirit to act, to perform miracles in our lives to show that Jesus, though ascended, is very much still active in our world t…
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Just as Jesus spoke with authority towards demons, casting them out and commanding them, that authority is given to believers by the Spirit. This authority is unique to believers and the demons know it, people can try to imitate it, but will not have any luck, the best they can do is try and trick people, just like Satan. The glory of God is shown …
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In the face of intense persecution, the Church devoted itself to prayer. Not only does God hear our prayers but He acts on them. God’s actions in freeing Peter show His power over man, that despite Herod’s best efforts to keep Peter from working for the Gospel, those chains were powerless before God. When in the face of persecution, whether by man,…
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Most of us have heard the story of Paul. The Apostle to the Gentiles, arguably the greatest missionary in history, and author of 13 books in our New Testament. He didn’t start this way though, he was one of the primary instruments of persecution against the early Church before Jesus decided enough was enough. This process took the faithful actions …
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The Spirit leads and equips us to impact in ways we could not imagine. Philip is led to a seemingly random individual to explain the Scripture to him. Through Philip’s faithful actions, the man believes, and carries that belief back to Ethiopia. That single act by Philip led to a great spread of Christianity in Ethiopia, leading them to officially …
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The Spirit equipped the early Church to do both great miracles and also to speak beyond their natural ability. Through the Spirit we have the ability to completely change people’s lives for the better. It doesn’t take a formally educated or trained individual to share the Gospel in powerful ways. It takes someone willing to step out in the boldness…
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The Apostles, having lived with Jesus for 3 years, only to see him be killed and rise again, are left having to say goodbye again as Jesus ascends to Heaven. Knowing how we are, Jesus didn’t leave His followers to fend for themselves, and promised to send them a helper, the Holy Spirit. The gifting of the Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of the promi…
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Jesus died on the cross to take our place, to take on the sin that we committed. Let’s face it - our sin put him there, we are the reason he was condemned to die. But that’s not where the story ended - he miraculously rose from the grave and he lives for us today. The introduction of Sin necessitated the coming of Christ. Everyone has sinned, and e…
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How can we be real with evangelism and discipleship? What’s our motivation, power source, audience? God’s motivation for evangelism begins and ends with His love for people. Loving others like God does causes us to have compassion for them. Our perspective on evangelism would change if we truly viewed others as lost sheep and not lost causes. A Chr…
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How are we empowered to stand against a world that is ready to reject us? The world is sick. The Gospel is the cure. We are called to be ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. We are all called to go and take the cure for sin to the world. God cares. We aren’t the authors of the message, we’re simply delivering it. We have a responsibility to the world…
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We can walk the walk but do we talk the talk? Those who don’t know Jesus will only learn about him if we tell them. Are we verbalizing our faith? If your faith isn’t important enough for you to discuss, do you truly value your faith? We have a Gospel message and it is worth delivering that message to others. People can't believe in a message that h…
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