Desde 2011 Rômulo Konzen, Daniel Iserhard e convidados batem papo descontraído com o objetivo de colocar uma pitada de Rock 'n' Roll no coração de cada ser humano.
continue reading Elazığ'da yüksek kalitede eğitim hizmeti veren, proje okulu statüsünde Fen Lisesi'yiz.
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The Uncensored CMO was created to explore the good, the bad and quite frankly downright ugly truth about marketing theory & practice.
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Once what was Mike and Josh Teach Sasquatch, is now CMSquatch. We are a sports and comedy podcast that has two childhood friends trying to teach the newcomer a little something about sports.
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I record my monologue-style show from Berlin in English. I capture a variety of topics that are important to me.
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Christ Memorial Church is a gospel-preaching church reaching the greater Burlington, Vermont area since 1992. Find out more at
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Welcome to the CMCTalks podcast. The ramblings of William and Karen joined by farmers, industry professionals and intriguing guests discussing relevant industry topics and enjoying some banter and good chat. This is not a serious or overly-technical podcast by any means but hopefully will provide some light entertainment for our highly valued customers and prospects.
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Willkommen bei CMS To Go, dem Podcast von CMS Deutschland. Wir diskutieren mit Expertinnen und Experten aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen zu Themen, die die Rechtswelt tagtäglich bewegen: Mit weltweit mehr als 5.000 Anwältinnen und Anwälten sowie Steuerberaterinnen und Steuerberatern, davon über 700 in Deutschland, ist CMS nicht nur eine der führenden Full-Service-Wirtschaftskanzleien. Wir zählen auch zu den Pionieren, wenn es darum geht, digitale Transformation und z ...
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Our experiences inspired the creation of The CMMC Compliance Guide Podcast and its accompanying resources. The podcast began as a way to share what we learned through real-world challenges—like helping that aerospace machine shop—and to provide accessible education for businesses navigating DoD cybersecurity requirements. The CMMC Compliance Guide Podcast breaks down complex topics like NIST 800-171 and CMMC into actionable, easy-to-understand steps. Whether you’re a subcontractor struggling ...
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Become a Paid Subscriber: Crank it up to 11 with the loudest, wildest, most uncensored voices in rock & metal! 🎸💥 Dive into fiery debates, unforgettable interviews, and bold takes on music, movies, and pop culture. 🎤🔥 No fluff, just pure passion from the heart of the mosh pit. 🤘😈 Subscribe now and unleash your inner rockstar! 🤘 #CMSNetwork #RockAndMetal #PopCulture
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Chris and Mike's Beer Chat the podcast about enjoying beer.
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CMDA Matters is the premier audio resource for Christian healthcare professionals. Hosted by Christian Medical & Dental Associations® (CMDA) CEO Dr. Mike Chupp, it is a weekly podcast that includes interviews with experts from Christian healthcare professionals. Topics include bioethics, healthcare missions, financial stewardship, marriage, family and much more. Listen to CMDA Matters today on the CMDA Go app, iTunes and the CMDA website. When you subscribe to our iTunes channel or Google Pl ...
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In this 5-star rated weekly marketing podcast, host 4xCMO Ian Truscott says he's no rockstar, but with his chums, he shares what he calls marketing street knowledge, authentic, practical marketing strategy advice that will bring out the rock star marketer in you. A show that Jason Falls described as a "variety show for marketers". Learn more, follow, and get the show notes at
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Jim Stengel, former CMO of the largest marketer in the world (Procter & Gamble), and now small company entrepreneur sits down for intimate conversations with the most dynamic CMOs from all over the industry. This is not your typical marketing podcast, this is a unique look at the thought process and motivation of the CMO. Jim, who put purpose on the map gets in depth with each guest to reveal more about this pivotal role every brand seeks to fill. Through personal and revealing discussions J ...
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Learn SaaS and AI marketing in a fun and easy to understand way from Bill Macaitis, a trusted 7x marketing leader with 5 successful tech exits.
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Digital marketing and entrepreneurship insights from REAL results, stories, and people. Weekly interviews with successful content creators, marketers, and entrepreneurs to find out how they got to where they are and what marketing strategies we can learn to grow our businesses and brands.
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Kieferwissen - der Podcast über Kieferschmerzen, Kopfschmerzen, Verspannungen und CMD
Stefanie Kapp: Kieferschmerzen loswerden & CMD
Herzlichen Willkommen zum Podcast! Ich freue mich das du mit dabei bist Ich bin Stefanie Kapp Physiotherapeutin und CMD Expertin. Ich therapiere seit 9 Jahren Menschen mit CMD, Kieferschmerzen, Nackenschmerzen und Gesichtsschmerzen. Dazugehören: Kieferknacken, Verspannungen der Kaumuskultaur, Zähneknirschen, Trigeminusschmerzen, Tinnitus, Schwindel, Migräne usw. Ich freu mich dir mit diesem Podcast eine Hilfestellung gegen deine Schmerzen, Beschwerden oder Fragen zu CMD zu geben. Dieser Podc ...
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Get ready for some high-energy, no-BS conversations with top marketing leaders and tech entrepreneurs from every corner of the world. We’re diving deep into Web3, AI, Blockchain, Crypto, DeFi, Digital Twins, and the Metaverse. It’s all about real insights and actionable strategies to keep you ahead of the game. Supported by CoinDesk and RYO!
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808 Radio es la cita con los sonidos del futuro de la radio pública de Castilla-La Mancha. Una mirada al espectro musical contemporáneo, en la que tienen cabida desde los nuevos proyectos independientes a los consolidados nombres internacionales, conjugada con la voz de los propios artistas y la visibilización de las nuevas ideas que, desde el arte a la tecnología, indagando en la reflexión y el conocimiento, nos proponen un mañana mejor. Dirigido por: Juan Antonio Lorente – Yoikol Presentad ...
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Social media marketing, creative, design and all things innovative.
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CMSMrMiller - a look into a 6th grade social studies classroom.
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Inside CMFI : Potenziale der Mikrobiomforschung Antibiotikaresistenzen gehören zu den drängendsten Herausforderungen unserer Zeit. Durch die weltweit zunehmende Resistenzentwicklung droht uns eine post-antibiotische Ära, also eine Zeit, in der Antibiotika nicht mehr wirken und selbst kleinere Infektionen wieder lebensbedrohlich werden könnten. Doch wie können wir diesen resistenten Bakterien entgegentreten? Welche neuen Wirkstoffe und Strategien braucht es, um diese Gefahr zu bannen? Im Podc ...
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The CMO Whisperer, hosted by former Forbes writer Steve Olenski, is dedicated to those who keep it real in AND out of the world of marketing. From others in the C-suite to agency leaders to editors of publications to athletes to entertainsers and on and on, this show is for them and about them.
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Welcome to my world..or should I say playground! My purpose here is to provide and uplift independent and progressive neo-soul, jazz, and gospel artists. I just want to introduce them to you and you can go from there and delve into their catalogs. I hope you have fun listening and make sure to "like"..."follow' and "share" with your friends and family. Just a reminder. I am a DJ, not a Jukebox. I post continuous mixes that intend to keep you in the "groove" all the way thru. Leave a comment. ...
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A podcast with one central question in mind: what does it take to be a great chief marketing officer? And there are no better people to answer this question than those who have lived the CMO life. In each episode, we have in-depth conversations with CMOs and top-level marketers from around the world, across every industry and level of experience, in order to get their insights into what it takes to excel at the very top of the marketing hierarchy. Views expressed in this show are not necessa ...
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My name is cmcj. Give it a listen.
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Podcast by CMCStudents
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CMC Statistics topics in the biopharmaceutical industry
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I’m Chris Mechanic, a growth marketer and co-founder at WebMechanix, one of the fastest-growing digital consultancies. One day, I thought, we got to make a marketing podcast. But not any podcast. The podcast has to be value-packed, focused on acquisition, and have the best of the best minds. So, if you’re in charge of performance marketing, you’ll love these interviews. We bring on some of the best ideas from growth leaders from brands like Amazon, Poshmark, Motley Fool, ADA, and Gong.
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"C'Mon Son!" The Podcast is your ticket to the wild, unfiltered world of Ed Lover—radio host, actor, comedian, and former host of the legendary hip-hop-heavy international televised program Yo! MTV Raps. Dive into his no-holds-barred take on pop culture, family life plus so much more... where raw humor meets rugged truth. Forget the usual; this podcast is all about breaking the mold. With every episode, you'll find yourself laughing uncontrollably and asking, "Seriously, what the f*** is wro ...
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Marketing leaders are facing constant new challenges. If you want to stay ahead of the curve, listen to Building Better CMOs, from the nonprofit thinktank MMA Global. It's a podcast about the future of marketing and how marketers can get smarter & stronger, hosted by MMA CEO Greg Stuart. Greg interviews some of the wisest and most successful CMOs in the business, who share crucial insights about what their industry gets wrong, how to get to the C-Suite, and how to unlock the true power of ma ...
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Welcome to the CM Murray LLP podcast channel where we discuss a wide range of topical issues in relation to partnership and employment law. CM Murray LLP is a leading partnership, employment and regulatory law firm based in London. We advise US and UK law firms and partners, hedge fund and investment management partners, US and other multi-national employers, senior executives and founders on a range of UK partnership and employment law issues.
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The CMC Podcast is a platform for well-informed, collaborative and open minded conversations around rope rescue and rope access topics in a roundtable discussion format. Our aim is to inspire further research, testing and feedback around products and techniques through stories and lessons from experts. For more information visit
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Wonder what it's like to control millions of dollars of marketing budget? Manage hundreds of people? Make the decisions on which ideas get to market? The CMO Confidential podcast shares how it feels to be in that chair of the shortest-tenured position on the C-suite. We detail the long, hard road most ideas take to get to market & how challenging it is to get the best ones through. Hosted by Mike Linton -- the former P&G Brand Manager who went on to be the Chief Marketing Officer of Best Buy ...
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Ein Physiker (C.M.) erzählt über Wissenschaft, buddhistische Lebensphilosophie, Jazz und ein minimalistisches Leben außerhalb der Norm [Mit gelegentlichen selbstgemachten Musikeinspielungen]. Kommentare gerne an [email protected]
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How do the leaders of APAC brands use purpose-driven storytelling to bring their big ideas to life, achieve communications goals, drive better business outcomes, and live out a purpose beyond profit? The CMO Show is an award-winning marketing podcast, brought to you by ImpactInstitute, in partnership with Adobe. Each episode features industry insights from a marketing or business leader on strategy, creativity, measurement, evaluation, and more. *ANZ Winner - 2020 CMS Asia Award for 'Best Us ...
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使命:幫助每個人做好人生投資 願景:用最合理的價格,透過最方便的管道,提供每個客戶和市井小民,最貼近用戶需求的優質投資工具和網路服務 CMoney開發許多投資軟體,提供大眾更簡便的軟體使用服務,協助用戶做好人生的投資理財規劃,邁向財富自由的道路。 高人氣產品 -籌碼K線 -艾蜜莉定存股 -股市爆料同學會 -投資網誌 -發票集點王 -CWMoney記帳軟體 -股市大富翁 -股人阿勳 價值河流圖 -無聊詹 監控警報器 -權證小哥 全方位獨門監控 -林恩如 強棒旺旺來 -自由人 多空指南針 -丹尼爾 主流強勢股 -股市阿水 布林通道 -期權先生 多空聽診器 -阿格力 價值成長股 -武財神 求好運免出門 -老簡 股市內部大戶 -Money錢雜誌 -保險對夠好 -王牌操盤手 -台股巴菲特 -保險小存摺 -好老公選股
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General Infantry in WW2 Cover art photo provided by Cobro on Unsplash:
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Welcome to The Lawdown, CM Murray LLP's regular podcast bringing you the legal news highlights, particularly those relating to employment, discrimination and partnership law and the UK courts. More information on the issues discussed and knowledge on a wide range of topics can be found at our website - or please contact [email protected] for more information or to send us a story you would like us to talk about.
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Podcast by CMD CMD
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The benefits of using Podcast in the classroom.
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This podcast is dedicated for those who want to stay up to date with the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification news. It utilizes Notebook LM to synthesize news articles from Jun Cyber's blog as well as other official CMMC documentation and produces a podcast. Podcast Description Disclaimer: The content presented in CMMC News is generated by AI and is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be taken as official guidance for Cybersecurity Maturity Model Cer ...
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Freestyle music talk show entertainment conversation for Fans Fam people around the world to enjoy
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A little bit of extra help for your English GCSEs- Language & Literature 👋🏼
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CM Squatch EP. 243
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3:07:22Legal tampering is done... now the free agent market is open.
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We are delighted to share with you a recording of the discussion Is The Glue That Holds Partnerships Together Coming Unstuck? which took place at an event we held recently in London.The discussion explored the evolving dynamics of professional partnerships and the challenges they face in today's complex legal and business environment. Taking place …
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Grabbed my old Zoom H1 recorder (the one that lets me hear myself talk – crucial!) and went for a walk to escape the apartment and the endless to-do list. Turns out, I had a lot on my mind. This is a pretty unfiltered ramble about feeling overwhelmed by choices, the good and bad of the internet (especially the news… ugh), the weirdness of modern pa…
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Welcome to The Rose and Rockstar - with the Chief Troublemaker at Seventh Bear, fractional marketing leader and author, Robert Rose behind the bar serving a wonderful weekend cocktail while our host Ian Truscott picks his brain on a marketing topic. This week, over a luxurious cocktail, Ian and Robert discuss thought leadership in the AI age and th…
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Metal maniacs, strap in—Lord Nelson’s servin’ up his savage hit list of James Bond 007 movie themes that slap harder than a mosh pit. If you’re a Bond freak like the Lord, these tunes will light your soul on fire. Crank it loud, enjoy the chaos, and share this with your headbanging posse. Drop a like, hit follow, and keep rockin’ with us for more k…
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Chris Akin sits down with guitar sensation Sophie Lloyd to discuss her new single "Do Or Die," her Whisky A Go Go debut, and her path from YouTube to rock stardom with Machine Gun Kelly. They also delve into the complexities of being a woman in rock and how Sophie has embraced her sexuality. NOTE: Everything said here, and on every episode of all o…
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My guest today is Steve Rotter, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at DeepL, a global communications platform that enables over 100,000 businesses to transform communications, reach new markets, and improve productivity. Steve is an entrepreneur, evangelist, and author, bringing over two decades of tech marketing leadership experience to his role as CMO…
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CMS | Woman Shot with Crossbow in Bird Store & LA Guns Calls It Quits (Free)
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1:04:16Neeley and Chris break down one of the wildest news stories ever—a woman was shot in the face with a crossbow inside an exotic bird store. The guys can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Plus, they discuss Steve Riley’s LA Guns calling it quits, react to Herman Rarebell’s bizarre cover of “Love Is A Battlefield,” and check out new music f…
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Bu bölümde 11.sınıf öğrencilerimiz Sokrates ve fikirlerini tartışıyorlar.
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Episode 434: 2024: Best of Soulful House (Vol. 3)
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2:59:32Bringing you some of the best Soulful House releases of 2024. Listen.......Enjoy.....Dance......and Share. (Gone head and hit that ❤ button too). 2024: Best of Soulful House (Vol. 3) 01. Funki Cadets - Change Demo (Synth Solo) | (00:00) 02. Earful Soul - You Can Win | (05:24) 03. Harold Matthews Jr - Deep Into My Sleep (Sean McCabe Remix) | (11:31)…
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Turn it up, metal freaks! Alex and Alicia Iverson shred the latest METAL MUSIC TODAY, diving into Pantera’s potential new jams, Savatage’s tour setlist vibes, and killer updates on Sleep Token, Deftones, and Seether hitting the stage. Dokken drama? Oh, it’s on! Follow now for the heaviest podcast in your playlist—let’s rock this joint! NOTE: Everyt…
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Music isn’t just entertainment—it’s LIFE! This week, Ed Lover and Mrs. Vanessa dive deep into the power of music, reflecting on the legends we’ve lost and the impact they’ve left behind. Ed shares personal stories, from Tony! Toni! Toné! being the house band on his MTV late-night show to his unforgettable experience touring with Kriss Kross and ope…
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Send us a text Ruchir Punjabi shares how his company ReNRG is building a decentralized physical energy network (DePEN) and the world's first energy-backed stablecoin to revolutionize how electricity is bought, sold, and managed. • Building technology that lets users buy renewable energy from anywhere in the world through blockchain • Creating an Io…
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Connecting, Inspiring and Equipping Women in Healthcare: A Conversation with Drs. Rahkola & Ghezzi
In this episode of CMDA Matters, we’re joined by two incredible leaders from our Women Physicians and Dentists in Christ (WPDC) ministry. Dr. Sarah Rahkola, an internist and clinic medical director at Providence Medical Group specializing in geriatric care and substance use disorders, and Elisa M. Ghezzi, a geriatric dentist with 25 years of experi…
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Richie Sambora hit the stage with his ex-girlfriend Orianthi and Bon Jovi’s current guitarist, Phil X, for a benefit show—but something was off. Neeley and Chris analyze the performance, breaking down the awkward moments, weird energy, and bizarre dynamics between the three musicians. Was this an innocent jam session, or did old tensions rise to th…
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Silly Goose is rewriting the rules of rock. In this episode of Good Company, Jackson from the band shares their insane journey, from playing renegade shows in the wildest places to carving out their own space in the underground scene. If you love bands that do it their way, this episode is a must-listen. NOTE: Everything said here, and on every epi…
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TSWS | Cleveland Crunch Secrets w/ Seth Williams | Indoor Soccer (Free)
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1:33:37Yo, sports fanatics and food hounds, this is your jam! Seth and Chris grill Cleveland Crunch’s Ma’Cain Spragling and co-owner Ryan Ruiz on their epic season. We’re talking playoff hype, the league championship finals at Wolstein Center, and indoor soccer’s takeover. Spragling drops truth bombs on team spirit, his Lebron-style indoor game, and the i…
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This week, Cathy and Ian discuss communication, inspired by some evergreen advice on email best practices that spills into a chat about general management training, personality types, and how employees are expected to figure it all out on their own. Communication tools best uses The need for communication skills training Evolving communication prac…
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Jim's guest this week is Nicole Parlapiano, the Chief Marketing Officer of Tubi, and the woman behind so much of the strategy and innovation that sets Tubi apart from its competitors. When we launched this podcast in 2019, no one had heard of Tubi. Now this eleven-year-old brand seems to be everywhere: streaming the 2025 Super Bowl, standing out am…
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Chris Akin talks with Schmier of Destruction about their powerful new album, BIRTH OF MALICE. Schmier opens up about the album's inspiration, the trials of European thrash in the '80s, and why staying fit is essential for a thrash metal musician. They also delve into Destruction's career, including their Wacken performances and the ongoing struggle…
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How to Align Marketing Strategy with Investor Expectations with Tamir Sigal, CMO of Trintech
How can aligning your marketing strategy with investor expectations, hiring the best team, and focusing on customer marketing drive growth and success in B2B companies? In this episode of The Revenue-Driven CMO, I have the pleasure of speaking with Tamir Sigal, Chief Marketing Officer at Trintech, where we explore the key strategies for successful …
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Heute spreche ich mit Ralf Blume, Physiotherapeut, der viele Jahre den Fußballverein Hannover 96 begleitet hat. Ralf teilt mit dir wertvolle Einblicke in seine langjährige Erfahrung und erklärt, welche Abläufe und Routinen ihm und seinen Klienten geholfen haben, ein gesundes und langes Leben zu führen. Wir sprechen über die Bedeutung von Gewohnheit…
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CAP | Monsters Of Rock Cruise + Epstein Files Exposed! (Free)
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1:03:37Metal maniacs, this CHRIS AKIN PRESENTS... episode cranks it to 11! Erik’s gearing up for the Monsters Of Rock Cruise – the heaviest floating fest around – but Kim Burch’s death on the 80s Rock Cruise is throwing shade. Chris and Erik rip into the Epstein files flop and shred the Gene Hackman death hoax nonsense. They get deep on mortality, with Ch…
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Cadillac is an iconic American brand who are navigating the shift to electrification in the automotive industry and have partnered up with 72andSunny to launch their brand new campaign “Let’s Take the Cadillac. So today, Melissa Grady Dias, CMO of Cadillac, and Marianne Malina, President of 72andSunny join Jon to talk about working with a new agenc…
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Richard Sanderson | A Rapid Evolution in the Marketplace - The Spencer Stuart 2025 CMO Study
A CMO Confidential Interview with Richard Sanderson, the firm's Marketing, Sales and Communications leader shares his take on the "hot off the presses" study of the Fortune 500. Toplines include stable tenure with variations by industry, how the job and title are rapidly morphing away from the traditional role (only 40% of companies use the CMO tit…
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Send us a text Daniel Goddard, former soap opera star turned tech entrepreneur, shares his journey from building fan connections as an actor to creating an AI-powered networking app that matches people based on genuine commonalities. His latest venture, Dysko, uses artificial intelligence to enhance human connection in an increasingly isolated digi…
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CMS | Neeley’s 80s Cruise, Dokken’s Bike & A Radke Update! (Free)
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1:15:52Neeley is packing his bags for the 80s Cruise, but first, he and Chris break down which bands are worth tracking down. Plus, Don Dokken finally delivers his motorcycle, and the latest on the Ronnie Radke situation gets even crazier. Meanwhile, a fan returns to apologize for last week’s antics, while another has some… interesting thoughts about Chri…
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In this episode of Aftershocks TV, Matt & Chris dive deep into the chaotic career of Pentagram's frontman, Bobby Liebling. With the release of Pentagram’s latest album, 'Lightning In A Bottle', the guys take a hard look at the controversial figure behind the music. They’re not afraid to ask the tough questions about Liebling’s past, like why the ro…
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TSWS | Seth & Chris Rip Browns’ $40M Garrett Deal Apart!
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1:34:51Seth and Chris bring the heat on THE SETH WILLIAMS SHOW, slugging it out over the Browns handing Myles Garrett a fat $40M yearly paycheck. Seth says it’s a ripoff—reckons he’d get sacks just as easy with that trash team. They also dish on Seth’s wife’s jury duty nightmare, plotting escape routes and wondering if AI’s the future of justice. Bonus: t…
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Episode 433: Cmoove Grooves Does The '80's (Vol. 8)
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2:57:52R&B, Pop, Rock, MTV, Power Ballads, Couple's Skate, Roller skating etc. All these help define the 1980's. So let's go back as Cmoove Grooves Does The '80's.. We start to get in the Groove with this mix... So Listen....Enjoy ... & Share!! (Gone head and hit that ❤ button too). Cmoove Grooves Does The '80's (Vol. 8) 01. The Beloved - Sweet Harmony (0…
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CMC Talks: Chat with CMC Director, Mark Gulley and Guests James Coleman & Barny Butterfield
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1:19:02CMC Talks - How To Run a Successful Business! Guest 1: James Coleman - Managing Director, Creedy Carver Barny Butterfield - Founder, Sandford Orchards This week on CMC Talks, we’re diving into the core values of business with two incredible guests - James Coleman, Managing Director of Creedy Carvers, and Barny Butterfield, Founder of Sandford Orcha…
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The madness never stops on THE CLASSIC METAL SHOW! This week, Neeley is packing his bags for the 80s Rock Cruise while showing off his new motorcycle from Dokken. Meanwhile, Chris shares one of the most bizarre Cameo requests he's ever received. Plus, they dive into all the biggest hard rock and heavy metal stories of the week. Don’t miss it! NOTE:…
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CMM #707 - A Morte Suspeita de Marcel
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1:07:34No 707º episódio do Podcast mais Rock’n Roll da internets Rômulo Konzen, Daniel Iserhard e Marcel Pfütz batem papo sobre qualquer coisa, com sorte até falam sobre música. Apoie o CMM: Compre os produtos do CMM: Apoiadores do CMM no Padrim e Orelo, que ajuda…
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Rob Mayhew on the untapped creator opportunity in B2B, London vs New York and using social media as a brand
Rob Mayhew joins Jon for bonus episode, talking about his big move to New York City, becoming a full-time content creator and how brands can work with creators like him effectively. Timestamps 00:00 - Intro 01:39 - Why Rob moved to NYC 04:20 - Rob’s new YouTube show 05:47 - London vs New York for marketers 08:00 - Rob’s approach to content in 2025 …
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TB | Moe Taylor: Psychedelics & Film Vibes (Free)
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1:09:31Get ready to crank it, metal fam! We’re sittin’ down with Moe Taylor—Navy vet, Brain Dagger Films mastermind, and all-around wild man. He’s riffing on his path from film school to journalism, battling addiction and chronic pain, and how psychedelics like ketamine sparked his creative fire. Hear about his insane Central America TRIP and the Tim Misn…
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When we respond rightly to godly rebuke, we both evidence our salvation and comfort our brothers and sisters in Christ.Από τον Mitch Kimbrell
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Episode 432: Who Da Neo-Soul Is This? : 2025 (Vol. 02)
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2:29:41We start off 2025 with some of that good music you like. STILL Introducing you to that good music that you might not hear on the radio from Neo and Independent Soul, Alternative R&B, NuJazz and Instrumentalist artists. As always.. Listen... Enjoy...and Share... (Hit the "❤" so that I know you were here.) Who Da Neo-Soul Is This? : 2025 (Vol. 02) 01…
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Welcome to The Rose and Rockstar - with the Chief Troublemaker at Seventh Bear, fractional marketing leader and author, Robert Rose behind the bar serving a wonderful weekend cocktail while our host Ian Truscott picks his brain on a marketing topic. This week, Ian and Robert discuss creating communities as an extension of gating content. Once they …
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Oi, Spotify headbangers! The C.A.R – Classic Album Review – is back, and Nelson’s cranking the dial to 11 with Cameo’s greatest hits! These tracks ruled an era and still slam hard for metal and funk freaks alike. Ready to ride? I’m driving – LET’S GO! Plug in, thrash out, and tell us your fave in the comments. NOTE: Everything said here, and on eve…
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Episode 431: Cmoove Grooves Does The '80's (Vol. 7)
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2:57:03R&B, Pop, Rock, MTV, Power Ballads, Couple's Skate, Roller skating etc. All these help define the 1980's. So let's go back as Cmoove Grooves Does The '80's.. We start to get in the Groove with this mix... So Listen....Enjoy ... & Share!! (Gone head and hit that ❤ button too). Cmoove Grooves Does The '80's (Vol. 7) 01. Prince - Let's Go Crazy (00:00…
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CM Squatch EP. 242
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2:12:31Offseason is under way and many more moves to come. UFC PPV 313 this Saturday.
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CM Squatch EP. 241
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3:49:10LATE DROP Frickin tech guy
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In this episode of CMO Convo, we sit down with Noel Hamill, the Global CMO at ParcelLab. Noel shares his insights on the importance of brand identity and how to cultivate a strong internal culture that supports and amplifies a company's brand.
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Metal maniacs, tune in! Alex and Alicia thrash through Metal Music Today on The CMS Network—Volbeat’s new record announcement, Dark Tranquillity’s tour hype, Whitesnake’s badass box set, and LA Guns’ latest banger. They also cover Jeff Hatrix’s cancer struggle and the deaths of Alex Rossi and Brian James. Raw, loud, and ready to shred your speakers…
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Submit any questions you would like answered on the podcast! The DoD is tightening its cybersecurity regulations, and your aerospace contracts could be on the line. In this episode of The CMMC Compliance Guide Podcast, we break down the latest changes to CMMC, DFARS, and FAR that could directly impact your business. Join Austin and Brooke from Just…
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My guest today is Melton Littlepage, CMO of 1Password—trusted by more than 100,000 businesses to protect their data. 1Password gives you complete control over passwords and other sensitive business information. Melton has a 20-plus-year track record of innovation, category creation, and growth acceleration at technology companies. Prior to joining …
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Neeley and Chris are back! This week they discuss David Lee Roth's "Alligator Pants" and his M3 Festival prospects. Plus, they review Black Label Society's "Lord Humungus" video and Ozzy Osbourne's controversial announcement about playing only snippets of Black Sabbath songs live. Will he even perform at all? Tune in to find out! NOTE: Everything s…
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Chris Akin chats with Warbringer's John Kevill about their album "WRATH AND RUIN," AI's potential impact, the thrash metal scene, and the band's journey. Tune in for insights and opinions on the music and its message. NOTE: Everything said here, and on every episode of all of our shows, are 100% the opinions of the hosts. Nothing is stated as fact.…
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Episode 430: 2024: Best of R&B (Vol. 3)
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2:40:34Hey Cmoove Groovers!!! Here's some of the Best of R&B in 2024: ⚠ *EXPLICIT LYRICS ⚠ NSFW ⚠ Listen .....Enjoy .....and Share.... (Gone head and hit that ❤ button too) 2024: Best of R&B (Vol. 3) 01. Ye Ali - Involved [Explicit] | (00:00) 02. Mario - Space [Explicit] | (02:16) 03. Tank - Before We Get Started (feat. Fabolous) [Explicit] | (05:36) 04. …
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