Zoomer Radio’s Garden Show host is noted author, columnist, radio and HGTV personality Charlie Dobbin. She’ll update you with each week’s gardening tips and professional advice, while taking your calls and having some fun with gardening as well. Every Saturday from 9-10am on Zoomer Radio AM740 and FM96.7
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Orchids, Amaryllis, Dahlias and palms. All need attention now! Plus how to find OMAFRA factsheets on the web.Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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Marked down Amaryllis, winter mulch on roses and lavender, potted spruce on the 9th floor, and raspberries that don't provide fruit. We discuss OMAFRA factsheets, and frankly, just how hard they are to access!Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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Old roses, Poinsettia defoliation, propagating Christmas cactus, and saving eggshells for the garden. All this and more!Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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Callers are few; so Charlie & Dean chat about growing sprouts and microgreens, frozen jade plants and birds. Superhero caller Jean uses this opportunity to call twice in one show!Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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Propagating figs, moving old roses and droopy Poinsettias. It doesn't get more fun than this!Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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More about leaving the leaves on the lawn, overwintering tropical Agapanthus and Dipladenia, fall mums, Poinsettia care and of course, Amaryllis.Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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Paul Oliver from the Urban Nature Store joins the show to share tips and information about caring for our feathered friends. Callers need how to overwinter water lilies, force bulbs indoors, and care for tropical Hibiscus.Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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Can there be too many leaves on the garden beds? What about storing calla lilies overwinter? Will roses survive after being stripped by Japanese beetles earlier in the season? And lots more...Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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Pruning Rose of Sharon, Bougainvillea, a cedar hedge, and Clematis. Great tip to repel squirrels, and should we put small rocks in the bottom of pots when planting?Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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Callers have tips for controlling cats indoors and squirrels outdoors. Roots growing into raised gardens, storing tender bulbs overwinter and indoor tropical plants defoliating.Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Zoomer
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Caring for Dipladenia, Lisianthus, and Dahlia tubers over the winter is topical. Keeping a plant-eating cat under control, and Hydrangeas with no flowers are also covered this week on the Garden Show.Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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Winter is Coming! Fertilizers, transplanting and indoor plant care are all addressed this week.
This week it's all about fall lawn fertilizer, pruning Holly and Dogwood, transplanting and insects on plants coming indoors for the winter.Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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Brussels sprouts with no sprouts! Overwintering Dahlias, Canna lilies, strawberries and more.Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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Boxwood and tomato blight, pruning lilacs and honeysuckle shrubs, and burying pots of hostas and redbud plants are all covered this week on the Garden Show.Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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Lots about pruning: rose of Sharon, Limelight Hydrangea and more. Listeners call about the joy of Hummingbird moths and the sorrow of mealy bugs!Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer RadioΑπό τον Zoomer Podcast Network
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Jonas Spring (Ecoman.ca) joins us to talk about recent flooding and how to ameliorate it's effects in our gardens. We speak of condos as cliff gardens, and all those little sprigs of growth popping up in between sidewalk slabs. He refers to these areas as Alvar Ecosystems. Callers are starting to think about bringing the tropical plants inside for …
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Callers have lawn issues: grubs, overseeding etc. Beets are being eaten, dead boxwood needs a replacement and when to prune Weigela and rose of Sharon (Hibiscus) are topical. Meanwhile, Charlie shares some great plant tips to support late season pollinators!Listen live every Saturday at 9am on Zoomer Radio…
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