The Tucker Carlson Show is your beacon of free speech and honest reporting in a media landscape dominated by misinformation. The only solution to ending the propaganda spiral is by telling the truth. That's our job. Every day. No matter what.
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Audio versions of essays by Joe Carlsmith. Philosophy, futurism, and other topics. Text versions at
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Entertainment,politics, and relationships.
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We will talk here about everything. Diet, Pets, Fashion, Digital Marketing, Sports, Finance, Casino and so on... More about Diets and losing weight here:
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Pensamentos, Mensagens, Cursos e Entrevistas com Pr. Carlos McCord
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Interviews, musings and extra material from the makers of Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. If it did not fit in the HH feed it's probably here
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The newest sermons from Carlisle Reformed Presbyterian Church on SermonAudio.
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Análise das novidades dos cenários econômicos brasileiro e mundial. De segunda a sexta.
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Jede Woche trifft sich der Club Carlo in einer Versammlung um die wirklich wichtigen Dinge zu besprechen. Was wichtig ist, wird jede Woche vom Clubvorsitzendem Carlo Sommer ausgewählt und in Tagesordnungspunkten vorgetragen. Von Internettrends über Musik bis hin zu privaten Geschichten, nach denen niemand gefragt hat - hier hat alles Platz. Macht es euch gemütlich und fühlt euch Willkommen im Club Carlo.
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The Carlsbad Chamber Podcast is a podcast dedicated to connecting San Diego North County leaders in business, education and civic engagement. Join us every week as we talk with people dedicated to all aspects of our quality of life and are dedicated to leaving a lasting impact.
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Intentional Living is a nationally-syndicated program on more than 250 radio stations including Family Life Radio. Hosted by Dr. Randy Carlson. You'll hear biblically-based perspectives on issues you're dealing with every day that will help you live an intentional life in Christ.
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Want to learn about stock market investing, understand risk and reward of the stocks you buy, learn how to do in-depth fundamental analysis and more? Modern Value Investing with Sven Carlin Podcast covers a variety of investing topics that will help you reach your financial goals.
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O novo podcast do Estadão vai trazer o jornalista Carlos Andreazza em um papo reto e sem rodeios sobre os principais assuntos do momento. Comece suas manhãs com uma das principais vozes da análise política brasileira.
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New podcast about spirituality and stuff. No big deal.
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Three minutes each weekday of cool facts, weird news and awesome discoveries with Brady Carlson. Back us at Support this podcast:
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Get comfortable with Carlie and Lex on the Couch as they explore a wide range of topics to help you live your best life - whatever that looks like for you! Visit to watch, listen and learn more about Carlie & Lex. You can also watch all episodes on the Carlie's Couch YouTube channel.
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A selection of our recent Sunday Services
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Podcast by Northern Alliance Radio - Brad Carlson
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J and Ben Carlin make up the YouTube BROTHER duo: The SuperCarlinBrothers and break down all of your favorite Fandoms including: Disney, Pixar, Harry Potter, Marvel, and Star Wars. You may have seen them on YouTube OR you can listen to them here! This podcast will be the audio version of all their theories and content available for on-the-go listening!
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You can bet on Chris Carlin and Joe Fortenbaugh to keep your day going. No need to wager on anything but a good time as these two take on the biggest stories of the day and make sure you earn knowledge along the way.
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Discussion about international business with focus on developing countries such China, Vietnam, India and other interesting one. We will invite as well top CEO sharing their experiences in work and life around the world.
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The world of investing is no longer boring. We explore timeless wealth creation principles, current news and drama, as well as commentary and reaction from members of the community.
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Filmmaker Carl Jackson's take on world affairs and spirituality, mixed with celebrity interviews and music! Watch new episodes on CJC Network on Tuesday nights at 10p/e 7p pacific.
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New York Times Best Selling Author, Kristine Carlson invites you to practice Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff Wisdom for simple ways to live your most vibrant life of joy.
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Lights On with Carl Lentz is exactly what this show is. Carl Lentz is turning on the lights in his own life, & giving people space to do the same. We will lead with vulnerability, & have open conversations to bring light to the inner darkness in our lives. Turn on the lights with us!
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Kitces and Carl - Real Talk for Real Financial Advisors
Michael Kitces, MSFS, MTAX, CFP and Carl Richards, CFP
A no-holds barred conversation for Real Financial Advisors with industry nerd Michael Kitces and client communication expert Carl Richards. One draws with a Sharpie, the other nerds out with spreadsheets, and both provide you with unique perspectives so that you can more effectively communicate with and serve your clients, run a more fulfilling practice, and maintain a healthier lifestyle.
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Some random ramblings I had with the hopes to spark some conversation Support this podcast:
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A podcast of sermons from our weekly Sunday morning worship service. Visit our website at
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Welcome to Strong with Carlin, where we cut the excuses and unlock yours STRONGFIDENT self—mind, body, and soul! Ready to step up and take control of your life? With God’s guidance and real talk, we’ll crush limits, rewire your mindset, and tap into the power within you that God created you to be. I’m Carlin—your no-BS cheerleader and bold, faith-fueled guide—here to help you break barriers and rise like the warrior you are. No holding back—your breakthrough starts NOW. Hit play, and let’s g ...
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Squaring The Circle Podcast is produced by Randall Carlson Media as a vehicle for Randall to explore and present unique, original and powerful content on a wide variety of subjects without limitation. If you're new to Randall's work, look him up on YouTube and watch any one of his eight appearances on the Joe Rogan podcast to get you started. For those of you familiar with Randall's work, you can expect this podcast to feature his extensive knowledge in all areas of his expertise, but that's ...
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Carlsbergfondet støtter skelsættende og visionær grundforskning inden for naturvidenskaberne, humaniora og samfundsvidenskaberne. Forskning som gør os klogere, løser globale udfordringer, og som alle nyder godt af. Her kan du lytte til nogle af de mange arrangementer, samtaler og formidlingsinitiativer, som Carlsbergfondet står bag.
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Ground-breaking, Peabody Award-winning broadcast news journalist Carl Nelson, has interviewed Presidents, Prime Ministers, Heads of State, politicians, authors, celebrities, civic leaders, and people from all walks of life over a four-decade career that has taken him from Nelson Mandela’s prison cell in South Africa to the Rodney King Riots in Los Angeles, to his present career as the host of Washington DC’s latest daily newsmaker radio program weekdays from 6-10 am on WOL 1450am, WOLB Talk ...
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Welcome to the podcast of the YouTuber & Disney, movie, and theme parker lover Isaac Carlson! Here I strive to spread magic by analyzing iconic characters, developing wild film theories, discussing the latest news across the entertainment world, sharing my best theme park tips and tricks, and hearing the personal journeys of animators, directors, Imagineers, influencers, vloggers, and anyone else who loves what they do. From Disney to Pixar to DreamWorks, along with Marvel and Star Wars, I c ...
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A quick daily hit with Carl Gould to achieve a lifetime of results. #70secondCEO your micro-podcast...GO! Carl is the creator of the 7 Stage Growth Method, which has propelled over 75,000 companies worldwide. In this micro-podcast Gould shares actionable, practical tips to grow your business. You're too busy to be reading this, start listening!
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In "Hardcore History" journalist and broadcaster Dan Carlin takes his "Martian", unorthodox way of thinking and applies it to the past. Was Alexander the Great as bad a person as Adolf Hitler? What would Apaches with modern weapons be like? Will our modern civilization ever fall like civilizations from past eras? This isn't academic history (and Carlin isn't a historian) but the podcast's unique blend of high drama, masterful narration and Twilight Zone-style twists has entertained millions ...
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Wir bringen die Zukunft ins Gespräch. Inspirierend, überraschend, anregend, belebend. Jede Woche hat Zukunftsforscher Michael Carl bemerkenswerte Menschen zu Gast: Expert:innen, Innovator:innen, Gründer:innen, die alle ein Stück unserer Zukunft prägen. So entsteht Stück für Stück ein lebendiges Bild einer wahrscheinlichen und attraktiven Zukunft. Mehr über Zukunft, Michael Carl und unser Institut auf
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Spike Eskin and Mutlu discover great music, discover your great music, and talk to great musicians. A music podcast from The Rights To Ricky Sanchez.
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Carlo Dorofatti tratta i grandi temi della spiritualità, della ricerca interiore e dell’esoterismo.
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Podcast by CARLOSCP22
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The Everything Show with Dan Carlisle. A mix of what I am interested in, jazz, rock, folk, rockabilly, pop......everything.
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Carl and Heather are taking on the humor, challenges, highs and lows of staying married to someone who is nothing like you, while holding out some hope that marriage is worth it all.
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Dive into the heart of Carlow's football scene with the Carlow Soccer Podcast, your ultimate destination for all things Carlow & District League. Hosted by the passionate and knowledgeable Harry Shorthose, this podcast delves deep into the latest happenings, stories, and matches within the vibrant Carlow football community. Join Harry as he brings you exclusive interviews with players, coaches, and league officials, offering unique insights into the local football landscape. From match analy ...
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Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. 90-day goals that have–that are actual destinations and then separate that from what we call categories of improvement or just the roles you play in your life. So, for example, it will be hard to imagine that you coul…
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Happy New Year! In this episode we help you make some resolutions that matter more than anything else. Listen in to find out how to lose weight, get rich and be happy!😘 Send us a text Looking to connect with Carl and Heather? Start here... @carlcartee @heather.carteeΑπό τον Carl and Heather Cartee
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Albums discussed are Deftones’ ‘White Pony’ (2:30), and Prince’s ‘Musicology (25:40). *This episode was recorded on December 14th, 2024 For all of Mutlu’s tour dates and tickets visit To suggest an album for CLRC hit the link below or leave it in the Apple Reviews or Spotify Comments: https://www.rightstorickysanc…
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Celebrate Kwanzaa With Creator Dr. Maulana Karenga Plus Garveyite Senghor Baye On The Carl Nelson Show
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Join us for an inspiring celebration of Kwanzaa this Thursday morning when the holiday’s creator, Dr. Maulana Karenga visits our classroom! Dr. Karenga will share his journey in creating Kwanzaa and shed light on whether it can be seen as an alternative to Christmas. He will also delve into the seven principles of Kwanzaa and discuss how this impor…
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In our 154th episode of Kitces & Carl, Michael Kitces and client communication expert Carl Richards discuss technology and AI's role in the future of financial advice. For full show notes, see and
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Erkenntnis ist nicht mehr unser Thema, 2025 wird das Jahr der Umsetzung. Der Streit um die Richtung wird das Jahr prägen, der Graben zwischen den Zielsetzungen wird tiefer. Im heutigen Solo-Feature von “Carls Zukunft der Woche” blickt Zukunftsforscher Michael Carl auf die Herausforderungen und Entwicklungen des kommenden Jahres 2025. In einer Welt,…
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What you do matters!Από τον Inside the Pages with Pastor Carl
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Paul Crouch Jr. Returns (E10S8)
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On the Season 8 finale, Paul Crouch Jr. (the son of Paul and Jan Crouch, the founders of TBN) returns for a 3rd time to speak with Carl Jackson about what really happened at the biggest Christian network on the planet and why he resigned from TBN. This episode will answer more questions that the followers of TBN want to know. The Carl Jackson Podca…
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Fat Joe opens up about near-death experiences, the music that changed his life, and raw truths about resilience, faith, and vulnerability. Packed with unforgettable stories and humor, this episode is a powerful journey of transformation. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at…
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We’re ringing in the new year (as well as marking National Ring a Bell Day) with the story of a bell that’s been ringing year in and year out for almost two centuries. Plus: a new year’s tradition on US Navy ships is to write up the first deck watch of a new year in verse. This Battery Has Lasted 175 Years and No One Knows How (VICE) Midwatch In Ve…
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Frohes neues Jahr liebe Clubmitglieder:innen! In der ersten Clubversammlung des Jahres erstellen wir zusammen meine Bingokarte für 2025, ich mache Blei- nein halt! ZINNgießen und ich finde heraus, warum ich vielleicht doch nicht so gerne wie die Katze Garfield sein möchte. Hier gehts zum Casa Carlo Puzzle: Carlo auf I…
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Anti George Carlin George Carlin Podcast Episode 3: Talking with a Buddhist w/ Michale Schneeweis Muscian Spiritual Coach, and Friend
55:41Από τον Ross of Nazareth
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Consistent. Patience. Forgiveness. Kindness. Available. Those are a lot of good words, and coming up, Dr. Randy will encourage you to find one word for one year. So, what’s yours… for 2025? Sign up for Dr. Randy’s INTENTIONAL ONE THING CHALLENGE. Here’s an Intentional Living Blog for inspiration! What is Intentional Living? At Intentional Living, […
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December 30, 2024 The Everything Show
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Playlist for The Everything Show 12/30/2024 Cream / Sleepy Time Time Babble / Tribe Les Amazones d'Afrique / Kuma Fo (What They Say) Parlor Greens / Flowers For Sharon The Smile / Bodies Laughing Frank Sinatra / Fly Me To The Moon (feat. Count Basie And His Orchestra) Dinah Washington / Cry Me A River Dwight Yoakam / I'll Pay The Price Mink DeVille…
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Watching TV on the last night of the year? That's fine; in fact, there’s a tradition on German TV of showing a classic comedy sketch every December 31. Plus: today in 2023, a Connecticut family has a baby a minute before midnight... and another shortly after. How An Obscure British Comedy Sketch Became The World’s Most Repeated TV Program (Mental F…
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Consistent. Patience. Forgiveness. Kindness. Available. Those are a lot of good words, and coming up, Dr. Randy will encourage you to find one word for one year. So, what’s yours… for 2025? Sign up for Dr. Randy’s INTENTIONAL ONE THING CHALLENGE. Here’s an Intentional Living Blog for inspiration! What is Intentional Living? At Intentional Living, […
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In this episode, Ross of Nazareth travels to Bethlehem, PA, to sit down with Matt Molchany, a producer, community activist, and friend. Matt spearheaded a transformative movement that redefines the role of public resources and libraries. His efforts challenged traditional ideas by creating a space where community members of all backgrounds can acce…
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Justin Pugh joins the show. What should the Jets & Bears be looking for in their next HC? Should the Eagles let Saquon chase the rushing record next week even though they have the NFC East locked up? Plus, the Vikings just have to bring back Sam Darnold. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Matt Miller & Herm Edwards join the show. Why do the Packers always get off to slow starts? Plus, does Boise State have the easiest path in the CFP? Learn more about your ad choices. VisitΑπό τον ESPN Radio, Chris Carlin, Joe Fortenbaugh
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Brigham Buhler: UnitedHealthcare CEO Assassination, & the Mass Monetization of Chronic Illness
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An unhealthy, over-medicated country means record profits for insurance companies. Brigham Buhler explains how they work to keep us sick and monetize chronic illness. (00:00) The Assassination of the UnitedHealthcare CEO (13:32) The Opioid Crisis Could Have Been Prevented (30:28) Monetizing Your Chronic Illness (35:00) How Health Insurance Companie…
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Wow, girlfriend, can you believe it’s the last episode of 2024? Join me, Carlin, on Strong with Carlin, as we close out the year with a bang! In this empowering episode, we reflect on the past year—did you go all in or leave room for more? Either way, get ready for a BEASTIER 2025! I’m sharing tips to start the new year strong: from creating a soli…
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Regarding selecting the appropriate provider, dependability of evaluations makes all the difference. Platforms like then come in handy since they provide thorough analyses and assessments to enable consumers make wise judgments. Given so many choices available, it is imperative to identify a source that filters the noise and provide…
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Thoughtsandwork Com Anime Blog – Exploring Anime Production, Storytelling, and Industry Insights
Anime is an artistic medium combining complex animation skills with narrative, not only a kind of amusement. As someone who dives deep into this fascinating world, I find blogs dedicated to anime, like ThoughtsandWork incredibly valuable. From major animation to in-between frames, they provide insights into the creative processes and stress the art…
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The end of the year is always a great point of reflection and opportunity for growth. This week, Carlie interviews La Niecia’ Vicknair, or Coach LaLa V, Owner of Thrive Health Lab and Nike Wellness Trainer, about how to know when it’s time to let go in business and relationships, the art of pivoting, and getting in alignment. Watch this episode on …
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Today in 1952, a double decker bus driver in London had to make a split second decision to protect his passengers… and realized the safest option was to gun it and jump a city landmark. Plus: today in 1999, the passing of Sarah Knauss, who at age 119 was the longest-lived American ever. The day a bus jumped Tower Bridge ( World's ol…
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12/29/24 Hour 1: Politifact got it wrong on 2024's "Lie of the Year"
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See for privacy information.Από τον Northern Alliance Radio - Brad Carlson
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12/29/24 Hour 2: Sen, Jim Abeler (R-Anoka) on the upcoming budget fight: DFLers think you're stupid
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See for privacy information.Από τον Northern Alliance Radio - Brad Carlson
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Pastor Joe Ghobrial on Genesis 50:17-21
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Tune In for Hot Topics: Beyonce, Jay Z,Chris Brown, Fat Joe & More
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Tune in for Hot Topics tonight @ 12:30 AM CSTΑπό τον Carlotta Chatwood
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Gold is up almost 2x recently but gold miners haven't moved. Actually, stocks like Newmont are down. We look at the top 10 gold mining stocks and make a comparative analysis based on current higher gold prices.Want to know more about what I do? independent stock market analyst and researcher!STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLAT…
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#032 Flournoy Holmes and Randall Carlson - Squaring the Circle: A Randall Carlson Podcast
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Squaring The Circle Podcast is produced by Randall Carlson Media as a vehicle for Randall to explore and present unique, original and powerful content on a wide variety of subjects without limitation. If you're new to Randall's work, look him up on YouTube and watch any one of his eight appearances on the Joe Rogan podcast to get you started. For t…
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O Start Eldorado mostra a primeira parte da retrospectiva 2024, com trechos de entrevistas e temas de destaque que foram ao ar no primeiro semestre do ano no programa, antenado com os últimos avanços da inteligência artificial e da transformação digital. Apresentado por Daniel Gonzales, o Start vai ao ar todas as quartas-feiras, às 21h, na Rádio El…
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Welcome to Strong with Carlin, where we’re all about unlocking your strongfident self—mind, body, and soul! This is your no-fluff, faith-fueled guide to mastering your mindset, breaking barriers, and co-creating the life God designed for you. With real talk, GOOD vibes, and straight-up empowerment, we’re here to rise, thrive, and OWN our power. Gir…
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Thank you for your comments...Want to know more about what I do? independent stock market analyst and researcher!STOCK MARKET RESEARCH PLATFORM (analysis, stocks to buy, model portfolio)Stock Ideas and Analyses for The Small Investor: am also a book author:Modern Value Investing book:https://amzn…
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Is the stock market in a bubble or this time is different....I feel the exuberance and new paradigm mantra in the comments, nothing can stop this stock market... I've seen it in 2000, 2007, and in many other smaller bubbles, but yes, this time it might be different....Want to know more about what I do? independent sto…
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The writer of Hebrews tells us we can approach God’s throne of grace with confidence because Jesus knows us. So, what’s keeping you from praying? Confusion? Worry? Hurt? A lack of faith? Questions? Sign up for Dr. Randy’s INTENTIONAL ONE THING CHALLENGE. Here’s an Intentional Living Blog for inspiration! What is Intentional Living? At Intentional […
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Gabe Neitzel and Q Myers react to the pitiful Bears-Seahawks game from Thursday Night. Do MVP be voters have voter fatigue when it comes to Lamar Jackson? Plus DeSean Jackson takes a college head coach job. Learn more about your ad choices. VisitΑπό τον ESPN Radio, Chris Carlin, Joe Fortenbaugh
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Gabe Neitzel and Q Myers play a game of Pool Party where Q reveals a shocking achievement. ESPN NFL Analyst Ben Solak joins the show. Plus will Jimmy Butler end up being traded? Learn more about your ad choices. VisitΑπό τον ESPN Radio, Chris Carlin, Joe Fortenbaugh
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Gabe Neitzel and Q Myers get you ready for the NFL weekend with ESPN Radio's pick 'em challenge and Good Bet, Bad Bet! Who do you trust more, Jordan Love or Sam Darnold? Plus Mike McCarthy hired Don Yee, could he be the one to leave Dallas? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Aaron Siri: Everything You Should Know About the Polio Vaccine, & Its Link to the Abortion Industry
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The New York Times claims the evil Bobby Kennedy wants to ban the polio vaccine and paralyze children. That’s an absurd lie, explains his lawyer Aaron Siri. (00:00) The Establishment’s Attempt to Discredit Bobby Kennedy Jr. (08:18) The Vaccine Religion (21:40) Did Anyone Protest This Polio Vaccine? (22:58) How the Government Protects Vaccine Develo…
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