Bill Nye is on a mission to change the world — one voicemail at a time. Bill and science writer Corey S. Powell take your burning questions and put them to the world's leading experts on just about every topic in the universe. Should you stop eating cheeseburgers to combat climate change? Could alien life be swimming inside the moons of Jupiter and Saturn? Does your pet parakeet learn to sing the way that you learned to speak? Bill, Corey, and their special guests will answer those questions ...
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If you thought history was dull, dry and boring, you haven't read Bill Nye's books! He brings wit, humor, satire, irony and sheer nonsensical fun into the subject, making it both entertaining and memorable. The Comic History of England was published posthumously in 1896 after the writer's tragic and untimely death half-way through the project. Hence it remains incomplete and covers the history of the island nation only up to the Tudor period. However, beginning with Julius Caesar, the Roman ...
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More great books at LoyalBooks.comΑπό τον Bill Nye
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More great books at LoyalBooks.comΑπό τον Bill Nye
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More great books at LoyalBooks.comΑπό τον Bill Nye
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04 The Influx of the Danes: Facts Showing Conclusively Their Influence on the Britain of Today
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05 The Troublous Middle Ages: Demonstrating a Short Reign for Those Who Travel at a Royal Gait
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More great books at LoyalBooks.comΑπό τον Bill Nye
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07 Other Disagreeable Claimants: Foreign Foibles Introduced, Only to be Expunged with Characteristic Pugnacity
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More great books at LoyalBooks.comΑπό τον Bill Nye
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09 The Feudal System: Successful Inauguration of Homogeneal Methods for Restricting Incompatable Demagogues
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10 The Age of Chivalry: Light Dissertation on the Knights-Errant, Maids, Fools, Prelates, and Other Notorious Characters of that Period
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11 Conquest of Ireland: Uncomfortable Effects Following the Cultivation of an Acquisitorial Propensity
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12 Magna Charta Introduced: Slight Difficulties Encountered in Overcoming an Unpopular and Unreasonable Prejudice
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13 Further Disagreements Recorded: Illustrating the Amiability of the Jew and the Perversity of the Scot
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14 Irritability of the French: Interminable Dissension, Assisted by the Plague, Continues Reducing the Population
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15 More Sanguinary Triumphs: Onward March of Civilization Graphically Delineated with the Historian’s Usual Completeness
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16 Unpleasant Caprices of Royalty: Introduction of Printing as a Subsidiary Aid in the Progress of Emancipation
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17 Biography of Richard III: Being an Allegorical Panegyric of the Incontrovertible Machinations of an Egotistical Usurper
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18 Disorder Still the Popular Fad: General Admixture of Pretenders, Religion, Politics, and Disgruntled Monarchs
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LeVar Burton presents SOUND DETECTIVES – a funny, engaging, and thought-provoking podcast that invites elementary school-aged kids to explore the magic and mystery of sound. Breaking News – Across the globe, sounds are mysteriously going missing! Waves aren’t crashing, crickets aren’t chirping, and the familiar jingle of the ice cream truck is a di…
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Greetings, Science Rules! listeners! Have you ever wondered about the future of lab grown meat? Or what the deal is with GMOs? What about the science behind salting your pasta water? Today, we are sharing a special episode of the food podcast The Sporkful where Bill Nye and Corey S. Powell tackle your food science questions, and talk about their ow…
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More on where this show is going — and when it will come back!Από τον Stitcher & Bill Nye
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Planetary Radio: Amateur Astronomers Saving the World
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1:07:19Science Rules! Presents is a series of science-focused episodes from some of our favorite shows. This week we’re featuring Planetary Radio from the Planetary Society. The Planetary Society has awarded more than 60 Shoemaker near-Earth object grants to astronomers around the world, enabling them to discover, track, and characterize thousands of aste…
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The author of Moneyball, The Blind Side, and The Big Short explains why a country with so many experts was so unprepared for this pandemic. (This interview was recorded May 24.)Από τον Stitcher & Bill Nye
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This Podcast Will Kill You: Coccidioidomycosis
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1:21:24Science Rules! Presents is a series of science-focused episodes from some of our favorite shows. This week we’re featuring This Podcast Might Kill You’s episode on Coccidioidomycosis, also known as Valley fever.Από τον Stitcher & Bill Nye
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Science Rules! Presents is a series of science-focused episodes from some of our favorite shows. Today Flash Forward takes us to a future where we become immune to every poison, venom, and toxin in the world. What happens next?Από τον Stitcher & Bill Nye
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Behavioral scientist Katy Milkman explains how simple nudges can make people want to get vaccinated. Also: is this the biggest “fresh start” of all time?Από τον Stitcher & Bill Nye
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Science Rules! Presents is a series of science-focused episodes from some of our favorite shows. This week we’re featuring Hidden Brain's “Humor Us.” Hahaha! The average four-year-old child laughs 300 times a day. By contrast, it takes more than two months for the average 40-year-old adult to laugh that many times. This week, we talk with behaviora…
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The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe
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1:40:04Science Rules! Presents is a series of science-focused episodes from some of our favorite shows. This week we’re featuring Episode #827 of The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe from May 15, 2021.Από τον Stitcher & Bill Nye
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We ask Brian Deese — head of the White House National Economic Council — to survey the economic impact of the pandemic and explain how President Biden can make good on his promise to Build Back Better.Από τον Stitcher & Bill Nye
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Science Rules! Presents is a series of science-focused episodes from some of our favorite shows. This week we’re featuring 99% Invisible’s “Their Dark Materials.” Vantablack is a pigment that reaches a level of darkness that’s so intense, it’s kind of upsetting. It’s so black it’s like looking at a hole cut out of the universe. If it looks unreal, …
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By day, Clifford Johnson is a mild-mannered physicist searching for a Theory of Everything. But in his secret life, he helps slip real science into movies like Avengers: Endgame.Από τον Stitcher & Bill Nye
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The World Health Organization has a long to-do list: address outbreaks in India and South America, distribute vaccines around the globe, and prevent the emergence of the next pandemic. Dr. Bruce Aylward explains how they intend to do it all.Από τον Stitcher & Bill Nye
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From the depths of the ocean to the voids of outer space, maps matter. That's the motto of Kathryn Sullivan — astronaut, oceanographer, and former head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Jack Dangermond, founder of the mapping software company Esri, joins her to explain the science of “where.”…
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A brief update from your friends at Science Rules! Coronavirus Edition.Από τον Stitcher & Bill Nye
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