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Bella Table

Kia Arpia & Petra Wettenranta

Bella Table on podcast ruuasta ja syömisen ilosta. Kia ja Petra keskustelevat viikottain ruokatrendeistä, parhaista rafla-annoksista, herkistyvät ruokamuistojen äärellä ja paljastavat parhaat niksit, keittiöonnistumiset sekä -epäonnistumiset. Bella Table on podcastin lisäksi monikanavainen ruokayhteisö joka ei ole pelkästään foodieille vaan kaikille ruuasta kiinnostuneille.
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本人Bella,小名Bellalala貝啦啦啦,是一位算命師說過32歲會大發的女子。 決定在32歲前記錄下這逐步發財的過程哈哈哈哈 很喜歡GaryVee說過的一句話:Document, Don't create. 如果這一切的故事剛好能夠幫的上你,那就太好拉~~~~ 同步YT頻道:Bellalala貝啦啦啦 📌主要內容:20多歲女子的感情、生活焦慮與迷茫 📌如果你害羞但又有話想說,請移駕至匿名表單: 📌更多生活日常在IG:pgpg1030 📌合作信箱:[email protected] Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Bella Yusuf

Welcome to "well, now you know" with your host Bella Yusuf. Let’s dive into engaging Q&A sessions, candid beauty tips, product reviews, interesting facts, engaging stories, and informative discussions. Whether you're a loyal listener or tuning in for the first time, grab your headphones and join me on a journey of discovery every week.
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Bella Talks TV

Amanda Bella

Bella Talks TV is a weekly pop culture podcast counting down reality TV's most talked about moments. Join Amanda Bella (a.k.a. @bellatalksTV) every week as she rounds up the hot gossip about off-screen scandals and recaps all the LOL and OMG moments from your favorite "Real Housewives" and all BRAVO TV shows, "Bachelor Nation"... all into a TOP 5 countdown episode! "Expect that I will be covering ALL of the Bravo TV, Bachelor Franchise, The Kardashians, Jersey Shore, Selling Sunset, Love is ...
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The BellaRose Podcast

BellaRose Okojie

BellaRose is a radio presenter by day, a writer, editor and youtuber by noon and an actor every other time. She shares about her Christian faith, relationships, experiences and more here. Pretty personal stuff
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La Bella y La Bestia PODCAST

La Bella y La Bestia PODCAST

"La Bella y La Bestia Podcast". Nuevos episodios todos los domingos, con el NuevoOficial & JulietteDays. En este podcast de comedia hacemos comentarios sin censura de temas que se hablan poco o pueden llegar a ser incómodos y contamos experiencias/anécdotas (propias y de la audiencia). ADVERTENCIA: No apto para quienes se ofenden de todo. Síguenos en redes sociales: Instagram: @juliettedays // @elnuevooficial // @labellaylabestia_podcast Twitter: @juliettdays // @elnuevooficial Facebook: @ju ...
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My name is Tony Bellagamba and I use this podcast to help people identify and achieve their Dream Vocation! A job is just a lifeless means of making money but a vocation is a calling and a passion that allows you to earn money while living out a purpose, a passion. A vocation allows you to live a meaningful and fulfilling life while also maximizing your success. So if you want to find a career that is meaningful and fulfilling and then learn how to achieve and succeed in that career, give it ...
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Bella Piccinini

Coming out of the city of Angels. All about Los Angeles and all my creative friends and we will travel the world together. Everything from punk rock to the assassination of John Kennedy. You The Listener are as much a part of this podcast as I am! Thank you. Support this podcast:
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show series
Treffi-ideoita, rommikaakaota ja kaupungin parhaat pullat. Jakso täynnä ihania ruokahetkiä viime viikolta: raflakokemuksia, yhteiskokkailuja, mökkiruokia ja tietty viikonlopun lämminleipäbileet by Bellot. Puhutaan copycat-resepteistä, yksin ravintolassa syömisestä, vaellusturskasta, rennoista brunsseista ja kaikista ihanista ideoista ystävänpäivään…
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In this episode of Bella Talks TV, Amanda Bella discusses her experiences as a snowbird, her interactions with friends, and the latest happenings in the world of reality TV. She shares her thoughts on the dynamics of reality TV, the importance of authenticity, and the personal insights she has gained from her journey. The conversation delves into m…
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How can AI take your client experience from good to exceptional?If you’ve been paying attention to the latest tech trends, you’ve probably heard a lot about AI. But how can pet business owners actually use it to improve client communication, save time, and create a more seamless experience—without losing that personal touch? In this episode of Bell…
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“La Bella y La Bestia Podcast". Nuevos episodios todos los domingos, con el NuevoOficial & JulietteDays, disponible en todas las plataformas: Spotify, Amazon, Apple, Ivoox, Google. Aquí contamos anécdotas propias y de la audiencia. ADVERTENCIA: No apto para quienes se ofenden de todo. Síguenos en redes sociales:Instagram: @juliettedays // @elnuevoo…
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In today’s video, I will dive into the heart-wrenching journey my family and I embarked on as refugees in America. From the harrowing experience of becoming homeless, stumbling upon a lifeless body at the tender age of eight, to the grim reality of shelter life that felt more like a nightmare. Our ordeal began with a brief refuge at a mosque for th…
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Smoothiereseptejä, talvisalaatteja ja bic mac -tacot. Nyt tarjotaan monta tapaa ottaa haltuun uusi 800g kasvissuositus. Puhutaan porkkanakakkupuurosta, kauden parhaista salaateista, Tepon kalapuikkokastikkeesta ja parhaista smoothieista. Ideoidaan pastoja, jonne saa upotettua ainakin kilon vihanneksia ja vinkataan miten kasvisruokiin saa makua ja r…
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AI is EVERYWHERE—but are you using it the right way in your pet business?Have you ever wondered if all these AI tools are doing more harm than good—leaving the heart and soul of your pet business behind? You’re not alone. That’s why today, we’re diving headfirst into Ethical AI for Pet Businesses. Truth is, AI doesn’t have to feel cold or impersona…
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Ravintolaunelmia, ruokatrendejä ja natuviinejä. Vieraana yksi Helsingin kiinnostavimpia ravintoloitsijoita, The Wayn ja Maukku -ravintoloiden sekä Let me winen perustaja Toni Feri. Puhutaan hyvän ravintolan menestysreseptistä, alan trendeistä, hyvästä asiakaspalvelusta sekä stadin ja maailman raflaskenestä. Rapid Fire -kierroksessa Tonin luottorese…
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“La Bella y La Bestia Podcast". Nuevos episodios todos los domingos, con el NuevoOficial & JulietteDays, disponible en todas las plataformas: Spotify, Amazon, Apple, Ivoox, Google. Aquí contamos anécdotas propias y de la audiencia. ADVERTENCIA: No apto para quienes se ofenden de todo. Síguenos en redes sociales:Instagram: @juliettedays // @elnuevoo…
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*TRIGGER WARNING: SA, DV USE THE TIMESTAMPS In this episode of Bella Talks TV, Amanda Bella discusses her experiences in Florida, upcoming travels, and the impact of recent events in LA. The conversation shifts to notable breakups in reality TV, including Matt James and Rachel Kirkconnell, Ashley and Tyler from Love is Blind, and the complexities o…
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Do you ever feel like there’s never enough time in the day to get it all done? Between managing schedules, keeping clients happy, and trying to grow your business, it feels like you’re stuck in an endless cycle of juggling to-dos and STILL falling behind. What if there was a way to lighten the load - without burning out? That’s where AI tools for p…
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Keittiökokeiluja, korealaista ruokaa ja arkioppeja. Luvassa kattaus viime viikon kuulumisia, keittiöonnistumisia ja oivalluksia, jotka ovat tuoneet apua arkeen. Puhutaan nyyttäreistä, hyvistä keitoista ja one pan -ruoista, keittiöitsevarmuudesta, somessa trendaavasta kaakaosta sekä kuivakaappikaaoksesta ja sen selättämisestä. Jaetaan opit runebergi…
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“La Bella y La Bestia Podcast". Nuevos episodios todos los domingos, con el NuevoOficial & JulietteDays, disponible en todas las plataformas: Spotify, Amazon, Apple, Ivoox, Google. Aquí contamos anécdotas propias y de la audiencia. ADVERTENCIA: No apto para quienes se ofenden de todo. Síguenos en redes sociales: Instagram: @juliettedays // @elnuevo…
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“AI tools for pet care sounds cool, but I don’t think it’s for me.” Sound familiar?!Maybe you’ve told yourself, “I’m not tech-savvy enough,” or, “AI just seems too overwhelming to figure out.”If that’s you, this episode is going to change your mind—and your business.I’m diving into AI tools for pet care and breaking down why it’s WAY easier than yo…
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Special episode recorded from Costa Rica recapping reactions to all my fave reality tv rumors. Summary In this episode of Bella Talks TV, Bella discusses her 2025 goals, the current state of reality TV, and her personal updates including upcoming travels. She dives into hot topics and offscreen drama surrounding various reality shows, particularly …
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Ruokaennustuksia, näkkärihimoja ja milk brew coffee. Luvassa trendejä ja toiveita, kun listataan tämän vuoden in’s ja out’s. Puhutaan keittokirjakerhosta, misapreppailuista, itsensä haastamisesta, hidastamisesta, alkoholin käytöstä, hyvistä yöunista ja onnistuneesta arkiruokaviikosta. Luetaan ja kommentoidaan myös Pinterestin ja Wholefoodsin trendi…
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新企劃✨租用閨蜜✨系列正式上線!!! 感謝大家的愛情故事投稿,讓本集節目賓主皆歡,期待有更多的愛情故事投稿♥️ 也祝福我們投稿者都能遇到正緣、幸福美滿下去喔~~~ btw, 漂亮寶貝如果你有在聽,煩請托夢告訴我們月老廟是哪一家哈哈哈哈XD *節目中的來信投稿全是匿名化名,如有故事雷同純屬巧合。 【租用閨蜜】愛情故事持續徵稿中: 小額贊助支持本節目: *更多生活日常在Instagram: Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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“La Bella y La Bestia Podcast". Nuevos episodios todos los domingos, con el NuevoOficial & JulietteDays, disponible en todas las plataformas: Spotify, Amazon, Apple, Ivoox, Google. Aquí contamos anécdotas propias y de la audiencia. ADVERTENCIA: No apto para quienes se ofenden de todo. Síguenos en redes sociales: Instagram: @juliettedays // @elnuevo…
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Send us a text Can you think of a moment in time when you felt upset? What emotions does this bring up for you? What feelings? Meditate with me and go through this short visualization to let go of this moment and to move past the feelings. Support the show Bella Sansone (Bella Vita) is a holistic health and wellness advocate and meditation guide. S…
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Is Your Business Currently Running You?Ever feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of too much to do and not enough time to do it? Like the weight of your business is pulling you down instead of lifting you up? Maybe you’ve heard about AI and wonder if it’s something that could actually make a difference—but you’re not sure where to start or if you’re a…
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Summary In this episode of Bella Talks TV, Amanda Bella provides a comprehensive recap of the current seasons of various Housewives shows, including Potomac, Salt Lake City, and RHONY. She shares her thoughts on the cast dynamics, ongoing storylines, and personal anecdotes related to the shows. The conversation highlights the evolving nature of rea…
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Bella Tablen vuosikooste 2024 on täällä! Vuoden ekassa podijaksossa listataan tärkeimmät viime vuodelta, eli ainakin: paras ruokahetki, kotiruoka-annos, (keittiö)hankinta, luottoeines ja ravintolalöytö. Kerrotaan vuoden paras jäätelö, pulla, pizza, sometili, päätös, oivallus, kokkausbiisi ja moka. Puhutaan ruokatrendeistä, saavutusten juhlistamises…
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小額贊助支持本節目: Bella,小名Bellalala,是一位算命師說過32歲會大發的女子哈哈哈哈哈。 目前人在英國漂泊中,【貝忘錄】系列主要是閒聊+紀錄我在英國留學的生活反思,當朋友聊聊天,適合你通勤、出門、做家事、化妝、煮飯的時候聽聽。 *即將上線的新企劃:【瑞迪Q樂絲】希望可以徵求你人生中發生的荒謬Ridiculous的事件,以下為匿名留言信箱: *更多生活日常在Instagram: Powered by Firstory Host…
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“La Bella y La Bestia Podcast". Nuevos episodios todos los domingos, con el NuevoOficial & JulietteDays, disponible en todas las plataformas: Spotify, Amazon, Apple, Ivoox, Google. Aquí contamos anécdotas propias y de la audiencia. ADVERTENCIA: No apto para quienes se ofenden de todo. Síguenos en redes sociales:Instagram: @juliettedays // @elnuevoo…
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Summary In this episode, Amanda Bella discusses the latest happenings in the Bravo universe, focusing on the premieres of Southern Hospitality and Southern Charm. She delves into the recent breakup of Craig and Paige, analyzing the dynamics of their relationship and the implications for their futures. The conversation also explores the characters a…
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*抱歉,非常有障礙的主持人(對,我本人)把這集原先錄好+剪好的影片刪掉還沒有儲存!所以重錄了一遍但沒有影片版本了QQ,只好跟大家說聲我們明年見拉~~~ Bella,小名Bellalala,是一位算命師說過32歲會大發的女子哈哈哈哈哈。 目前人在英國漂泊中,【貝忘錄】系列主要是閒聊+紀錄我在英國留學的生活反思,當朋友聊聊天,適合你通勤、出門、做家事、化妝、煮飯的時候聽聽。 *即將上線的新企劃:【瑞迪Q樂絲】希望可以徵求你人生中發生的荒謬Ridiculous的事件,以下為匿名留言: *更多生活日常在Instagram: Powered by Firsto…
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*USE THE TIMESTAMPS- (SUPERSIZSED EPISODE SO SKIP AHEAD IF NEEDED) Summary In this episode of Bella Talks TV, Amanda Bella reflects on the most talked about moments in reality TV for 2024, sharing personal insights and emotional experiences. She discusses the impact of reality shows like Jersey Shore, highlights emotional moments that resonated wit…
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“La Bella y La Bestia Podcast". Nuevos episodios todos los domingos, con el NuevoOficial & JulietteDays, disponible en todas las plataformas: Spotify, Amazon, Apple, Ivoox, Google. Aquí contamos anécdotas propias y de la audiencia. ADVERTENCIA: No apto para quienes se ofenden de todo. Síguenos en redes sociales: Instagram: @juliettedays // @elnuevo…
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In this episode, I'll discuss the final chapter, including a Q&A segment and some tactics that were used to create discomfort for me. Additionally, I'll cover the incidents from 2021 to 2024, detailing how divorce papers were served to me twice, leading up to my eventual acceptance of the situation. So, tune in and be sure to take notes. Send me a …
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小額贊助支持本節目: 本人Bella,小名Bellalala,是一位算命師說過32歲會大發的女子哈哈哈哈哈。 目前人在英國漂泊中,【貝忘錄】系列主要是閒聊+紀錄我在英國留學的生活反思,當朋友聊聊天,適合你通勤、出門、做家事、化妝、煮飯的時候聽聽。 *更多生活日常在Instagram: *同時有影片精華版,在YT頻道:Bellalala貝啦啦啦 *匿名表單: Powered by Fi…
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