Esperimenti mistici, imprenditoria eroica, neuroscienze, body & mind hacking, arte, natura selvaggia, supercibi, survivalism, magia, geopolitica e altre deflagrazioni. Interviste condotte da Davide Francesco Sada. Contatti: [email protected] Instagram: @ilbazaratomico
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Wekelijks brengt De Standaard je op de hoogte van wat er gebeurt in de digitale wereld en in die van de wetenschap. Elke vrijdag, met Dominique Deckmyn en Pieter Van Dooren.
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Du kan synge med fra første til sidste vers. Men hvilken historie gemmer sig bag? Og hvad er det, sangen vil fortælle os? Lær din yndlingssang bedre at kende, når danske hitmagere splitter deres største ørehængere til atomer.
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atomar audio consists of essential components of the modern electronic music scene. On this platform aspiring artists will present their vision of Techno. Impulsive club sound is the foundation of atomar audio. The podcasts are available to download directly from Soundcloud.
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Discussion of the Paranormal, High Strangeness, The Occult, Conspiracies, Cryptids, Hauntings, UFOs and current events.
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Programa de divulgación científica. Media hora semanal dedicada a las noticias más destacadas del mundo de la ciencia y la tecnología. Presentan José Manuel Nieves y Pedro Pablo May.
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A practical guide to science and nature based witchcraft practice. THIS PODCAST IS AVAILABLE ON: Apple: Spotify: Google:
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The Atomic Show Podcast includes interviews, roundtable discussions and atomic geeks all centered around the idea that nuclear energy is an amazing boon for human society.
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We talk about the things you're obsessing about. Comics, Books, TV, Movies, Games, you love it and we discuss it.
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The Atomic Cafe Podcast: In diesem Popkultur-Cafe dreht sich alles um Kino, TV, Bücher, Podcasts, Musik, das Showbiz, Celebrities, Skandale – und um all die wunderbaren Nerd-Dinge, mit denen wir dem tristen Alltag entfliehen. Oder, um es mit „Matrix“ zu sagen: Wir nehmen die blaue Pille. Always! Contact: [email protected]
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A weekly podcast on how we prepared for nuclear war. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Little Atoms is a weekly show about books, with authors in conversation. Produced and presented by Neil Denny. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Podcast by AtomixVG
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Join Zack and Adam from ComicsXF as they battle to decide the best and worst X-Men stories of all time!
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Peter and Tara of Mild Fuzz Movies discuss science fiction films every week!
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Podcast by AtomicDaisyProductions
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atombombed's podcasts mixes on VirtualDJ
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Atomic Zero is a SF Bay-Area political news, culture and opinion show. Featuring relevant and irrelevant materials for laughter and entertainment. Working with different Pan-Asian American Cultural groups, local Artists, Community Advocates, and Innovators.
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An intimate mix of poetry and indie sounds from the Hong Kong experience // 幾首新詩,幾段歌詞,介乎銅鑼灣與石硤尾的詩意,在香港獨立創作中盤旋
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… ne zovite to samo digitalnim marketingom. To je marketing digitalnog doba.
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Kärnkraftens arv - från uranbrytning till slutförvar
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Welcome to the Atomic Business Coaching Podcast! Join your hosts, Adam T. Hurd (Business Advisor) and Tom Marino (Life Coach), as they delve into the world of small business owners and their unique challenges. With a perfect blend of personal growth and business leadership insights, Adam and Tom share real-world experiences from their coaching practice, effective tactics for overcoming obstacles, and practical methods to achieve success. Featuring expert guests on occasion, the duo covers cr ...
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Looking for the best retirement podcast to help you retire with confidence? The Atomic Retirement Podcast breaks down the complex world of retirement and tax planning into clear, actionable strategies. Hosted by Ryan Kilkenny, a Marine Corps veteran, financial planner, and founder of Atomic Planning, this podcast is designed for those 50 and older who want to maximize their savings, reduce taxes, and create a reliable retirement income. Each episode covers topics like: ✅ When to claim Social ...
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Get stuck off the realness as Sumit and Chris break down the important issues in Hip Hop music, culture and politics. From high-brow deep dives to low-end theories, expect clinical analysis and subjective perspectives from these two Rap Scientists. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Aprenda a definição dos modelos atômicos de Dalton, John Thompson, Rutherford e Rutherford -Bohr Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash:
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An irreverent (yet loving) review of Star Trek episodes and discussion of all — okay, most — things Star Trek. Hosted by Ron "AAlgar" Watt and Maggie Rowbotham, the people who also host the Sarcastic Voyage podcast.
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Guilherme Gomes e Rudá Braga conversam sobre tudo que envolve a cultura pop. Sempre com comentários relevantes (ou não), você vai ouvir sobre cinema, games, séries e muito mais. Visite nosso site: Escute também no Spotify, Google Poodcasts, Deezer, Google Podcasts e Apple Podcasts. Instagram: @caranguejoatomicopodcast. Twitter: @CaranguejoAT
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Welcome to Gentleman SpaceMan’s Atomic Hideout - where each week we explore pulp science fiction stories from the Atomic Age, and beyond.
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Welcome to Leadership Atoms, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Markus Spiske on Unsplash:
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Podcasty Atominium powstały, aby dzielić się naszą miłością do języków. Przygotowane przez nas nagrania lektorskie książek polskich i zagranicznych autorów pozwolą Ci zasłuchać się w doskonałej literaturze. Podcasty tworzy CEO Atominium, Piotr Beluch, którego głos znany jest z wielu produkcji filmowych, teatralnych i dźwiękowych. Zapraszamy do kontaktu wydawnictwa w celu realizowania projektów translatorskich, proofreadingowych, lektorskich, ale i wielu innych z pogranicza literatury i język ...
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Reseña Crítica sobre Artículo Web sobre el Átomo Cover art photo provided by Scott Webb on Unsplash:
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Welcome to the Atoms Apple podcast, helping others find their voice and achieve their goals.
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Rozmowy ze Slamerami o pisaniu, czytaniu, recytowaniu, przygotowaniach, występach i postępach. Slam - to poezja performatywna. W różnych wariantach Slamy odbywają się w całej Polsce. Różnią się niuansami, ale główna zasada pozostaje taka sama. Każda z osób występujących ma na scenie 3 minuty. Nie może używać rekwizytów, ani podkładu muzycznego. Najczęściej korzysta więc z aparatu mowy, czasem wspiera się choreografią. Po występie publiczność decyduje, czy chce oddać głos na występ.
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Podcast by Atom Sport
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Welcome to The Self Storage Playbook, brought to you by Atomic Storage Group, a premier full-service self-storage management company dedicated to maximizing your investment while minimizing your headaches. Join your hosts, Rick Beal and Magen Smith, industry veterans and founders of Atomic Storage Group, as they dive deep into the world of self-storage operations and investments. Rick and Magen bring a wealth of experience as keynote speakers and trusted advisors in the industry. You will le ...
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Podcast for cool random stuff and things
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Episode Notes Sometimes, listeners tune in for insightful commentary on X-Men comics and the world at large. Other times Zack and Adam are giggling so much that they can't actually complete a joke.This isn't one of those smart episodes.What is smart though? Supporting friend of the show Vita Ayala after their family was displaced by a fire.Ranked T…
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Dive into a fascinating journey of female entrepreneurship on the Atom CTO Podcast! We're hosting an inspiring conversation with Joanna Vargas, the dynamic force behind "The Get Up Girl" podcast. Vargas's career trajectory is a testament to her entrepreneurial spirit, fiery passion, and grit.Clearing her path outside the conventional structures of …
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Átomos & Bits descubre cómo afecta a la Tierra la existencia de dos grandes continentes hundidos bajo la corteza del planeta y comenta los últimos estudios acerca del megalodón, el gran monstruo marino de la Prehistoria.
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Átomos & Bits descubre cómo afecta a la Tierra la existencia de dos grandes continentes hundidos bajo la corteza del planeta y comenta los últimos estudios acerca del megalodón, el gran monstruo marino de la Prehistoria.Από τον Agencia EFE
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Er is een Starship-raket ontploft bij de lancering. De tweede al dit jaar. Hoe komt dat en waarom maakt Elon Musk zich geen zorgen? Verder hebben we het over de warme Golfstroom die beter standhoudt dan gevreesd. We hebben het over de Digimeter die ons vertelt hoeveel Vlamingen AI gebruiken (en hoeveel er bang van zijn) en we hebben het over Miles,…
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Abdulrazak Gurnah is the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2021. He is the author of ten novels: Memory of Departure, Pilgrims Way, Dottie, Paradise (shortlisted for the Booker Prize and the Whitbread Award), Admiring Silence, By the Sea (longlisted for the Booker Prize and shortlisted for the Los Angeles Times Book Award), Desertion (shortli…
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Από τον Jenny Robinson
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Test Subject #276: Mickey 17 (2025)
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1:56:15Mickey 17 (2025) on The Atomic Cinema Experiment. This is a sci fi movie podcast. Mickey 17 is directed by Bong Joon-ho and stars Robert Pattinson, Naomi Ackie, Steven Yeun, Toni Collette, Mark Ruffalo patreon: links: discord: [email protected]…
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The shadow of death falls over Jim and Hilda's cottage. Not that they notice! Too busy sorting out bottles and pepper pots - getting things just right for the bomb! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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atomar audio -279- AUTISTØNIC
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1:01:37Podcast 279 of atomar audio, featuring cutting edge techno artists. This week we present you AUTISTØNIC from Osaka, Japan.01. Pushmann - Vertigo (CRAVO Remix) [Prophet Recordings]02. Audio Units - Orbital Hierarchy [Dynamic Reflection]03. Klint - After The Sun [Suara]04. Earwax (IT) - Advance [Planet Rhythm]05. Dynamic Forces - Tango [Planet Rhythm…
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Covering “Erigah.”
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RICCARDO FREGA | Denaro e ribellione | Ep. 171
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2:12:18Ci torna a trovare al Bazar Atomico Riccardo Frega, divulgatore, attivista libertario, autore e voce del “Bitcoin Italia Podcast”, il primo e il più seguito podcast italiano sul mondo delle criptovalute, e del podcast antiproibizionista “Stupefatti”. Partiamo dagli USA di Trump e Musk per poi addentrarci nel mondo delle "shitcoin", nella filosofia …
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Ep 88: Dead Internet Theory
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1:55:36Spiritual God Warrior of Moose Heaven joins the Tribe to discuss Celebrity Deaths, a Narcotic Hairpiece, Mind Reading Apes, Big Brained Great White Sharks, NSA Sex Chats, Temple OS' Creator Terry A. Davis, Reddit's links to Jeffery Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell and Dead Internet Theory. Support the Show at: …
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Think you know how taxes work? Some of the most common tax "facts" people believe are actually costing them money. In this episode, we’re diving into 10 of the biggest tax myths to set the record straight. We’ll cover: ✅ Why being in a higher tax bracket doesn’t mean all your income is taxed at that rate ✅ The reason many retirees end up paying mor…
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In this episode, we return to our roots with a free-flowing conversation, tackling some of the biggest mindset shifts necessary for success in business and life. If you've ever felt stuck in your business, struggled with limiting beliefs, or found yourself trapped in familiar but unhelpful habits, this episode is for you. We dive deep into the impo…
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Átomos & Bits descubre una enigmática estructura espiral dentro del Sistema solar y examina los ratones lanudos creados en laboratorio que los científicos esperan poder utilizar en el proceso de desextinción del mamut; además prueba los nuevos Nothing Phone 3A y 3A Pro.
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Átomos & Bits descubre una enigmática estructura espiral dentro del Sistema solar y examina los ratones lanudos creados en laboratorio que los científicos esperan poder utilizar en el proceso de desextinción del mamut; además prueba los nuevos Nothing Phone 3A y 3A Pro.Από τον Agencia EFE
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Sarah Hesketh is a writer and editor from Pendle, in East Lancashire. She is the author of the poetry collections Napoleon’s Travelling Bookshelf and The Hard Word Box, and the editor of The Emma Press Anthology of Age. She currently lives in London and works as Managing Editor for Modern Poetry in Translation. On this week’s episode of Little Atom…
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In this episode, we explore how even small price changes can send ripples through customer behavior and what that means for your bottom line. We break down our latest research—from customers' sensitivity to price increases and the magic behind promotional offers like “First Month Free” and “75% Off First Two Months.” Along the way, Magen and Rick s…
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Julia er strandet. Hun ved ikke, hvad hun drømmer om. Men en dag støder hun på et Facebook-opslag, som genopliver hendes kærlighed til musik, som længe har været gemt væk. Sådan opstår Mumle, og snart kommer hun til at udgive en sang, som sætter hendes navn på alles læber. Ud af venindesladder på Snapchat opstår 'Det Modsatte' som en sang om det, v…
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Test Subject #275: Come True (2020)
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1:47:50Come True (2020) on The Atomic Cinema Experiment. This is a sci fi movie podcast. Come True is directed by Anthony Scott Burns and stars Julia Sarah Stone, Landon Liboiron patreon: links: discord: [email protected] version: https://the-ac…
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Operation Hot Rod in 1951 took five 1930s cars out to the new Nevada test site. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Ep.382 - Egg Challenge with Dr. Anna Peppard
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1:17:11Episode Notes We love Meggan, here's an episode. Also Anna is here and isn't that great!Ranked this Episode: Mighty World Of Marvel #14-16 Excalibur #28 Captain Britain and MI13 Annual #1 Check out the Battle of the Atom Master Ranking List! New content every week on Follow Adam on Twitter @arthurstacy & never try to find Zack! Our the…
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Covering the Amazing Stories segment “Santa ’85” and the Bloom County Christmas special, “A Wish for Wings that Work.”
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Covering “Whistlespeak.”
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IGOR SIBALDI | Ribellarsi al destino | Ep.170
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2:08:22L'episodio che molti ascoltatori del Bazar Atomico stavano aspettando è finalmente arrivato! Ospite di questa puntata in puro stile Bazar: Igor Sibaldi! Scrittore, filosofo e studioso di teologia, da anni Sibaldi esplora i grandi temi della spiritualità, della crescita personale e delle tradizioni esoteriche. Abbiamo avuto con lui una riflessione s…
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Most retirees don’t realize just how valuable Social Security can be—or how much strategy goes into maximizing those benefits. In this episode, we break down a real-life case study of a couple I work with, let's call them James and Elizabeth. Thanks to a smart claiming strategy, they’re projected to collect over $2.4 million in lifetime Social Secu…
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Welcome to Episode 101 of the Atomic Business Coaching Podcast! If you tuned in last week, you caught our milestone 100th episode. Today, we’re kicking off a fresh chapter with a special guest: Carson Hoffman. Carson recently completed the 5WH process and gained incredible insights into his business, himself, and entrepreneurial journey. What You’l…
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Átomos & Bits descubre misteriosas criaturas abisales a ocho kilómetros de profundidad en la fosa de Japón donde no deberían existir y estudia una estrella gigante de la Gran Nube de Magallanes que podría convertirse en supernova; además, analiza el nuevo OnePlus 13.
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Átomos & Bits descubre misteriosas criaturas abisales a ocho kilómetros de profundidad en la fosa de Japón donde no deberían existir y estudia una estrella gigante de la Gran Nube de Magallanes que podría convertirse en supernova; además, analiza el nuevo OnePlus 13.Από τον Agencia EFE
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Co-scientist is voor wetenschappers dé AI-app van het moment. De toepassing van Google combineert verschillende systemen, waardoor het snel en efficiënt kan meedenken op wetenschappelijk niveau. Is dit de nuttigste AI die we al zagen? Verder hebben we het over de nieuwe budget-iPhone die toch 700 euro kost, over pratende muizen en over wolven die h…
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Stephen May is the author of seven novels including Life! Death! Prizes! which was shortlisted for the Costa Novel Award and The Guardian Not The Booker Prize. He has also been shortlisted for the Wales Book of the Year and is a winner of the Media Wales Reader’s Prize. He has also written plays, as well as for television and film. On this episode …
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