Veloropa Podcast er for alle der elsker cykling. Vi vender aktuelle emner i cykelsporten - og ofte har vi interviews med danske og internationale cykelryttere eller gæster i studiet. Det faste panel består af vært Claus Elming, ekspert Kim Plesner og tidligere cykelrytter Stefan Djurhuus. Veloropa Podcast præsenteres i samarbejde med elektronikkæden POWER, måltidskasser fra HelloFresh, og det danske kosttilskud Aioss.
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Há 14 anos discutindo a fundo o automobilismo no Brasil e no mundo. Edições semanais trazendo blocos especiais a cada edição! Sempre com debates sobre F1, Indy, MotoGP, Formula E e Stock Car, o Café com Velocidade traz a dose certa na análise do esporte a motor!
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POP Velours, c'est une vaste sélection musicale d'ici et d'ailleurs. Meggie Lennon vous fera entendre des sélections parfois entraînantes, parfois vaporeuses. Principalement influencée par le mouvement indie-rock, Meggie se plaît à dénicher des bijoux auditifs qui se veulent toujours catchy et easy-listening.
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"Pause vélo" est un podcast sur le vélo utilitaire. Amoureux de la bicyclette au quotidien, Erik et Arnaud veulent passer le message. En animant « Pause Vélo », ils s’engagent à donner envie aux auditeurs de remonter sur selle, parce qu’à vélo le monde est plus beau !
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A show on technology products, the people who build them and how they affect the way we live.
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Cyclo-Topo est le premier podcast qui donne la parole aux voyageurs à vélo. Sur quelques jours ou au long cours, en France ou à l’étranger, toutes les deux semaines, un voyageur partage avec nous son expérience du voyage à vélo. Nous abordons ensemble l’envie de voyager à vélo, la préparation des projets de voyage, le choix de l’itinéraire, du matériel (vélos, tentes, réchauds, sacoches…) et la préparation physique jusqu’au grand départ. Anecdotes, rencontres humaines, gestion de l’hébergeme ...
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Church in Richmond, VA. Helping people find Jesus and love God.
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Abfahrt! Geschichten aus dem Jedermann-Peloton des Vélo Club Eifel gibts jetzt auch auf die Ohren. Die beiden Hosts Daniel und Alexander kümmern sich um alle Belange eines Hobby-Radsportlers. Mit spannenden Gästen und wechselnden Themen geht es um Radsport und all seine schönen Facetten.
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We are Velocity Sellers, a full-scale Amazon Agency! Our Podcast features our talented and knowledgeable employees and guests, and of course our host, Velocity Pete. Join us as Velocity Pete interviews these Amazon experts on various topics that will help you boost your Amazon knowledge!
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The editors of DC VELOCITY magazine bring you weekly updates on logistics, material handling, and supply chain news.
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Tras el Velo del Crimen: un cautivador podcast en español que explora los misterios más escalofriantes y casos sin resolver del mundo. Con suspenso, emoción e intriga, Liana Díaz, también conocida como Qbana80, desentraña historias que desafían nuestra comprensión. Desde desapariciones inquietantes hasta fenómenos inexplicables, cada episodio revela los secretos ocultos, invitando a los oyentes a descubrir los susurros que acechan en las sombras, en español.
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Maximizing your full potential in baseball using data-led monitoring and individualized training. Experts discuss what works and why at every level of baseball, from the Big Leagues on down.
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Der Podcast rund ums Fahrrad, unserem liebsten Sportgerät und schönstem Hobby.
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Welcome to the Virtual Velo Podcast powered by The Zommunique'. Step into the rapidly evolving world of cycling esports with your hosts, Chris Schwenker and Emma Martin. Chris, a respected freelance cycling journalist with features in Cycling Weekly, Cycling News, and, joins forces with Emma, the charismatic multi-discipline cycling commentator. Together, they bring you the most comprehensive in-depth reporting, expert interviews, and balanced coverage of the emerging discipline of v ...
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Tratando de hacer un podcast...
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Welcome to the Digital Velocity Podcast...a podcast covering the intersection between strategy, digital marketing, and emerging trends impacting each of us. Hosts Erik Martinez, Executive Vice-President of Blue Tangerine, and Tim Curtis, President and CEO of CohereOne, bring you a wealth of marketing experience along with their unique prospectives. Join them each week as they interview industry veterans to dive into the best hard-hitting analysis of industry news and critical topics facing b ...
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Podcast by Velobs
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O VeloPodCast é a manifestação do ciclista urbano.
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El podcast oficial de la revista Velociraptors
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Get your weekly dose of all that's new in space and astronomy with Escape Velocity Space News. The sky is not the limit, as we bring you the latest scientific discoveries and rocket launches. EVSN is brought to you by the team behind CosmoQuest at the Planetary Science Institute and features hosts Dr. Pamela L. Gay and Erik Madaus, with audio engineering by Ally Pelphrey. EVSN is supported through Patreon at
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Weekly deep dives into all things performance, health, wellness, and mindset to help you reach your full potential.
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Systematic Exegesis of Paul's Letter to the Galatians
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VELOPOD er en podkast om kjærligheten til sykling, med Kari Slaatsveen og Truls Erik Johnsen. Episodene ble spilt inn på Rouleur Bar & Café i Oslo.
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Welcome to the Versace Velour podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to Velohome Podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Fernando Veloso, o Veloso, recebe diversos convidados para falar sobre suas vidas. Esportes, vida social, trabalhos e outros assuntos, são temas desse podcast que promete não inovar em nada, a não ser trazer alegria e reflexões de vida para o ouvinte.
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A show for the bike enthusiast and everyday Joe rider. You may not be able to ride like a pro but you can at least ride like a geek!
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Aquí podrán encontrar todas las entrevistas de nuestro programa radial, que se emite los días sábados de 14 a 15hs por Radio Zonica +. Seguinos en nuestras redes: Twitter: @cafeveloz_ok Facebook: /cafevelozok Instagram: @cafevelozok
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My name is Snehal Singh and I’m here to motivate and inspire you to live a life of more abundance, love and meaning. Each episode invites you to listen to your inner voice, create your dreams and learn from the experts. With the world evolving and the spiritual awareness increasing, sometimes we forget the basics of living the life. Happiness and Joy sometimes stay just mere words and Soul Velocity's attempt is to help you lead the life of fulfillment. Tune in for some amazing tips and lots ...
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Elite Baseball Training
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Médecin. Dealer assimilé fonctionnaire. Je suis le dernier rempart contre la mort (après 18h)
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Australian cyclist Stephen Hall answers all questions cycling.
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Podcast do @ruimwilliams para falar de qualquer coisa interessante e sem compromissos.
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Velocity seromons
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The finest unreleased and brand new house music tracks rocking the house music scene from around the world. I play house music from the genres of deep house, tech house, jackin house, vocal house, funky house, disco house, breakbeat house and electro.
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Chaque lundi, 45 minutes pour faire le tour de l'actualité du cyclisme avec !
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A new full-cast science fiction audio adventure, inspired by the upcoming game Elite: Dangerous and drawing on the legacy of Elite 2: Frontier.
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Você quer aprender japonês? Ama o Japão e a cultura que envolve o país? Neste podcast você vai ver entrevistas, dicas sobre estudo de japonês e muito mais!
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The AudaCity: VeloCity OKC podcast aims to get you the inside scoop on what's going on in Oklahoma City. Whether it's food, beer, bikes, city policy, MAPS, events, new developments, neighborhoods, legislative issues and more, we'll cover it here. Join us in our quest to help make OKC great!
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Podcast by Brice Sturmer
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O universo dos games e todas as novidades do mundo da internet, em parceria com o TechTudo.
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Guardando a Palavra
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Guillaume Coutu, physiothérapeute, mécanicien et passionné de vélo, fondateur de la clinique Physio Vélo. Service d’évaluation et positionnement cycliste en physiothérapie?. Quelques millimètres font toute la différence. Pour le confort et la performance ➡️
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Meditações e reflexões sobre a fé católica, por Padre João Paulo Veloso, Arquidiocese de Palmas.
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Tous les dimanches à 6h41, Jean-Jacques Héry fait le point sur l'actualité de "la petite reine".
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En 1993, tres niños fueron brutalmente asesinados en West Memphis, Arkansas. Sin pruebas reales, tres adolescentes fueron condenados por el crimen en medio del pánico satánico de los años 90. Pasaron 18 años en prisión antes de que nuevas pruebas de ADN revelaran la verdad… Pero, ¿fueron realmente exonerados? ¿Quién mató a Christopher, Michael y St…
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Salut c'est Claire, Cette semaine, je vous emmène avec nous traverser les Etats-Unis de l'Arizona au Texas, à vélo bien sûr ! Entre froid extrême, vent à rendre fou et désert à perte de vue, je vous partage notre quotidien sur la route. 💌Tu souhaites partager ton expérience de voyageur ou de voyageuse à vélo au micro de Cyclo-Topo ? Envoie nous un …
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In this episode of The Virtual Velo Podcast, we sit down with Dean Cunningham, an elite cycling esports racer for Restart pb Alex Coh Coaching, event organizer, and outspoken leader in the community. Known for his no-nonsense approach and deep passion for the sport, Dean isn’t afraid to challenge the status quo. We dive into his cycling esports jou…
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39. Etappe - Im Zweifel, Eifel (mit Björn Müller | 3Rides)
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1:03:10Alles neu macht der Mai - Das gilt auch für das 3Rides Festival. Erstmals findet das Event etwas außerhalb Aachens statt, somit werden die Wege in die schöne Eifel deutlich kürzer. Mittlerweile hat das 3Rides seinen festen Platz im Radsport-Kalender gefunden, was sich an den starken Teilnehmerzahlen widerspiegelt. Björn Müller, einer der Organisato…
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Cet épisode est enregistré depuis le Festival international du voyage à vélo au Mans organisé par le Cyclo Camping International. Nous y avons rencontré des membres du Sun trip qui courent le monde sur leur vélos solaires, l’Heureux cyclage qui travaille avec les ateliers vélo, des passionnés de Gravel et un Cyclovoyage devenu bande dessinée. Bref……
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In this episode, Ellyn Mead shares how she built a thriving real estate business by prioritizing genuine connections over paid leads. From her unexpected journey into real estate to becoming a top producer, Ellyn proves that success comes from heart, hustle, and serving the community. Tune in now to get inspired by her story! 🔥 #RealtorJourney #Wom…
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Épisode du 2025-03-05Από τον Meggie Lennon
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Fórmula 1: cobertura COMPLETA da pré-temporada nesta QUARTA | CAFÉ COM VELOCIDADE
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2:01:00Jornalismo e reflexões sobre a Fórmula 1. Para apoiar o nosso projeto, basta se tornar membro do canal e curtir as premiações: Se preferir um formato diferente de Apoio, confira as facilidades do para ajudar o Café a crescer e se manter no ar. E se v…
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Pitching Mechanics vs. Arm Strength, Are You Overtraining?, and a Pitching System by Lou Kolasky.
In this episode of More Than Velocity, we sit down with pitching coach and ArmCare Elite member Lou Kolasky to discuss how to train pitchers smarter, prevent injuries, and maximize performance. Lou, a National Pitching Association (NPA) coach in the Great Lakes region, has worked with some of the top pitchers in the state—helping them refine their …
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#author #newbook #poetry In this episode, Snehal R Singh sits down with Kiddada Asmara Grey, the brilliant author of Miss Polite’s Stained Heart, for an insightful and deeply moving conversation. They explore the inspiration behind the book, the power of poetry in expressing emotions, and the journey of embracing one’s true self through storytellin…
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331 Corttrick, Søjberg og optakt til Strade
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1:37:16I denne episode kan du høre fra to af weekendens danske helte, Magnus Cort, der vandt tre etaper i Gran Camino og den danske mester Rasmus Søjberg Pedersen, som fik en fornem debut i den belgiske åbingsweekend med en 13. plads og flot kørsel i Omloop. Vi har også optakt til Strade Bianche, hvor sidste års vinder, Tadej Pogacar, stiller til start so…
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In this insightful episode, Digital Velocity Agency host Erik Martinez sits down with Kathleen Perley, founder of DemystifAI and a professor at Rice University’s Business School, to explore the real-world applications of Artificial Intelligence in eCommerce, digital marketing, and beyond. Listeners will learn about practical AI strategies that help…
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Thinking about buying a home or investing in real estate? In this episode of Navigating the Housing Market: Advice for Buyers & Investors, Jeffrey McKee shares expert insights on market trends, smart investment strategies, and common pitfalls to avoid. Don’t miss out on valuable tips to help you make informed decisions! 🎧 Watch the full podcast on …
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Join us for an insightful conversation with Quinn Karp, an emerging expert in the Amazon e-commerce sphere. After graduating in the midst of a pandemic, Quinn navigated a path filled with challenges and opportunities, landing her feet firmly in the bustling world of digital retail. With experience at industry giants such as Hasbro and CVS, she shar…
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En 1977, el joven Robert Christian desapareció sin dejar rastro. Décadas después, las autoridades han reabierto el caso, investigando un posible vínculo con John Wayne Gacy, el infame “Payaso Asesino”. ¿Fue Robert una de sus víctimas? ¿O su destino esconde un secreto aún más oscuro? Acompáñanos en este episodio de Tras el Velo del Crimen mientras e…
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In the Gospel of Mark, we find a collection of eyewitness stories, events, and teachings of Jesus that show the beginning of what changed everything: Jesus, Messiah and King.Από τον Velocity Church
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Guest: Brian Lynch of EY Americas on what the ports labor settlement means for shippers; Automation moves from hype to center stage; Jobs with the highest risks of injuries
Our guest on this week's episode is Brian Lynch, EY Americas Transportation Sector Leader and an Executive Director in the Transaction Strategy and Execution practice at EY-Parthenon. With the ratification earlier this week of the new 6-year agreement between dock workers and ports on the East and Gulf Coasts, it seems like we will have some labor …
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From history teacher to top real estate pro, Andy Gerron knows what it takes to turn dreams into addresses! A West Texas native with 20 years of experience, Andy’s passion for family, community, and helping others shines through in every home he sells. In this episode, he shares his journey, his winning approach to real estate, and insider tips on …
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Una asesina que rompe con todos los estereotipos. Dana Sue Gray no encajaba en la imagen clásica de un asesino serial. Atractiva, carismática y con una obsesión incontrolable por el lujo, decidió que matar era la solución perfecta para financiar su extravagante estilo de vida. En este episodio de Tras el Velo del Crimen, exploramos su infancia, su …
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From handling emergency calls to closing real estate deals, Lola Philpott’s career journey is nothing short of inspiring! 🚀 In this episode, she shares how she transitioned from working in public service telecommunications—where she managed high-pressure emergency calls—to becoming a real estate powerhouse. Lola opens up about the mindset shifts, c…
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Fórmula 1: A LARGADA para a análise aprofundada | CAFÉ COM VELOCIDADE
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2:40:57Jornalismo e reflexões sobre a Fórmula 1. Para apoiar o nosso projeto, basta se tornar membro do canal e curtir as premiações: Se preferir um formato diferente de Apoio, confira as facilidades do para ajudar o Café a crescer e se manter no ar. E se v…
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330 Jonas og Pogacar viser form, Bornholmer-start og belgisk åbningsweekend
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1:21:00For første gang nogensinde vandt Jonas Vingegaard og Tadej Pogacar et etapeløb på samme dag, da Vingegaard strøg til tops i Algarve og Pogacar vandt "hjemme" i UAE Tour. Bornholm er for første gang nogensinde med i Danmark Rundt, hvor etaperne netop er blevet offentliggjort. Og så begynder sæsonen for alvor i weekenden med Omloop Nieuwsblad og Kuur…
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#62- Unlocking E-Commerce Success with Jess Wright: Mastering Brand Protection on Amazon, Building Customer Loyalty, and Navigating Emerging E-Commerce Trends
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1:03:30Jess Wright, a true superhero in the world of brand protection, joins us to unravel the complexities of safeguarding brand image on Amazon. With her extensive background in manufacturing and e-commerce, Jess shares invaluable insights on how to shield your brand from unauthorized use, knockoffs, and intellectual property threats. You’ll learn how t…
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Miyuki Ueta parecía una mujer común, pero detrás de su sonrisa escondía un oscuro secreto. Entre 2009 y 2012, esta mujer japonesa utilizó la seducción y el engaño para acercarse a sus víctimas, drogándolas y luego ahogándolas para hacer que sus crímenes parecieran accidentes. En este episodio de Tras el Velo del Crimen, exploramos la escalofriante …
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In the Gospel of Mark, we find a collection of eyewitness stories, events, and teachings of Jesus that show the beginning of what changed everything: Jesus, Messiah and King.Από τον Velocity Church
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Celebrating The Launch of books DARE and NAVARASA | Snehal R Singh | #SVVV4
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1:23:40🎉 Celebrating the Launch of the Books - D.A.R.E and Navrasa! 📚✨Join us as we celebrate the launch of two incredible books—D.A.R.E and Navrasa! 🎊 In this special event, we dive into the stories, themes, and inspirations behind these books, exploring their impact and what makes them a must-read.📖 D.A.R.E – A book that challenges, inspires, and empowe…
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Guest: Matt Wicks of Zebra Technology on the increased use of warehouse robotics; Trends in electric trucks; Dissecting the latest holiday returns season
Our guest on this week's episode is Matt Wicks, senior director of robotics automation at Zebra Technologies. Robotics are rapidly gaining acceptance in distribution operations. They can work 24/7 with a high degree of uptime and accuracy. Our guest shares in which areas of warehouse operations robotics are proving to be the most useful, trends tha…
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Magdalena Solís no fue una asesina en serie común. Su historia está envuelta en sangre, manipulación y fanatismo. En la década de 1960, un pequeño pueblo en México cayó bajo su dominio, transformándose en el escenario de uno de los cultos más macabros de la historia. ¿Cómo una mujer logró convertirse en una diosa de la muerte? Descubre cómo el fana…
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From Stocks to Sold: Skyler Rogers’ Journey to Real Estate Success! 🏡📈 From flipping stocks to flipping houses, Skyler Rogers shares how he turned his hustle into a thriving real estate career. 💰🔥 Hear his insights on day trading, real estate investing, and the mindset that keeps him winning. 🎧 Watch the full episode now!…
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Let's take a fast-paced journey thru all that's new in space and astronomy, including a potentially killer asteroid, a new look at the history of Earth's water, and a mini-quasi-moon, along with a deep dive into climate change, and tales from the launch pad.
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¿Qué lleva a una persona a cometer los crímenes más atroces? ¿Es algo con lo que nacen, una predisposición inevitable en su ADN? ¿O es el mundo a su alrededor lo que los moldea, llevándolos al límite hasta que cruzan la línea entre la normalidad y la violencia? En este episodio de Tras el Velo del Crimen, exploramos el eterno debate entre la biolog…
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In this episode, Dolapo chats with Victory Ogbebor about the data roles spectrum, what working in a data role with a football club is like and how to transition.
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329 Kaos-afslutning i Algarve, Pogacar på tavlen og Mads P-sejr
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1:13:471. etape af Algarve Rundt fik en kaotisk afslutning da de fleste af rytterne kørte forkert i den sidste rundkørsel. Tadej Pogacar fik sin første sejr i sæsonen på den første bjergetape i UAE Tour, mens Mads P i sidste uge åbnede sin konto i Provence og nu blot er tre sejre fra Rolf Sørensens rekord på 51. Og så er Claus Elmgreen tilbage i topform i…
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From Military Service to Real Estate Success 🏡 Tom’s journey is nothing short of inspiring! From serving in the military to captaining charter boats and building a thriving real estate business, he’s mastered resilience, leadership, and adaptability. Tune in now and get inspired! 🎙️ ⛓️💥 Link: #Podcast #SuccessStory #Mi…
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In the Gospel of Mark, we find a collection of eyewitness stories, events, and teachings of Jesus that show the beginning of what changed everything: Jesus, Messiah and King.Από τον Velocity Church
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E58 - Aurélie - Du Nord Isère au Cap Nord à vélo et en solo
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1:11:40Cette semaine, je reçois Aurélie, une aventurière qui a parcouru l’Écosse en solo avant de se lancer un défi de taille : relier le Nord Isère au Cap Nord à vélo ! 💪 5 800 km, 8 pays traversés, des bivouacs sous le soleil de minuit et des croquis incroyables pour raconter son voyage ✍️ Pour poursuivre le voyage avec Aurélie ⏬ 📸 Instagram : Aurélie F…
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Conheça o caminho de cada EQUIPE na semana dos lançamentos da Fórmula 1 | CAFÉ EDIÇÃO ESPECIAL
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1:09:33Jornalismo e reflexões sobre a Fórmula 1. Para apoiar o nosso projeto, basta se tornar membro do canal e curtir as premiações: Se preferir um formato diferente de Apoio, confira as facilidades do para ajudar o Café a crescer e se manter no ar. E se v…
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En este episodio final, exploramos los eventos posteriores a la liberación de López en 1998. A pesar de haber confesado más de 300 asesinatos, fue puesto en libertad y su paradero actual es desconocido. Analizamos las controversias en torno a su liberación, las fallas del sistema judicial y las teorías sobre su destino. Este episodio invita a refle…
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Cycling esports is evolving fast, and national federations are working to define their role in the sport. In this episode of The Virtual Velo Podcast, we sit down with Josh Peacock, Cycling Canada’s Director of Marketing and Events, to explore how the federation navigates this dynamic space. We discuss Cycling Canada’s philosophy on virtual racing,…
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The Power of Passion: A Young Author’s Journey Into Creativity and Beyond | Anuraa Wagh | #SVVV3
#youngauthor #author #podcast 📚✨ Ever wondered what it takes to become a young author? In this episode, we dive into the inspiring journey of Anuraa Wagh, a passionate writer who turned her writing dreams into reality. From overcoming self-doubt to finding their unique voice, we explore the challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned along the way.🎙️…
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En esta tercera y última entrega, concluimos la escalofriante historia de Pedro Alonso López, conocido como "El Monstruo de los Andes". Analizaremos su juicio, condena y el controvertido desenlace de su caso. A pesar de haber confesado el asesinato de más de 300 niñas, López fue liberado en 1998 por buena conducta y deportado a Colombia. Desde ento…
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38. Etappe - Mallorca oder Girona - Hauptsache Kanaren!
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1:13:32Herzlich Willkommen zu TEAMFUNK-Reisen, deinem freundlichen und kompetenten Reiseservice. Wir haben uns auf Radurlaube in Spanien spezialisiert - besonders auf Mallorca und in Girona. Wenn ihr also mal wieder die richtige Frequenz auf eueren Endgeräten erwischt habt, dann erwartet euch heute DAS Vergleichsportal schlechthin. In unserem großen Radur…
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Guest: Jay Rogers of Haddy on digital manufacturing; Changes in warehouse rents; The biggest traffic bottlenecks for logistics
Our guest on this week's episode is John (Jay) Rogers, CEO and co-founder of Haddy. There has been a push in the past few years to do more manufacturing here at home. One of the key technologies that is enabling more domestic production is digital manufacturing. That’s where Haddy comes in. Haddy is the world’s first 3D printing furniture manufactu…
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En esta segunda entrega, continuamos explorando la escalofriante trayectoria de Pedro Alonso López, conocido como "El Monstruo de los Andes". Analizaremos su modus operandi, las circunstancias que facilitaron sus crímenes en Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, y cómo logró evadir a las autoridades durante tanto tiempo. Además, profundizaremos en las investig…
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From shaping young minds to shaping dream homes! 🏡✨ Jim Polomsky made the leap from teaching to real estate, turning his passion for helping others into a thriving career. In this episode, he shares how he transitioned from the classroom to the competitive world of real estate, the challenges he faced, and the rewarding moments that make it all wor…
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En esta primera entrega, nos adentramos en la oscura historia de Pedro Alonso López, conocido como "El Monstruo de los Andes". Exploraremos su infancia marcada por el abandono y el abuso, y cómo estos eventos moldearon al que se convertiría en uno de los asesinos en serie más prolíficos de la historia. Acompáñanos mientras desentrañamos los inicios…
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From waiting tables to becoming one of the Top 500 real estate agents, Amber Purcell’s journey is a testament to hard work, resilience, and faith. 🙌✨ In this episode, Amber shares how she went from serving tables to serving families, helping them find their dream homes. 🏡 She opens up about the challenges she faced, the mindset shifts that led to h…
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