UA-podden går bak historiene. Forteller deg hvorfor ting skjer.
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Welcome to Phoenix UAS podcast. We will discuss UAS-NY tool.
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We are committed to the sharing information about Unmanned Aerial Systems in the National Airspace Systems (UASNAS). Our goal is to see the full integration of UASs in the areas of science, research and development, delivery, manufacturing, farming, search and rescue, and law enforcement. However, there are also potential drawbacks that could be caused by integration of the UAS into the NAS. To that end, this web page is dedicated to the fair and equal sharing of information both positive an ...
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Ytring: Amanuensis Trond Andresen ved Institutt for kybernetikk om maktstrukturen ved NTNU og problemene den fører med seg.Από τον Universitetsavisa
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Gunnar Bovim om statsbudsjettet 2016 by UniversitetsavisaΑπό τον Universitetsavisa
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Den grunnleggende holdningen er at om vi er i tvil, er forskningssamarbeid et gode, sier NTNU-rektor Gunnar Bovim. I dette podcast-intervjuet forsvarer han at forskere fra hans universitet følger med i statsråd Tord Liens Israel-reise.Από τον Universitetsavisa
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Interview with rector at NTNU Gunnar BovimΑπό τον Universitetsavisa
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UA har besøkt dekan Hans Petter Hildre ved NTNU i Ålesund. Han snakker blant annet om sin tid ved NTNU i Trondheim og hvordan RBK fikk ham til å dra tilbake til Ålesund...Από τον Universitetsavisa
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Norge scorer høyt på internasjonale undersøkelser om lykke, levekår, velferd og tillit. «The next Supermodel», kaller The Economist den norske måten å organisere seg på. I boka «Den norske modellen» ønsker forskerne Elin Kvande, Brita Bungum og Ulla Forseth å se nærmere på hvordan arbeidsliv og velferdsstat blir påvirket av blant annet arbeidsinnva…
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Tre NTNU-forskere beskyldte fiskeriminister Per Sandberg for å oppføre seg som en lobbyist for sjømatnæringen. Hør statsrådens svar i UAs podcast.Από τον Universitetsavisa
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Hvorfor trenger vi en stortingsmelding om humaniora? Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, Thea Thorsen og Anne Kristine Børresen gjester denne episoden av UAs podcast.Από τον Universitetsavisa
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Vil Aksel Tjora legge ned fakultetene? Hva tenker mannen på, egentlig? Hør svarene her.Από τον Universitetsavisa
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This week we interview the drone film makers behind the viral internet sensation that is Drone Boning!
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This week, Michael interviews Randy Scott Slavin. A director and founder of the New York City Drone Film Festival. This film festival is entirely dedicated to honoring films that were created using drones. The sold out film festival will be held March 7th at The Directors Guild of America Theater in NYC. For more details check out their website htt…
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This week, UAS Today interviews the international company air robot. A US subsidiary of a Germany company that has been operating unmanned aerial systems in commercial and civil applications globally. Their work with bridge inspections, wind turbines, and with emergency crews has proven that there is a future, for unmanned aerial systems and many a…
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This week we interviewed Dennis Zaklan, the Deputy Director of the New Mexico State University Unmanned Aerial System Flight Test Center established in 2004. UAS Today: Assessing the benefits and weighing the risks of tomorrow's Unmanned Aerial Systems technology today. We create public awareness though discussing the future of unmanned aircraft in…
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In this episode we discuss current events and interview Warren Causey of the Sirens Project who successfully launched his kickstarter project to send unmanned aerial systems into tornados. More about our discussion of current events:…
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Taylor takes our podcast into the streets of Washington, DC to survey the status of the current public opinion on the use of unmanned aerial systems in the national airspace system. UAS Today: Assessing the benefits and weighing the risks of tomorrow's Unmanned Aerial Systems technology today. We create public awareness though discussing the future…
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This week UAS Today interviewed Vanilla Aircraft, an Unmanned Aerial Systems company that is currently entering the test phases with their UAS that is capable of staying in the air for 10 days at a time. UAS Today: Assessing the benefits and weighing the risks of tomorrow's Unmanned Aerial Systems technology today. Visit our webpage…
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This week we discuss Unmanned Aerial systems innovations and start up companies. This week's podcast also includes our interview of Christina Engh, Co-owner of UAS Solutions Group, a company dedicated to helping small businesses get started in the UAS field. UAS Today: Assessing the benefits and weighing the risks of tomorrow's UAS technology today…
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