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show episodes
Join Vickie Lan and unpack the tropes that make fiction fun! Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purposes only. This is a volunteer-run program. Opinions expressed by individuals on the podcast are their own. Cover image photographed by J.D. Fitzgerald. Episode cover images and zoom backgrounds feature royalty-free images from Canva and Pexels. Audio provided by Anchor and
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Cantor David Reinwald

Tropeful is a podcast that explores how trope (Biblical cantillation) interprets the text, bringing new insights and understanding.
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The Trope Report


Disney Channel Original Movies go head to head in a bracket style competition to find the ultimate DCOM. Check out our website to see which movies are coming up and up to date DCOM scores. Email us your thoughts. [email protected] @thetropereport on Instagram
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Trope Stories

Trope Publishing Co.

Trope Stories host Terry Maday talks with Trope Publishing Co.’s worldwide network of emerging photographers about their work, journey, and inspirations.
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Join Chris & Jim - The Trope Stormers Podcast are assassins of pop-culture. They analyse Film, TV & video game media for tropes, passing judgement on whether it is good (Utropian) or bad (Dystropian). Narrative story beats are dissected for Mary Sue's, jumping the shark and dead horses. Recorded in London & Cambridge, England, United Kingdom. Abandon all hope all ye who enter. Listen, subscribe - tropestorm. Instagram: ...
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The Comic Trope

Blake - Dave - Amos and Friends

The Comic Trope is a podcast about Comics and the culture that surrounds them. I, Me, Blake invite friends over (Such as Smiling Dave, Encyclopedia Black, Amazing Amos and others) to ask questions about the things we all google while at work.
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Do you love Italy and dream of it every night? Would you like to visit one of the most beautiful Italian sea towns? What if you could refresh Italian at the same time too? Whether you have been to Tropea or not, this book, entirely written in Italian, will let you feel as if you were there! You will actually get cultural information about the wonderful Tropea as well as everyday dialogues, useful sentences and basic Italian grammar. Who said that learning italian can't be fun? Only a book ca ...
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Queens, Quests, and Tropes

Molly Tullis, Alyssa Welt

A very bookish podcast by your two older sisters. Molly and Alyssa are here on a fantasy quest of their own, discussing all things tropes, magic, hobbits, enemies-to-lovers, and of course, book boyfriends.
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TV Wars: A New Trope

TV Wars: A New Trope

TV Wars: A New Trope is a weekly podcast where hosts Asha Michelle Wilson and Mabry Williams (with token male Scott Pawley) overanalyze cliches and the shows that use them, along with a special guest, to love, hate, mock, and pick a winner.
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Tropes and Tantrums: Book Podcast

Tropes and Tantrums

Join Amber and Danielle, two millennial moms never without their kids or their kindles, every T&T Tuesday to talk all things books, motherhood, life, and anything else. We’re your book bffs you can bring with you in the car, to the gym, and during nap time. Each month join the T&T book club to read a book with us and discuss on the podcast!
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show series
Igande honetan abiatuko da 2025eko Tropelako lehen itzulia: Paris-Niza. Podcast honetan Lander Garro (@landergarro) eta Egoitz Lizaso (@elizaso) ohiko solaskideez gain, Eñaut Urkaregi txirrindulari gaztea izan dugu gonbidatu gisa. Bertan Eñauten txirrindularitza ibilbideaz eta etorkizunaz aritzeaz gain, Paris-Nizako kiniela repasatu dugu. Zabaldu m…
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Larunbat honetan lehiatuko dira denboraldi honetan Tropelan urtekorako puntuak emango dituzten emakumezko zein gizonezkoen klasikoa: Strade Bianche. Podcast honetan Iban Perez (@piban) eta Egoitz Lizaso (@elizaso) bildu dira bai Tropelaren inguruko berriak zein Strade Biancheko bi kinielen inguruko hausnarketa egiten. Zabaldu mezua!…
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Hunger Games, Squid Games, Dungeon Crawler Carl...Hayley Chow joins Vickie Lan on the podcast to talk about Death Games! From real life to fiction, we cover the social commentary that centers around systemic oppression, world building, society's attraction to violent spectacle, and the importance of relatability in the main character when they're u…
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Will Schube is The Hobbyist—a writer and music critic based in New York with bylines in GQ, FLOOD, Pitchfork, Passion of the Weiss, and many more. He joins us from Austin following the launch of his aptly titled newsletter, The Hobbyist, to talk about the best hobby we both indulge in: Golf—with a capital G. We discuss how the culture has co-opted …
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What should novel writers know about screen writing? Author Luis Prieto joins the podcast to talk with Vickie Lan about the basics of writing a screenplay (or an audio drama!). Note: Sorry for the less-than-perfect audio quality from Vickie's mic! There were technical difficulties and the recording came from the desktop instead. The video version o…
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Mysteries, suspense, can writers use secrets to advance their plots? Author Teddie Peacock joins the podcast to discuss the many ways to build intrigue and keep your readers (and characters!) guessing. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purposes only. This …
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Estreinekoz gizonezkoen UAEko Tourra gehitu dugu gure egutegian. Denboraldi berezi hau, horrenbestez, lehenago abiatuko dugu 2025 honetan. Podcast honetan Iban Perez (@piban) eta Egoitz Lizaso (@elizaso) bildu dira bai Tropelaren inguruko berriak zein UAEko Tourreko kiniela aipatzeko. Espero dugu podcast hau ere gustuko izatea!…
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Author Avitus B. Carle joins Vickie Lan on the podcast to read her story How We Survive, and to provide insight on the 'flash' side of fiction writing. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purposes only. This is a volunteer-run program. Opinions expressed by individuals on t…
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Steffanee Wang joins us today to talk about 67th GRAMMY Awards that aired earlier this month and more. She is a New York City-based professional editor, writer, and reporter who currently is an associate editor at The FADER. She previously served as the music editor at NYLON, has written for Teen Vogue, The FACE, Billboard, NPR Music, and other not…
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Damien Alameda returns to the podcast to discuss with Vickie Lan the Avenging Angels trope! Learn what drives these "angels" and distinguishes them from a classic hero's journey, whether they need to have a bigger impact than just their self interest, and much more. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative …
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This is the first podcast of 2025 and we're calling it Monetizing Hope with Jane Marie, an award-winning podcaster, podcast producer, writer, and author of Selling The Dream: The Billion Dollar Industry Bankrupting Americans. Jane joins us from her home in LA, just after the devastating wildfires had somewhat subsided. This episode was recorded a f…
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Author Emily Colin joins Vickie Lan to discuss the building blocks of romance in speculative fiction, including how to keep momentum after the couple gets together, how character development and plot progression impact the relationship, and the way authors can manage expectations when it comes to reader responses. Speculative Sandbox is for enterta…
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Author and dream interpreter Megan Mary joins Vickie Lan to discuss the Fated Destiny, Discovered Magick, and The Chosen One tropes. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purposes only. This is a volunteer-run program. Opinions expressed by individuals on the podcast are thei…
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Where are the aliens? While NASA and military officials provide testimonials on the world stage, author Grace Richard joins Vickie Lan to discuss the ways science fiction writers have answered this question. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purposes only. This is a volun…
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Alisa Alering, author of the book "Smothermoss", joins Vickie Lan in a discussion about the ways authors use pieces of themselves to make authentic characters, including characters with opposing viewpoints. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purposes only. This is a volunt…
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Author Becca Mionis joins Vickie Lan in a discussion on uncanny fiction, which, similar to the uncanny valley, leaves readers in a state of unease or confusion. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purposes only. This is a volunteer-run program. Opinions expressed by individ…
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Gary Suarez is a writer and podcaster who founded CABBAGES, a media outlet and podcast dedicated to covering independent artists. A Queens, New York native, Gary has contributed to esteemed publications such as The Quietus, Forbes, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker, The New York Times, NPR, and more. In this special two-hour year-end finale, Gary joins…
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Author Brent Miller joins the podcast to talk about the perceptions of tropes, the slippery slope into cliches, and whether or not it's actually possible to write a trope-less story. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purposes only. This is a volunteer-run program. Opinion…
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It's the blurring of fact and fiction as author Garrett K. Jones joins the podcast to talk about Gonzo Fiction, known for its unique narrative style as seen in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and American Psycho. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purposes only. This is a v…
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Aurielle Sayeh is a mom, creative director, brand consultant, strategist, creator, and DJ based in Los Angeles. A true multi-hyphenate, she shares how she got her start in culture through modeling and DJing in Paris and Amsterdam back in 2013. As an Atlanta native who hustled her way through the global zeitgeist, Aurielle reflects on her journey of…
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Author Lauren Teffeau joins Vickie Lan to discuss non-theistic mythical archetypes in fiction, including Carl Jung's 12 brand archetypes and the way archetypes can be used to form the foundation of societal values and laws. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purposes only.…
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Author J.D. Estrada joins the podcast to talk about authenticity in writing and the ways authors can tap into personal experiences to inform an otherwise unfamiliar scenario. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purposes only. This is a volunteer-run program. Opinions expressed by individuals on the podcast are their own. Main cover photo by J.…
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Horror Author John James Minster returns to the podcast to talk about paranormal places located around the northeast region of the United States, as well as the Christian belief system of demons, ghosts, and spirits that fuels the local lore. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertain…
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Neal Holtschulte cycles back to the podcast to talk with Vickie Lan about time loops! From "Groundhogs Day" to "The Flash", how can time loops be used to propel character growth, and what can writers do to avoid falling in a plot spiral? The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment …
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Yash breaks down the newly released Yak Ballz EP titled 'YOUNG YASHAR' produced by longtime collaborator Mondee. This marks the first official Yak Ballz music in over a decade. Listen to 'YOUNG YASHAR' HERE Follow Helio-Tropes - Follow Yash - Follow Yak Ballz - https://ww…
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Are antiheroes just villains with too much credit? Damien Alameda, host of The_First Pages on YouTube, joins Vickie Lan to debate the characteristics and motives of the antihero and where they fall on the spectrum of good and evil. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purpos…
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What could possibly be worse than death? Storytellers will tell you! Author Matthew C. Brown returns to the podcast to talk about all the various ways authors can torture their characters. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotifyand YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purposes only. This is a volunteer-run program. Op…
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Cambrian Strong can't be boxed in. The Memphis, TN native and co-CEO of Drumatize Music Group with Tay Keith, whom he also manages, comes on the show to talk about how he figured out being of service in the music industry is the way he would build his brand. He tells us how being an athlete in high school gave him his work ethic and despite having …
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In honor of Halloween, guest Michael Crawford and Vickie Lan sit down to watch and unpack the tropes found in the classic 2000 horror movie American Psycho, including 80s yuppie culture, the unreliable narrator, psychopath characteristics, and the purposeful ambiguity of its characters and settings. Rewatch with us! "American Psycho" is currently a…
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Angela Alvarez joins Vickie Lan to talk about Latinx representation in speculative fiction and the powerful story opportunities that come from writing through an authentic lens. Note: "LatinX" in the context of this episode is used to to inclusively refer to all genders within the community. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify…
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Joseph Pepin is a music manager extraordinaire and A&R consultant from New Jersey. He joins us from Austin, Texas where he is based to talk all things music industry related; from his background as a kid enamored by bands and shows happening in Asbury Park to street teaming and managing bands which lead to his days as a plucky A&R at Island Def Jam…
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Crispin Jeffrey-Franco, owner of Stacks Book Club, joins Vickie Lan on the podcast to talk about tropes from a bookseller's perspective. Learn which tropes are tired and which tropes are on the rise, what booksellers look for when curating their list, and how indie authors can build relationships with their local bookstores. Note: Stacks Book Club …
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It's time to unpack spicy books with Wendy Dwan, LAC EMDR Therapist and smut expert! Wendy and Vickie Lan talk trigger warnings, societal impressions and taboos, and the mental health impacts of spicy fiction. The video version of this episode can be found on Spotify and YouTube. Speculative Sandbox is for entertainment purposes only. This is a vol…
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John Wick, Dexter, James Bond. Rob Hart joins Vickie Lan to discuss the Lawless Lawman character archetype in fiction as well as his book “Assassins Anonymous”. What makes operating outside of the law so attractive? And is this character truly lawless, or does he just have a personal code that he holds above the law? The video version of this episo…
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Wife-swapping, traditions, religious identities, and self-exploration. This episode was filmed live at Stacks Book Club with Vickie Lan as part of author Jessica Elisheva Emerson's debut book tour for "Olive Days", now available! VIDEO: Watch the video interview on Spotify! Stacks Book Club is an indie bookstore located in Oro Valley, Arizona. Husb…
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Vickie Lan returns to Speculative Sandbox with a new format! Learn what's new, what's changing, and what to look forward to. Episode note: - 4:42: I mention “industry professionals” in the context of working on contract within for a publishing house or movie studio, but but this term definitely shouldn’t minimize the professionalism and hard work o…
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