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show episodes

Amazing Technicolor Shitshow

Elle and Trevor Thelen Clementi

Amazing Technicolor Shitshow is a podcast exploring the fumbles and follies of theatre at all levels! Hosts Elle and Trev share hilarious and relatable stories from community theater, regional productions, and professional shows.
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Przerwa Techniczna

Remek Rychlewski, Miłosz Staszewski, Kuba Baran, Krzysztof Nowicki, Marek Telecki

Sporo się dzieje, a wszyscy mamy mało czasu. Jeżeli jednak uda się znaleźć chwilę, warto porozmawiać i wymienić się spostrzeżeniami. Sobie i Wam prezentujemy taką właśnie Przerwę Techniczną!
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Blok Techniczny

Bartłomiej Sieja

Witaj w świecie technologii! Blok Techniczny to podcast, który zabierze cię w niezwykłą podróż po świecie elektroniki, wynalazków, nauki i gadżetów. Odkrywaj z nami najnowsze trendy w dziedzinie elektronicznej rozrywki i zanurz się w historii rozwoju sprzętu komputerowego i informatyki. Redaktor Komputer Świata Bartłomiej Sieja i jego goście analizują odbywające się na naszych oczach zmiany i przewidują kierunki rozwoju coraz bardziej zależnego od technologii świata.
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Technicky vzato

VUT v Brně

Proč se rozložitelná láhev v lese nerozpadne? Vezmou nám roboti práci? Co dýcháme ve městech? My vám to řekneme jako lidi. Vědci, studenti a absolventi z Vysokého učení technického v Brně mluví jednoduše a poutavě o tématech, která se stále více stávají součástí lidských životů, přesto zůstávají pro svou odbornost zahalena nejasnostmi. Podcastem provází Tereza Cinka (Kadrnožková), dříve vědecká redaktorka Českého rozhlasu. Zajímá vás konkrétní téma? Ozvěte se na
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Learn, grow, transform, and find your happiness! Welcome to the Living in Technicolor Podcast by Art of Living Well Academy. Art of Living Well Academy celebrates human connection, personal growth, and unlocking life's full potential. Join me, Lola Brooks, on this empowering journey towards a fulfilled and meaningful life.
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The podcast about micro and nano technicians: Who they are, what they do, and how they got there. Hosted by Peter Kazarinoff and supported by the Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program.
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We Have a Technical

We Have a Technical brings I Die: You Die's discussions of industrial, EBM, goth, dark electro, and related music genres to the podcast format. Join Alex, Bruce, and guests as they explore music's darker alternatives.
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TECHnically Speaking is the the official podcast of The United States Institute for Theatre Technology. Follow along with us as we discuss the stories and work of our members as well as industry topics and happenings.
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Technical Alpha

Technical Alpha

Hosted by Adam (NovaWar) and Jeff (MaximusBlack), Technical Alpha aims to put our opinions on video games, movies, and tech out into the real world where people may judge us feverishly. If things aren't on fire, we're not trying hard enough!
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Technical Leadership Talks

Texas A&M University's Master of Engineering Technical Management

Dive into the world of technical management with "Technical Leadership Talks." Brought to you by Texas A&M University's Master of Engineering Technical Management (METM), join us as we speak with top industry leaders and executives about tech leadership skills, current industry insights, and EQ-based management strategies that are creating the tech leaders of the future.
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Owen Henkel & Libby Hills

Join two former teachers - Libby Hills from the Jacobs Foundation and AI researcher Owen Henkel - for the Ed-Technical podcast series about AI in education. Each episode, Libby and Owen will ask experts to help educators sift the useful insights from the AI hype. They’ll be asking questions like - how does this actually help students and teachers? What do we actually know about this technology, and what’s just speculation? And (importantly!) when we say AI, what are we actually talking about?
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Technically Correct

Ryan Fretwell and Carlos Gomez

A thoughtful, unpretentious, mostly weekly conversation about the companies, ideas and products that are transforming our world. We look at what it is, why it matters and where it fits in the broader business of consumer technology. So, grab your favorite Blue Barn sandwich, put the Giants game on mute and join us. Hosted by Ryan Fretwell and Carlos Gomez.
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Technical Difficulties Gaming Podcast

Technical Difficulties

Hello, Internet! You are now experiencing Technical Difficulties! We are a tabletop role playing game podcast, inspired by the likes of Role Playing Public Radio and The Drunk and The Ugly. We record our game sessions using Google Hangouts and want to share them with you. New episodes every Wednesday.
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Technically Well

Norin Lavaee

Welcome to "Technically Well," where we merge the worlds of wellness and technology to explore groundbreaking innovations and industry trends. Join us for insightful discussions with experts and changemakers in the field, all striving to enhance wellness through tech. Our podcast, "Technically Well," is your go-to destination for dissecting the intersection of wellness and technology. Each episode, we bring together industry leaders to delve into the latest advancements, challenges, and oppo ...
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alphalist.CTO Podcast - For CTOs and Technical Leaders

Tobias Schlottke - alphalist CTO Podcast

This podcast features interviews of CTOs and other technical leadership figures and topics range from technology (AI, blockchain, cyber, DevOps, Web Architecture, etc.) to management (e.g. scaling, structuring teams, mentoring, technical recruiting, product etc.). Guests from leading tech companies share their best practices and knowledge. The goal is to support other CTOs on their journey through tech and engineering, inspire and allow a sneak-peek into other successful companies to underst ...
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Gaiax Technical Radio


ガイアックスのエンジニアがWEB技術やスタートアップ、プロダクト、ブロックチェーン、OSSなど語るポッドキャストです。 ご感想はぜひ #GxTechRadio でTweetしてください!
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Technically Legal is a legal tech podcast exploring how technology is transforming the legal landscape. Each episode features insightful interviews with legal innovators, tech pioneers, and forward-thinking educators who are leading this change. Our guests share their experiences and insights on how technology is reshaping legal operations, revolutionizing law firm practice, and driving the growth of innovative legal tech companies. We also explore the broader implication of technology on ev ...
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A Geek Leader Podcast - inspiring technical and creative leaders around the world

John Rouda: technical leader, author, speaker, educator

The ultimate podcast for aspiring leaders in the creative or technology fields. John Rouda discusses leadership topics, interviews some of the greatest minds today and teaches you practical leadership tips, techniques, tricks and hacks to improve motivation, negotiation, and other much needed skills for leaders today.
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Dorsey Wright & Associates Technical Analysis Podcast

Dorsey Wright & Associates Technical Analysis Podcast

Dorsey, Wright research is conducted along technical lines, adhering to the relationship between supply and demand. We believe this simple but accurate economic theory is manifested as a constant battle between these two forces for control of the equity vehicle. It is this objective, logical approach which helps reduce uncertainty in the market. We believe our Research, coupled with your own fundamental research, will greatly increase your probability of success whether your investment busin ...
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Dive into the dynamic and often inspiring stories of individuals from diverse backgrounds who found their way into the tech world. Each episode, we unravel the unique journeys that led our guests to where they are today – from their first 'Hello, World!' to becoming tech professionals. This podcast is your gateway to the personal side of the programming world. Join us as we explore the human element behind the code and get inspired by the endless possibilities of a career in tech.
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Henrico CTE Now (Career & Technical Education)

Henrico Career & Technical Education

Welcome to our podcast, where we celebrate the value and impact of career & technical education for all students. We invite you to join us as we chat with students, business, and community leaders who share their stories and insights about their career journeys and how students can get ready for the world of work and learning after high school. Our podcast is relevant for students everywhere, not just in our local district. That's why we have listeners from all over the US and more than thir ...
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"Bridging the Bayou - the Podcast of Fletcher Technical Community College" dives into the heart of the Bayou region, highlighting the people, industries, and community efforts driving growth and transformation. Join us as we explore the stories shaping the area's future. This podcast is made possible by the Lumina Foundation.
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NGI Technical

Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

NGI is an independent international centre for research and consultancy in engineering-related geosciences, integrating geotechnical, geological and geophysical expertise. In this podcast NGI's experts discuss research and solutions required to solve some of the most important challenges facing the world related to climate, environment, energy and natural hazards to strengthen societal security.
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In STEM (science, technology, engineering, math)? Struggle with public speaking? Then you're in the right place! I'm Neil Thompson, engineer and speaker. This is the place to get tips to improve your public speaking, and also hear from others with STEM backgrounds who saw the benefit of public speaking in their careers and the steps they took to get better at it. Think you or someone you know would make a great guest? Email me at
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Technicolor Postcast


The Technicolor POSTCAST is an all-access pass to the post-production process of your favorite films and tv series. From front-end workflows, color finishing and sound mixing to VFX, Technicolor artists discuss their craft and how they collaborate with content creators to bring their creative vision to life.
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show series
Zoe McGrady’s journey to FinTech didn’t start in a boardroom, it started on a wrestling mat, where she was the only girl on her high school team. That experience taught her resilience, strategy, and how to thrive in spaces where she wasn’t necessarily expected. It’s a mindset that carried her through Duke’s engineering school, a major career pivot …
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We're reaching just across some borders this week, talking about a pair of records which abut upon the industrial and goth worlds but aren't entirely part and parcel of them. First up is the latest and very cyperpunk-themed record from the industrial-tinged hip-hop trio Clipping. Next, we're talking about Chicago experimentalist Circuit Des Yeux's …
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„Je to nový materiál, je velmi tvrdý, může být venku i vevnitř a vyrábí se při sto padesáti až dvě stě stupních, takže nepotřebuje moc elektřiny. Je to podobné jako keramika nebo umělý kámen. Dá se poškrabat, ale jen když do něho člověk ryje nožem. Dá se obrábět stejně jako dřevo, takže s tím každý truhlář může pracovat normálně. Dá se přebrousit, …
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Guest @AutomatedHouse Jimmy Hawkins Jimmy Hawkins shares his journey into the world of smart home technology, detailing his experiences with various devices, content creation on platforms like TikTok, and the challenges of automation. He discusses the evolution of his smart home setup, the impact of AI, and the balance between content creation and …
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The Value of Speaker Training for Technical Staff In this episode of the Teach the Geek Podcast, host Neil Thompson explores why organizations should invest in speaker training for their technical staff. He shares a real-life conference experience that highlights the gap in communication between technical professionals and business development team…
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Another live Ed-Technical episode! In this short, Owen does a deep dive on AI and discourse analysis (the study of how meaning is constructed through language) with three experts. The conversation explores the intersection between AI, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs), and the study of discourse. This is a topical conversation as LLM capabi…
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In a city towards the top of the Heart, four people look for work. One runs into an old acquaintance, who needs some work done for a client... In the campaign we deal with themes of body horror, cosmic horror, cptsd and ptsd, war, depression, debt, and more. Listener discretion is advised. Heart is a game of delving underground into the meaty night…
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Ian and Aaron discuss Ian's trip to Disney World, Aaron's adventures with Reddit & Hacker News, building a new billing system, and so much more. Sponsored by Bento, Stream, Laravel Cloud, and PHP Tek 2025. Interested in sponsoring Mostly Technical? Head to to learn more. (00:00) - Disney World (17:01) - Follow Up…
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Siri wydaje się być w niemałych kłopotach. Nerwowe ruchy Apple, polegające na ukrywaniu materiałów marketingowych i przekładaniu premier funkcji, które powinny już trafić do najnowszych systemów, zaczynają zbierać żniwa w postaci nieprzychylnych komentarzy. Postanowiliśmy dołączyć do tej dyskusji, analizując, co może być przyczyną tej sytuacji i ja…
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News from and for the week. I talk book reviews, Theatre Architecture Competition, Technical Invention Prize, World Stage Design 2025, PQ2027 and more! Check out Harper College Cutting Hall World Stage Design - Sharjah Technical Invention Prize Theatre Architecture Competition OISTAT USITT Prague Quadrennial…
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For Marcus Davage, tech isn’t just a career, it’s been a lifelong passion. In this episode, Mia sits down with Davage, a lead product developer at BMC Software, a mainframe expert, and a mentor bringing the next generation into tech. They discuss his decades-long career, why mainframes aren’t dead, and why the real secret to a successful tech caree…
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About Ali Ali is an engineer-turned-entrepreneur who thrives at the intersection of technology and business. Early in his career, he built software for startups, scaleups, and enterprises, working on systems capable of handling over a billion customer requests an hour. These weren’t just technical feats—they were lessons in solving real-world probl…
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W 31. odcinku Przerwa Techniczna stawia się w niespodziewanym składzie, bo Kuba woli tupać nóżką na koncercie a i Remek też znika na jakiejś tajnej misji (choć nagrywać nakazał). Krzysztof marudzi (jak zawsze) – tym razem nie tylko na Apple, ale też na za długie poszukiwania wymarzonego czytnika e-booków. Marek upiera się, że nie ma co narzekać na …
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Ship Great Software Through Simplicity and Discipline Discover insights into building a high-performance engineering organization with Stefan Richter, founder of technologies. With 25+ years of experience delivering successful software projects for the Who’s Who of European businesses and industries, Stefan shares his philosophy of rad…
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A conversation with Sean Fitzpatrick, CEO of LexisNexis, North America, UK, and Ireland. Fitzpatrick discusses how LexisNexis is integrating AI into its products to enhance legal practice. The discussion covers the company's approach to innovation, the role of AI in improving attorney efficiency and client outcomes, and the future of legal technolo…
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Trev attempts to explain the origin of "break a leg", a sound tech makes a mad dash, and Elle gets up close and personal with a humpback whale. *Note: this one is definitely E for explicit. Send us your stories! We want your tales of follies and fumbles from community theatre, school/college productions, and professional/regional shows. Email us at…
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It's our sesexacentennial anniversary here at We Have A Technical, and no, that's not a mispronunciation of some oddly named aggrotech album, but cod-Latin for our 550th episode. We like to do something special every fifty episodes, and this is no different, with the Senior Staff casting their eyes and ears back to some club hits which didn't exact…
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Colleen Scholl - Engineering & Lifelong Learner Colleen Scholl is an executive in the architecture, engineering, and environmental services sector. I heard her speak on another podcast, and was keen to have her as a guest on this podcast. I have a bunch of questions for her, including her choice to pursue engineering, her preparation for the work s…
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Three runners are contacted by a Mr. Johnson. He wants them to go off planet to a space station. Under the guise of a group of racing competitions, they need to ascend a corpo skyscraper. This corp found... something on a probe from Europa, and the Johnson wants them to bring it back to Earth to him... CBR+PNK is a Forged in the Dark game of cyberp…
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Today's Guest: @simonsayshomeassistant In this engaging conversation, Simon discusses his passion for home automation, the challenges and joys of content creation, and the evolution of voice control technology. He shares insights on balancing his full-time job with his YouTube channel, the importance of community engagement, and his experiences in …
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In this episode, we talk with Jake Duffee, General Manager at the Caliber Collision in Glen Allen. Caliber is listed in the country's top 20 body shop companies and has many locations all over the Richmond area. Jake talks to us about the industry and how they set the standard when it comes to hiring and training their employees. Careers in the aut…
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Aaron is joined this week by Jordan Gal (Ian's off at Disney World) to discuss everything from finding product market fit for his new product Rosie to the Try Hard business model and so much more. Sponsored by Bento, Stream, Laravel Cloud, and PHP Tek 2025. Interested in sponsoring Mostly Technical? Head to to le…
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Send us a text Join us for an insightful conversation with Matt Hassett, Founder and CEO of Loftie. From community development to pioneering sleep technology, Matt shares wisdom on: • 📱 Creating technology that supports rather than disrupts sleep • 📈 Building a mission-driven company with exponential growth • 🔄 Balancing physical products with AI-p…
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Matt is a senior research technician at the University of Kentucky's Institute of Sustainable Manufacturing. He shares his career path, starting from Somerset Community College, where he earned a 3D printing technician certificate, to working at Blue Origin in Washington State and then returning to Kentucky. Matt emphasizes the importance of proble…
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In this episode of Bridging the Bayou, Chancellor Kristine Strickland sits down with Bren Haase, Director of the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program (BTNEP), to discuss the urgent challenges of coastal land loss and the innovative solutions being implemented. From habitat restoration to community engagement, learn how BTNEP is making a di…
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Everyone is talking about AI’s power to provide answers, but what about your lingering questions? What does the latest research actually tell us? Join Libby and Owen for this live session from SXSW EDU as they delve into the latest research to uncover where AI is truly adding value in the educational landscape — and where it falls short. They’re jo…
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Welcome Back Y'all! Today we're doing a film study on Justin Gaethje's use of Dirty Boxing at UFC 313, as well as other great examples of this "Forgotten Art" in MMA! Big shout out to Sonny Brown & Jack Slack, for the inspiration they gave me to make this video! Check out their work as well. Thanks for watching!…
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W 30. odcinku Przerwy Technicznej ekipa rozprawia się z iPhone’em 16E – telefonem, który „nie jest ani psem, ani wydrą”, ale za to ma brak MagSafe’a tłumaczony… miłością do kabli! Apple Intelligence w Unii Europejskiej? Nie brakuje humorystycznych docinków w stronę Siri, która – jak się okazuje – wciąż ma spore problemy z opanowaniem języka polskie…
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About Lisa Lisa Skinner is a behavioral specialist in the field of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. She is a Certified Dementia Care Trainer through the Alzheimer’s Association. In her 25-year career as a community counselor, private adviser and Regional Director of senior care facilities, she helped thousands of families and caregivers u…
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A conversation with Jaron Luttich, co-founder of Element Standard, a legal tech startup designed to bring transparency and organization to litigation. Jaron discusses how Element Standard's "CONTROLit" app and litigation cartography help litigators manage cases, improve client communication, and streamline internal processes. He highlights the disc…
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Elle prattles on about patter songs, actors flub some lines, and Trev tests out his newfound eloquence. Send us your stories! We want your tales of follies and fumbles from community theatre, school/college productions, and professional/regional shows. Email us at or fill out our story submission form. Instagram: @a…
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We’re joined by a pair of Patreon backers, Gustav of Sturm Café and Eric of Everything Goes Cold, to talk about a pair of records: the throwback, funk-inflected synthpop of Berndsen’s Planet Earth and Babyland’s electronic junk punk swan song Cavecraft, respectively. We’re also chatting about a recent show by Vancouver’s own Devours.…
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Sairan Aqrawi: Engineer & Business Strategist Sairan Aqrawi is an engineer and business strategist who is passionate about leadership development. I’m keen to find out about her interests in engineering and leadership development, and the ways in which effective communication as a technical person has benefited her work life. To get in touch with S…
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The Agents learn more about the magics that have ensorcelled them, and plan which aspect of society to being to the Nagali next... This campaign will touch on many themes, including genocide, slavery, racism, specism, harm to children, and mental health issues, among others. Listener discretion is advised. Agents of ALIS is based on the campaign fr…
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In this episode of the Technical Difficulties Smart Home podcast, we talk with Rohan and Phil from the Home Assistant Podcast. They discuss the evolution of Home Assistant, the challenges faced with smart home devices, and the importance of community contributions in open-source development. The conversation also touches on personal experiences wit…
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