Talking about science Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash:
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>22 Science Talk !swr
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Science Talk is a podcast of longer-form audio experiments from Scientific American--from immersive sonic journeys into nature to deep dives into research with leading experts.
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Conhecer para transformar: essa é a nossa filosofia. No Talk Science, você fica na vanguarda das inovações em produtos e soluções, acompanhando de perto os movimentos dos líderes do mercado e mantendo-se constantemente atualizado. Junte-se a nós na busca incessante pelo conhecimento e pela transformação. Aqui, valorizamos informações de primeira qualidade com um foco claro em conectar e impulsionar os negócios nos mercados de Life Science. Somos um canal de conteúdo comprometido em fornecer ...
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Science Talk - Uni Göttingen ist der Podcast aus der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Universität Göttingen. Hier stellen wir Wissenschaftler*innen unserer Universität vor und sprechen mit ihnen über die Themen, an denen sie forschen und arbeiten.
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A podcast about Open Science, Open Access, Open Education, Open Data, Open Software ... pretty much «open anything». Produced by the University Library at UIT The Arctic University of Norway. Founder and host of episodes 1-31: Erik Lieungh. Host from episode 32 onwards: Per Pippin Aspaas.
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Ακούτε τα podcast του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου. Δημιουργήσαμε αυτήν τη σειρά podcast με τον τίτλο Science Talks όπου συζητάμε με ακαδημαϊκούς, ερευνήτριες και ερευνητές του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου για την επιστήμη. Στόχος μας είναι να σας συστήσουμε το ερευνητικό προσωπικό του ιδρύματος και να συνδέσουμε την επιστήμη και την κοινωνία, με την παρουσίαση εκλαϊκευμένων επιστημονικών θεμάτων. Δημιουργός της σειράς: Μαρίζα Λαμπίρη, Λειτουργός Α, Επικεφαλής Γραφείου Επικοινωνίας & Δημοσίων Σχέσεων, Πανεπ ...
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Talk Science To Me ist der neugierigste Wissenschaftspodcast der Podcastwelt - aber vor allem der TU Graz. Wir stellen Fragen - unsere Forschenden antworten. Von künstlicher Intelligenz über Nachhaltiges Bauen bis hin zu Mikroorganismen, die sich von CO₂ ernähren und so Proteine erzeugen. Hört rein und lasst euch begeistern.
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Science Modeling Talks is a podcast series that introduces you to top science Modeling teachers and thought leaders in a relaxed and conversational interview format. In our episodes, you'll hear stories and ideas that help the science education community learn and grow as effective classroom teachers. Visit our website for show note, links and more info about our guests:
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The following podcast is PosCom Talks Prevention Science, an educational, motivational, and spiritual platform where everyone can come to find recovery. PosCom Talks is affiliated with Families Recovering from Alcoholism & Addiction (FRFAA), an evidence-informed prevention resource program.
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Heroes of Science Fiction and Fantasy covers heroes of movies, television, comics, books, interviews and commentary. Sci-Fi Talk. email: text:510-610-8944.
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Sports! Cover art photo provided by Peter Glaser on Unsplash:
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From space missions to minuscule microbes, Science Buffs covers STEM research at the University of Colorado Boulder and beyond.
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A podcast by elementary students in Austin, Texas conversing about science topics. Support this podcast:
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ChemTalk ( is a brand-new non-profit, whose mission is to make chemistry more fun, easier to learn, and more accessible to people around the world - in the safest manner possible and also to be perceived in a more positive way. On our podcast, we interview chemists, scientists, and educators from across the globe who show the many career paths that involve chemistry, and how a love for chemistry can manifest itself in many unique ways.
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Podcast by Girls Talk Science
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A podcast in which social scientists, philosophers and researchers discuss the themes and works of science fiction.
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We're a couple of young scientists starting up Singapore's first scientific podcast! We'll talk about a diverse range of topics including news titbits of new scientific stories, the PhD life, and alternative scientific careers! Any suggestions on topics are very welcome!
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Welcome to the Wood Science Talks ! We will talk about developments in the field of wood science, research and education, careers, all rooted around the fascinating world of wood (Music: Peter Ratzenbeck)
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Drug Discovery News Talks Science is a podcast where we discuss the latest news in preclinical and translational research. Behind every medical and scientific advancement lies a harrowing story of mystery and discovery. Come with us as we share these stories and connect you to the scientific minds behind them.
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Be inspired, encouraged and enlightened with the latest discussions about anything science, philosophy and theology by Volcanologist and Pastor: Dr Jozua van Otterloo
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Some of the world's greatest scientists, doctors and medical researchers share their discoveries and visions onstage at the TED conference, TEDx events and partner events around the world. You can also download these and many other videos free on, with an interactive English transcript and subtitles in up to 80 languages. TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading.
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Julia Vismann, Wissenschaftsjournalistin im rbb, bewegt sich mit diesem Podcast an der Schnittstelle zwischen Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft. In jeder Ausgabe unterhält sie sich mit Forschenden, die ganz unterschiedliche Expertisen einbringen und arbeitet mit ihnen Gemeinsamkeiten und Gegensätze heraus.
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For over a decade, TSN has been delivering the stories of science told by the world’s leading thinkers. What are they exploring and why? Why did they become scientists? How do they see science as part of the larger culture? And what lies ahead? Here are their tales of discovery. Talking Science on TSN brings you their conversations with Roger Bingham from the TSN archive and fresh from the bench.
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Der Podcast über das Suchen, Finden und Vermitteln von Wissen. Was kann ich wissen? Wie kann ich Wissen erlangen? Wie verwende ich Wissen und gebe es weiter? Der Podcast richtet sich an alle, die sich für Wissen interessieren; ob in der Freizeit, der Schule, beim Studium oder in der Forschung; ob in der Schulbank oder am Pult. Wir sind zwei studierte Physiker, nun in Daten- und Neurowissenschaften sowie der Hochschullehre tätig. Jede Woche sprechen wir über Themen wie effizientes Lernen, Unt ...
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Grease and oil experts discuss all aspects of keeping industrial machines running smoothly.
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Bringing you the latest and greatest information on residential and commercial construction building methods, net zero, passive house, step code, new tools, code compliance and more!
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Welcome to P4A Let’s Talk Rare, a monthly podcast highlighting the most important developments in the world of rare diseases orphan drug, cell and gene therapy, hosted by Georgie Rack and Owen Bryant of Partners For Access. To find out more about Partners For Access and our commitment to sustainable orphan drug access for patients with high unmet need, visit
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This 30-minute show airs every Monday at 7:30 p.m. (ET) and repeats on Tuesdays at 11:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 7:30 a.m. on WFMP-LP, 106.5 FM, Forward Radio, Louisville, KY, USA. Music in this podcast is public domain.
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Prometheus Unbound Podcast: Libertarians Talking About Science Fiction and Fantasy
Geoffrey Allan Plauché | Prometheus Unbound Network
The Prometheus Unbound Podcast is the audio counterpart of the Prometheus Unbound webzine, a libertarian review of speculative fiction and literature. It features news; commentary; interviews with your favorite authors, editors, and libertarian scholars; audio reviews; listener feedback; and special segments like Book of the Month, Today’s Tomorrows Writing Prompt, and Fiction Forecasts. Join us as we talk about books, movies, and television shows in the science fiction and fantasy genres.
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Welcome to the Twin DANK MEMERS EDUCATIONAL Talk Show, where DANK MEMES and donut-eating are reality!!! (not) It's mostly about our DANK 6th grade Science Class (Mr. Wysocki's class). HOPE YA PEOPLE LIKE OUR PODCAST!!!
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E:52 Lost In Space (1965): Guy Williams, June Lockhart, Mark Goddard, Bill Mumy, Jonathan Harris: sci fi, sci-fi, sci fi talk, science fiction podcast, sci fi podcast, sci fi tv
Lost in Space (1965): Guy Williams, June Lockhart, Mark Goddard, Marta Kristen, Bill Mumy, Angela Cartwright, Jonathan Harris, Bob May, Dick Tufeld Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License.…
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Από τον TU Graz
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Dr. Gaurav “Gino” Giri, Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Virginia, is pioneering research in crystallization and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). On this exciting episode of Let's Talk Chemistry, hosts Erin and Aanya discuss their interview with Dr. Giri about his groundbreaking work in MOF-based air filtration masks, drug del…
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Episode 64 - Brooke Jenkins - "Developing Concurrent Enrollment for High Schools / Grants for Teacher P.D"
In this episode, Mark talks with Brooke Jenkins about her early teaching career, her time at ASU, and then as an adjunct instructor at Estrella Mountain Community College, where she was introduced to modeling instruction. They talk about her work with BYU Idaho, and her move to Utah, where she has helped to develop concurrent enrollment classes for…
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Σε αυτό το επεισόδιο φιλοξενούμε τον Δρα Μάρκο Άσπρου, Λέκτορα Ερευνητή στο Κέντρο Αριστείας για Έρευνα και Καινοτομία ΚΟΙΟΣ του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου. O Δρ Άσπρου έλαβε το πτυχίο και το διδακτορικό του δίπλωμα στην Ηλεκτρολογία από το Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου το 2009 και το 2015 αντίστοιχα. Είναι συγγραφέας σε περισσότερα από 80 επιστημονικά άρθρα και υ…
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89o επεισόδιο: Έξυπνα συστήματα νερού
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Σε αυτό το επεισόδιο φιλοξενούμε τον Δημήτριο Ηλιάδη, Επίκουρο Ερευνητή Καθηγητή στο Κέντρο Αριστείας για Έρευνα και Καινοτομία ΚΟΙΟΣ του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου. Είναι κάτοχος πτυχίου Ηλεκτρολόγου Μηχανικού και Μηχανικού Υπολογιστών από το Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Μάστερ στην Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Εδιμβούργου, και δ…
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In this poignant episode, Craig shares his powerful journey of overcoming a tumultuous past filled with trauma and addiction. Growing up in the harsh inner city of Boston, he faced unspeakable childhood events that led him into a cycle of substance abuse. Through heart-wrenching anecdotes, Craig recalls his path to recovery, emphasizing the life-ch…
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E:51 Guardians of the Galaxy (2014): Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Michael Rooker: sci fi, sci-fi, sci fi talk, science fiction movie, science fiction podcast, sci ...
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014): Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, Lee Pace, Michael Rooker, Karen Gillan, Djimon Hounsou, John C. Reilly, Glenn Close, Benicio del Toro. Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License.…
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Gernot Müller-Putz arbeitet an der TU Graz mit Brain-Computer-Interfaces, die Gehirnsignale messen und etwa an Protesen weitergeben können.Από τον TU Graz
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Cathy shares her powerful story of recovery and transformation, recounting her journey from addiction to a life filled with peace and purpose. With a clean date of April 22nd, 2005, she reflects on her past struggles and how her spiritual awakening in jail led her to a life of sobriety. Despite a turbulent family history and personal chaos, Cathy e…
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Die neue Staffel von Talk Science to Me dreht sich ganz um die Biomedizinische Technik, einem wichtigen Forschungsschwerpunkt an der TU Graz.Από τον TU Graz
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E:50 Star Trek: The Original Series: The Doomsday Machine (1967): William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Deforest Kelly, James Doohan, William Windom: Sci fi, Sci-fi, science fiction, sci fi talk, sci fi podcast ...
Star Trek: The Original Series: The Doomsday Machine (1967): William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelly, William Windom Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License. http://crea…
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In this powerful episode, Mike shares his heartfelt experiences on the journey to overcoming addiction. Mike reflects on the early days of his recovery and the stark choices he faced, emphasizing the life-changing realization of addiction as a disease. PosCom Talks and FRFAA have no affiliation with Narcotics Anonymous or any 12-Step Fellowships.…
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E:49 Arcane (2021 TV Series) Steampunk animated series with Science Fiction and Fantasy elements: Hailee Steinfeld, Ella Purnell: Sci fi, sci-fi, sci fi talk, science fiction, steampunk, sci fi podcast ...
Archane (2021 TV Series): Hailee Steinfield, Ella Purnell, Kevin Alejandro, Katie Leung, Toks Olagundoye, Harry Lloyd, Jason Spisak, JB Blanc, Reed Shannon, Mick Wingert, Ellen Thomas, Brett Tucker, Amirah Vann. Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License. https://blocs…
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In this episode, Mark talks with Kathy Harper, a senior lecturer in engineering education at The Ohio State University. She tells us about how she found her way to a modeling workshop half her lifetime ago, and how modeling has changed her life. They also talk about the work that Kathy has done bringing modeling workshops to Ohio, and then having w…
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E:48 Terminator Zero (2024): A Science Fiction Anime, Rosario Dawson, Timothy Olyphant, Andre Holland, Sonoya Mizuno, Sumalee Montano: sci fi, sci-fi, sci-fi talk, science fiction podcast, sci fi podcast ...
Terminator Zero (2024): Rosario Dawson, Timothy Olyphant, Andre Hollar, Sonoya Mizuno, Sumalee Montano, Armani Jackson, Gideon Adlon, Carter Rockwood Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License.…
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Bettina Gossak-Kowalski ist Architektin und beschäftigt sich vor allem mit Holz als Baustoff. Und sie engagiert sich bald in einem neuen Weiterbildungs-Angebot rund um das Bauen mit Holz an der TU Graz.Από τον TU Graz
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Innovative Treatments for Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma with Leonard Mazur of Citius Pharmaceuticals
Welcome to this month's P4A Let’s Talk Rare podcast episode by Partners4Acess. Today, Georgie and Owen are joined by Leonard Mazur, CEO of Citius Pharmaceuticals, to discuss their innovative therapy, Lymphir, for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL). Leonard shares his journey with Citius, from its founding in 2013 to the recent resubmission of Lymphir…
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E:47 Phenomenon (1996) Science Fiction Movie: John Travolta, Kyra Sedgwick, Forest Whitaker, Brent Spiner: Sci fi, Sci-fi, Sci fi talk, science fiction, sci fi podcast, science fiction podcast
Phenomenon (1996) John Travolta, Kyra Sedgwick, Forest Whitaker, Brent Spiner Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License. Podcast co…
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Σε αυτό το επεισόδιο φιλοξενούμε τον Επισκέπτη Επίκουρο Καθηγητή Παιδιατρικής στην Ιατρική Σχολή του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου Νίκο Νικολαϊδη. Ο Δρ. Νικολαΐδης είναι απόφοιτος της Ιατρικής Σχολής του Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών και διδάκτωρ της Ιατρικής Σχολής του Εθνικού και Καποδιστριακού Πανεπιστημίου Αθηνών. Το ερευνητικό του έργο έχει βραβευθεί από το Eur…
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Kenny recounts his struggles with substance abuse, starting from a young age, and the challenges he faced throughout his 27-year battle with addiction. Kenny's transformative journey, from hitting rock bottom to finding solace and strength in the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous. Kenny opens up about his initial skepticism towards recovery meeting…
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E:46 Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 2: Is the Legend of Riker's Beard True?: Science Fiction, Sci fi, Sci-fi, Sci fi Talk, Science fiction podcast, Sci fi podcast, Sci-fi podcast, Star Trek, Star ...
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 2: Is the Legend of Riker's Beard True? Patrick Stewart, Johnathon Frakes, Levar Burton, Michael Dorn, Marina Sertis, Brent Spiner, Wil Wheaton Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License.…
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Tom Kaden plant Häuser aus Holz - und wohnt auch selbst in einem Holzbau. Der Architekt erzählt im Interview, worauf man beim Planen mit Holz achten muss.Από τον TU Graz
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E:45 Passengers (2016): Science Fiction Movie, Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Sheen, Laurence Fishburne, Andy Garcia: Sci fi, Sci-fi, Science fiction, Sci fi talk, sci-fi talk, sci fi podcast ...
Passengers (2016) : Chris Pratt, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Sheen, Laurence Fishburne, Andy Garcia Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License.…
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This week, Mark talks with Phil Root about the differences he sees between teaching using modeling methodology at the high school level and the college level. They talk about Phil's experience helping to adapt modeling materials for physical science to the Next Generation Science Standards, and how much he enjoyed building a storyline for those uni…
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Adam P. candidly discusses the pivotal role that prayer has played in his life, offering a raw and honest reflection on his struggles with substance abuse and the path to sobriety. Throughout the episode, Adam emphasizes the importance of returning to the basics, especially the power of prayer, as a fundamental tool in his recovery process. He reco…
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E:44 The Thing (1982): Science Fiction Horror Film, Kurt Russel, Keith David, Wilford Brimley, David Clennon, Richard Masur T.K. Carter: Sci fi, Sci-fi, Sci-fi talk, Science fiction, Horror, Science Fiction ...
John Carpenter's The Thing (1982): Kurt Russel, Keith David, Wilford Brimley, David Clen, T.K Carter, Richard Masur, Donald Moffat, Bill Lancaster, Larry Franco, Joel Polis, Thomas G. Waites, Charles Hallahan Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License. https://blocsoni…
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In this heartfelt and inspiring episode, we meet Allie, a recovering addict who shares her powerful journey of overcoming addiction and finding hope through the program of Narcotics Anonymous. Allie celebrates nearly a decade of sobriety, reflecting on her struggles and triumphs along the way. Allie candidly discusses her past, highlighting the cha…
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Andreas Ringhofer forscht an der TU Graz an Holz als Baustoff. Und wohnt auch selbst in einem Holzhaus.Από τον TU Graz
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E:43 The Princess Bride (1987): Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin, Andre the Giant, Robin Wright, Peter Faulk, Billy Crystal: Sci fi, Sci-fi, Sci-fi talk, Science fiction, fantasy film
The Princess Bride (1987): Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin, Wallace Shawn, Andre the giant, Robin Wright, Peter Faulk, Billy Crystal, Chris Sarandon, Christopher Guest Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License.…
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In this heartfelt episode, we dive into the inspiring story of Fred, a man who has faced numerous battles with addiction and emerged stronger on the other side. Fred's journey began with struggles in his youth, leading to years of substance abuse that took a toll on his personal and professional life. Despite the challenges, Fred's resilience and d…
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Σε αυτό το επεισόδιο φιλοξενούμε την Καθηγήτρια στοΤμήμα Βυζαντινών και Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών Μαριλένα Καρυολαίμου. Με την κα Καρυολαίμου συζητάμε για την Κοινωνιογλωσσολογία, τη γλωσσική πολιτική, τιςμειονοτικές γλώσσες και την αναβίωση της Κυπριακής Αραβικής. Η ηχογράφηση του επεισοδίου έγινε στο στούντιο του Κέντρου Πληροφόρησης-Βιβλιοθήκη "Στέλι…
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E:42 The Penguin (2024) TV Series: Colin Farrell, Rhenzy Feliz, Cristin Milioti, Theo Rossi, Michael Kelly: Sci-fi, Sci fi, Sci-fi talk, Science fiction, Science fiction movie, DC comic book movie, comic ...
The Penguin (2024) TV Series: Colin Farrell, Rhenzy Feliz, Cristin Milioti Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License. Podcast cover…
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In this heartfelt episode, we delve into Tuan's powerful story of overcoming addiction and finding a path to recovery. Tuan opens up about his early struggles with substance abuse, beginning at the tender age of 10, and the traumatic experiences that led him down this difficult road. He candidly shares his battle with addiction, the impact it had o…
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Reinhard Brandner ist Bauingenieur und beschäftigt sich mit dem Baustoff Holz. Im Interview erzählt er, welche Bäume sich dafür besonders eigenen, und warum Holz ein großartiger Baustoff ist.Από τον TU Graz
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In this episode of P4A Let's Talk Rare, hosts Georgie and Owen Bryant from Partners For Access are joined by Wes Michael, founder and president of Rare Patient Voice LLC. Wes shares the organization’s journey from its beginnings as a community project for hemophilia patients to a global platform that connects rare disease patients and caregivers wi…
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Die neue Staffel von Talk Science to Me beschäftigt sich mit Holz. Hört in den nächsten Wochen wieder rein!Από τον TU Graz
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E:41 Scavengers Reign (2023) An Animated Science Fiction Television Series, Iron Man #16 (1969) Comic Book, Sci-fi, Science fiction, Sci fi, Sci-fi talk, Sci-fi podcast, Science fiction podcast, comic ...
Scavengers Reign (2023) An Animated Science Fiction Television Series Iron Man #16 (1969) Facebook: Doc From The Podcast Heroes of Science Fiction and Fantasy (send me a friend request) Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License.…
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Dr. Tashica Amirgholizadeh is a patent litigator at Gilead Sciences who combines her passion for chemistry with the law. She obtained her PhD in Chemistry at the California Institute of Technology and her JD at the University of California Berkeley School of Law. She shares her unique career journey and her responsibilities at Gilead. We hope you e…
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E:40 Edge of Tomorrow (2014), Ben Ferrari’s Carriers and Alex De Luca's Dragon Whisperer: Lodi Comic Con September 28, 2024: Sci fi, Science Fiction, Sci-fi, Science Fiction podcast, sci fi podcast, sci ...
Edge of Tomorrow (2014) Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, Bill Paxton, Brendan Gleeson Lodi Comic Con (fall) September 28, 2024 Ben Ferrari's Carriers Season 1 Alex De Luca's Dragon Whisperer Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License.…
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This month, Mark talks with the executive officer of the AMTA, Ray Howanski. They talk about the importance of getting at student thinking and effective student-led discussions, and the transformation that happens when students start being the scientists rather than just looking to the authority figure for the "right answers." They talk about the d…
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E:39 Godzilla Minus One (2023) A Science Fiction Movie, Beserk the Manga, Sci fi, Science fiction, Sci-fi talk, Science fiction podcast, sci-fi, sci-fi podcast, science fiction movie, science fiction film ...
Godzilla Minus One (2023): Ryunosuke Kamiki, Minami Hamabe, Yuki Yamada, Munetaka Aoki, Hidetaka Yoshioka, Sakura Ando, Kuranosuke Sasaki Beserk the Manga Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License.…
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E:38 Iron Man (2008) A Marvel Movie: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Iron Man Comic Book #92: Sci fi, Sci-fi, Sci-fi talk, Science fiction, Science fiction podcast, Science fiction movie, Sci fi podcast ...
Iron Man (2008): Robert Downey Jr., Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges, Gwyneth Paltrow, Leslie Bibb Iron Man Comic Book #92 (1976) Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License. http://c…
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E:37 Star Trek (2009) A Science Fiction Movie: Chris Pine, Zackery Quinto, Leonard Nimoy, Karl Urban, Zoe Saldana: Sci fi, science fiction, sci-fi talk, Sci-fi
Star Trek (2009): Chris Pine, Zachery Quinto, Bruce Greenwood, John Cho, Ben Cross, Simon Pegg, Winonan Ryder, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Anton Yelchin, Eric Bana, Leonard Nimoy Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License.…
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E:36 Alien: Romulus (2024), A Science Fiction Movie, Cailee Spaeny, David Jonsson, sci fi, sci-fi, sci-fi talk, science fiction, science fiction film, science fiction movie, sci fi movie, sci-fi film
Alien: Romulus (2024), Cailee Spaeny, David Jonsson, Archie Renaux, Isabela Merced, Spike Fearn Doc's Facebook Name: Doc from the podcast Heroes of Science Fiction and Fantasy Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License.…
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This month, Mark talks with F. Joseph Merlino about the work he has done using grants from the National Science Foundation to reform math and science education. They talk about his work in Egypt overhauling their whole education system, working with the decision-makers to identify their biggest challenges and then how they can design school around …
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E:35 Logan (2017) The Tenth X-Men Movie: An Introduction, Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart: Sci fi, Science fiction, Sci-fi talk, Science fiction podcast, Sci-fi, Science fiction movie, marvel movie
Logan (2017) - Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Dafne Keen, Richard E. Grant, Boyd Holbrook, Stephen Merchant Podcast: Super Smashed Bros. Austincohen Art- facebook: : discord username: roysculpt Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License. https:/…
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E:34 Star Trek: The Next Generation: Are There Any Good Episodes In Season 1 ? Sci fi, Sci-fi, Science Fiction podcast, Science Fiction, Sci fi Talk, Sci-fi Talk, Science fiction film
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Patrick Stewart, Jonathon Frakes, Michael Dorn, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, Levar Burton, Wil Wheaton, Gates McFadden. Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License.…
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E:33 Battlestar Galactica (2004) An Introduction, Aaron Douglas "The Chief" Interview: Sci fi, Sci-fi, Science Fiction, Sci fi talk, Sci-fi talk, Sci fi podcast, Science fiction podcast
Battlestar Galactica (2004) An Introduction. Aaron Douglas -"The Chief" Interview Music: February (mumblemix) this track is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commerical 3.0 Unported License. Podcas…
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Dr. Benjamin Hsiao, Professor of Chemistry at Stony Brook University, is a renowned scientist in the fields of polymer science, materials chemistry, and nanotechnology. On this exciting episode of Let’s Talk Chemistry edited by Emma Stewart, hosts Erin Suh and Elizabeth Li discuss our interview with Dr. Benjamin Hsiao. He shares his career journey,…
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