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show episodes
Spirited discussions of government, politics, and current events without predictable left/right bias. The Smerconish Podcast is for Independent Minds. The Michael Smerconish Program airs live on SiriusXM's POTUS Channel 9AM-12PM ET and replays 9PM-12AM East, Monday-Friday.
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Peggy Smedley Show

Peggy Smedley

The Peggy Smedley Show, your voice for our connected world, is an authoritative conversation hosted by tech journalist and sustainability influencer, Peggy Smedley with market leaders, authors, consultants, analysts, and more.
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Populárny denný spravodajský newsletter Ranný brífing denníka SME prinášame aj v audio verzií. Prehľad najdôležitejších správ dňa tak môžete každé ráno počas pracovného týždňa nielen čítať, ale aj počúvať. Text načítava syntetický neurálny hlas.
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Smersh Pod

John Rain

The podcast about Bond, film and Columbo, hosted by John Rain. Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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I Smell Music!


Podcast dla wszystkich miłośników muzyki, pragnących inspirować się i poszukiwać nowych, muzycznych fascynacji. Wraz z zaproszonymi gośćmi eksplorujemy ciekawe muzyczne obszary, odkrywając nowe, nieznane nam oblicza tej wspaniałej dziedziny sztuki. Dołącz do nas!
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The Smellcast

Toppie Smellie

Produced by Toppie Smellie, a fifty two year old gay guy who lives in upstate New York, The Smellcast is an audio podcast that defies being categorized or labeled. Tune in and listen as Toppie enhances true tales spun from the grist of his own self-described failed life with moments of pure fun and fiction. Topics range from his mundane day to day life to the national news and wondrous happenings from around the globe and all the amazing people who inhabit it. Fascinated by the minute and th ...
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The Josiah Smelser Show

Josiah Smelser

Welcome to The Josiah Smelser Show! Join me as we study and develop the mindset needed to achieve greatness. From accomplishing goals or building a business to achieving financial independence, this show is about conquering limiting beliefs to achieve next level results. Formerly the Daily Real Estate Investor podcast, the show has been rebranded as Josiah uses the financial independence he achieved through his 7-figure real estate investing business to bring you practical advice, valuable i ...
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Smettere di lavorare

Smettere di lavorare

Francesco Narmenni vive senza lavorare da molti anni andando nella direzione opposta suggerita dai guru del business e del marketing, ovvero allontanandosi dal denaro, dal successo e vivendo fuori dagli schemi imposti dalla società. Attraverso la sua esperienza Narmenni ci insegna come semplificare la propria esistenza, vivere con pochi soldi e usare il denaro per generare altro denaro. Secondo l'autore si è veramente liberi solo dopo essersi creati una realtà dove poter decidere come vivere ...
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Smell Ya Later

Tynan Sinks, Sable Yong

Tynan Sinks and Sable Yong — friends, beauty editors, award-winning fragrance writers (some of us), and scent fiends — are giving the world the podcast no one asked for. Smell Ya Later explores every imaginable angle at which we interact with the aromas and odors in our lives, the scents that have seared themselves into our memory, and scents that inform the way we envision our future. That includes everything from fine fragrances to candles to dish soap. For more info, check out our website ...
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The SLIS podcast covers 80s and 90s alternative rock and metal, and current bands that carry the torch. We interview rock stars and do reviews, retrospectives and the occasional middle-aged, Gen X rant. *Theme song: ‘Hold It’ by Interstelar. Support this podcast:
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On the Strategy and Leadership Podcast, we interview CEOs, business leaders, authors and thought leaders to get their perspectives on strategy, leadership, management and other trends to support your career as a leader. If you’re looking for one of the best business or management podcasts out there, we’re in the top 3 percent of the world. Be sure to subscribe! We put a new podcast out once a week. The Strategy and Leadership podcast is hosted by SME Strategy: We’re a management consulting f ...
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Smells Like Identity Hygiene

SPHERE - Identity Hygiene Solutions

84% of organizations experienced an identity-related breach within the last year. What were they missing? How could they have avoided it? Welcome to "Smells Like Identity Hygiene," the podcast for IT professionals, cybersecurity enthusiasts and anyone looking for a better way to protect their organization's most critical assets from risk. - Stay up-to-date with cybersecurity trends, news and industry best practices - Reduce cyber insurance costs, maintain compliance and prevent revenue loss ...
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These are the voyages of three smelly pirate content creators who have done everything from swab the decks to rigging the sails on hundreds of journeys. B2B marketing content comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be aimed at a wide audience or target a handful of key decision makers. The crew at Lion’s Way has worked on every imaginable type of content for tech companies big and small. And now we are sharing tales of high adventure on the high seas and hopefully providing you with some valua ...
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S.M.E. Stories Podcast

Northway Capital Group

Where we tell the exciting stories of the small business owners in Canada, whether it's your side hustle, full-time venture, or monetizing your passion project, it's all in the story. Different business owners from various industries tell you how it is. Our goal is to educate and motivate you to control your destiny. Real estate, pets, healthcare, fitness, and art industries will be on the show. Solopreneurs, partnerships, corporations, and franchise owners are all welcome. Sit back, get los ...
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Talking SME with Ten2Two … eavesdropping on the experts

Ten2Two - Experts in Flexible Recruitment and Consultancy

Ten2Two works with business large and small across all sectors and industries and has fascinating conversations every day about how businesses are adapting and leading in these changing and uncertain times. Our new series, Talking SME, lets you join us for these conversations to get insights, learnings and advice from a broad range of business leaders. Our guests talk about a subject close to their hearts and share their personal insights for your benefit. Give yourself a short break to hear ...
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SND – Sme Národné

Slovenské národné divadlo

Kdekoľvek sa nachádzate, s kýmkoľvek sa prechádzate, ako odreagovanie, keď s niekým nevychádzate, práve vtedy k vám prichádzame. Vítame Vás pri počúvaní podcastu SME NÁRODNÉ. Činohra, Opera i Balet spolu na jednom mieste. Raz týždenne sa Vám budeme prihovárať správami o tom, čomu všetkému sa venujeme, keď práve nestojíme na javisku. Podcasty jednotlivých súborov vám otvoria dvere do zákulisia celkom iným spôsobom. Nechajte sa vtiahnuť do zvuku divadla. Vždy v nedeľu večer nás môžete počuť na ...
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Rozprávky SME

Klasické rozprávky (nielen) zo Zlatého fondu denníka SME, ktoré číta člen činohry Slovenského národného divadla Robert Roth. Ku klasickým textom od Pavla Dobšinského a Hansa Christiana Andersena v dobovom jazyku neskôr pribudnú aj nové slovenské autorské rozprávky.
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My sme misia

Na každom záleží

Mapujeme Slovenské kresťanské misijné projekty a iniciatívy. Zaujíma nás, čo sa robí, kto to robí a ako to robí :) Chceme sa pýtať na skúsenosti a poznatky ľudí zo šírenia evanjelia a prinášať tak inšpiráciu tým, ktorých táto téma zaujíma. Projekt z dieľne Na každom záleží.
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Smertesnak er til dig, som kæmper med længerevarende smerter og til dig, som hjælper andre med at tackle deres. Dine værter er specialiserede fysioterapeuter, undervisere og smertebehandlere, som giver dig brugbare redskaber, dugfriske perspektiver og nye strategier til at blive mindre begrænset af smerter. Vi snakker vidt og bredt om smerter og punkterer de myter, misforståelser og overbevisninger som står i vejen for at komme tilbage til et smertefrit liv.
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I Smerteuniverset vil du lære at smerter ikke altid er så simple som mange tror og hvorfor det er muligt at have smerter selvom man ikke har nogen skade. Dette er en podcast for alle der gerne vil lære mere omkring smerter og for dig med kroniske smerter, som søger viden til hvordan du kan få en bedre hverdag eller blive smertefri. Vi tager dig på en rejse i smertens univers og interviewer både forskere, klinikere og patienter for at belyse den nyeste viden omkring smerter og rehabilitering. ...
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Stærk & Smertefri

Jacob Beermann

Stærk & Smertefri er podcasten for dig, som vil lære mere om styrketræning, smerte, kost og sundhed på en nuanceret måde uden magiske løfter. Jacob Beermann fra er din vært og guider dig igennem junglen af misinformation på en letforståelig måde, når han giver dig konkrete tips, overblik over videnskaben og overvejelser om hvorfor vi gør som vi gør.
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Smelly Cats - der "Friends" Podcast. 💜 In unserem Podcast dreht sich alles um die weltbekannte und berühmte TV-Serie "Friends". Wir, das sind Anni und Sophie, besprechen dabei Folge für Folge unsere Lieblingsserie. Ihr könnt gespannt sein auf unnötiges Hintergrundwissen, viel Spaß und eine Menge Gelaber.
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show series
Prečítajte si ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Víkendový výber: Čo spája exotický kmeň z Oceánie a ľudí z Oravy 1. Vedci hovoria o oravskom klastri. Manželstvá medzi príbuznými prispeli ku génovým mutáciám 2. Profesor Kurča: Niektorí príbuzní s pozitívnym genetickým vyšetrením dostali ťažkú depresiu 3. Mozgy obetí pripomínali špongie. Čo spája exotický kmeň z Oceánie a ľudí…
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*Podporte podcast Dobré ráno v aplikácii Toldo na ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Európska komisia vydala tento týždeň správu, v ktorej sa pozrela na stav právneho štátu na Slovensku. A je to tristné čítanie: Slovensko zaradila vedľa Maďarska ako krajiny, ktoré majú v Únii najviac problémov. Ficova vláda oslabila boj s korupciou, prenasleduje…
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Brad Sugars, president and founder of Action Coach Global, shares insights on business coaching, leadership, and business modeling. He discusses the importance of coaching, management, and leadership skills, as well as the evolution of business strategies. Brad emphasizes the significance of leverage, scalability, marketability, and opportunity in …
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Ruth George, HR Consultant and Herts CIPD Chair, talks about the challenges HR can pose for a SME, the importance of offering flexibility to employees and why small businesses can't afford to miss the AI boat. Ruth is a Chartered Member of the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) with over 25 years' experience in senior HR manage…
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Learn how to take your business to the next level by franchising with expert advice! Discover the key steps, strategies, and considerations involved in franchising your business, and unlock the potential for growth and success with Brian Cook, Founder & President of StretchMed. Sit back and absorb!! Episode 97 #SMEStories #podcast #smallbusiness #b…
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Continuing our series exploring different types of content produced for B2B marketing, our trio of brave buccaneers turn their spyglasses on the noble white paper. White papers are important pieces of long-form writing that can be used for technical deep-dives, thought leadership, or how-to guides. But how are they created, and how do they tie into…
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Every day, we post a thought-provoking poll question for you to vote on at Michael explains it here to give you some insight behind the question, and then asks you to cast your ballot. Today Michael asks you: Do those with children have more of a stake in the country’s future than those who do not? Listen here, then vote, and rate a…
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GUADAGNARE senza LAVORARE 👉 Stanco dei commenti negativi? In questo video spiego perché non dovresti preoccuparti delle critiche online e come sviluppare una mentalità indifferente e vincente. Un messaggio potente per tutti i creatori di contenuti.
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 25. júla 2024: Eurokomisia nedá Suskovi vydýchnuť, proti korupcii má bojovať stíhaný 1. Eurokomisia poslala ďalší list k novele trestných kódexov, Susko dostal dva mesiace na nápravu 2. Fico chcel pri boji proti korupcii pustiť uzdu fantázii. Teraz dal agendu pod obvineného Gedru 3. Vojnový zločinec v Kongrese? Netanja…
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Prečítajte si Výber šéfredaktorky: Prečo sa Taraba namiesto dúhy nevenuje radšej teplu? Z vlajky už bol obrus, transparent s heslami aj podklad pre nápis SNS. Problém je až štátny znak na dúhe O LGBT+, „tradičnej rodine“ a kresťanstve Susko dostal ďalší list z Bruselu. Ani najnovšie zmeny v Trestnom zákone sa Komisii nepozdávajú Brusel Ficovým slzá…
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Which gives you a better guarantee at a successful career path - vocational school or a college degree? Listen to a man who went to both, at the same time! Darnell Epps is a recent Yale Law School graduate, AND a recent Lincoln Technical School graduate, he spoke with Michael about how his experience led him to believe in the untapped potential of …
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Join us for a special episode as we delve into the legacy of musical icon Michael Hutchence, whose career with INXS skyrocketed in the 80s. Beloved for his mystique and distinctive vocals, Hutchence left a lasting impact on millions despite his untimely passing in 1997. Now, producer Danny Saber (U2, Madonna, David Bowie) brings Hutchence's unfinis…
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Every day, we post a thought-provoking poll question for you to vote on at Michael explains it here to give you some insight behind the question, and then asks you to cast your ballot. Today Michael asks you: Is the current enthusiasm for Kamala Harris short lived? Listen here, then vote, and rate and review this podcast!…
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*Podporte podcast Dobré ráno v aplikácii Toldo na ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Historicky najväčší zbrojný kontrakt v slovenskej histórii. Aj tak sa dá označiť zmluva so Spojenými štátmi, ktorú Slovensko podpísalo v roku 2018, a ktorá sa postupne pretavuje do reality. V pondelok totiž na leteckej základni v Kuchyni pri Malackách pristáli prv…
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Peggy talks about how we must prepare for what the next generation of work will look like. She says the worker is key to ensuring successful digital transformation in the future and highly engaged individuals enjoy excelling at their roles and helping companies achieve their objectives. She also discusses: Who Gen Z is and their role in the workfor…
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Peggy Smedley and Peter Cappelli, George W. Taylor professor of management and director of the center for human resources, The Wharton School, talk about how we are shifting away from practices that seem to produce good results and instead are focusing on optimizing cost reduction. He says something that is not happening—but we think is—is fundamen…
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Peggy Smedley and Martin Moore-Ede, director, Circadian Light Research Center, talk about how we spend 90% of our time indoors and the impact this has on our health. He says for generations our ancestors lived under bright daylight and now we live indoors, and we live in the virtual twilight. Our internal clocks have drifted apart and that has huge…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 24. júla 2024: Brusel vidí Ficovu snahu o Orbánistan, Taraba zlyháva a vrtí psom 1. Európska komisia sa obáva o právny štát na Slovensku. Hodnotenie sa skončilo fiaskom 2. Z vlajky už bol obrus, transparent s heslami aj podklad pre nápis SNS. Problém je až štátny znak na dúhe 3. Hra na vojnu ako dovolenka. Čínski turis…
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ABC News Editorial Director of Data Analytics G. Elliott Morris joins the Michael Smerconish Program for a conversation about polling data surrounding the Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump presidential matchup. Michael then opens the floor for callers to share their thoughts. Original air date 23 July 2024.…
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In this episode of the DooDoo Diva's Smells Like Money Podcast, we welcome Chetan Shukla from Clean Environmental Technologies, all the way from Mumbai, India. Chetan shares insights about a groundbreaking technology developed in the United States that has found significant success in North America and around the globe. This innovative approach to …
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Every day, we post a thought-provoking poll question for you to vote on at Michael explains it here to give you some insight behind the question, and then asks you to cast your ballot. Today Michael asks you: Will the next 7 weeks of the presidential election be as interesting as the last 7 weeks? Listen here, then vote, and rate an…
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*Podporte podcast Dobré ráno v aplikácii Toldo na ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Označujú to za výhru nad nenávistnou opozíciou. Rozhodnutie Ústavného súdu o novele Trestného zákona oslavovali a špeciálne to označovali za debakel prezidentky Čaputovej aj opozície. Konečne sme si však mohli prečítať 117 strán rozhodnutia Ústavného súdu, ktoré už …
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 23. júla 2024: Ústavný súd koalíciu nešetril, Pellegrini s Kaliňákom sa Rusku vyhli 1. Fico sa rozhodnutím Ústavného súdu chváli. Odôvodnenie nálezu ukazuje niečo iné 2. Vlasť, zvrchovanosť, národná hrdosť. Pri F-16 o hrozbe Ruska hovoril len veľvyslanec 3. Čína uberá z opatrnosti. Jej vojaci neďaleko hraníc NATO sú si…
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Michael is joined by frequent guest of the show Admiral James Stavridis in a chat about the Vice Presidency ahead of the 2024 election. The duo discuss future prospects who may fill Kamala Harris' running mate position, and listeners of the show provide their own thoughts on the topic. Original air date 23 July 2024.…
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Every day, we post a thought-provoking poll question for you to vote on at Michael explains it here to give you some insight behind the question, and then asks you to cast your ballot. Today Michael asks you: Who is Harris’ strongest running mate? Listen here, then vote, and rate and review this podcast!…
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*Podporte podcast Dobré ráno v aplikácii Toldo na ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Najskôr bola katastrofálna debata v CNN, nasledovali týždne stupňujúceho sa tlaku amerických demokratov. Úradujúci prezident Spojených štátov Joe Biden nakoniec tento víkend urobil čosi kedysi nepredstaviteľné: oznámil, že odstupuje z kampane a o znovuzvolenie sa už n…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 22. júla 2024: Dolinkovej človek spôsobil kolaps, vďaka Smeru a SNS za stíhačky z USA 1. V Trenčíne skolabovalo kardiocentrum. Ľudia s infarktom sú v ohrození 2. Miliardové nákupy do obrany majú pokračovať. Čo vojaci majú, čo budú mať a čo by mať chceli? 3. Biden za ňou stojí, proti sú však prieskumy. Kto je viceprezid…
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Michael Smerconish sits down with Kevin D. Williamson, a National Correspondent for The Dispatch, in a conversation about J.D. Vance, his political stances, and his background prior to Donald Trump's running mate announcement. Callers also share their thoughts on the upcoming Presidential Election. Original air date 22 July 2024.…
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Every day, we post a thought-provoking poll question for you to vote on at Michael explains it here to give you some insight behind the question, and then asks you to cast your ballot. Today Michael asks you: Who wins, Trump or Harris? Listen here, then vote, and rate and review this podcast!…
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Pondelkové epizódy v Dobrom ráne patria v lete iným podcastom denníka SME. Predstavíme vám prácu našich kolegýň a kolegov a témy, ktorým sa venujú. Dnes si budete môcť vypočuť epizódu podcastu Ľudskosť, v ktorom sa Barbora Mareková so svojimi hosťami a hostkami rozpráva o spoločnosti a mentálnom zdraví. Tentokrát so psychologičkou Evou Vavrákovou r…
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Prečítajte si prehľad správ z 21. júla 2024: Majerský sa chytil na Ficovu udičku, Biden urobil správne rozhodnutie 1. KDH reaguje na vábenie Smeru, predstavilo osem zmien ústavy. Spolu by mali 91 hlasov 2. Po správe o protiteroristickej akcii prišlo desaťtisíc ľudí. Pride obišiel prezidentský palác z väčšej diaľky 3. Biden odstúpil z boja o Biely d…
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Prečítajte si Vizita: Ako sa s vekom menia narcisti a aké vlastnosti rozvíjate hrou na klavíri Učí hrať na klavíri: Nikdy nehovorím žiakom, že niečo zahrali zle, ale že zahrali iný tón Dôvera? Je to viac ako len sociálny konštrukt, môže byť súčasťou DNA Vedci našli v tampónoch olovo aj arzén. Nevedia, či sa dostávajú aj do tela Narcisti sa s vekom …
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*Podporte podcast Dobré ráno v aplikácii Toldo na ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Hoci je leto, poslanci tento týždeň prekvapivo “neprázdninovali”. Z dovoleniek sa vrátili na mimoriadnu schôdzu, aby schválili ďalšiu novelu Trestného zákona. Opravovať totiž museli námietky Európskej komisie, ktorá Slovensku vytkla, že eurofondy nebudú dostatočne c…
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