Podcast by Sheadon Ringor
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The first and only podcast on Rock's Greatest Drummer
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Ringo Hsce Ini adalah nama untuk mencari karya Dari Ringo Hsce di berbagai Platform salah satunya Ialah Spotify , welcome untuk kamu yang pertama kali gabung, Aku Harap Di sini kamu Bisa termotivasi, bisa di kuatkan, dan bisa terhibur love You so Much.. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ringo-hsce/support
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Join Ri and Tom and diffrent guests! We have 100 questions. We roll 2 ten sided dice for a number between 1-100. we answer it to the best of our ability.- Ringo, Jingo, Question, Bingo. - Each episode we will have a new guest who brings there own brand of conversation and comedy to the talking table. Sound by the wonderful Yussuf Mrabty. If you wanted to play along with us get your own bingo tickets and cross numbers off as we go, for possible prizes!
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Hidden Treasure & Fine Pearls.
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Sometime we have preconceived expectations that have nothing to do with faith in Jesus....
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Another challenge to believers to check their motives & hearts.
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4 soils-Matthew 13:1-23
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What does a parable mean today after 21 centuries.
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The last beatitude.
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Peace requires more than we think.
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The visibility of God.
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A blessing. Or a curse.
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A deeper spirituality in ChristΑπό τον Sheadon Ringor
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Hunger & Thirst Part 1: A transformed appetite.Από τον Sheadon Ringor
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The first beatitude to actionΑπό τον Sheadon Ringor
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Mourning? And what kind of comfort? What about God’s silence?Από τον Sheadon Ringor
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Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…the most monumental beatitude of them all.Από τον Sheadon Ringor
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The power of the word repent is lost in religion jargon and toxic cliches.Από τον Sheadon Ringor
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We often hand back the cross to Jesus.Από τον Sheadon Ringor
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This episode joined by Bennet is Coming a wonderful young queer mancunian singer/songer writer. With his emotive themes and incredible tone of voice he makes timeless modern R&B to help people be understood. This months numbers and questions are 11. What is beauty? 15. What are some things that are okay to occasionally do but definitely not okay to…
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Ringo Jingo Question Bingo is the brain child of two friends, who wanted to take the inane questioning of everything into a workable show. We now have 10 getting to know you questions followed by a list of 100 questions, roll 2 10-sided dice and answer strange questions, whilst sharing weird and wonderful anecdotes. This episode joined by Ben Atha …
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Ringo Jingo Question Bingo is the brain child of two friends, who wanted to take the inane questioning of everything into a workable show. We now have 10 getting to know you questions followed by a list of 100 questions, roll 2 10-sided dice and answer strange questions, whilst sharing weird and wonderful anecdotes. This week joined by Modern day p…
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The one with Estee and Yusuf
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1:20:28Ringo Jingo Question Bingo is the brain child of two friends, who wanted to take the inane questioning of everything into a workable show. We now have 10 getting to know you questions followed by a list of 100 questions, roll 2 10-sided dice and answer strange questions, whilst sharing weird and wonderful anecdotes. This week joined by Estee, a par…
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Talking w/ Andy about Stop And Smell The Roses and Can't Fight Lightning Rankings: 1. Ringo 2. Ringo's Rotogravure 3. Stop And Smell The Roses 4. Goodnight Vienna 5. Sentimental Journey 6. Bad Boy 7. Beaucoups Of Blues 8. Ringo The 4th Lots of Peace... and LOVE for staying with me during my extended break, expect new Season 2 podcasts coming soon!…
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Talking with Andy about Stop and Smell the Roses. Rankings 1. Ringo 2. Ringo's Rotogravure 3. Stop And Smell The Roses 4. Goodnight Vienna 5. Sentimental Journey 6. Bad Boy 7. Beaucoups Of Blues 8. Ringo The 4th
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The one with Mike
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:04:25Ringo Jingo Question Bingo is the brain child of two friends, who wanted to take the inane questioning of everything into a workable show. We now have 10 getting to know you questions followed by a list of 100 questions, roll 2 10-sided dice and answer strange questions, whilst sharing weird and wonderful anecdotes. This week joined by Mike who is …
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talking about bad boy PEACE AND LOVE!!! Rankings: 1. Ringo 2. Ringo's Rotogravure 3. Goodnight Vienna 4. Sentimental Journey 5. Bad Boy 6. Beaucoups Of Blues 7. Ringo The 4th
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The one with Abi
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:07:44Ringo Jingo Question Bingo is the brain child of two friends, who wanted to take the inane questioning of everything into a workable show. We now have 10 getting to know you questions followed by a list of 100 questions, roll 2 10-sided dice and answer strange questions, whilst sharing weird and wonderful anecdotes. This week joined by Abi a lovely…
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My interview with ringo's saxophonist Warren Ham
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The one with Ben Hodge
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:15:46Ringo Jingo Question Bingo is the brain child of two friends, who wanted to take the inane questioning of everything into a workable show. We have a list of 100 questions, roll 2 10-sided dice and answer strange questions, whilst sharing weird and wonderful anecdotes. This week joined by Ben a stand up comic and all round great guy.…
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impressions on new record from richard starkey himself
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talkin with joe
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What if we are living in a Christian delusion?Από τον Sheadon Ringor
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Bonus 5: News-Rama! (Change The World first impressions, McCartney IIImagined, All Things Must Pass)
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6. Ringo The 4th with Ken Michaels
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1:36:07Talking about Ringo's 4th pop album with Ken Michaels. Rankings 1. Ringo 2. Ringo's Rotogravure 3. Goodnight Vienna 4. Sentimental Journey 5. Beaucoups Of Blues 6. Ringo The 4th Peace And Love!
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Chatting about Ringo's 5th album with Kit O' Toole from Talk More Talk! Also includes discussion about the non-lp tracks and art. Rankings: 1. Ringo 2. Rotogravure 3. Vienna 4. Sentimental 5. Beaucoups SPECIAL SURPRISE AT THE END Peace And Love!
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Ringo Jingo Question Bingo is the brain child of two friends, who wanted to take the inane questioning of everything into a workable show. We have a list of 100 questions, roll 2 10-sided dice and answer strange questions, whilst sharing weird and wonderful anecdotes. This week joined by Yussuf a friend, colleague, and master producer.…
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Ringo Jingo Question Bingo is the brain child of two friends, who wanted to take the inane questioning of everything into a workable show. We have a list of 100 questions, roll 2 10-sided dice and answer strange questions, whilst sharing weird and wonderful anecdotes. This week joined by no one.Από τον Tom and Ri
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Talking About GOODNIGHT VIENNA Rankings: 1. Ringo 2. Goodnight Vienna 3. Sentimental 4. Beaucoups Peace And Love
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Chatting w/LJ
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Talking with Roger about his work with Ringo, the demoing process, chance encounters with Harry Nilsson, and how to optimize studio time. Peace and Love!
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Talking about Ringo's 1973 album with Tom Hunyady of 2legs and Talk More Talk fame! Rankings: 1.Ringo 2.Sentimental Journey 3.Beaucoups of Blues PEACE AND LOVE!
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Talking about ringo's singles 1970-1972 or 2019! Also includes ringo news, and single discussions. Peace and Love!
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2nd Episode Includes Ringo News And Album Discussion
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Welcome to Ringo Rama! a podcast about the greatest drummer of all time, Ringo Starr!!! Today we are talking about Sentimental Journey, Ringo's first album from 1970. Peace and Love!
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Rendahin terus Rendahin Sampe Kamu ga tau Gmn cara ngerendahin Lagi??Kita ga pernah Tau apa yg mereka sedang hadapi yg mereka perjuangkan!Bahagia kamu bahagia Dia itu bedaSusah nya Kamu susahnya Dia Ga Sama.Selengkapnya Di R'PODC.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ringo-hsce/support…
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2020 Ga rame?? 2020 Ga Ada Yg bikin seneng, 2020 nyusahin?? Yakin? Biar lebih Jelas lagi simak Yuu R'PODC season kali ini!!! #NgobrolGakPakeRibet--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ringo-hsce/support
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Udah masuk Bulan Desember, Sebentar lagi tahun 2021... Siapa yg Suka Bikin Resolusi/Goals Tiap awal Tahun?? Atau mungkin Kamu ga pernah Buat ?? Yuu cari tau Apa sih Resolusi? Apa manfaat?? Apa Hubungannya Dengan Hubungi kita Dengan Tuhan? Langsung Dengerin Aja yah ,, Salam #NgobrolGakPakeRibet--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com…
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Selamat datang di Season 001 dari R'PODC , Di Season Pertama Ini kita akan bahas banyak hal, nah di episode 001 Ini Kita Bahas Sebenarnya Yang Gimana Sih Munafik?? Apakah Kita Munafik?? Boleh Ga sih Kita Ngejudge Orang?? Tenang Semua itu terjawab Di Podcast Eps 001 ini , Selamat mendengarkan salam #NgobrolGakPakeRibet--- Support this podcast: https…
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Jika Season sebelumnya Sura Hati bicara soal waktu Season ini Suara Hati Bicara tentang perasaan !! Woow So excited, Selamat mendengarkan season 002 , selamat menunggu episode selanjutnya... #SuaraHati #Perasaan #DatangdariHati--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ringo-hsce/support…
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Hai Apa Kabar? Selamat datang kembali di Suara Hati yang #Datang dari hati , Season 001 Akan bicara tentang waktu !! Siapa nih yang penasaran?? Tunggu apalagi Dengerin sampai Akhir Dan Selamat menunggu Episode selanjutnya ... #SuaraHati #Waktu #Datang dari Hati.--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ringo-hsce/support…
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Exposing 'normal' illusions of fulfillment. And waking up to true abundance & fulfillment that can't be threatened by a tiny virus.Από τον Sheadon Ringor
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My attempt of a possible silver lining through this tragedy for Spiritual Development.Από τον Sheadon Ringor
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