Despertar o ouvinte para a leitura da Biblia Sagrada pelo resumo do evangelho do dia, um sucinto comentário e oração.
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Living and learning through experiences of life love and struggle
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Underground Musick
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Christian song
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Fitness and healthy Eating
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Real Talk With Reginald D (Motivational Speeches/Inspirational Stories)
(Motivational and Inspirational)
Real Talk With Reginald D is a top-rated motivational/inspirational podcast hosted by Motivational/Inspirational Speaker and Motivational Coach, Reginald D. Sherman. Reginald D will provide you with a weekly motivational/inspirational boost and advice to help you on your self-discovery journey to becoming a better you and to conquer life's challenges. You will be motivated and inspired, and able to conquer anything. As you embark on your faith-based journey with Reginald D, remember that you ...
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Follow on my journey to Sheriff of Henry County as I interview people discuss the platforms, issues and values I plan on impacting when the times comes. #Scandrett4Sheriff
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After months of pestering YouTuber Dominic Noble to start a podcast, Reginald has up and disappeared! Luckily guests from far and wide have been more than happy to fill in and join Dom to talk about their favorite books.
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Programa Experiência de Deus com Padre Reginaldo Manzotti transmitido diariamente de Curitiba - PR para o mundo!
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‘Scandal is merely the compassionate allowance which the gay make to the humdrum.’ A series of professionally produced readings of the Reginald stories by Saki (H H Munro). View the world of Edwardian society through the sartorially adapted eye of Saki's solipsistic anti-hero.
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Fellowship Chicago is committed to sharing and showing the gospel of Jesus Christ through acts of love and generosity. Join Pastor Reginald W Sharpe Jr. as he leads us on our journey accompanied by the word of GOD. If you are a seasoned saint or just beginning your relationship with GOD this message is for you.
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On Target Equipping is the apostolic teaching ministry of Reginald Holiday. We exist to Help God's saints hit His target (Eph. 4:13). We aim to properly establish and equip God’s people, imparting a revelation of the Person of God as Father and His Fatherhood and the Person of Jesus Christ as Son and His Sonship. This entails equipping the family of God to represent Christ on the earth accurately. Our foundational scriptures are: 1 Cor. 3:9-17; 1 Cor. 12:28, 29; Eph. 4:7-16 and others.
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Welcome to "Faith Walk with Dr. A. Reginald Litman," a weekly podcast where messages of hope and inspiration come to life. Join Dr. A. Reginald Litman, a renowned pastor, author, and speaker, as he shares profound insights and uplifting stories to guide you on your spiritual journey. Each episode offers wisdom from scripture, practical advice for daily living, and heartfelt encouragement to help you navigate life's challenges with faith and courage. Tune in every week to "Faith Walk with Dr. ...
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Are you ready to stop hiding and start achieving? Reginald D will motivate you to show up for your dreams, manage distractions, and take control of your life. Reginald D emphasizes the importance of taking action towards achieving your dreams. He highlights that many people struggle to reach their goals because they fail to show up consistently and…
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“ …vocês não devem preocupar-se com a própria defesa. Porque eu darei a vocês palavras e sabedoria, … ”.
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“Cuidado para não serem enganados. Porque muitos virão em meu nome, dizendo: 'Sou eu'. E ainda: 'O tempo está próximo'. Não sigam essa gente”.
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“Essa viúva, pobre como é, ofereceu mais que todos.”
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“Se o meu reino fosse deste mundo, os meus servos teriam lutado para eu não ser entregue aos judeus.”
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“"Está escrito: 'Minha casa será casa de oração'. Mas vocês a transformaram em abrigo de ladrões."”
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Undefeated: Positive Christian Rap Artist David P. Brooks' (DPB) Journey To Success In Christian Rap (Motivational Speech)
In this motivational/inspirational episode, Reginald D welcomes the talented award winning positive Christian rap artist DPB, also known as David P. Brooks. The conversation kicks off with DPB sharing his excitement about winning a Josie Award for Social Impact Music Video of the Year for his work on "Undefeated 3.0." The episode dives into DPB's m…
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“... aquele que faz a vontade do meu Pai que está nos céus, esse é meu irmão, irmã e mãe.”
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“A todo aquele que tem, lhe será dado, mas àquele que não tem, até mesmo o que tem lhe será tirado.”
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In this motivational episode, Reginald D dives into the challenging experience of being "down in the dirt" and its impact on your mental state and self-esteem. He emphasizes that such difficult times are not the end, but rather a crucial part of the journey toward achieving your dreams. Reginald discusses how these low points can serve as a foundat…
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“Zaqueu, desça rápido, porque hoje devo ficar em sua casa. ”
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“Vendo Jesus, que caminhava sobre o mar, os discípulos ficaram espantados …”
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“Naqueles dias, depois dessa tribulação, o sol se escurecerá, a lua não dará seu brilho, as estrelas cairão do céu, …”
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“Numa cidade, havia um juiz que não temia a Deus e não respeitava ninguém. ”
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“Como aconteceu no tempo de Noé, também acontecerá nos dias do Filho do Homem. ”
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Navigating Life's Turbulence: A Conversation With Author Carolyn Deck (Motivational/Inspirational)
In this inspirational episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Carolyn Deck, a New Zealand native and author of "Above the Turbulence, Your Ticket Out of Pain To Purpose," and co-author of "Christian Marriage, Devotionals from Both Perspectives." Carolyn shared her journey from growing up in New Zealand and opened up about her turbulent childho…
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“O Reino de Deus não vem de algum modo que se possa observar.
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“Mestre Jesus, tem piedade de nós!" Ele os viu e lhes disse: "Vão e se apresentem aos sacerdotes". E aconteceu que, enquanto iam, ficaram purificados.”
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In this episode, Reginald D emphasizes the importance of recognizing the value of life and the power of perseverance. He discusses how failure is not a permanent state but rather a testament to one's courage to try. Reginald D inspires you to view each new day as an opportunity to strive for your goals and overcome challenges. He encourages a minds…
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“Quando tiverem cumprido todas as ordens, digam: 'Somos simples servos. Apenas fizemos o que devíamos ter feito.’”
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“Se ele pecar contra você sete vezes num só dia, e sete vezes voltar, dizendo: 'Estou arrependido', perdoe-o.”
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“Eu lhes garanto: Esta viúva pobre ofereceu mais que todos os outros que depositaram moedas no cofre.”
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“Tirem isso daqui! Não façam da casa de meu Pai uma casa de negócios.”
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“Quanto você deve ao meu senhor? Ele respondeu: 'Cem barris de óleo'. Disse-lhe então: 'Pegue sua conta, sente-se logo e escreva cinquenta.”
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“Quem de vocês, se tiver cem ovelhas e perder uma, não deixa as noventa e nove no deserto e vai atrás daquela que se perdeu, até encontrá-la?”
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“Quem não carrega sua própria cruz e não vem após mim, não pode ser meu discípulo.”
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In this episode, Reginald D delves into the concept of "somewhere out there," which symbolizes the dreams and desires we all have for our lives. He emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision for what you want, as you cannot achieve what you cannot see. It's crucial to recognize that mediocrity is not an option; you must strive for greatness…
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“ Nenhum daqueles que tinham sido convidados provará o meu banquete. ”
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“...quando você der uma festa, convide pobres, aleijados, coxos e cegos. Você será feliz então, porque esses não têm com que lhe retribuir.”
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“Felizes os pobres no Espírito, porque deles é o Reino dos Céus.”
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“Então ele (Jesus) separará uns dos outros, como o pastor separa as ovelhas dos cabritos.”
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"Jesus falou aos mestres da Lei e aos fariseus: "A Lei permite curar em dia de sábado, ou não?" 4Mas eles ficaram em silêncio."
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Season 3 Celebration: Win A Chance To Share Your Story With The World! (Motivational and Inspirational Stories)
I’m thrilled to announce a special opportunity for my listeners! To celebrate the launch of my third season, I’m giving one lucky listener the chance to be my featured guest on the show. If you have an inspiring story that can empower others, this is your moment to shine. I’ll be sharing your interview not only on my podcast and on every podcast pl…
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“chegaram alguns fariseus para dizer a Jesus: "Parte e vai embora daqui, pois Herodes quer te matar".”
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“Alguém lhe perguntou: "Senhor, são poucos os que se salvam?"”
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In this episode, Reginald D dives deep into the importance of perseverance and the power of not giving up on your dreams. He emphasizes that life is a journey filled with ups and downs, and it's crucial to recognize that challenges are opportunities for growth. He wants you to understand your worth and the potential within you. Reginald D stresses …
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“Jesus dizia: "A que é semelhante o Reino de Deus? Com o que eu poderia compará-lo? ”"
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“Jesus escolheu doze dentre seus discípulos, e deu-lhes o nome de apóstolos.”
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Motivational Coaching Q&A Segment: How Can I Find Strength In The Middle Of Struggling? (Motivational Speech)
In this episode, Reginald D addresses a listener's question about finding strength during struggles. Reginald D shares personal experiences that highlight the messy and overwhelming nature of difficult times, emphasizing that struggle is a natural part of life and growth. He reminds you that true strength lies in the ability to get up one more time…
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“Ao ouvir que era Jesus de Nazaré, começou a gritar: "Jesus, Filho de Davi, tem piedade de mim!"”
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“...pensam que esses galileus,(...) eram mais pecadores que todos os outros (...)? Não, (...). Porém, se vocês não se converterem, morrerão todos da mesma forma.”
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“Vocês sabem interpretar a aparência da terra e do céu. Como é que não sabem interpretar o tempo presente?”
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“Eu vim lançar fogo sobre a terra, e como gostaria que já estivesse aceso!”
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“...o senhor daquele servo virá num dia que ele não espera e numa hora que ele não sabe. Ele o punirá severamente …”
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Ten Words To Transform Your Life: A Conversation With Lauryn Axelrod (Motivational and Inspirational)
In this episode, Reginald D sits down with Lauryn Axelrod, an Interspiritual minister, spiritual director, Chaplain and author of "Ten Words: An Interspiritual Guide To Becoming Better People In A Better World." Lauryn discusses her unique journey through religion and spirituality. The discussion revolves around Lauryn's book. The concept of the " …
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“Felizes aqueles servos que o senhor, ao chegar, encontrar acordados.”
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“Evitem todo tipo de ganância, porque, ainda que alguém seja muito rico, sua vida não é garantida pelos seus bens.”
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“Permite que nos sentemos um à tua direita e outro à tua esquerda, na tua glória.”
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“Mas a quem blasfemar contra o Espírito Santo, isso não lhe será perdoado.”
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