Podcast duchovního slova redemptoristů - členů Kongregace Nejsvětějšího Vykupitele. Duchovní slovo na úryvky z Bible, přednášky o duchovním životě a růstu víry.
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„Lebo u Pána je milosrdenstvo a hojné vykúpenie.“ (Ž 130, 7) Podcast rehole redemptoristov provincie Bratislava - Praha. Zamyslenia, kázne a rozhovory.
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Sermon broadcasts from the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, Jacksonville, FL.
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Todos os podcasts da Rede Geek reunidos em um único feed para você! Episódios novos quase todos os dias da semana! Saiba mais em http://www.redegeek.com.br/
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Two investment bankers weekly explore how tech, finance, markets and regulations are radically redefining the world of energy: Renewable Energy, Electric Cars, Hydrogen, Battery Storage, Digitisation... Your co-hosts: from Berlin, Gerard Reid and from London, Laurent Segalen. Our LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/redefining-energy/ X handle: @Redef_Energy
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First Redeemer Church
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Conversa com portugueses presentes nas redes sociais e que residem no estrangeiro, com Ana Jordão.
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Sermões da Igreja Batista Redenção via SermonAudio.
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Redemption’s Hill is a gospel centered church in Columbia, Missouri. This podcast contains sermons and teachings from Redemption’s Hill’s Sunday worship gatherings.
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Redemption Meditations is a theological ministry of Redemption Bible Church in Bellefontaine, Ohio.
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Discover a whole new take on Artificial Intelligence with Squirro's educational podcast! Join host Lauren Hawker Zafer, a top voice in Artificial Intelligence on LinkedIn, for insightful chats that unravel the fascinating world of tech innovation, use case exploration and AI knowledge. Dive into candid discussions with accomplished industry experts and established academics. With each episode, you'll expand your grasp of cutting-edge technologies and their incredible impact on society, and y ...
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Learn how to be more productive from a Christian worldview for the glory of God. Interviews, teaching, and practical advice on becoming a better steward of your life. Hosted by Reagan Rose.
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The newest sermons from Redeemer Church, ARP on SermonAudio.
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The newest sermons from Redeemer Covenant Church on SermonAudio.
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This is the sermon podcast channel for Redeemer Church in Midland, TX
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Sermon audio from Redemption City Church worship
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Grace. Grow! Groups. Go!
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Redefining Resilience is a show built around giving you the tools and a plan to be more resilient in every aspect of your life.
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Sermons and trainings from Redeemer Round Rock.
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Redeemer Church of Knoxville Weekly Sermons
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A New Church in Pampa, Texas
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Weekly sermons by Pastor Noah Toney (and guest speakers) at Redemption Church in Beckley, West Virginia.
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Redeemer Downtown began meeting in 2012—but we are part of a network that began in 1989, when the first Redeemer church opened its doors with a vision to love the city and welcome those with questions about faith. This vision continues to drive our future as a community eager to serve our city as recipients of God’s grace.
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https://www.redeemerrockwall.org We exist for the glory of Christ and the life of the world.
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For more information about Redemption Hill, visit www.redemptionhillup.org
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A progressive take on current events. Produced by an independent media collective at Vancouver Cooperative Radio.
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Sermon audio from Redeemer Church in Rocky Mount, NC
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I'll help you create a Business and Life you're in love with.
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Ehrlich miteinander reden, gemeinsam ein Thema echt weiterdenken. Wir bringen Menschen an einen Tisch, die Lebens-Fragen diskutieren, Lebens-Geschichten erzählen. Gespräche in offener Atmosphäre mit Tiefgang. Wir - Sybille Giel, Jutta Prediger, Klaus Schneider - fragen die, die täglich damit zu tun haben und wissen, wovon sie sprechen. Über alles, was Menschen bewegt: Leben – eben!
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Sermons from Redeemer Church in Livingston, LA.
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O Podcast do Bola na Rede - A Tua Voz Conta!
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El Faro de Redención celebra la obra de Cristo en el pueblo cubano y estudia la Palabra de Cristo con un enfoque siempre en su obra de redención. Visita nuestra pagina web para aprender más sobre nuestro ministerio. www.elfaroderedencion.org
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Sermon podcast of Redeemer PCA, Lincoln, NE
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Sermons by Redemption City Church
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Podcast by Redeemer Fellowship Church
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Your daily triple shot to Powerfully Lead your Life and Business.
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Sunday sermon from Redemption Church. For more information, visit www.redemptiondurham.ca
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Pastor Josh Gray of Redemption Church in Barnhart, MO
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Weekly teaching audio brought to you by Redeemer Church in Bozeman, MT
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Redemption Chapel - Stow, Ohio
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We exist to help ALL people experience REDEMPTION and live in FREEDOM To learn more, visit our website.
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Weekly messages from Redemption Church of Houston, TX. Radically inclusive hope. For absolutely anyone. https://redemptionhou.com
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Listen to the sermons preached at Redeeming Life Church in Bountiful, Utah. All our sermons and more information is available at RedeemingLifeUtah.org
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Sermon Audio from Redeemer Church of Denton
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The weekly Sunday morning message by Pastor Paul Edwards from Redeemer Church of Waterford, Michigan.
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O Outro Lado da Rede #10 - NBA - O melhor ainda está por prever
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No décimo episódio do «O Outro Lado da Rede», os nossos redatores rumaram aos Estados Unidos da América, para acompanhar o que de melhor está a acontecer na NBA. Desde referências a filmes, ao reflexo da temporada de Neemias Queta, não perca este episódio cheio de opinião e dinamismo. Com a moderação de David Braga e comentários de Filipe Pereira e…
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Se você está nesse episódio, é porque decidiu que Galega se encontra com o Ademar e vai cobrar favores dele para não ir para essa missão sozinha. Se você chegou agora, comece pelo episódio 1 do Áudio Jogo! Após um terrível conflito mundial, o Brasil sobrevive como uma das grandes potências, e tem seu território dividido em dois: Brasil do Norte e B…
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Desde 2019 em Macau, João Moreira é professor de Direito na Universidade de Macau. Natural de Coimbra diz que há cada vez mais pessoas interessadas em aprender a falar português.
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Thank you for listening! Join the JUNGLE for daily trainings here: https://stan.store/rutainfusion Check this out for more: LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ruta-stasiunaite/ IG: www.instagram.com/ruta.infusion/ Web: www.redefiningsuccess.co.uk Email: hello@redefiningsuccess.co.uk Don’t forget to rate, review and share the podcast with those who’ll be…
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Message date September 18, 2022. Ten-year anniversary service.Από τον Pastor JW Gray
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En este episodio, reflexionamos sobre el verdadero significado de la Navidad y la importancia de la adoración a través de la música en esta temporada. Junto a Rafi Santos, exploramos cómo la Navidad nos invita a amar, perdonar y recordar a nuestros seres queridos, mientras celebramos el nacimiento de Jesús como el regalo más grande que hemos recibi…
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Svatý Jan evangelista nás učí, že naše víra je založená na živém svědectví apoštolů, kteří měli živou zkušenost s hmatatelným, živým, lidským a milosrdným Bohem - Božím Synem Ježíšem, který jim zjevil, jaký je Bůh Otec. Duchovní slovo - P. Josef MichalčíkΑπό τον P. Josef Michalčík
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Luke 2:1-14 - Who Is This Jesus? by Redemption ChurchΑπό τον Redemption Church
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Environmental racism is a systemic issue in Canada. There's a long history of marginalized communities suffering at the hands of industry, all authorized by the Crown. In June this year, the Environmental Justice Act received Royal Assent and became law in Canada. But there are doubts that the meaningful consultation committed to in the Act will re…
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Fr. Wiley asks: God came to be one of us that we might become one with God - how will you respond?
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Thank you for listening! Join the JUNGLE for daily trainings here: https://stan.store/rutainfusion Check this out for more: LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ruta-stasiunaite/ IG: www.instagram.com/ruta.infusion/ Web: www.redefiningsuccess.co.uk Email: hello@redefiningsuccess.co.uk Don’t forget to rate, review and share the podcast with those who’ll be…
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En este episodio, exploramos el verdadero significado de la Navidad y la importancia de adorar a Cristo en esta temporada. Junto a Ricardo Rodríguez, reflexionamos sobre nuestras tradiciones familiares, el impacto de la música en nuestra adoración y cómo mantener el enfoque en el nacimiento de nuestro Salvador en medio de un mundo lleno de distracc…
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Na Slávnosť Narodenia Pána sa nám prihovára P. Stanislav Marcin CSsR, člen komunity Banská Bystrica - Radvaň.Από τον Redemptoristi
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Thank you for listening! Join the JUNGLE for daily trainings here: https://stan.store/rutainfusion Check this out for more: LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ruta-stasiunaite/ IG: www.instagram.com/ruta.infusion/ Web: www.redefiningsuccess.co.uk Email: hello@redefiningsuccess.co.uk Don’t forget to rate, review and share the podcast with those who’ll be…
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Message date is September 16, 2022. 10-year anniversary service with Eddie James.Από τον Pastor JW Gray
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Rick McKeeΑπό τον Rick McKee
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Από τον Pr. Nickolas Ramos
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En este episodio, exploramos el verdadero significado de la Navidad y la importancia de adorar a Cristo en esta temporada. Junto a Ricardo Rodríguez, reflexionamos sobre nuestras tradiciones familiares, el impacto de la música en nuestra adoración y cómo mantener el enfoque en el nacimiento de nuestro Salvador en medio de un mundo lleno de distracc…
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In this rebroadcast, Steve, Dana, and Lee discuss the often-memed subject of Saint Nicholas punching the heretic Arius at the Council of Nicea. Is that a true story? What is its relevance? Why are creeds important? We tackle all of this on this episode. ********************************************************************* Library Ladder Links: "The…
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Mtr. Sarah asks us to imagine what it would look like if we lived as if The Magnificat was our song.
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This week we continued in our Christmas series as Pastor Josiah preached a sermon centered on Matthew 2:1-12. In his sermon, Pastor Josiah shared the importance of worshiping Christ and seeking him first above all other things in this world.Από τον Pastor Josiah D. Walker
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Thank you for listening! Join the JUNGLE for daily trainings here: https://stan.store/rutainfusion Check this out for more: LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ruta-stasiunaite/ IG: www.instagram.com/ruta.infusion/ Web: www.redefiningsuccess.co.uk Email: hello@redefiningsuccess.co.uk Don’t forget to rate, review and share the podcast with those who’ll be…
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I’ve studied dozens of annual planners as I’ve been creating the new Waypoints Goal Planner. And I wanted to share some principles that might help you as you hunt for a new planner for the year. Links Subscribe to the newsletter. Join Redeeming Productivity A…
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En este episodio, exploramos el verdadero significado de la Navidad junto a Coco Freeman, un destacado cantante cubano. Reflexionamos sobre la importancia de adorar a Cristo en esta temporada, más allá de las celebraciones superficiales, y compartimos himnos que nos recuerdan la promesa de salvación que representa el nacimiento de Jesús. ----more--…
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Christmas at Redeemer 2024
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Από τον Dayton Hartman
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Από τον Redemption City Church
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God is with us, God is for us, now no one stand against us as we stand with Him!Από τον Redeemer Rockwall
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Matthew 1:18-25 - Richard WhiteΑπό τον Richard White
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Από τον Micah Caswell
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Από τον Jordan Elder
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Sean MabeeΑπό τον Sean Mabee
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Thank you for listening! Join the JUNGLE for daily trainings here: https://stan.store/rutainfusion Check this out for more: LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ruta-stasiunaite/ IG: www.instagram.com/ruta.infusion/ Web: www.redefiningsuccess.co.uk Email: hello@redefiningsuccess.co.uk Don’t forget to rate, review and share the podcast with those who’ll be…
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Message date September 16, 2022 for the 10 year anniversary service of Redemption Church.Από τον Pastor JW Gray
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The post the new exodus appeared first on Christ Our Redeemer.
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Από τον Pr. Marcos Granconato
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En este episodio, exploramos el verdadero significado de la Navidad junto a Coco Freeman, un destacado cantante cubano. Reflexionamos sobre la importancia de adorar a Cristo en esta temporada, más allá de las celebraciones superficiales, y compartimos himnos que nos recuerdan la promesa de salvación que representa el nacimiento de Jesús. ----more--…
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Advent - Zachariáš a Alžběta se dočkali naplnění času a to, co bylo neuvěřitelné, se stalo skutečností. V pokročilém věku se jim narodil syn. V našem životě může také Bůh obnovit a zrodit novou naději. Duchovní slovo - P. Josef MichalčíkΑπό τον P. Josef Michalčík
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In this episode of Redefining Resilience, Chris and Kiley explore realistic optimism and how it can shape our mindset and approach to challenges. They discuss the difference between blind optimism and realistic optimism and identify key characteristics of a realistically optimistic mindset. Discover what the US Army teaches about optimism and learn…
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Stay Connected with Redeemer: Website: redeemermidland.org Instagram: instagram.com/redeemermidland Facebook: facebook.com/RedeemerMidland At Redeemer, we seek to be a Gospel-Centered, Missional Family. We sing songs to worship our Lord, we preach the Word of God from the Bible, and we love one another. We would love to see you on a Sunday morning …
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Mary’s Magnificat is a powerful song of revolution and rectification in a broken world. But have we missed the entire point of it?
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Merry Christmas. This is our last Episode of the Year where Laurent and Gerard summarise what impressed them, surprised them and shocked them. AI, Hydrogen, Renewables, USA vs Europe vs China, Climate. What worked, what did not work. 2024 is a year that will be remembered at pivotal in so many aspects. We salute our friends, our influencers and unv…
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Luke 1:46-55 - My Soul Magnifies the Lord by Redemption ChurchΑπό τον Redemption Church
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Welcome to the 4th week in our series, A Classic Christmas. Working through Luke 1, we’ve covered Preparing for Christmas, The Miracle of Christmas, and The Songs of Christmas. This week, we finish Luke 1 in verses 57-80 with Mike Edwards and Christmas through the Ages. Website:www.experienceredemption.comFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/experienc…
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The collapse of the Mount Polley tailings dam in 2014 was one of the worst mining disasters in Canada. The dam failure sent hundreds of tonnes of toxic materials, including arsenic, lead, copper and nickel, into Quesnel Lake. More than a decade later, Imperial Metals Corp has been charged in BC Supreme Court with 15 violations of the federal Fisher…
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Main Idea: Jesus camas king to subdue the earth under his boundless blessing. Text: 1 Corinthians 15:25–28 Outline: A. The King's War (vv. 25–27a) B. The King's Peace (vv. 27b–28)Από τον Adam Pohlman
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Pastor Kevin concludes our Advent series for 2024 "The Weary World Waits: Advent with Isaiah" with a sermon from Isaiah 40:1-11.
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Από τον Redemption City Church
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