Commentary, news and analysis of the U.S. Latino world. Engaging traviesos. A 2019 iHeart Radio Podcast Awards nominee for Best Multicultural Podcast hosted by award-wining journalist Julio Ricardo Varela.
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Esto es para traer noticias, entrevistas, farándula, Música y más Siguenos en todas las redes sociales @thelatinosradioshow IG: thelatinosradioshowpodcast
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Gastronomie, voyage, danse, évènements... Toute la semaine, avec Jérôme, retrouvez Mundo Latino sur radio Latina ! Mundo Latino, c'est votre rendez-vous autour de l'actualité de la culture latino. Infos >
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Vienici a trovare sul sito Radio Fuego Latino per passare un pò di tempo in compagnia della buona musica caraibica.... Salsa, Bachata, Merengue y Raggaeton!! Visita il sito:
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Descubre la música más FRESH 24 horas Pop, latino, musica urbana. dance, reggaeton, y sesiones de djs. Concursos, actualidad, entrevistas, festivales.. Conectate ya a la radio que te mueve en y tu app gratuita. Siguenos en Facebook Instagram Twitter somos @freshtemueve
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Im onda-info 603 hört ihr den zweiten Teil unseres Hamburger-Hafen-Specials. Diesmal geht es unter anderem um die Bedeutung des Salpeterhandels. Wir haben uns das Hamburger Chilehaus angeschaut, eine Ausstellung über den Salpeterhandel besucht und ein wenig recherchiert, was der Sohn des Unternehmers Henry B. Sloman, Ricardo Sloman, mit Adolf Hitle…
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Die Förderung von Erdgas mittels Fracking im südargentinischen Vaca Muerta boomt. In Zukunft will Argentinien das Gas in verflüssigter Form auch exportieren, beispielsweise nach Deutschland. Die „unkonventionelle Fördermethode“ Fracking bringt jedoch Zerstörungen mit sich. Neben Umweltschäden führt sie zu Erdbeben. So in der Gemeinde Sauzal Bonito.…
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Im onda-info 602 geht es um Menschenrechte, Gerechtigkeit und Erinnerung. Und wir stellen ein spanischsprachiges, panafrikanische Radio-Programm vor.Από τον Radio Onda (Onda - Agéncia radiofónica Latinoamérica-Europa)
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„Menschenrechte in Mexiko: Rolle der Zivilgesellschaft und internationale Verantwortung“ Unter diesem Titel veranstalteten die deutsche Menschenrechtskoordination Mexiko und die Heinrich Böll Stiftung Mitte September eine zweitägige Fachtagung. Im Fokus stand die Frage, wie man international die Menschenrechte vor Ort stärken kann und wie man die G…
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El panafricanismo es un movimiento político, filosófico, cultural y social que aboga por la asociación, la defensa de los derechos de los pueblos africanos y la unidad del continente africano bajo un único Estado soberano para todos los africanos. Matraca habló con varios miembros del movimiento para saber más sobre este movimiento social. Porque n…
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Das onda-info-Magazin 601 wartet mit folgenden Themen auf: Repression gegen Antibergbauaktivisten in El Salvador - Erfahrungsbericht über Dürre und Energiekrise in Ecuador - Tagung Menschenrechte in Mexiko - Probleme bei Zugang zu Abtreibung in der EUΑπό τον Radio Onda (Onda - Agéncia radiofónica Latinoamérica-Europa)
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Búscame en la tormenta por Radio Leda Caso 89.7 FM, en Luis Beltrán, Patagonia Norte- Argentina, es un programa radial semanal de postura panafricanista. Integrante de la red mundial de medios panafricanistas. Búscame en la tormenta, pretende dar a conocer la historia negra, y su rica tradición de lucha. Por ello la audición está dirigida a todas l…
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Hallo und Willkommen zum onda- info 600,ja ihr seht richtig: 600 Ausgaben onda-info in 24 Jahren!Anlässlich dieses Jubiläums sind einige von uns nach Hamburg gefahren.Die Hamburger Hafengruppe hat uns zu einer Bootstour eingeladenund wir haben auch erfahren was der Hafen alles mit Lateinamerika zu tun hat.„Von Schatzkisten und Pfeffersäcken“ nennt …
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En abril de 2024, miembros del Parlamento Europeo pidieron que el derecho al aborto se consagrara en la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales. Sin embargo, las posibilidades de que esto ocurra son escasas, ya que los 27 Estados miembros tendrían que estar de acuerdo. La perspectiva de que las mujeres europeas tengan garantizado el acceso seguro al ab…
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E-Mobilität ist das Schlagwort, wenn es drum geht, den CO2-Fußabdruck im Verkehsbereich zu verringern. Aber: Ohne Lithium keine E-Mobilität! Doch obwohl E-Mobilität und digitale Technologien helfen könnten, Klima und Umwelt effizienter zu schützen, ist der Preis hoch: Ressourcen wie Wasser und Energie werden massenhaft verbraucht, die Folgen sind v…
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Im April 2024 forderten Abgeordnete des EU Parlaments, das Recht auf Abtreibung in der Grundrechtecharta zu verankern. Allerdings stehen die Chancen dafür schlecht, denn dem müssten alle 27 Mitgliedsstaaten zustimmen. In den Ländern Europas gibt es erhebliche Unterschiede, auch was das Recht auf Abtreibung betrifft: Polen und Malta beschränken den …
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Ende Juli hat Venezuela gewählt. Zur Wahl standen der langjährige Präsident Nicolás Maduro, Nachfolger des 2013 verstorbenen Hugo Chávez – und der vor kurzem noch ziemlich unbekannte Oppositionskandidat Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia. Die traditionell zerstrittene Opposition war diesmal vereint angetreten, aber trotzdem geschwächt. Denn die venezolanisch…
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Mambí Gründerin Francy Alvarez berichtet von dem Musik- und Theaterprojekt Mambí, welches 2018 in Medellín (Kolumbien) gegründet wurde. Als LGBT* Gruppe nehmen sich die Künstler*innen einen Platz in der Stadt und auf der Straße. Zum Beispiel mit ihrem Lied „Con ella en Junin“ ( oder während Protesten auf …
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Hallo und herzlich willkommen zum onda-info 599, genau, ein Jubiläum steht vor der Tür. Das 600ste in zwei Wochen. In dieser Ausgabe haben wir zwei Nachrichten, zum Tod von Perus Ex-Präsident Fujimori und zu den verheerenden Waldbränden, die das Amazonasbecken heimsuchen. Danach hören wir Steffen Heinzelmann und schauen uns in seinem Beitrag an, we…
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TEORIAS CONSPIRATIVAS “¡Bienvenidos al nuevo episodio de The Latinos Radio Show! Hoy exploramos el fascinante mundo de las conspiraciones. Prepárate para adentrarte en historias impactantes, teorías intrigantes y verdades ocultas que te dejarán pensando. ¿Estás listo para cuestionar lo que siempre has creído? ¡Acompáñanos en este viaje lleno de mis…
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In Kolumbien wurden im letzten halben Jahrhundert über 9 Millionen Menschen Opfer des bewaffneten Konflikts und mindestens 120.000 wurden Opfer von gewaltsamen Verschwindenlassen. Nun soll eine Übergangsjustiz diese Verbrechen juristisch aufarbeiten sowie Maßnahmen zur historischen Erinnerung, Wiedergutmachung, Versöhnung und Nicht-Wiederholung aus…
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Latino Rebels Radio goes on the road for a live podcast recording at Mitchell College in New London, Connecticut. Host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes seven students to discuss how a college such as Mitchell is creating more welcoming, accessible living and learning environments in a world that continues to get more and more diverse. Thanks to the Co…
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From Peru to Mexico to the Lower East Side, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela breaks down the Latino and Latina pioneers who influenced punk rock with guests Ceci Bastida and Núria Net, part of the creative team behind the new Audible podcast series, Punk In Translation: Latinx Origins, produced by Fresh Produce Media. This is episode w…
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Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela proudly welcomes award-winning journalist and Democracy Now! co-host Juan González to discuss the second revision of his legendary book and how it relates to recent events. They talk about the current Summit of the Americas, the news of a migrant caravan this week and the latest about Puerto Rico. The s…
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We welcome The Daily Chela founder Brandon Loran Maxwell to discuss his new film, American Homeboy, for a nuanced discussion of Cholo culture and how it still influences pop culture today.Από τον Futuro Media and PRX
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Latino Rebels Radio producer Oscar Fernandez steps in to guest host as he welcomes true-crime novelist H. Allegra Lansing to discuss the forgotten legacy of ‘90s grunge rock singer Mia Zapata.Από τον Futuro Media and PRX
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Following a historic election victory by the progressive Semilla Party in Guatemala, Latino Rebels Radio producer Oscar Fernandez steps in as guest host to welcome Marco Fonseca, Instructor of Latin American and International Studies at York University in Canada, to discuss how this election almost didn't happen.…
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The 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup has featured new stars, new upset victories, and the rise of future title contenders. To discuss the surprise success of non-European teams at the tournament, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes back Brenda Elsey, professor of history and Latin American and Caribbean studies at Hostra University, a…
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In this special episode of Latino Rebels Radio ---originally aired on the Futuro podcast In The Thick--- host Julio Ricardo Varela is joined by Futuro Media editorial director Fernanda Santos for a roundtable discussion with Dr. Aria Halliday, an associate professor of gender and women’s studies at the University of Kentucky, for a breakdown of the…
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With the release of the blockbuster film 'Oppenheimer,' Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Myrriah Gomez, assistant professor at the University of New Mexico and author of 'Nuclear Nuevo México: Colonialism and the Effects of the Nuclear Industrial Complex on Nuevomexicanos,' to discuss the movie's omission of New Mexican histor…
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Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela proudly welcomes acclaimed Puerto Rican writer Esmeralda Santiago for a lively discussion about her latest novel, Las Madres, and the importance of becoming visible in the American landscape through literature.Από τον Futuro Media and PRX
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On this episode, Hector Luis Alamo, senior editor of Latino Rebels, steps in as guest host to speak with Ada Briceño, co-president of Unite Here! Local 11, and Diana Rios Sanchez, a striking hotel worker, about the hotel workers' strike in Los Angeles and its importance for other labor actions taking place across the country.…
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Amid a record breaking heat wave throughout Texas that has led to several heat-related deaths, Gov. Greg Abbott has signed a bill eliminating mandatory water breaks for construction workers. Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Daniela Hernandez, state legislative coordinator for the Workers Defense Project, to discuss the cruel a…
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Affirmative action struck down in college admissions. LGBTQ rights limited. Student loan relief blocked. Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Vanity Fair legal affairs contributor Cristian Farias to discuss the latest round of Supreme Court rulings plagued by shaky evidence, questionable plaintiffs and the lack of legal standing.…
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Estaré transmitiendo en vivo desde el patio
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Latino Rebels senior editor Hector Luis Alamo steps in as guest host to welcome sports journalist Bryan Fonseca for a knockout conversation on the future of Puerto Rican boxing, history made at the NBA draft, and Boricua representation in pro wrestling.Από τον Futuro Media and PRX
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This week, Latino Rebels Radio is proud to present the first episode of SOS Central America, hosted by Maria Martin, creator and founding team member of Latino USA. In this episode, Maria examines the arrest of journalist and president of the Guatemalan newspaper elPeriódico, José Rubén Zamora, and what it means for dissent and a free press in the …
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Following another series of migrant flights by Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Autumn Gonzalez and Iván Espinoza-Madrigal to discuss the latest political stunt in Sacramento, how it is a carbon copy of what happened last year in Martha’s Vineyard and the uns…
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Latino Rebels entertainment correspondent Cristina Escobar steps into the host seat again to talk with Linda Yvette Chavez, writer of the upcoming film ‘Flamin’ Hot,’ about the importance of family and community to both the filmmaking process and the extraordinary story of Richard Montañez.Από τον Futuro Media and PRX
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In this episode, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes professors Lilia Fernández and Ana Patricia Rodríguez to discuss why so much U.S. Latino history is missing in textbooks and how it eventually extends to issues of imperialism. Lilia Fernández is a Professor of History at the University of Illinois in Chicago and Ana Patricia R…
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With Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis launching his 2024 presidential campaign this week after passing a slew of anti-immigrant measures, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes freelance writer and LR contributor Arturo Domínguez to discuss how some Latino truckers are pushing back with a proposed boycott of the Sunshine State.…
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As the Writer's Guild of America goes on strike and brings the entertainment industry to a halt, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes writer and producer Erick Galindo to discuss the importance of fighting for better working wages and fair representation in Hollywood. For more about the strike, visit the WGA’s site.…
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Amid a wave of anti-immigrant rhetoric and violence, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Roberto Lopez, Senior Advocacy Manager for the Texas Civil Rights Project, to discuss the circumstances around the tragedy in Brownsville, Texas, and how the country has become a nation of hating immigrants.…
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Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Pita Juarez, Vice President of Communications for LGBTQ+ Victory Fund and Institute, to discuss Trans voices being silenced by Republicans following the censure of Montana transgender lawmaker Zooey Zephyr and the importance of having more Trans voices in the democratic process.…
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In the wake of a wild story out of San Jose, California, where the head of the police union was charged with smuggling fentanyl into the country, Latino Rebels Radio host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes investigative journalist Jonah Owen Lamb from the San Francisco Standard to discuss the importance of a nuanced understanding of the opioid crisis in…
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Latino Rebels entertainment correspondent Cristina Escobar steps into the host seat for a conversation with actor and comedian John Leguizamo to discuss his passion and activism in Hollywood as well as his new show on MSNBC, "Leguizamo Does America."Από τον Futuro Media and PRX
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On a special episode of Latino Rebels Radio, sports correspondent Bryan Fonseca turns the tables on host Julio Ricardo Varela as they discuss the impact of this year's World Baseball Classic, the controversy around Twitter Blue, and Julio's love and admiration for the New York Knicks in the lead up to the NBA playoffs.…
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Many service employees in Los Angeles' school district work two or three jobs to make ends meet, while still living below the poverty line. Some are even unhoused. For this episode of Latino Rebels Radio, host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Roosevelt High School teacher Jason Torres-Rangel to explain the plight of service workers in L.A. schools tha…
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Hablando de todo un poco con mi gente mia.
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Another mass shooting, this time in Nashville, has once again raised the issue of gun control and the inaction of lawmakers to do anything about it. In this episode of Latino Rebels Radio, host Julio Ricardo Varela welcomes Oscar Juarez-Luna, the communications manager for Movimiento Poder in Denver ---where earlier this year a high school experien…
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Estamos bajando con todo lo bueno
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