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Makala ya kila siku yanayompa fursa msikilizaji kutoa maoni yake juu ya habari zilizopewa uzito wa juu kwa siku husika. Msikilizaji hushiriki kwa kutuma ujumbe mfupi pamoja na kupiga simu.
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Entrevistas diárias com pessoas de todas as áreas. Artistas, cientistas, professores, economistas, analistas ou personalidades políticas que vivem na França ou estão de passagem por aqui, são convidadas para falar sobre seus projetos e realizações. A conversa é filmada e o vídeo pode ser visto no nosso site.
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Todos los noticieros de RFI para seguir la actualidad mundial.
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"Grandes reportajes de RFI", un programa que permite, detrás de las noticias, explorar un tema, un lugar, una problemática. Con nuestros reporteros en el mundo entero.
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En "El invitado de RFI", Radio Francia Internacional recibe a un invitado en sus estudios, sobre la actualidad política o cultural.
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Join Matt Brennan, Assoc. AIA as he discusses the day-to-day life in the Contract and Construction Administration world. This podcast bridges the gap between Architects, Designers, Engineers, consultants and General Contractors as they work through Construction Administration (CA) related items. Each episode focuses on the challenges, techniques and technology to help navigate through the fast-paced construction industry. How many RFIs did you get this week?
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«Le Club RFI, de loin l'émission la plus proche». Le Club RFI, le rendez-vous des initiatives. Chaque semaine, les Clubs RFI participent à l’émission. Ils présentent leurs initiatives, sur les thèmes de la santé, l’environnement, la francophonie, le sport, l’humanitaire… Le cousin : Le club invite une personnalité, un exemple de réussite (artiste, écrivain, peintre, entrepreneur…). Pour finir : la musique, le proverbe et l’agenda des activités des clubs. Le Club RFI, une émission présentée p ...
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The official podcast of the rMiami Marlins of the VBL.
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We talk a lot about Wealth Building through investment management and financial planning.
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Your Hosts, Tevron and Lowsten keep you up to date on what's happening in RFI.
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Специальные корреспонденты RFI сообщают с места событий: наши журналисты отправляются туда, где рождаются новости. Крупные события политики, общественной жизни, культуры, памятные даты и торжества в Европе, во Франции или на постсоветском пространстве, а также в Париже — в репортажах Международного французского радио.
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This study takes a look at three things to equip you with the facts concerning this planetary tracking device.
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This study takes a look at three things to equip you with the facts concerning this planetary tracking device.
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Welcome to RFID Insider, a show that discusses all things RFID and the technology’s impact in an ever-changing and ever-connected world. New episodes are released twice per month and focus on a mix of industry trends, new products, in-depth tutorials, and insightful interviews. With each new episode, you’ll learn things like how NFC fits into the larger RFID umbrella, discover the ways companies use RFID in real life situations, and unearth the opportunities in a burgeoning field. The RFID i ...
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特朗普1月20日在国会大厦宣誓就职。据白宫发布的消息,美国再次退出了巴黎气候协定。1月20日,特朗普就职仪式完后,上届总统拜登和他的妻子乘坐直升机离开国会大厦。特朗普收回巴拿马运河控制权的言论得到该国总统的驳斥。巴拿马总统穆里诺(Jose Raul Mulino)表示,巴拿马运河将继续属于巴拿马。Από τον 法广
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Siria está viviendo un periodo de transición inédito tras la caída en diciembre pasado del régimen de Bachar Al Asad. Comunidades de todo el país se regocijan, incluida una muy peculiar ubicada en el sur de Siria. La ciudad de As Suwayda es apodada "La Pequeña Venezuela" y se cree que la mitad de la población tiene vínculos con el país latinoameric…
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Από τον RFI Tiếng Việt
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Колумнист русской службы RFI и профессор Свободного университета Гасан Гусейнов в своей еженедельной колонке сопоставляет программные заявления партии «Альтернатива для Германии» с путинским политическим лексиконом. К общим ценностям Кремля и АдГ относятся и те, на которых строились идеология Германии и СССР середины прошлого века.…
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A volta de Donald Trump à Casa Branca nesta segunda-feira (20) representa uma ameaça ainda maior ao multilateralismo e à cooperação internacional do que durante o primeiro mandato de republicano. A opinião é do jornalista e cientista político ítalo-brasileiro Giancarlo Summa, especialista em multilateralismo e extrema direita. Ele acredita ainda qu…
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Summary In this episode, Matt Brennan discusses the importance of setting goals for 2025, both personal and business-related. He reflects on his own journey of transformation through fitness and emphasizes the need for continuous improvement in professional practices, particularly in the architecture field. The conversation highlights the significa…
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Cette semaine, le Club RFI Labé en Guinée-Conakry parle de la 5ème édition de l’Olympiade des écoles. Des élèves, collégiens et lycéens de la région vont se retrouver pour participer, durant plusieurs semaines, à une compétition d’éloquence, de poésie, de slam et de dictée. Ces rencontres auront lieu dans les différents établissements scolaires. Av…
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La artista puertorriqueña Cari Gonzalez Casanova presenta su trabajo ‘Ciudades Invisibles’, imágenes creadas por IA a partir de testimonios recogidos sobre ciudades soñadas, en la Galería Michèl Didier de París. Naturalmente ha estado con Jordi Batallé en El invitado de RFI para contárnoslo. Cari Gonzalez Casanova nació en 1971 en Puerto Rico, crec…
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Makala ya habari rafiki imewashirikisha wasikilizaji kutoka kila kona ambapo wasikilizaji wametoa maoni yao kuhusu namna ambavyo wataalamu wa afya kutoka nchi za jumuia ya Afrika Mashariki walivyojadiliana kuhusu utaratibu wa kupata vibali kwenye nchi hizo bila ya kusumbuliwa. Ungana na Ruben Lukumbuka kusikiliza zaidi.…
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美国候任总统特朗普与候任副总统范斯1月20日宣誓就任美国总统与副总统。各国领导人以不同方式表达祝贺。Από τον 法广
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美国总统特朗普周一就职上任,德国自然极为关注。Από τον 柏林特约记者 丹兰
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特朗普预计当天签署一系列行政命令,包括移民、石油开采、关税等。拜登在当天稍早赦免了自己的家庭成员。Από τον 华盛顿特约记者 陈米亚
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特朗普即将正式就职美国第47任总统。外国如何看特朗普的新任期?点击视频收看法国国际广播电台派驻耶路撒冷、莫斯科、北京和达喀尔特约记者发来的报道。Από τον 林兰
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据彭博社报导,自美国对俄罗斯经济实施新一轮制裁,涉及该国两家最大石油公司及183艘船只以来,在通往中国的主要航线上租用一艘超级油轮的成本已经翻了一番,这表明拜登政府1月10日宣布的制裁行动在多大程度上颠覆了全球航运市场。Από τον 弗林
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法国总理贝鲁今天警告,如果包括法国在内的欧盟不采取应对措施,或将被特朗普新政府出台的政策“击垮”,欧盟面临美国和中国双重挑战。Από τον 罗拉
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据塔斯社周日报导称,辽宁省监管部门将与俄方一起打击在该地区销售假冒俄罗斯产品的行为。俄罗斯出口中心总经理尼基申娜(Veronika Nikishina)在辽宁省省会沈阳举行的“俄罗斯制造”节庆展销会期间向记者透露了这一消息。Από τον 弗林
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据《纽约时报》周日报导称,数十名逃离中国后被拘留在泰国的维吾尔族男子为拒绝被泰国当局遣返回国而进行的绝食抗议已进入第二周。绝食行动是最后努力,目的是向泰国政府施压,阻止他们所担心的即将被遣送回中国,后将面临酷刑和监禁的风险。对此,美国候任总统特朗普提名的国务卿人选——共和党籍联邦参议员鲁比奥(Marco Rubio)承诺将向泰国方面施压,阻止当局驱逐自2014年以来被拘留的48名维吾尔族人。Από τον 弗林
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本周一,1 月 20 日,世界经济论坛在达沃斯开幕,这也是世界富豪们传统的年度聚会时间。根据乐施会的一份报告强调,去年世界亿万富翁的财富增加了 2 万亿美元,增速比 2023 年快了三倍,而贫困人口的数量同期几乎没有变化。1990 年。该非政府组织就呼吁更公平的税收以减少不平等,并警告与财富集中带来民主风险。Από τον 小山
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世界金融市场正在等待特朗普周一今天的就职典礼,以更好地预测美国以及美国与世界领先经济强国的政治互动方向,特朗普承诺在重新掌权后立即签署一系列法令。Από τον 小山
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菲律宾官员周一通过新闻发布会表示,菲律宾当局以涉嫌间谍行为逮捕了一名中国公民和两名菲律宾同伙。Από τον 弗林
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1月19日,短视频社交平台TikTok 恢复在美国的服务,这距离它被暂停使用仅仅几个小时。法新社说,这被视为是特朗普取得的一个政治胜利。TikTok在 X(前 Twitter)上发布的声明中,感谢特朗普向TikTok的互联网服务提供商做出的保证,使其不会为维护TikTo的正常运营而受到处罚。Από τον 林兰
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TikTok几经波折终于恢复在美国的服务,拥有网络社交平台X的美国科技富豪马斯克在自己的网站上公开发文说,基于言论自由精神,他反对禁用TikTok,但TikTok恢复在美国的运营,而X在中国却被禁止,这种不公平情况需要改变。Από τον 艾娃
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Από τον RFI Hausa
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