A new mystery thriller from the makers of Blackout and The Left Right Game, Last Known Position follows a group of experts including submersible pilot Mikaela Soto (Gina Rodriguez) as they seek to recover a flight that suddenly vanished over the Pacific Ocean. The super yacht sets off on what looks like an expedition funded by a grieving billionaire, William Cavanaugh (James Purefoy), to recover the flight that his wife and daughter were on. But the crew soon discovers that there's more to t ...
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Created and hosted by Nah... Positioning Your Passion is a monthly informative conversation series featuring creative entrepreneurs discussing their process and most importantly how they are successfully navigating the creative industry. From rallying resources to collaboration, we’re talking accomplishments, challenges and future goals.
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SEX. Relationships. Love. Life. I want to know your opinion on these, and many more topics. I love statistics, research and all things human brain. Why we fuck, how often we masturbate, why do we cheat, why do we have children...why we don‘t have children. I sit with friends, family, educators, doctors and regular people...like you...and ask burning questions about hot button, cold shoulder, warm and wet topics. Join me and my new friends as we ask...”What‘s your position?”
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Manufacturing Professionals will receive immediate and actionable insight into high-level issues of running a small to mid-sized manufacturing company. All communicated in an easy-to-digest 20 minutes by your expert podcaster and second-generation business owner, Jim Carr.
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Inside Position, hosted by Tom Halpin, delivers great stories and insights from the world of BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu), MMA, and Grappling. Each week Tom brings you conversations with some of the sport’s biggest names, from world champions and coaches to other legends of the sport.
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Positionierung Weiterdenken Podcast - Positionierung & Marketing für Selbständige und Solo-Unternehmer
Dagmar Recklies - Die Strategieexperten
Der Podcast für Selbständige und Solo-Unternehmer - mit viel Input für Deine treffsichere Positionierung, aber auch mit dem Blick auf alles, was dazugehört - Sichtbarkeit, Marketing, Angebote. Hier geht es um Positionierung finden, Positionierung sichtbar machen, Positionierung weiterdenken für Selbständige, Solo-Unternehmer, Freiberufler und andere Einzelkämpfer. Du erhältst praktische Erfahrungen, Fachwissen und Denkanstöße zu allem, was Dir hilft, die richtigen Menschen mit den richtigen ...
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Want to make your product stand out in a crowded market? It all starts with great positioning. I’m April Dunford, the expert high-growth tech companies go to when they have a positioning problem. With over two decades of experience as a startup executive and consultant, I have positioned and re-positioned hundreds of products and companies. Using my battle-tested methodology, I'll teach you the nitty-gritty of positioning so that you can unlock better marketing and sales performance. If you' ...
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Tune in every week to Gorilla Position, the biggest and best WWE fancast in the UK! If you love the Sports Entertainment juggernaut, you will love GP; a show made for fans, by fans! Join us for news, views, event recaps, behind-the-scenes gossip, competitions, plus interviews with all the biggest Superstars in WWE! It’s an unmissable slice of WWE that takes you closer to the action than ever before!
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Trading lernen - Aktien, Börse, Trader werden, Investing, Investieren, Swing Trading, Position Trading, Day Trading, Crypto, reich werden, Geldanlage, traden, Money Masters, Robert Beck
MONEY MASTERS by Robert Beck: Aktien, Geldanlage, Altersvorsorge, Investing, Immobilien, Vermögen, reich werden, passives Einkommen, Trading, Momentum, Value, Optionen, Börse, Anleihen, Geld anlegen, Swing, Position, Day
Du möchtest lernen, wie man ein erfolgreicher Trader wird? Du möchtest hochprofitable Trading-Strategien kennenlernen und schnellstmöglich Dein Kapital anwachsen lassen? Du glaubst nicht, dass ein 0815 ETF-Sparplan Dich Deine finanziellen Ziele erreichen lässt? Du möchtest aktiv traden und findest die Beschäftigung mit Aktien, Börse und so weiter spannend? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig und der Podcast "Trading lernen" wird Dir helfen, auf den richtigen Weg hin zum erfolgreichen Trader zu g ...
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I’m here to totally disrupt the legal industry and how lawyers exit their law firms. I want to crush the old notion that you can’t sell your law firm or that it is not worth anything. You absolutely can and … There is a Better, Much more profitable way.
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Diário falado 07.09.2019
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Mega-Brands: Investing in Mega Trends & the Mega Brands Best Positioned to Add Value to Your Wallet
Eric Clark
Mega-Brands is a podcast for investors, traders, and brand marketers; Financial Advisors & investors who want to keep track of the most powerful mega-trends happening around the globe. In these podcasts we discuss the $50 trillion/year global consumer spending theme as well as other trends like: Artificial Intelligence, Digitization, and the Experience Economy. Let's make some money investing in Mega-Brands! https://www.globalbrandsmatter.com
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Welcome to Positioned, the podcast dedicated to helping women position themselves for success in life, love, and business. Our host, Kimberly Knight, is a certified coach, business consultant, educator, author, and speaker who has dedicated her life to helping women achieve their goals. Each week, Kimberly will dive into the issues that women face on their journey toward success. From relationships to parenting, work-life balance to entrepreneurship, financial security to personal growth, we ...
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Many of us receive the call to leadership at some point in our lives. It can happen when we are young, and it can happen later. Sometimes it happens more than once. Regardless of its timing, saying yes to that call fundamentally changes us and the direction of our lives. The Play Your Position Podcast explores what happens when we answer the call -- and why it matters.
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Positioning the Prophetic Podcasts
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Positioned for Purpose Conversations is about where you are now and where God has always been. It’s easy to focus on the pain, heartache, brokenness , loss and wonder where God is. Our podcast is to encourage you to see God in the midst of your story and be reminded, “And we know all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose “ Romans 8:28 As you listen to each episode ,I hope you pause, reflect on your journey, and see God's handprint and kno ...
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Jeden ersten Freitag im Monat sprechen wir im ORIGINAL-Magazin-Podcast POSITIONEN über Geschichten zum nachhaltigen Leben und ökologischen Handeln. Wir treffen Menschen, deren Lebensmodelle Mut geben, die das Gemeinsame herausheben, Verantwortung ernst nehmen und andere inspirieren. Im Gespräch mit Mirela Jašić hören Sie Menschen, die spannende, wichtige und neue Positionen einnehmen. Abonnieren Sie das ORIGINAL-Magazin hier: https://original-magazin.at/abo
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A podcast to archive Fascist content that has been removed from YouTube and other places.
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Dibawakan pemuda asal Kota Pahlawan, Pole Position Podcast bakal ngobrol santai soal MotoGP, F1, Formula E dan ajang balap lain.
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Hier bekommst Du Impulse rund um die Themen Positionierung und Marketing. Mein Name ist Markus Selders und ich helfe Unternehmern, aus dem Wettbewerb und dem Preiskampf auszusteigen. Mein Mittel dazu: Eine klare und fokussierte Positionierung. Ich weiß, wie schwer es ist, eine solche Positionierung selbst und alleine zu erarbeiten. Darum biete ich Positionierungs-Coachings per Video-Meeting, Telefon und E-Mail an. Mehr zu meinen Positionierungs-Coachings findest Du auf meiner Website: https: ...
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You are born into royalty and because of this, you need to start seeing yourself as God sees you. A WINNER positioned to win in every area of life!
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A charging station for women creating purposeful lives and businesses they love. We are here to be resilient and strategic in our pursuits.
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The Monthly Cash Flow Podcast using Covered Calls focuses on using the Covered Call investment strategy for monthly cash flow income.
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REAL Funny people talk about things we feel like talking about. Whether its movies, music, current events, observations, life, animals, kids, marriage, health, culture, art, religion, politics, and everything in between, we'll let you know where we stand on the subject.
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Welcome to the O.P.S (optimal positions for success) podcast. Smashing comfort zones, but only when action is applied, so take massive action here and now.
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Discussions between Donna Cross and Sally Rabbas and people they feel have innovated different industries and communities. Positions in Power is a women-led duo producing real and relevant content.
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An ongoing exploration by Squad into the power of brand positions and the stories behind them.
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An immersive mix of social and emotional storytelling and conversation. Lauren and Dedra connect with some extra-ordinary individuals (some you know and some you may not) while they share their lived experiences. We share stories about how the rhythm of life can knock you out of step. We use dance concepts as a metaphor for the process that requires us to find our strength, our core (tribe), and grace to pivot. This is 5th Position Podcast.
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Welcome to the Get in Position to Win...TODAY podcast, where amazing things happen. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/LettheGovernmentPay/support
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Der ‘brand thinking’ Podcast ist für alle Startups, die ihr Produkt in eine relevante Brand verwandeln möchten. Ihr habt ein tolles Produkt, das in die Köpfe der Menschen gebracht werden muss? Wir unterstützen euch beim Aufbau eurer Brand, die sich von der Masse absetzt. Die relevant ist, weil sie die einzige Wahl ist. Und die sich eure Kunden verlieben werden.
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Watching Washington's Weekly Video Podcast on Political Polling Results
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KenFM ist ein medialer Mülltrenner und bietet seinen Zuhörern, Zuschauern und Lesern neben tagesaktuellen Interviews, eigenen politischen Statements und der Veröffentlichung von Beiträgen zahlreicher Gastautoren, aufwendig produzierte Spezialsendungen. Darunter ist seit 2015 ein Gesprächsformat, das die klassische politische Talkshow des deutschen Fernsehens durch innovative Ergänzungen abzulösen, zumindest aber wesentlich zu erweitern vermag: „Positionen – Politik verstehen“. Das Format trä ...
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This is my podcast!
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A podcast involving me, Dan Offen, talking to some of the most interesting and talented people in the DOTA 2 Competitive scene.
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HECTOR, le podcast de l'UNamur qui questionne la science, les pratiques et les positionnements scientifiques
HECTOR, le podcast qui questionne la science, les pratiques et les positionnements scientifiques
HECTOR est un podcast qui, à l’origine, doit son nom à Hector Lebrun, une figure scientifique oubliée du 19e siècle. A partir des archives de ce savant brillant, têtu et polémiste, 4 épisodes ont été montés, explorant dans une perspective diachronique des thématiques telles que la place des femmes dans le monde de la recherche, l’intérêt de l’expérimentation animale, le rôle des intellectuel.le.s dans la société et la résistance à la théorie de l’évolution. En se détachant de la figure du bi ...
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Dive into “Compromising Positions”, the unique, new podcast designed to iron out the wrinkles in the relationship between cybersecurity teams and other tech professionals. We’re taking the ‘security as a blocker’ stereotype head-on, promoting a shared language and mutual understanding. We’ll turn those ‘compromising positions’ into ‘compromising solutions’, helping security pros and tech teams collaborate more effectively for a smoother, safer digital journey. Every week we will be joined by ...
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Join the guys at Generically Geek as they take an offbeat, off-topic and completely off-the-wall journey through the world of wrestling! Featuring in-depth discussions, news and rumours and PPV/Network commentaries, sprinkled with a whole lot of opinions. Like... so many opinions.
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Hi, I’m Patty Dominguez, and you are about to discover the Positioning strategies to help you grow your business. The truth is, we all have something very uniquely our own to share and this podcast explores the stories of small business owners just like you who are bringing their message out to the world and impacting their tribe in a distinct and memorable manner… If you want to take your business to a CATEGORY OF ONE status then hang with me because this podcast shares everything you need ...
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No man is a lone island, that's part of God's design. He saw it fit for us to be unified in interdependency such that what we have is a resource for someone else. God has given us assignments to fulfill the mandate of establishing His kingdom here on the earth. Are you in your rightful place to carry that out? Are you in position? The goal of this podcast is to equip you with what you need to get in alignment with God's will. It's time to take your rightful place, people are connected to the ...
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A Podcast About the Creative Side of Photography
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Position Impossible Podcast with Dave Camarillo and Matt Darcy
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Engage your mind. Smart Conversation. Laughs. This podcast is the perfect companion to laugh and escape the heavy news of the day! Almost daily updates make it an easy "go to" when you want to take a break! Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-pole-position-with-jon-pole--4779342/support.
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Motivation messages and conversations focused on education, family and personal growth. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jihad-el-amin/support
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The business and marketing podcast for entrepreneurs with each show featuring an amazing entrepreneur who is crushing it in business. Join me 3 days a week to hear stories from entrepreneurs like John Lee Dumas, Nick Unsworth, Mike Koenigs and Michael O'Neal as they talk about the obstacles they overcame on their way to business success, the lessons they learned on their journey as an entrepreneur and what motivates them to succeed now. Discover how they are marketing themselves to their tar ...
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In this episode of My TRUE POSITION, I’m talking about reverse shadowing — why it’s time for owners, managers, and executives to follow the people on the front lines and learn from them. From the shop floor to shipping and admin, there’s something new to pick up if you’re willing to listen. This is how you build trust. This is how you stay relevant…
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You’ve decided to sell your law firm, and the countdown is on—just one year to go. What should you be doing right now to ensure a smooth and profitable transition? In this episode of Smart Lawyers Position to Transition, Victoria Collier breaks down the most important steps to take when you’re a year away from selling. From financial preparation to…
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John Cena turns heel!! GP’s Deep dive
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1:41:00WOW. Just WOW!! An absolutely legendary moment took place this past Saturday night, something we never thought we’d see… After 21 YEARS as WWE’s poster boy babyface, John Cena finally… TURNED HEEL and shocked the wrestling world; a landscape-shifting event that now redefines and reshapes this current era of WWE’s creative brilliance. And of course,…
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He's one of the most well known personalities in the sport, with experience comepeting at ADCC and in the UFC, as well as coaching some of the sports biggest stars. This week's guest is New Jersey's own Tom DeBlass. We had a great chat about Tom's start in the sport, training with Ricardo Almeida and the legendary Team Renzo Gracie, as well as the …
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The first five episodes are available now. Subscribe today! Loved, hated, and an endlessly controversial figure in modern sports, Georgia Frontiere's story is one of ambition, power, scandal, and a relentless quest for respect and legacy. Inheriting the LA RAMS after the sudden and mysterious death of her sixth husband, Georgia, once dubbed a "trop…
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Full Frontal: Do You Do It Yourself? We talk all things Masturbation with Dr Eric Sprankle!
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1:25:05HELLO FELLOW SELF-LOVING HUMANS! Do we have a TREAT for you! After stalking his Instagram for YEARS, pre-ordering a signed copy of his book "DIY: The Wonderfully Weird History and Science of Masturbation" I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with the incredible Dr. Eric Sprankle—a sex psychologist, author, and Associate Professor at Mankato …
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In dieser Folge spricht Robert über die 2 primären Ziele beim Investing und Trading: Cashflow und Vermögensaufbau. Wie kann man diese Ziele erreichen und ist es sinnvoll, beide Ziele gleichzeitig zu verfolgen? -- Kostenloses Strategie-Gespräch sichern: https://money-masters.de/termin Robert Beck auf Social Media: https://www.money-masters.de/social…
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Perry Marshall on Mastering 80/20 for More Money and Less Work
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1:00:06Today, you will hear my conversation with one of the OGs of the Internet, Perry Marshall. Let me tell you a little bit about Perry. He is undoubtedly one of the most experienced Internet Marketers of all time. If there’s ever an internet marketing hall of fame, he would be inducted in the first round. I remember crossing Perry’s path way back in my…
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Send us a text Support the show Colette’s Bio Colette Lawrence is an author, dynamic motivator, life coach, and personal development Trainer. She is the author of the book Positioned for Purpose: The Journey and its accompanying devotional and Journal. She dived headfirst into her passion and purpose of impacting women's lives through motivation, e…
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I discuss the February results for the brands strategy, what worked and what lagged. Which style factors and sectors are being rewarded and which ones are lagging. I talk about what could be driving the current market volatility, how long it could last, and what's driving it. Uncertainty is driving everything right now. Perhaps the Trump administra…
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Ever feel like LinkedIn is more of a burden than a benefit? You’re not alone. In this episode of My TRUE POSITION, we’re cutting through the noise and breaking down how manufacturers can use LinkedIn as a tool—not a time-sucking, stress-inducing headache. Why LinkedIn feels overwhelming (and how to fix it) How to engage without feeling pressured to…
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Send us a text Todays episode highlights the challenges we face when we decide to pursue the purpose God has for our lives. • Fear is a barrier to moving forward , the fear of failure particularly can holds us captive, forcing us to remain where we are, when God has called and equipped us to move. • Comparison steals our fervor for moving, as we ar…
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In today’s episode, I explore the crucial distinction between positioning your product’s value and handling objections. I explain why understanding the buyer personas in a B2B deal is essential to tailor messaging for champions versus other stakeholders. I also highlight scenarios where objection handling can transform into a core value driver unde…
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In our last episode, we explored what law firm owners should be doing five years out from selling their firm. But what if you’re closer to the finish line? This week, Victoria Collier dives into the critical three-year mark—the point where strategic positioning and operational efficiency become even more crucial. If you’re serious about maximizing …
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Is CM Punk a ‘legend’?
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1:37:28Gorilla Position is back for another deep dive into WWE’s week that was! Listen as JD, Mekz and The Man They Call Skillit make their final predictions for Elimination Chamber this Saturday night, plus their interesting takes as the WrestleMania puzzle slowly starts falling into place. Is a new evil Corporation faction in the works? Is CM Punk a ‘le…
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She's one of the sports recent breakout stars, and an ADCC Weight/Absolute Champion. This week's guest is Australia's own Adele Fornarino. We had a great chat about Adele's recent accomplishments, what has changed since, and some of the biggest factors in her success. She also shared some insights into the work she has put in with some great coache…
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Created and hosted by Nah... Positioning Your Passion is a reoccurring conversation series featuring creative entrepreneurs discussing their process and most importantly how they are successfully navigating the creative industry. From rallying resources to collaboration, we’re talking accomplishments, challenges and future goals. On Season 2 episod…
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Thinking about getting ISO 9001 or AS9100 certified but not sure which one makes sense for your shop? In this episode of My TRUE POSITION, I break down the key differences, the real costs, and how to offset expenses using Manufacturing Extension Partnerships (MEPs). If you want to win aerospace and defense contracts but the price tag has you hesita…
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Manche Selbständige haben so richtig Bock auf Contentmarketing und schaffen damit ein Pensum, bei dem andere Fluchtreflexte bekommen. Andere bekommen schon beim Gedanken daran Fluchtreflexe. Hol Dir in dieser Episode 2 Denkanstöße für ein Marketing, das zu Dir passt - mit Content oder ohne. Hinweis: Wenn Du Hilfe brauchst, Dein für Dich und Deine Z…
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Send us a text Today we look at trusting God when life gets hard. As women of faith we sometimes struggle to trust God during difficult times. This episode encourages you to acknowledge and place your trust in God, and reminding you of His unwavering presence in your life regardless of your life circumstances. Today is see God in pain your and hard…
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Selling your law firm isn’t an overnight process—it takes years of strategic planning. In this episode, Victoria Collier breaks down the five-year plan for a successful sale. She covers how attorneys can set a clear vision, enhance financial stability, and position their brand for a seamless transition. Whether you're considering a full exit or a p…
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Could your side hustle be sabotaging your financial freedom instead of supporting it? Join me as we unravel the hidden traps that might be keeping your side gig from being the profitable venture you envisioned. Tune in to discover how to turn your side hustle into a true asset, avoiding the errors that could be costing you more than you realize. Do…
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“Solo, I hate you!”
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1:32:11Gorilla Position is back! Now James has returned from shooting, the gang reunite in the GP studio for a deep-dive into the wild world of WWE as the road to WrestleMania 41 continues! JD, Mekz and The Man They Call Skillit break down the week that was and make early predictions for Mania weekend in Las Vegas, ahead of next weekend’s Elimination Cham…
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Zufriedene Kunden fragst Du sicher regelmäßig nach Testimonials. Aber es gibt noch eine Gruppe Menschen, die Dir sicher gern eine positive öffentliche Rückmeldung geben würde. Nur die wird oft übersehen. In der Episode erwähnt: Mein kostenloses Unternehmergepräch - 30 Minuten für Deine Fragen. https://www.reckliesmp.de/unternehmergespraech/ Übersic…
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He's one of Europe's top Black Belts and creator of the Tarikoplata submission. This week's guest is Norway's own Tarik Hopstock. We had a great chat about Tarik beginnings in the sport, discovering his passion for competition, and the transition from the ower ranks to the Black Belt level. He also shared some insights on the origins of the Tarikop…
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Auf der Suche nach Positionierungs-Gold - Das wichtigste Instrument in meiner Positionierungs-Schürf-Ausrüstung sind lange Listen an Fragen. Gold ist immer da. Wir wissen nur vorher nicht, wo es sitzt. Magst Du mal mit mir zusammen auf Goldsuche für Deine Positionierung gehen? Wir graben zusammen und fördern mit Sicherheit ganz tolle Sachen zutage.…
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Are you making the right first impression? If your bio is dull and your headshot is a blurry selfie, you’re not doing yourself any favors. In this episode of My TRUE POSITION, I break down why every manufacturing leader needs a strong bio and a professional headshot. We’ll cover why your digital handshake matters, who needs one, how to craft it, an…
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In today’s episode, I dive into the art of transforming competitor strengths into weaknesses, a practice which I sometimes call “marketing jiu-jitsu.” You will learn: * How competitor strengths can double as weaknesses in different markets. * Opportunities for challenger brands to carve out niche markets. * The differences between platform and tool…
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What if you could attract more clients without competing on price? In this episode, Victoria Collier sits down with marketing powerhouse John Dwyer, the man who convinced Jerry Seinfeld to step out of retirement for an Australian banking campaign. John shares his unique approach to direct response marketing, revealing how law firms and other busine…
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#291 Positionierung auf Basis Deiner Vergangenheit, Deiner Erfahrungen und Deiner Lebensstationen - Ist das immer eine gute Idee?
Eigene Erfahrungen weitergeben – das ist ein wunderbarer Positionierungsansatz. Doch Vorsicht ist geboten, wenn der eigene Lebenslauf zur Notlösung für fehlende Positionierungsideen wird. In dieser Episode hörst Du Wie das passieren kann 2 Beispiele für 2 typische Probleme mit einer Positionierung auf Basis eigener Erfahrungen Mein Umweg auf dem We…
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Hey everybody! It's Kimberly Knight from The Positioned Podcast, and I have BIG news—we are officially recording **Season 3**! 🎉 So many exciting changes are coming, and I can't wait to share them with you. But first, **THANK YOU**—last year, we reached 24 countries and 196 cities because of **YOU!** 🙌🏾 Keep watching, liking, and sharing—we’re just…
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Man soll als Unternehmer nur eine Sache anbieten - Und das soll man nicht so wörtlich nehmen! | Einwurf #483
Wenn es heißt, Du sollst als Unternehmer nur "eine Sache" machen und nicht zu viele verschiedene Angebote haben, dann solltest Du das nicht wörtlich nehmen. Was Du brauchst ist Dein eines Ding, wofür Du bekann sein willst. Doch daran kannst Du viele verschiedene Angebote knüpfen, Mehr zu diesem Thema erfährst Du in diesem Blogartikel / Podcastepiso…
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Afternoon Delight Part 1: Non-hormonal Birth Control; Wrap it, snip it, watch it, pull it
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1:02:51🎙️ EPISODE TITLE: "No Hormones? No Problem! 🔥 Non-Hormonal Birth Control 101" Episode Synopsis: No hormones? No Problem! In this first part of an all new Afternoon Delight series, w break down all forms of non-hormonal options for making love, without making babies love options. We love options and when it comes to birth control, there’s no one-siz…
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Are You Ready for Pre-Retirement? As a multi-generational manufacturing business owner, stepping away from the day-to-day is easier said than done. Have you staffed your business correctly? Do you have the right leadership, mid-level management, and sales pipeline in place to keep things running smoothly? In this episode of My TRUE POSITION, I expl…
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Send us a text Hi friends, in today's episode, brokenness can feel overwhelming, but this episode reminds us that God uses our struggles for a greater purpose. We explore how insecurities, body image issues, and personal stories of healing reveal the beauty of embracing our scars and the potential that lies in recognizing our worth through Christ. …
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Brandon McCaghren on learning styles, running the PGF, and the importance of keeping an open mind
He's a Black Belt under Eddie Bravo in the renowned 10th Planet system, and one of the sports most well known commentators and promoters. This week's guest is Alabama's own Brandon McCaghren. We had a great chat about Brandon's humble beginnings in the sport, his meeting Eddie Bravo and joining 10th Planet, to how he honed his skills as a coach and…
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In this final installment of our four-part series, Prospective Buyer Meets Prospective Seller, we dive into the critical boundaries that must be set before a Letter of Intent (LOI) is signed. If you're in the process of selling your law firm, knowing what to disclose and what to withhold can make the difference between a smooth transition and a dea…
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