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#Everlasting #Life, #Council of #God, #Truth, #NorthKorean #Church, #Forgiveness, #ChristianPersecution, @WarnRadio Everlasting Life comes right at us with this week's scripture in John chapter five, verses twenty-four through twenty seven. This section is great news for all people who want eternal life, #forgiveness, and a relationship through #Ch…
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#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come; #Sanctified Pt8 Sanctified by the #bloodofChrist shed on the cross of calvary for the #sins of men. This week's study, Occupy till I come brings you as a believer into a Holy and Consecrated alliance with both God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. As we move, walk, testify, live, endure suffering, or face per…
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Lively Hope is keeping faith alive even through trials and tribulations, floods, prison, death, and many other afflictions. Through much tribulation do we, as believers in Christ Jesus enter into the Kingdom of God. The Apostles taught this, experienced this, and so did our Lord Jesus lead the way by example. He gave his life on the cross, shedding…
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WORD of Truth greets this portion of our 'Occupy Till I Come' study. We look at the Apostle Paul as he unravel' s the "Mystery of His Will" found in the context of Ephesians chapter one, verses nine through fourteen. This chapter is rich as is the rest of this letter to the Ephesians, however we move on. It is no mistake that the Book of Revelation…
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Withstand Evil reminds us of what the Apostle Paul warned us about the whole armour of God. While we may face physical opposition, enemies, and a battle with the dark powers of this physical plane, there is One who is bigger and has conquered death and hell. He is Jesus Christ, #Yeshua who came in the form of flesh, bringing the #gospelofthekingdom…
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Gospel of God brings us to the inevitability which faces mankind. He is not in charge of life, death, or the creator of all things. Today, mankind and His science along with technology has made a way for mankind to reach the stature of godhood, or so they believe. Utilizing modern tech and the internet, we find groups, individuals, and entire natio…
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The #Overcame #Him, #Sudan #Famine, #Faith of #Jesus, #Philippines, #Deliverance, @WarnRadio They Overcame Him travels globally again this week and discuss the faith of believers and what they face, in this case it is upfront for the believers of the world. We find the tested believers this week facing a #famine in #Sudan, being tested as in the Fa…
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Labor and Reward brings us to part five of our newest series on Sound the Shofar Friday mornings. This series, Discipleship Occupy till I come 'Labor and Reward' Pt5 continues Friday mornings. The shows will be on our websites and on other networks that carry our shows. More info on this is found on our site. We will begin with the Apo…
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Gospel of Peace rides alongside, persecution, prison, martyrs, faith, miracles, and provision. Taking the Gospel to the world as revealed in the scriptures can be a dangerous and daunting task filled with the divine, miraculous, deliverance all amidst those who hate the gospel and the Christ of the Gospel. Yet amidst that hate and danger, many Chri…
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Nations Drunk, having finished drinking the wine of the "wrath of her fornication". Directly from Revelation, we find the context of these words in chapter eighteen and verses three through six. However, the whole of this chapter gives a stark reminder of what happens to the nations of men when unbridled lust, greed, power gather in #MysteryBabylon…
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Spread the Gospel brings the truth to those without the camp. As Paul spoke to the Thessalonians, he mentioned their "#electionofGod", saying to them "our gospel came not only to "you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost." He also said of their #faith saying, "In every place your faith to #God-word is spread abroad" so much so tha…
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Repent Be Converted is found in the third chapter of Acts, an event post Pentecost and the giving of the #HolySpirit. Here we find Peter and John going up to the temple. On the way they came upon a Lame man, and he looked at the pair expecting to receive something from them. One of the famous quotes of Peter is found here in Acts chapter three and …
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#Enemies of the #Cross, #Redemptive #Light, #Persecuted #Believers, #Egyptian #Christians, #Modern #Slavery, #Abducted, #Advocacy #Persecuted @WarnRadio Enemies of the Cross travels globally as the #commission of the Lord to "go ye into all the world and preach the gospel" resonates with the believers. We are commanded by our #Lord Jesus Christ "to…
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#Discipleship #Occupy till I #Come I #SendYouForth Pt2 I Send You Forth, make sure you know; the disciples were sent. They had a purpose, a #commission, an #anointing, and a Leader who had overcome all things. He finished the #redemptiveportion of the work. Now the messengers were sent with the message that all people may #besaved from the #secondd…
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#Faith in the #LordJesus , #Iran, #Christianity, #Nigeria, #Believers, #Spreading the #Gospel, #Advocacy #PersecutedChurch @WarnRadio Faith in the Lord Jesus comes to light as we move forward to this week's show the #Advocacy for the #PersecutedChurch. Here we are reminded of the Apostle Paul whose moving words to the Saints at Ephesus. Verses fift…
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The Cost is what makes true Discipleship. For the #Lord, it was the #Cost of the #cross he bore and the #deliverance he fulfilled for all mankind. When gathering His disciples who immediately saw that the Lord was #empowered and a was indeed the #Messiah to come. However, the Cost was conveyed to the group of #disciples again and again as our Lord …
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A time with the #lawlessness of #nations and of men and women peaking. We find the words of the prophet in chapter fifteen of Isaiah saying "For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire." Further the prophet says that the "LORD will plead with al…
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The #Righteous, #Christians, #Murdered, #Sentenced, #Kenya, #Gospel, #Uganda, #Haiti, #Persecution #Advocacy @WarnRadio The Righteous globally face #persecution. This week #believers are murdered, sentenced, persecuted, and find the strength of #Christ #Jesus and the #power of #HisSpirit to move forward with the #gospelmessage of #redemptivepower. …
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Resurrection Hope looks at the reality of the #heavenlyhope we have which transcends the human reality and human understanding which people all over the world have. Many times, their reality is based on their traditions and what other religious figures have left behind. Yet for #Christians, #ourhope looks beyond this world and the status quo. We fi…
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Zion's Travail brings us face to face with the LORD rendering recompence to His enemies. Yet we look at the context of this portion and find before she travailed, she brought forth a man child. Yet, even as this sounds unbelievable, the question is asked "who has heard such a thing or seen such things”? A #nationborn at once, for Zion travailed and…
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Perilous Christian Living brings us to the end of the end of days. Here the battle rages on amidst the global turmoil of nations, the threat of one world government, and here in America the rejection of truth of the #Gospel and #unbelief have led countless American youth and young adults astray. In spite of this, we find #revival fires and the #red…
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#Eternal #Life the #Redeeming #Christ Pt7 Eternal Life has been offered to masses of peoples on this planet since #Messiah #Yeshua walked this earth during the rule of Rome. It was the Caesars who controlled #Jerusalem and who gave the Jews power in Rome to have their temple and practice of Judaism. It was also Rome, through General Titus who destr…
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#Lifestyle #Choices #Isaiah's #Prophetic #Book Pt221 Battle Lines Lifestyle Choices brings us to the last chapter and the final words of the #ProphetIsaiah. Here we find the Lord addressing the humble that trembles at the #WordoftheLord. These met with condemnation, being also cast out of the #Temple. Herein, the Lord tells them that the "Lord will…
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Gospel Faith Persecuted Finds its way amidst all the tribulations and troubles in the world as we look at the #GospelFaith going forth by those who stand firm in #JesusChrist, despite #tribulation. There is trouble in many parts of the globe, but in America we also find much division, trouble, and a bitter rivalry between the conservative and liber…
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Reconciled and Declaring the Redeeming Christ Jesus. How can a world be saved unless there is a Savior. In Him, Christ Jesus who died for our sins reconciled us to God and our Father through His Atonement. We are saved, here the word is past tense; for we have this promise that God is not man that he should lie, nor that His hand short that he cann…
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God of Truth comes into focus clearly as we reach closer to the end of Isaiah chapter sixty-five. God will have #Truth, #Justice, and He will #judge all people. The truth here is not that there is a reward for both the wicked and righteous. The Truth is, #God is a #redeemingGod who sent His only Son #Jesus, #Yeshua to die for the #sinsofmankind. On…
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Advocacy Persecuted Church reminds us of what Matthew chapter Five says, and we remind you of verse five. It says, "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." This along with the rest of Matthew chapter five give a glimpse as to what our Lord expects. The #troubles besetting our nation would…
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#Testimony of the #Redeeming #Christ Pt5 Testimony of the Redeeming Christ Pt 5 faced down the Jews who opposed Him. Meanwhile, the crowds of both jew and gentile saw the miraculous things he did. For example, He not only raised Lazarus from the dead after laying in a tomb for four days, he did this with a creative miracle. For Lazarus' body was de…
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Persecution Advocacy, standing up for, relaying the news to others about the #PersecutedBelievers in Christ Jesus. For they and we who believe are the church of God. We are united, grafted in, and sealed with that #HolySpirit of #Promise. That we, along with those before be partakers of the #KingdomofGod and of #Christ #Jesus. Here I am reminded of…
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Many Antichrists come forward in this fourth episode of the Redeeming Christ. The truth of #JesusChrist is Overcoming, #Redeemer, #Savior, #Lord, the #Alpha and #Omega. He is the #Almighty in Revelation chapter one. We are told in John chapter one to receive him, believe on Him, and in John chapter three to be #bornagain by the #SpiritofGod. They i…
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Choosing Wisely reveals the warning of the prophet was that those to whom he was writing had forsaken the Lord. They prepared a table, a #drinkoffering to the #Babylonian #god of fortune; herein known as Baal or Bel. Included ae drink offerings and other sacrifices. They were among a large contingent of the #childrenofIsrael, here Judah who did so.…
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Tribulation Persecution are two topics that intertwine with one another. For as Christ Jesus Said concerning those who persecute, murder, and put believers through dangerous tribulation do so "because they know not him that sent me" - John 15: 18-21. As Many different churches, beliefs, and those who make war on Christianity, Christians are disting…
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The Son of God, the #RedeemingChrist is set before you in these ends of days. Your life is at risk right now as you read this, if you do not know Him. As he says in John Five, verse twenty-four "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; bu…
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Mine Elect meets the past sins and idolatry of Judah even as the seventy years of captivity are finally over, the justice of God never wains in its purpose. Isaiah writes in chapter sixty-five and verse six "I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom." The #sins of #idolatry and forsaking the God of their Fathers…
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Perilous Times arrives in this the first week of June, as summer arrives and winter is behind us. For us in this area, we temper that summer with lots of outdoor work, fun, and play. But we also spend time #spreadingthegospel, teaching the #WordofGod, and reminding people through our websites and shows and social media to be prepared for the #daysa…
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The WORD was in the beginning, before there was anything as we have today. That WORD was with God and this #WORDwasGod. He was in the beginning with God John points out. As the Lord told the Pharisees and those around him, "Before Abraham Was I AM." While he was a prophet, priest after the order of Melchizedek, the resurrection and the life, the Wa…
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Rebellious People brings us to the end of chapter 64 and onto the first portion of #Isaiah sixty-five. This week we close out the former chapter, although it is relevant to this week's study. Isaiah writes "I am sought of them that asked not for me and I am found of them that sought me not- Isaiah Sixty-five and verse one. The Jews did not seek God…
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#Faith and #Hope, #Redemption, #Martyrdom, #Deaths #Door, #Unreached #People, #Gospel of #JesusChrist, @WarnRadio Faith and Hope Peter says your redemption was not made with or completed using corruptible things like silver and gold. In the world, these two items are costly, and men crave it for financial security. It took the #bloodofChrist, who w…
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Redeeming Christ directly brings us into the days of the dusty streets of #Jerusalem, the #RomanGuards, the Large Empire of Rome and a young preacher and Messiah. Today that means put away all the distractions like the cell phone, the television, the social media, and much more. Forget for a moment your bills, sickness, job, house, and all the #car…
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Our Father brings us to the #realization, that in the #endofallthings; our #God is indeed our #Father. This Father is the one whom #ChristJesus, #Yeshua revealed when he came to provide the #atonement for all who would #believe on Him. He spoke again and again of "His Father". As we find in this segment in our study, #Isaiah brings us to the #concl…
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The Testimony is evident in Matthew chapter ten. The context verses are Sixteen through twenty. No doubt here the defense is to be "wise as serpents", yet "harmless as doves." The emphasis is not guns, swords, or other weaponry of man. The warning plainly issue is there will be men, here and women who would deliver you up for reasons all pointing t…
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The person that is firmly connected to the Almighty, the Alpha and Omega is Jesus Christ. Here we find he is the "faithful witness", "first begotten of the dead", and "the prince of the kings of the earth." We find that #JesusChrist loved us, washed us from our sins in his own blood. In addition, he has made us kings and priests unto #God and His #…
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Working Righteousness - A righteous God, demands righteousness and for Christians today, our actions and all we do should be to be found in #ChristJesus unto #goodworks that is connected to our faith. For without faith, we cannot please #God. Even #Israel not only had to follow the law, but they also had to have #faith. A commodity that many had tr…
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Least of These My Brethren arrives with a very well-known scripture, especially known among those who work to support the #persecutedchurch, or those who work on the streets with the #gospelofJesusChrist. The first sentence gives you the first five words and the chances are good that you have heard this phrase. It consists of the #Lord examining th…
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Hope and Faith is possible today because our #Savior, Jesus, Yeshua, the Christ came from glory and was born in the flesh, yet he was all God and all man. He was the #atoningsacrifice for #oursins, for he was and is the #PassoverLamb that shed His blood for all humanity. Without the shedding of His blood, the perfect atonement sacrifice could not h…
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Nations Tremble. The Nations of men Tremble at thy Presence Oh Lord our Redeemer. As Isaiah says in chapter Sixty-four and verses one and two "Oh that thou wouldest #rendtheheavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at thy presence, as when the #meltingfire #burneth, the fire causeth the waters to boil, to make thy na…
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#Hated of #allNations, #Redemption #Truth, #Enduring #Hope, #Nigeria, #BeginningofSorrows #Persecution @WarnRadio Hated of all Nations as the #Persecution of the #Christianchurch continues all fronts. Even in America there are many who are #cold, #lukewarm, and even #belligerent attitudes and actions towards #Christians. Nevertheless, we have seen …
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pirit and Life meets head on with those who refuse to #believe who the #Messiah is, and the #testimonyofthetruth given by the Apostles themselves. The issues while dealing with #lifeanddeath, is one of #understanding and #believing in the #truth. While the #Apostles and those Jews who witnessed #JesusChrist personally and what he did and believed; …
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Everlasting Redeemer never leaves us, the lessons continue in Isaiah. We do not forget those like #David, #Elijah, #Solomons #Kingdomreign, and to the time when both houses backslide from #Jehovah all ring true in their memories including #deliverance from #Babylon and restoral to #Jerusalem. Yet these verses bring to us a longing of the #childreno…
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For the Gospels Sake there is Peril as the good news of #JesusChrist is spread among the #nationsofmen where we find many gods. #Educational arenas are funneling #StudentTerrorists to battle the Word of God. Meanwhile, an old man in prison has been there twenty-two years for being a #Christian, while another believer faces a death sentence for his …
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