Peggy Joyce Ruth, aka "the Psalm 91 Lady" is author of a variety of Psalm 91 book titles with over six million copies in print. She taught a weekly Adult Bible Study for more than 35 years in her church in Central Texas as she shared how to make God’s Word your final authority. Known for her easy-to-understand style of communicating the Word of God and warm storytelling, Peggy Joyce's heart is that her books and teachings will bring you into the same freedom from fear she experienced and hel ...
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Every Sunday, Pastor Jack would say, “If you will grab hold of this message, it will change your life,” and we can all vouch that it did. Pastor Jack Ruth, or Pastor Jack, as we called him, and Peggy Joyce started Living Word Church in Brownwood, Texas. They pastored together from the '80s to “retirement” in the early 2000s. Jack’s childlike faith set the vision and foundation for the church and the Psalm 91 ministry that followed. At one of the recordings with Sid Roth where Peggy Joyce was ...
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Enseñanza de Peggy Joyce Ruth y su hija Angelia Ruth en español.
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God called everything into being through His Words. When God created the earth, He said, "Let there be." By what we speak, we let things be and become in our lives. If we speak and believe negatively, we are letting the enemy be in our lives. But when we are speaking and coming into agreement with God's Word, we are letting His Word be in our lives…
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Jesus is different than every other religion. Every other religion's principles could exist without their founders, but Christianity could not exist without Jesus. Christianity is not simply a doctrine; it is a person. It is more than rules; it is a marriage with Jesus that changes us from the inside out.…
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Our battle is not won by fighting in our own flesh and blood strength but by fighting the enemy in God's strength. Even though we are fighting in God's strength, it is still OUR struggle. It is OUR warfare, and we must learn how to fight and overcome the enemy. If we don't know we are fighting with principalities and powers, we are already losing. …
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How do you prepare for revival? When we are faithful in the small things God has given us to steward, God brings the increase. In the gospels, God entrusted more to the servants who were faithful with the talents He gave them. He cast out the one who did nothing with what he was given. When we faithfully do the small things, we can be trusted with …
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Self-pity is a magnet that draws bad things to you. It keeps you immobile, always looking inward and rarely toward God. When God didn’t approve of Cain’s offering, he got into self-pity instead of asking God where he was wrong. He continued down the road of self-pity and then self-destruction.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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Are you recognizing the generational curses in your life and family line? Many believers do not see their problems as generational curses. They do not realize that God has given them the authority to break curses that have been passed down. The good news is that God has redeemed us from the curse and wants to move us into His blessings.…
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When we let offense set in our hearts, it can become deadly. How you handle opportunities to be offended will determine whether you grow or not spiritually. Offense can trip us up, cause us to stumble, and ultimately entice us into sin. Offense is something we need to get rid of completely. Ask the Lord if there is any area where you have been offe…
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Do you really believe that God is for you? What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? -Romans 8:31-32. God is not a man that He should lie. His Words are true, but we have a choice to either…
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It is so very important for us to know the character of God. Do you know how your heavenly Father acts? Do you know God's character well enough to know when someone says something wrong about Him? When we blame or get disappointed with God for things that are coming from the enemy, we open a door that is very hard to close. But thankfully, now we a…
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It is so very important for us to know the character of God. Do you know how your heavenly Father acts? Do you know God's character well enough to know when someone says something wrong about Him? When we blame or get disappointed with God for things that are coming from the enemy, we open a door that is very hard to close. But thankfully, now we a…
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It is so very important for us to know the character of God. Do you know how your heavenly Father acts? Do you know God's character well enough to know when someone says something wrong about Him? When we blame or get disappointed with God for things that are coming from the enemy, we open a door that is very hard to close. But thankfully, now we a…
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No matter the attack, don't stop on what God has assigned you to build. God will do the heavy lifting if we submit to Him and His plan. But it is important to remember that even God's plans come under attack from the enemy. There are attitudes (the enemy) and actions (from people) that will come against us when we begin God's work. We must stay on …
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Gift-giving has been a Christmas tradition since the wise men brought gifts to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Every gift and everything we find in the Word has a physical and a spiritual application.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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Our heritage as Christians and our future are wrapped up in the nation of Israel. The Jewish Nation carries with it a blessing but much of the current hatred toward the Jews dates back to writings from the early 1900s. Those writings were used to brainwash concentration camp soldiers, and those ideas are still influencing culture today. It is the b…
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We are being programmed consciously and unconsciously by culture and media to believe we are victims. The enemy wants to classify you as a victim. It is part of his plan to destroy us, but God never created victims. He created overcomers.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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God wants to speak to us. He is working to develop a deep knowing in us, but when we look at and take in the wrong things, we miss His voice. There is no limit to what God would show us, but we limit ourselves by how much we receive from Him. We are the deciding vote on whether we take in God's light or the darkness.…
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People often think they cannot hear God's voice because they are looking to hear an audible voice. But God speaks in a different way than we are accustomed to in the natural. John 10 says that we know His voice. Developing a sense of "knowing" is the key to truly hearing God's voice.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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Are you taking time to make your thanksgiving personal to God? It is easy to go through the motions and give thanks, but in His Word, God instructs us to give thanks to God. One of the most valuable things we can give God is our thanksgiving, it is a way we can give back to God what He has given us.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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Do you know our Thanksgiving Heritage in America? Jamestown and Plymouth were both early settlements. One town was only after gold and greed, and they paid the price. The other was sent on a mission by God and considered Him in everything they did. God blessed them every step of the way.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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How do you tell the difference between the flesh and demons? Flesh is self or self-will. When we reason away following God's Word or elevate our opinions above His Word, that is flesh. Did you know the deeds of the flesh amount to idol worship? Colossians 3:5 says, "Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity…
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In the Old Testament, circumcision was physical, but in the New Testament, God circumcises our hearts. Our flesh is anything that thinks or acts independently from God. Even though we are born again, we can still choose to live in the flesh. It's not until we have the flesh cut away that we can love God fully with all of our heart, mind, and streng…
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Many believers are unknowingly involved in witchcraft, but God is calling us out of witchcraft and idolatry. Being ignorant of what God's Word says about the occult is not an excuse we must partner with God to root out all occult practices from our lives.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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Do you not want to pray because you feel your prayers are not being answered? That is not how God intended it; He designed our prayer life to be fun. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. -James 5:16. If prayer always produces a wonderful result, we will always want to pray. That is the place God w…
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The world is desperately looking for peace. People think that if they had enough money, they would find it. If they could keep their minds entertained, they would have peace. Or if they had a meaningful relationship, they would find peace. Everyone is looking for a safe place for peace, but the truth is that Peace was already given to us 2000 years…
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Jesus said "Be of good cheer. I have overcome the world." -John 16:33. If we are to be like Jesus, we are to be overcomers in this life. Satan is the god of this world, and we must learn to overcome all of his schemes and assignments. And at the root of all the enemy's schemes is fear. No matter what you are facing, it can always be traced back to …
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We cannot lose unless we give up. Our words cause us either to give up or to overcome in life. The children of Israel brought back bad words after spying out the Promise Land. It cost them 40 years. How much have our negative words cost us? We must remove evil reports from our vocabulary and put God's report on our tongue.…
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Jesus said that it was to our advantage that He left the earth because the Holy Spirit was coming but many times we forget the Holy Spirit is the third person in the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is a power force on the inside of us that we get to know as our friend. He is a wind that moves us, leads us, and empowers us to do God's Works on the earth.…
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We all have areas where the enemy is working to influence our lives. Anything that works to overpower us is not from God. The Holy Spirit woos and convicts us but ultimately gives us free will to choose. It is the devil, using thoughts and feelings that tries to convince us we are helpless victims without power. But with God, there is always the po…
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Every person has some area they are struggling with oppression. When we feel powerless to change our circumstances, it is a sign that you are under the influence of a demonic spirit. The enemy's first goal is to stay hidden, so we battle in the flesh and never see his schemes. Here are some facts from the Bible on demonic oppression.…
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We must discover and destroy the root of strife. "For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work." - James 3:16. Strife comes when we are preoccupied with self. We can either be arrogant and exalt ourselves, or have low self-esteem and beat ourselves up. Both are a preoccupation with SELF. And self is the root of strife and…
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“Better is a dry morsel with quiet than a house full of feasting with strife.” - Proverbs 17:1. Everyone who operates in strife is giving Satan access to every area of their life. We must learn to see strife for what it truly is and get it completely out of our lives.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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God has given each of us free will and the power to choose. This is the most important right we have been given and our decisions set the course for our life. God has placed much of our destiny in our hands. So it is vital that we don't give our authority over to the enemy as Adam did in the garden. He handed our authority over to the enemy. But Je…
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Are we going to choose the high road or the low road? People ask, "Why would I receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit? I received the Holy Spirit when I was saved." And you did. It is impossible to get saved without the Holy Spirit, but there are two experiences. Jesus breathed on His disciples in John 20:22, and they received the Holy Spirit. It w…
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When Satan sends thoughts our way, so many times, we ignore them instead of answering them with the Word. The enemy's thoughts and temptations don't just go away if we ignore them. They build and build until the enemy has us trapped. It is vital to answer the enemy with the Word until we get the victory.…
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We don't want to reason an answer from our intellect and miss the answer God is speaking to us. Many times, reasoning "sounds" true and right. There is a difference between facts and the truth of God's Word. We must choose to believe God's Word over everything else.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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Many people are robbed of God's blessing because they lack an understanding of what God has for them. The law of sowing and reaping governs all other laws. The more we give in any area of life, the more we will increase. The more we hoard back, the more we fall into poverty. If you are only giving to receive, you'll be stuck, but if you give to giv…
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The difference between changing your behavior and true repentance is the difference between Esau and Jacob. Over time Esau changed some of his behaviors but Jacob wrestled with God until his heart and name were changed by God.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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The difference between changing your behavior and true repentance is the difference between Esau and Jacob. Over time Esau changed some of his behaviors but Jacob wrestled with God until his heart and name were changed by God.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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Important teaching for this hour. There are spiritual laws that are just as sure and reliable as physical laws. When this becomes a reality to us, we're going to start thinking through every action, every word that comes out of our mouth, through even the tone of our voice and our attitudes. We're going to realize that all of these things are causi…
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Do you have family members who are not born again? This teaching is to help you pray effectively for family members who have yet to know the Lord. Even if your children and grandchildren are grown and out of the home your prayers still have authority in their lives. God is wanting to partner with us to bring our family into His kingdom.…
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Do you have family members who are not born again? This teaching is to help you pray effectively for family members who have yet to know the Lord. Even if your children and grandchildren are grown and out of the home your prayers still have authority in their lives. God is wanting to partner with us to bring our family into His kingdom.…
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A large portion of Jesus' ministry on earth was casting out demons. Do you remember any Old Testament stories of people being delivered? Any instruction In the Old Testament on doing spiritual warfare? Even today, many believers have not had their eyes open to the works of the enemy. Because of this, the enemy remains hidden and able to cause much …
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Psalms 14:1 says, "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God,'" and Romans 1:18-19 says, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness because that which is known about God is evident within them." As believers, we need to be ready to speak the trut…
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Things People Get Wrong About God's Character. It is Satan's trick to cause us to become double-minded. He works to convince us that God sends both good and evil to get us to open up to receive evil. When Jesus walked the earth He fully revealed who God is. We must have our minds renewed to the truth - God is only good.…
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Do you feel empty even though you have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? Feeling empty is a warning sign that as our well gets used up, we need to make time to stay connected to the source. There is no substitute for spending time with God.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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God cares about His name, and we should as well. Your name has great meaning and importance attached to it. A good name is to be more desired than great wealth. - Proverbs 22:1. Our reputation creates the name we pass on to our family and future generations. We should work to ensure our name is a good gift to our family.…
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Passive faith does not deny the truth. It is quick to say – ‘Yes, I believe the Word’, but passive faith too often believes that God can, but not necessarily that He will. Passive faith is a bigger enemy of victory in our lives than doubt itself. Faith can become such a common word that it loses its significance. The Lord wants us in ACTIVE faith a…
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God wants us to notice the warnings He sends. He is trying to keep us from any type of destruction. His warnings are tailored to the very places we are vulnerable to the enemy. God is commanding us to change, and the sooner we heed His warnings, the quicker God can turn our lives around.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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There are many ways God speaks and a few pitfalls we must be aware of. God has so many different ways He wants to speak to us. We often want to hear God in the way that is most familiar to us, but God wants to stretch and grow us into hearing the way He wants to speak to us.Από τον Peggy Joyce Ruth
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Hearing God's voice is a learned art that each of us as believers must practice. God is always wanting to speak to us but it is a matter of us tuning into Him. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. - John 10:27-28…
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