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In diesem Podcast geht Daniel Paasch, Begründer des Instituts für Potenzialentfaltung (IPE®), Ausbilder von knapp 5000 Kinder- und Jugendcoaches, geht den Fragen und Herausforderungen der Zeit konfrontierend ehrlich auf den Grund - mit Comedy-ähnlicher Leichtigkeit, tief durchdringend, mit seinem ganzen Wissensschatz und der ein oder anderen "Bratpfanne". Echt! Jetzt! - über den Tellerrand in die Authentizität
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Hittikirjoja kirjoittaneet ja monilla eri kanavilla nähdyt ja kuullut media-ammattilaiset Anna Perho ja Jenni Pääskysaari käsittelevät podcast-sarjassaan isoja teemoja kuten häpeää, perfektionismia, rahaa ja ystävyyttä porautuen jokaisessa jaksossa yhteen aiheeseen. Perhon ja Pääskysaaren erilaiset näkökulmat törmäävät usein, joten intensiivinen keskustelu sinkoilee pinnallisen ja syvällisen, kipinöinnin ja konsensuksen, hauskan ja vakavan välillä - kuten parhaat pöytäkeskustelut aina.
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Unleash the Power of B2B Digital Selling for New SaaS & PaaS Business 🚀 Dive into the ultimate podcast and live stream experience tailored for B2B SaaS & PaaS. Streaming live on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook, we're speaking directly to savvy business owners, CEOs, and new business enthusiasts! 🎯 The Challenge: B2B revenue generation falters when applying B2C strategies (that's who marketing automation was designed for!). Traditional methods, like relying on salespeople to cold call or usin ...
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show series
Probably the most significant show so far as we talk about what we've learned about B2B new business development during this year. We maintain, 'if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got'. B2Bs have been misled to follow big tech and over the years new business development has been handed over to marketing, who have never…
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If your prospects don’t know who you are or what you do, you’re finished! After decades in the trenches, and a massive amount of research and analysis, we have discovered and documented the strategy you need to communicate to your ideal prospects, keep them engaged and get their respect to the point of wanting to do business with you. If you’ve bee…
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In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead in the B2B space demands innovative approaches to sales and marketing. One such groundbreaking strategy is the integration of live broadcast programs, akin to magazine-style shows, into your business development toolkit. This concept, while relatively new, is proving to be a game-changer…
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Ask your questions about new business development and prospect engagement on LinkedIn - or you can post/ask beforehand. Call: 0800 970 9751 Text: 07547 187383 Email: Chat: This is an opportunity to get advice, help or ideas on direction when it comes to new business development for B2B technology, S…
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Missed Your Sales Target Again? Discover The Only Viable New Strategy For Getting New Business in 2023/4 and Beyond! How’s your pipeline? Are you on target? What do your next few months look like? Still waiting for leads? Is marketing ‘smashing’ their KPI’s? Do you feel like you’ve been shut down and silenced if you complain about their performance…
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The most popular page on most business websites is the About Us page. The reason being, browsers, prospects, i.e., potential customers want to know who the people are who they might decide to buy from. This doesn’t mean it’s another opportunity to pitch the company. You already do that on your sales pages and throughout your website – I hope you do…
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When starting a new business or making plans to scale up, there is always a flurry of excitement and anticipation. Everyone wants the new idea, product, or plan to work. But the reality is the foundation of our new strategies are based upon previous experiences, perhaps with a tweak here and there. What if the foundation is flawed? What if the basi…
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26/10/23: How Talent Acquisition and Recruitment is Broken for B2Bs! - Unless you know a raft of different people, you will need to employ someone in Talent Acquisition or the services of either a recruitment agency, LinkedIn or a consultant to help you. When it comes to sales and marketing in the B2B arena, I can safely say you’re going to be in f…
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🔥 Ignite Your B2B Ambitions or Perish in Mediocrity! — The Live Show Series You Can't Afford to Miss 🔥 Ditch Your Marketing Team & Tear Up Your Business Playbook — The Clock's Ticking! Listen up! You’ve been force-fed a 20-year LIE. The B2B landscape? Crippled. Why? Because we've been using marketing tools and strategies originally designed for B2C…
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🔥 Ignite Your B2B Ambitions or Perish in Mediocrity! — The Live Show Series You Can't Afford to Miss 🔥 Ditch Your Marketing Team & Tear Up Your Business Playbook — The Clock's Ticking! Listen up! You’ve been force-fed a 20-year LIE. The B2B landscape? Crippled. Why? Because we've been using marketing tools and strategies originally designed for B2C…
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Dismiss The Digital Dilemma and Rebuild Your Growth Trajectory. This new live series will be as exciting as it is controversial. Your host Nigel Maine is not only outspoken when it comes to the failed marketing strategies being promoted to B2Bs, but he has researched and uncovered some shocking revelations that have been damaging businesses for dec…
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Dismiss The Digital Dilemma and Rebuild Your Growth Trajectory. This new live series will be as exciting as it is controversial. Your host Nigel Maine is not only outspoken when it comes to the failed marketing strategies being promoted to B2Bs, but he has researched and uncovered some shocking revelations that have been damaging businesses for dec…
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Live Streaming Live Show #06 - After delivering five live shows, it makes sense to review them, tell you how they went, what flew and where it crashed and burned… In this article, I share my valuable insights of hosting the previous live shows along with my co-host Liz Maine, my wife and business partner. This final live stream show in this series,…
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Summary Live Streaming - Live Show #05 - In this penultimate show, I talk about all the possibilities of live streaming B2B events and roadshows and illustrating what you can achieve from doing shows at strategic locations to possibly revolutionising the way your whole industry engages with prospects. I share a groundbreaking approach to B2B sales …
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Live Streaming - Live show #03 - The next part in your journey is to prepare for battle to make sure every possible aspect is covered, starting with your largest new business asset, your website. Traditional B2B sales strategies like telesales and cold calling have long been the standard for companies looking to grow their businesses. However, thes…
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Live Streaming Show #04 - This is the big one! Live Streaming to B2B prospects at Scale. This is the Digital Selling strategy that only a few businesses will do straight away because they’re the innovators and early adopters! There is a window of opportunity for business who embrace this strategy because it will be first-come-first-served and becau…
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The first step of every business relationship begins with your prospect learning about you and your company. Sadly, this is where most B2Bs fail, and it just goes downhill from there. Here’s the show outline: - Show #2 Creating Content Prospects Want The Problem with Marketing & Content Dark Funnel & Dark Social Brochures & Books The Difference Bet…
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B2B new business development is in desperate need of change. After many years I have developed the ideal strategy for technology, SaaS and Services businesses to adopt immediately at very little cost. The issues surrounding poor business performance in terms of sales is self evident. Listen to this podcast and make your own decision what your busin…
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Paluu puolentoista vuoden jälkeen! Puhetta riittää kirjallisuudesta. Mitä on ya-kirjallisuus ja saako vanhat aikuiset lukea sitä? Miksi Hanna ei ole lukenut syksyn Raahe-kirjoja? Miten Nikon lukemat faktat ja fiktiot peilaavat samoja ilmiöitä?Jaksossa mainitut kirjat:- Pauliina Vanhatalo, Vastuulliset (Tammi 2022)- Laura Juntunen, Subutex-kaupungin…
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So much has changed over the past couple of years for B2B organisations and no more so than in the area of generating new business. The trouble is, the main players involved are realising that the activities they were used to undertaking don't work. It's not that they don't work anymore, they never worked properly in the first place and as a result…
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When everything seems to be crashing down around you, there has to be one person who is the voice of reason, and in business, it always falls on the shoulders of the CFO. However, when it comes to new strategies and direction, one can only execute plans based upon the available information. When it comes to sales and marketing, CFOs can tend to shy…
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Join Liz and Nigel they review the impact of the COVID lockdowns and explore whether or not the issues that have been revealed were as a result of the lockdowns or perhaps they were factors that were simply waiting to come to the surface and were inevitable. Generating new business has never been more sensitive or even confusing for many people. Fo…
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More opportunities than you can imagine: Going live isn't just for B2C organisations, it's a complete approach to communicating who and what you are as a business. When it comes to B2B, live streaming has so many possibilities and opportunities, it's mind-boggling. Join Nigel, Liz and Dean as the talk about what else live streaming can do for your …
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Institutional Descriptions Damage Business We have all accepted the demands of financial institutions to conform to the compliance guidelines for our businesses. Well, we would wouldn't we, especially as no one wants to get in to trouble with the Tax Man. However, some of the descriptions unwittingly force businesses to adopt unworkable practices t…
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Telesales is unsustainable and not financially viable! First you need to grasp the cost side of things! A telesales person or Business Development Representative will cost you about £4k per month and 'dial' approximately 1400 times per month (60-70 calls per day). Live Streaming will cost you about £1000 per month and you will email 40,000 people p…
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Is your digital content accessible and up for the job? After spending time preparing and setting up your live stream, once it's over, where can your prospects go and what would they expect? Join me today as I cover this important element of the new business generation process.Από τον Nigel Maine
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Getting Ready to Live Stream The tech or kit you need to start live streaming is so basic that all you need is an iPhone. But we both know there's more to presenting your company than tapping on your phone and going live on Facebook or YouTube. This livestream recording talks about the reasons behind going live, the equipment we use and why we use …
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Business Expectations Have Changed, but B2B Has Not... Taking the plunge and going live is one of the most exciting things you can do in business. I did it, I know. It's a bit daunting at first, but the long term benefits are incalculable. Join me as I take apart the marketing industry...and show you how to turn your business into a NEW BUSINESS GE…
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Join us as we discuss some of the war-stories about cold calling and how you can change your exposure to new prospects, almost over night through live streaming and exploiting that database sitting on your servers that no amount of telesales people could never ring up and talk to. We also have Alex Hilditch from Marketscan who are the experts at de…
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Nigel, Liz and Dean talk about the latest lockdown in the UK and the historic problem that marketers have caused business owners. It's not a pleasant subject, but the facts speak for themselves; 500,000 businesses start every year, of those, 20% fail...Από τον Nigel Maine
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Syksyä juhlitaan kuolleiden kanssa, ja jakso numero 29 keskittyykin Halloweeniin!Hanna kertaa juhlan yleismaailmallisen taustan (00:13) ja sitten mietitään,– mikä amerikkalaisjuhlassa kiehtoo täällä "maailman tylsimmän" uskonnon vaikutuspiirissä– onko Halloweenissä kyse kulttuurisesta omimisesta, kulttuuri-imperialismista vai mistä (08:31)– kaiverr…
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Our research identifies marketers and technology being responsible for the failure of businesses (B2B). B2B marketing technology is a massive industry, yet most organisations apply it as if they were selling to consumers. Because, if you didn't already know,, marketing automation was designed for the consumer market. Listen to this episode and don'…
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Pari viikkoa sitten äänitetyssä jaksossa puhutaan syksystä ja stressistä, koska nehän kuuluvat vähän niin kuin yhteen. Ensin mietitään, miten syksyt ovat muuttuneet ja miten niistä ehtii nauttimaan syksy (00:37), ja sitten kerrataan kliseisesti keinot, joilla torjutaan stressiä (09:42). Mutta mikä on tärkein klisee stressintorjuntaliikunnassa (21:5…
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Nigel and Liz Maine, the Founders of salesXchange give you an insight to some of the problems associated with current day marketing and give some cast-iron reasons to not go back to the way marketing has been done in the past.There really is a powerful...Από τον Nigel Maine
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In this episode we are joined by Dean Grimshaw, our Head of Syndicate Management to discuss the 'State of Play in May 2020'.We are five weeks into the Global Lockdown and we all think most businesses are in for a rough ride for the foreseeable future,...Από τον Nigel Maine
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This is no time to be finger-pointing. Governments around the world have done something unheard of and unprecedented. The world is closed for business!Seeing as we're all in the same boat, except for 'essential services', now is the time to evaluate...Από τον Nigel Maine
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In today's podcast we were joined by Graham Bunting and Dave Pitts, the joint founders of Trust Partners who advise and help execute sales and marketing strategies for businesses who want to enter the UK technology market, but don't have a UK...Από τον Nigel Maine
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The Proust Questionnaire on Vanity Fair -lehden klassikkoformaatti, jossa haastateltava kuulemma paljastaa todellisen minänsä. Koska Anna ja Jenni tuskin koskaan tulevat pääsemään Vanity Fairiin, he vastaavat kysymyksiin ihan itse. Viimeksi oli vuorossa Anna, nyt - yllätys yllätys! - Jenni.
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